My Friends Wife Won’t Stop Telling [M]e When She’s Not Wearing Panties (PART 2)

Read Part 1 for the backstory, but basically my one of my best friend’s wife made it a habit to tell me whenever she wasn’t wearing her panties. We’ve had many drunk discussions about it and she knows how hot I think it is. She also says loves it, and it “makes her feel so sexy”. We were over at their place for a poker game and when she lost out early, as the only girl there, she said she was going to go lay in bed and watch a movie or something while waiting for the game to finish. When the game was over we all went and sat around their living room. We noticed they had a bunch of new houseplants and started talking about them. Well she must have heard this from the bedroom because she sprang up and slipped on just her short little robe and came out into the room to tell us all about her plants! the rest of the guys were already on their way out for a smoke, but since i didn’t smoke, I decided to ask her a little more about her new plants. She LOVED it, she wanted to show me all around. I just wanted to stick around to see her bounce around the house in that short little robe, It was so hot! nd I couldn’t help but think; she just got out of bed, she probably sleeps naked, and im positive she’s got be nude under this thing! every time she took a step this little high slit in the gown would open and I could help but stare the entire time, IT CAME SO CLOSE every time! It took everything I had not to take me phone out and try to snap a few pics! She knew what she was doing too as she kept pressing up against the counter and bending over to point out all her new plants!




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