Perversion of Saints (Part I) [Erotic-Horror , Hypno , Succubus]

[A brief side note, as I’ve not really posted to this community. I am a small time writer looking to maybe gain a following so that I can do this more frequently. The full story is 8 pages long, so in this post will be a preview, followed by a link to the full story down below. I apologize in advance if this is somehow against the rules, but the two that are posted did not prohibit this format of posting. If you’d like to support my work please shoot me a DM and I will point you in the right direction. Hope you enjoy!]

 “Wait. I can’t move. Why can’t I move?” Aiyana thought, as her heart skipped a beat, and she found herself unable to look away from Yesebelle. Their gazes locked with one another. Aiyana’s vision started to shift out of focus, until Yesebelle’s eyes were all she could make out in the blur.

 Stars began swirling around, like her eyes were filled with secrets for Aiyana to discover. She was put into a trance, and she found her thoughts slipping away, one at a time.

 “Having trouble?” She heard the demon’s voice, but from all sides. Surrounded.

 “It seems the fledgling huntress let her guard down once she thought I was powerless. Though, technically speaking, you told the first lie. I was simply playing your game better than you.”

 Laughter echoed from all around her, as she felt a pair of hands softly caress her cheeks, long nails pressing just against the surface of her skin, as Aiyana breathed in a rather sweet, and intoxicating scent. Before long, the trance started to let up, and before her, the demoness stood, Aiyana’s face between both hands, their lips dangerously close to one another, and Yesebelle’s eyes staring deep into her own.


 Aiyana’s hand shot to the hilt of her weapon in an instant, starting to draw her blade from its sheath to impale the demon upon her blessed blade, but her time to react was far from ideal, and in doing so, allowed Yesebelle to move in and take her into a kiss.

 The she-demon’s plump, black lips pressed into her own. Soft, warm, and wet. Aiyana’s entire body trembled, as it felt like warm honey washed over her entirely. The demon’s poison was already ingested, and Aiyana’s attempts to struggle and resist became less, and less effective.

 The fledgling huntress’ hand trembled around the hilt of her weapon, the grip around it loosening, like it had gone numb. Yesebelle pulled away, half-lidded eyes looking to the huntress in triumph.

 “Have your worst fears been realized yet? Has the feeling of dread set in, hunter, that your final moments are upon you?”

 There was a sense of pleasure in her words. She found it humorous, just how easy it had been.

 “For how long you must have walked the streets, feeling invincible with your little weapon of light. Just to walk right into my clutches, and be faced with the real world. How cold it must feel.” Yesebelle giggled maniacally, as Aiyana’s eyes shot around in horror, her body frozen.

 “Let me warm you up.”

[Full Story](
