My Best Friend Part 12 (fiction, plot, love, cons, friends)

I walked into an ever-growing circle. It was loud as hell. I could actually feel the heartbeat of the crowd and it was racing…or is that my heart beat racing?
Jeanette and Amanda were tugging me into the circle by my belt loops. If I were actually turned around it would look like they were dragging me into the circle. All that would be missing of that scene would be me on the ground with my fingers trying to grab onto something so I wouldn’t be dragged. But I guess this scene got everyone riled up.
The crowd seemed restless and hell the announcement of the sex games just went out like 5 or 10 minutes ago. To me it felt like 5 or 10 weeks had passed.
Finally we were in the middle of the circle. Actually if you want to get technical we were the third set on the left of the ten groups. I looked to my left and saw a couple

of guys and three of the four girls I knew sort of. The fourth girl me and Amanda and Jeanette have go to school together for a long time, not as long as Amanda, Jeanette, and me have known each other but close enough.
Her name is Paula. Paula is about Amanda, Jeanette, and my age, 17. If not she’s really close to that age. She’s a junior like us. Granted she wasn’t a cheerleader like Amanda and Jeanette, she did have her qualities. You could tell she was a geek but she’s a hot geek. I always saw Paula running around school constantly reading comic books. Shocks the hell out of me how hardly any one picks on her for reading comic books, but that’s because of how she looks. Paula is about 5’2’’ and easily weighs 100lbs, 110lbs at the most. She always wore little slutty outfits the showed off her thong and her cleavage. She died her hair blonde and has brown eyes. Even though she reads comics and could tell she was a geek, most of the girls looked at her like she was a slut. Hell even Amanda has called her a slut on a few occasions mainly because she felt threatened around her. I’m not too sure if Jeanette has called Paula a slut or not.
Oh well she’s here for a reason.
I looked over to my right and saw the other 7 guys and 14 girls. Some of the guys included Troy and Brandon. The other ones I sort of knew same went for some of the girls. I guess since Amanda and me have started dating I really haven’t been paying at- tention to a lot of the girls.
Actually to be brutally honest, I don’t pay attention as much as I should the only thing I really pay attention to is Amanda.
The crowd was restless. It was so freaking loud. It felt like a bunch of car stereos battling it out to see whose the loudest was. I could make out some comments and could tell some people were making bets before anything started.
Girl # 1, “Who do you think will be the biggest?”
Girl # 2, “I dunno. I hear Jesse’s makes a elephant trunk look small.” Girl # 1, “Na. I hear Troy is packing a 2 by 4 in his pants.”
Girl # 13, “Who do you think will last the longest?”
Girl # 14, “I don’t know.”
My favorite was this…
Guy # 1, “How come I wasn’t handed a white cup?”
Obviously his girlfriend, “I tried but they only needed ten.”

I’m lucky to hear what I did hear. I looked around and saw a couple of people slowly walking around the edge of the circle video taping this whole thing. Great if I didn’t have shyness about whipping my dick out this wasn’t going to help. I’ll be sur- prised when my pants and boxers go down that I’ll be at half mast.
Put me in pads or a uniform on the field with a full stadium of people cheering away making trying to think of a single thought impossible and I’m fine. Actually to tell the truth after the first minute any anxiety issues I may have disappear and my mind is in the game everything else is black.
But this. This is a whole different ball game. If I thought having a room of peo- ple see me naked let alone fuck, the cameras roaming around the circle was not going to help.
All of a sudden the crowd died down. I was shocked I didn’t think this crowd could shut up until I saw why. Jeanette was holding her hands up and waving them trying to get the crowd to calm down. I have no idea how long she was doing that. If I were to make bets mine would be at least ten minutes. Has ten minutes even passed? How long have we been standing around waiting for the crowd to shut up?
After the crowd had quieted down, Jeanette finally spoke. “Now I’m hearing from a lot of you which guy is the one that has the biggest dick. Who wants to see which guy has the biggest dick?”
The girls broke out in the loudest scream I have heard in my life. Their screams just it the nerve in my head giving me the biggest headache I didn’t know was possible.
Once again Jeanette waved her hands and got the crowd to die down. She looked at the girls in the group. “You heard them girls. Time to show this crowd what your as- signed guy has packing in his pants.”
And with that the girls took down the guys pants one by one
I looked to my right watching as each set of girls helped the guy they were to fuck pull down their pants and boxers showing to the crowd what he has in between his legs.
Each pantsing was greeted by louder and louder screams. Until it was my turn.
Amanda and Jeanette unzipped my pants and unbutton them. And finally pulling down my pants and boxers showing to the entire crowd what I had hidden in my pants. I watched a few girls fan themselves when they saw my dick. I looked down and was sur- prised to see that my dick was at half mast. I could see that I wasn’t fully erect but I could still see the veins in my dick pulsing.

What the fuck did they give me? Because I could feel my pulse in my dick trying to get hard but because of the crowd and the circumstances was making it difficult to get a hard on.
Granted Amanda and I have had sex in places to where we could get caught but never did. Just the thrill of that did make me hard as a rock. But this was a whole differ- ent set of peccadilloes.
The crowd was extremely loud and I noticed that all the guys had been depantsed. I looked around the see what the big hub bub had been but I couldn’t exactly tell which guy was the largest or longest. Not without stepping outside of the crowd and really tak- ing a look. If I did that I imagine a lot of people would probably think differently of me.
Honestly I just wanted this whole thing to be done so I could go home. I prayed this was some sort of nightmare and that I would wake up soon. Please let this be some nightmare.
Now I understood how people could have anxiety attacks. If this wasn’t an anxi- ety attack I didn’t want to know what this was.
“Looks like all the rumors were true doesn’t it ladies?”
Jeanette’s boast got the girls in the crowd hootering and hollering again.
Jeanette screamed over the crowd, “Now let’s see if they can use those weapons.”
And with that Amanda immediately dropped down to her knees and started kiss- ing along my half mast fellow.
I watched as Jeanette came up and dropped down to her knees and helped Aman- da kiss along my dick.
At first it felt weird having two sets of lips kissing along my dick but that sensa- tion went away quickly and was replacing with a tickling sensation.
I had to start thinking all sorts of things so I wouldn’t pop early. Only problem with the girl I love and another girl who is in lust with me was making any type of thought impossible. All roads led back to sex.
Amanda stood up from licking my dick while Jeanette kept licking her way to the milky promise land being confined inside me. I didn’t realize that Amanda and Jeanette had lost all their clothes somewhere while they were licking my dick. I guess while I was inside my head arguing with myself that this shouldn’t be happening I didn’t notice everything that was going on.

And when I mean I didn’t notice everything that was going on, I mean everything. I looked around still seeing the crowd is cheering the separate groups going on. There was actual people betting on which guy would pop first.
I looked to my right and there was a couple of the groups already fucking. Two of the three of the groups had the guy laying down while one girl rode his dick and the other girl rode his face. Troy had one of the girls doing the vertical splits fucking her. I didn’t know he had it in him.
I looked to my left the two groups were already fucking as well. Like the other two groups the guy was on the ground while one girl rode his dick and the other rode his face.
Something inside me clicked. Seeing everything going on around me stirred something up…competition.
I grabbed Amanda and lifted her up so that her legs wrapped around my head and I started eating out Amanda’s delicious pussy.
I’m surprised that move didn’t make me pull a muscle. Remind me to thank Hank Monday about pushing me to lift a lot. I had to admit Amanda felt like she was a full milk carton on my chest.
Is it just me or did Amanda get lighter since me and her have started dating?
Now the sounds of the crowd have gotten louder. Some girls where making all sorts of comments. I couldn’t hear really well with Amanda’s legs wrapped around my head made hearing a little difficult.
I ate Amanda out while she grabbed my head trying to keep balance on my shoul- ders. I felt Jeanette now deep throating me. I had to admit that she did give some good head. But I didn’t care my focus was on Amanda and giving her what she wants.
After I felt Amanda cum at least twice on my tongue I picked her back up and gently setting her down back on the ground. That and give her a hand so she didn’t fall over because her balance wasn’t good at this moment. Hell I’m surprised I didn’t fall over with what was happening.
Then I heard the crowd laugh. And two girls say, “We got our first popper.”
I looked over and saw Troy sitting down wiping the sweat from his brow. I guess pounding that one girl made him cum quicker.
I wanted to laugh my ass off at Troy but I had to focus on making sure I’m the last one to pop.

I looked down at Jeanette and saw that she had a smile on her face. I’m not too sure about her smile. I didn’t know if I should be scared of her smile or not.
Jeanette pulled out a condom what was in her pants that was laying on the ground, opened it, and put it on my still half mass dick. She smiled at me and said, “Time to fuck.”
I look at both girls, “Who goes first?”
Jeanette spoke before Amanda could say anything, “I think you should fuck your girlfriend first. But remember to save some energy for me.”
I didn’t have to be told twice.
I immediately grabbed Amanda picked her up and lowered her down on my dick, with the help of Jeanette guiding my dick in her and started going at it.
The moment that my dick entered Amanda I felt it get hard. I dunno I guess my psyche wants to be faithful only to Amanda. Or her pussy has the magic touch to my dick giving it strength…more like sucking the strength out of it. Whatever the reason I’m just glad my body agrees with my mind about my decision about being with Amanda.
“Another one bites the dust.”
I looked over and saw Brandon sitting on the floor with one of the girls laying on the floor panting. And the other hanging over Brandon. I guess he did his job correctly.
How did he cum so quickly? Didn’t Troy bust his nut like a minute ago? How much time has passed?
I didn’t care I just kept pounding Amanda like there was no tomorrow. She want- ed me to show these people how well I can fuck that’s what I’m giving here. There’s only one speed that my dick is set to…hard and fast.
It felt great banging Amanda. I wasn’t listening to what people were saying. I was just listening to Amanda moan. Then after a few minutes of hearing her moan some- thing weird happened to my dick. For the past few moments my dick had been tingling. Actually it was hard to tell how long my dick had been tingling let alone how long I have been doing this. The tingling went a way. I could no longer feel my dick.
No wait. It’s not asleep I can feel the blood stuck in my dick. I can feel the in- sides of Amanda….sort of. Ok it felt like someone injected novacane in my dick. What the fuck is this shit? Did Jeanette do this to me in order for us to win?

I kept fucking Amanda for everything that I was worth until I saw her eyes roll into the back of her head. She started shaking controllably. I could tell she was spent.
I slowly raised Amanda off my numb member and watch her shake as each inch exited her body. As soon as my dick was completely out of her I gently kneeled down and laid her on the ground. I looked over the competition and saw another three guys had cum.
Guess I’m still in the running. Now it’s only me and five other guys.
I looked at Jeanette not really caring anymore I just wanted this over with now. “Are you ready?” Jeanette simply nodded.
I smiled, “What position do you want?”
She jumped on my body, “I want the same treatment you gave your girl.”
I could only oblige. I raised her up and slid my dick inside her.
Holy crap. Jeanette is surprisingly tight. I didn’t know who was tighter, her or Amanda.
Jeanette started bouncing up and down on my numb member before I could start pounding her for everything she was worth.
As I stopped Jeanette and started my relentless pounding of Jeanette’s pussy, my mind wondered. I noticed that there was a difference between Amanda and Jeanette. Amanda is the girl I love. The girl next door. The girl you would be proud to take home to introduce to your parents. The girl you want to spend the rest of your life with.
Jeanette was a completely different type of girl. I wasn’t sure if this girl could be trusted to keep her bargain with Amanda and me. Was this her first step into getting me and Amanda broken up because of her confession? Or if she did keep her bargain what was going to happen?
I did notice however that there was some major differences. Amanda looked like a wholesome girl. The town hottie and future homecoming queen. And Jeanette remind- ed me of a future porn star. She had the right amount of curves. She liked doing disgust- ing and disturbing shit. Amanda was perfect in my eyes. Amanda’s breasts were a per- fect B cup and I loved them. Jeanette looked like if a plastic surgeon were to look at her would swear all sorts of modifications were done to her, who knows she might have had some work done. Jeanette had what looked like C cup breasts. They were both about the same size. I didn’t care Amanda was and is still my girl.
I also wondered how long this numbing shit was going to last. Am I going to keep going without cumming? Is this new situation going to change the dynamic be- tween me and Amanda? Should I keep this up only because Amanda wants this? Or

should I stop this and take Amanda and Moira back home? What would a normal guy do in my situation? Would he keep this up and face the consequences or would he do the right thing and stop this?
I walked around my house sipping on my hot tea in my boxers. I scratched my head as I walked around seeing that it is going to be a beautiful day today. I walked back to my room while I scratch my chest. I thought to myself how many places can a guy scratch before he is satisfied…probably never. He could always use a few more places to scratch.
I opened the door to my room and smiled to myself. The sight that welcomed me in my room was that of Amanda sleeping comfy in my bed with Jeanette sleeping next to her.
It has been about three weeks since Jeanette’s party. Since then Amanda has found a loop hole to spend the night more often and that was Jeanette. We found out that like Moira, Jeanette’s parents has been fighting a lot so she has moved in with her sister and Jeanette’s sister doesn’t care where Jeanette is. So for the time being Amanda’s par- ents know she’s been spending her school nights with Jeanette supposedly doing school work or going over cheers for cheerleading or whatever her current lie is. I just know that it is going to come back and bite her in the ass but for now I’m not saying anything.
I also found out from Jeanette why her sister has her kick ass house is her sister’s profession is Adult Erotic Actress. Her sister is a fucking porn star. Still makes me laugh but she is supporting her little sister, keeping her parents from going bankrupt, and re- cently bought her dad a Maserati for his birthday. All in all I have to say is Jeanette’s sis- ter is doing well for herself. Of course I have to admit when I was younger I thought Jeanette’s sister was gorgeous but not porn star gorgeous.
Another thing that makes me laugh is the one time Amanda and I got to hang out with Jeanette and her sister since the party, people (mainly my team members) tried to invite themselves over to hang out with a porn star. All this hassle of inviting themselves and come over only to find out she is dressed in some sweats and a tank top chilling out. Most of the guys that came over were bummed out because they were hoping to see more or in this case less of her. What made it more funny was Jeannette’s sister was cracking jokes to these guys the entire time. I’m glad to see that Jeanette’s sister remained down to earth. She remained in my book as a cool girl.
I scratched myself next to my dick trying to get all my morning scratches out of my system and remembered the entire party. I remember that night fucking sucked be- cause the entire time I was fucking Amanda and Jeanette I didn’t cum once. I have no

idea how long we had fucked but my dick finally went limp and my balls hurt until the next afternoon after I could feel my dick again…and I had sex with Amanda until I came.
On the bright side I took second place of the sex competition. First place went to some guy named Richard. I’m happy I didn’t take first place, of course at the time I wasn’t happy but I have had time to think about it since that night and realized if I had taken first place a lot of girls would be after me for a good night when I’m taken. At least that’s what I assume.
And what can I say about that condom that I haven’t said already. On the lighter side I have only used that condom only twice since then only because Amanda begged me to use it until I caved because she wanted to be pounded just like that night. I think I should own stock in that condom just to pull a messed up practical joke on a buddy in the future.
I smiled to myself seeing the sight of Amanda and Jeanette sleeping in my bed. At first when this arrangement was first arranged I had my doubts. But after a few weeks I think the worst of my fears is over. Granted I still have my doubts about having a con- stant threesome but all three of us has arranged the moment any of this affects us is the moment this stops. I’m just happy this arrangement hasn’t strained the relationship Amanda and I have.
My mind kept wondering all the if’s of this arrangement trying to think a few steps ahead just in case something bad happens, when a sound caught my attention.
The phone rang.
I walked down into the living room where the cordless phone is. “Yeah yeah. Hold your horses.”
I picked up the phone.
“Chenlie residence.”
A semi familiar voice spoke. “Hello. Who is this?” “Jay.”
The familiar voice spoke, “Oh hey cuz. It’s me, Neil.”
Now I knew why the voice sounded familiar. It was my cousin, Neil. Ever since his and Moira’s parents started fighting to the point where divorce was mentioned both Neil and Moira moved to other family members so that the divorce wouldn’t affect them as much. His sister, my cousin, Moira came to live with us and Neil went to live with Uncle Jason.
I felt myself cheer up, “Oh hey Neil. How’s life on the east coast?”

He laughed, “Not too bad. I made first string with the lacrosse team.”
I smiled, “That’s good to hear. How’s Uncle Jason?”
He laughed again, “Not too bad. He’s actually been treating me pretty well. How’s my sister doing over there?”
I laughed, “She’s a pistol but everyone here has been treating her well.”
He sighed, “That’s good to hear. Listen I hear she’s been trying to get a hold of me. Is she in?”
I looked up towards where Moira’s room as if I have x-ray vision. “I believe she’s still asleep. Hold on let me wake her up for you.”
I walked up towards Moira’s room with the phone in my hand. I knocked on the door.
Moira spoke from the other side of the door, “For fuck’s sake. What is it? I’m busy.”
Somebody is a little bit touchy this morning.
I spoke, “Neil’s on the phone.”
She didn’t say anything. The door just opened up and I was greeted to Moira completely nude. I immediately turned my head.
I held out the phone without looking back at her. She snatched it out of my hand and left the door open.
“Where the fuck have you been?” Clearly she was agitated about something.
I walked back downstairs and sat down drinking my tea. I wasn’t sticking around to hear what was up her butt. Besides I didn’t want to stand there while she’s naked. That was something I could have gone my whole life without seeing.
I wasn’t sitting long before I was greeted to Amanda coming out in her pajamas scratching her head and stretching. I guess guys aren’t the only ones who scratch them- selves first thing in the morning.
“Good morning sweetheart.”
I smiled at her, “Good morning sleepy head.” She smiled at me, “Is there any coffee?”

I shrugged, “I don’t think so. Do you want me to make you some?”
Just the look on her face told me that she would love that. I got up and made my way over to the coffee maker.
It wasn’t long before Moira came into the kitchen.
“Sorry about that.”
I didn’t look behind me. I was too afraid to see if she was still naked or not. “It’s ok.”
I waited a few seconds before turning around. I prayed for anything to unsee what I saw. And I prayed that I didn’t get a repeat performance. I was happy she had a shirt on, but you could tell she didn’t have anything on underneath it.
I smiled at her, “Everything ok.”
She sighed as she sat down, “If you can call my brother being a colossal asshat. Then I’m just peachy.”
Oh great it’s going to be another one of those days. Is she always bitchy or just on days that end in ‘y’? I guess I’d always be upset if my parents were fighting to the point where divorce was mentioned.
Amanda spoke, “What did he do?”
Moira scoffed, “A better question is what didn’t he do.”
This time I spoke, “Why don’t I pour you some coffee and you can tell us.”
Moira smiled at me, “Thank you cousin. I would love that.”
I poured two cups of coffee. One for Amanda and one for Moira. I set each cup in front of them and brought them cream and sugar. I sat back down with my hot tea.
Amanda spoke, “Why don’t you tell us what is going on?”
Moira took a sip of her coffee before speaking, “Well my lovely brother is sup- posed to keep me updated on how mom and dad are doing seeing how he lives closer to them.”
Amanda spoke, “Don’t you talk to your parents.”
She sighed, “No. I’ve tried calling them but they don’t return my calls. I was hoping that Neil has been able to get a hold of them.”
I looked at her, “I take it he hasn’t.”

She sighed, “No he says he has but they haven’t called him back either. He says he’s been busy with lacrosse so he hasn’t had a chance to really go for a visit or tried call- ing his now ex girlfriend to find out anything.”
I had to say something, “Wait I thought Uncle Jason is like two states away from you guys?”
She looked at me, “Na he moved a couple of years ago so now he’s like a six hour drive away.”
I didn’t know that.
She sighed again, “Well anyways he promised me he’ll ask Jason if they can go for a drive next weekend to see if they are still alive.”
Amanda spoke, “I wonder why your parents haven’t called to check in?”
Great she had to ask the question. I knew better than to ask but I’m happy she asked and not me.
Moira sighed, “Fuck if I should know. Over the past couple of years they have both been a little bit selfish. They stopped paying attention to Neil and me. So them not calling back hasn’t really surprised me.”
Just then Jeanette walked into the kitchen wearing only her thong. I wanted to laugh at her. She looked like a sorry version of herself. Her make up was completely messed up and her hair was all over the place like she stuck her finger in an electrical socket.
