Say Pleas [MF Bondage domination] feedback would great thanks

Say Please

She looked up and down the street then down at the piece of paper in her hand. This seemed to be the right address but the nondescript door had no number or company name. 
The dark reflective surface of the door offered an opportunity to check her appearance. Pleased with what she saw she pushed back a few stands of hair. A buzzer to the left of the door caught her eye. She reached out an index finger and pressed the button.

“Yes”? A female voice startled her. She looked around for the speaker somewhat flustered but none was to be seen, feeling slightly foolish she leaned toward the buzzer “Uh I have an appointment for two o’clock”.

“Your name please” came the prim response. She looked at the paper again “uh…Aquitaine”? She wondered once again why he had booked in another name. With a voice that she was sure carried a hint of a smile the woman announced “please come in”.

She heard a soft click and reaching out she pushed open the door. Well lit steps led downward and she went inside. Soft carpet soaked up the sound of her footsteps as she descended. Looking around as she walked, there were still no company names or logos anywhere to be seen. The steps gave way to a short corridor opening into what she assumed was the reception area at the end. 

Soft lighting and luxurious furniture artfully placed in the reception gave her an impression of opulence “fancy….” she thought. “Welcome, he will be with you shortly, please take a seat”. the owner of the buzzer voice declared softly from behind a thick desk. She sat down in one of the leather sofas tastefully placed around the room and looked around curiously. The receptionist appeared to have purchased her outfit as a kit she looked every inch the quintessential secretary. White blouse, glasses, red lipstick right down to the pencils holding her hair in a bun. “I bet if I could see her legs she would be wearing a black skirt and black shoes with black stockings” She thought to herself and had to push down a giggle. It struck her as odd that the desk was barren of objects there was no appointment book on the desk, nor a phone for the matter. She wondered how she had spoken through the intercom. The receptionist seemed motionless her hands palms down on the desk shoulder width apart. 

“This way please miss” a male voice said by her ear. Startled she jumped and let out that small cry one makes when rounding a corner and almost walking into someone. Her thoughts scattered and she looked up at the man who had seemingly appeared from thin air. She was struck by his gaze, intense and appraising, a smile spreading across his lips. “I’m sorry, you startled me” she managed to croak. If anything his smile broadened. He half turned and gestured with his left hand, the international symbol for after you. She rose from the sofa straightened her skirt a physical attempt to gather her wits and composure before walking past him down the hall he was indicating. Walking, she was again struck by the way the carpet absorbed the sound, the walls appeared thick and she understood how he could have approached her. The space seemed to swallow sound. She noticed for the first time that no noise could be heard from the street above despite being in the middle of the city.

The corridor turned left and sloped downward. Paintings on the walls featured deep wine red patterns and shades. Soft lighting here gave a calm atmosphere and she began to relax and feel more herself after the oddity of her entrance and his sudden appearance. She couldn’t hear his footsteps behind her but she could feel that intense gaze like a physical touch on her back. A door in front of her opened revealing another sumptuously appointed room a man in a dark grey outfit resembling medical scrubs held the door for her to enter. She turned to look back at the man who had collected her from the reception area to thank him but he was gone. “Damn he moves quick” she thought. She turned and entered the room smiling at the man holding the door.

The tasteful decor continued but the dominant feature of the room was the massage table. She had had massages before and this table was nothing like the ones she had seen before. It struck her as expensive, she wondered for a moment how they got it in here, it looked heavy. “Please undress, and lie face down on the table under the towels provided” his voice was pleasant the accent difficult to place. He left the room, Typically the door closed with barely a sound. She shook her head, when he booked her a massage she had been expecting one of the studios in the highstreet, this was certainly something of a different class and not what she was used to, she liked it. As she undressed enjoying the feel of the deep carpet underfoot she though of how she would thank him later for this luxury. She lay down on the table and drew the towel up over her bum. The fabric slipped over her bare skin the soft touch struck her as erotic a tingle spreading up her back from its touch. Her thoughts of thanking him had obviously made her body react. She smiled into the table. She felt a warmth next to her and gathered her masseuse had returned  “This place must be staffed with massage ninjas” she thought and grinned. She shuffled her shoulders and relaxed in anticipation. Music softly rose from all directions she had never heard it before was that 
celtic ? Images of a deep green forest rose unbidden in her mind.

She jumped slightly as warm oil was dripped onto her back, very warm, sweet smelling not the cloying smell of cheap perfume, a delicate fragrance, she thought of a warm field in the summer and for a moment she pictured wheat swaying in a light breeze. Soft hands began to spread the oil over her back and shoulders the warmth of the oil soothing and relaxing. Strong fingers worked her muscles their strength at odds with the softness of his hands. She moaned involuntarily. Waves of pleasure spread through her upper back collecting in her spine slipping down towards her tailbone, thoughts struggled to form but as soon as they coalesced his fingers swept them away. She sighed and gave herself up to the pure indulgence of pleasure. The fingers moved down her back spreading the warmth before them. The warmth, the music, the summer meadow drifting in her mind’s eye, the pleasure in her nerves. Almost drunk on the sensations she wondered foggily if they were dimming the lights, the towel over her bum lifted slightly “roll over please” came the soft pleasing voice. She rolled over her limbs felt heavy and she barely noticed the table folding out wings her arms straight out from her body. She arched her back slightly, unconsciously. Her mind was completely adrift now the warmth the music, the scents, those hands combining into a powerful spell that made forget she is lying on a massage table, images of ancient rome flicker behind her eyes. The table separates at her feet sliding her legs apart to her hips, she looks for all the world like a living representation of Leonardo Da Vinci’s Vitruvian man arms and legs outstretched, her fingers curl at the sensation of freedom.She breathes deeply the warm summer fragrance fills her, so lost in the feelings of relaxation she barely notices movement at her wrists and feet. Her eyes snap open, the lighting in the room has changed so dramatically she barely recognises it as the same room. The masseuse in scrubs is gone in his place and shockingly she notices standing between her spread legs is the man who met her at reception. She tries to cover herself and shock folds into fright as she realises she cannot move. In her drifting daze her nerves distracted by the massage deft hands have shackled her hands and feet to the table. Her eyes dart left and right at her bonds, figures clothed in shadow at the four points of her limbs stand silent heads bowed.

“Thank you, you may go” His voice snaps her eyes to his face.The figures depart without a whisper. The lights have shifted there is a dim redness to the room. The music shifts, the warm summer meadow swept away a darker music seeps into the room. His gaze is locked on hers, somehow her feeling of nakedness increases, a strange tremor runs through her thighs, it flows up the nerves of her legs and coalesces in her groin. To her shock she realises her body has taken on a life of its own and it is responding, she feels a wetness in her crotch the nerves jangling and vibrating with tension. His smile widens, his eyes dark, they seem to be looking directly into her soul.   

“You are in no danger”, his voice is steady and firm. Desperately trying to ignore the nakedness of her body and its physical betrayal “Wha.. What are you doing” she stutters. “You are in no danger,” he repeats “this has been arranged and agreed Miss Aquitane” his smile is magnetic his lips full and slightly parted she stares at them, thoughts of them leaning down to hers pour fire into her groin in spite of herself her nipples stiffen she no longer knows her own body, his smile broadens. She drags her gaze from his mouth back into his eyes, which if anything is worse, His eyes are travelling the length of her body she fancies again that she can feel his eyes stroking over her skin down across her breasts, slipping around her nipples, she shudders and her nipples rise to almost painful stiffness… “god he’s not even touching me” she thinks. His gaze moves on down over her stomach for a moment she is absurdly grateful that she shaved and waxed before coming here. The room smells of the forest, she thinks of autumn, the leaves browning but the sun still warm. Struggling to regain control she pulls at her restraints. Conscious thoughts of what she should be doing go to war with her body, waves of arousal are coursing up her legs, from her nipples they gather and pour downward to her crotch she arches her back and strains upward, is this the wish to escape or her inability to stand against what her body clearly wants. Her mind is in knots.

He moves fluidly along the table his fingers make contact with the outside of her thigh sliding along her leg, her skin recently flushed from the massage like an exposed nerve. Along her side the fingers travel unseen ripples run in her body. 

She thinks back to that night by the fire inhibitions set free by the wine a game of confessions had she confessed to this fantasy ? 

His fingers cross onto her ribs his fingers arch slightly climbing her breast, her nipples feel like stone. Her crotch is throbbing almost painfully, her stomach a maelstrom of sensation. His fingers grip her erect nipple and like completing a circuit her body arches up from the table. She feels his warm breath by her ear his cologne rich and heady. In a voice just above a whisper, do try to relax Miss Aquitane you will be here for some time. 

She slumps back onto the table as he releases her nipple. She draws quick shuddering breaths. Her body is trembling in the restraints. Her thoughts race unable to fully grasp the dichotomy between the massage and now  to be restrained on this table naked. She gets her breathing under control but she can still feel his touch, she expects to see a mark along her side where his hand had travelled she looks down but only sees smooth skin. She should be terrified, screaming but her body is sending a different message entirely. Stunned she knows that part of her is craving this, is loving this she is struggling to control that self, “what do i do then”, she thought I’m still strapped onto this table. Her trembling is starting to subside but she can still feel the tension in her stomach. She can still feel the nerves in her body thrumming.

“Why are you doing this to me”, ? She summoned her most watery eyed expression as she formed the question. His eyes didn’t waver for a moment, he regarded her with that steady intense gaze or was it the same, was there an imperceptible edge in his look she realised she had not improved her lot with her doe eyes. 

“My reasons for doing what I do belong to me as do you for the time allotted, agreed and arranged Miss Aquitane, agreed and …arranged”. He reached behind her head for something she couldn’t see, she tilted her head back straining to see. Her eyes widened when his hand drew back holding a whip consisting of many strands. “Your doe eyes, while lovely will not help you here”. She stared at the whip as if it were a snake. “You said I wasn’t in any danger, that isn’t my idea of safety”, This was good she thought “I’m getting a dialogue started I’m getting my body under control”. 

“If at any time….” he trailed off as he dangled the whip over her crotch the tips brushing lightly over her pussy back and forth her newly found composure vanishing as the fire that had been abating was fanned into life by that whip stroking lightly back and forth. “No” she thought “I can’t…not like this” she felt an orgasm building slowly, The whip danced back and forth like a pendulum. Her brain shut down like a derailed train, thought spilling out of order one after another. The pendulum swings feather light touches its as if he’s painting the tension on her groin. Her stomach tightened but the insides of her thighs, her groin were tighter still. The whip continued, rhythmic even strokes. It stopped. He smiled at the look of confusion and disappointment on her face “If at any time you want me to stop….just say Dorothy” The whip rose sharply and fell in a single stroke across the top of her thighs. She yelped and her body tried to fold itself. 

The pain subsided surprisingly fast, replaced by a tingling warm sensation small red weals popped out on her skin but her pussy pulsed and contracted, wetness dripping down toward her anus. She flinched slightly as he raised a hand and rested it on her thigh sliding smoothly up to her pussy she felt a single strong finger sliding purposely around her folds, teasing and exploring sliding alongside her clitoris but not touching it. His eyes never leaving hers his fingers wove a pattern of pleasure she felt her body rushing to respond, his gaze steady the pace of his finger steady. She threw her head back and pulled at her wrists, she tried to pull up her knees. “I could stop this, he said I could, her body oblivious to her thoughts the words dying in her throat as her breathing heaved with the pleasure his finger sliding relentlessly the situation so wrong but something part of her was roaring to embrace screaming at her that this is what she wanted. Her orgasm exploded through her, she tilted her head back and shrieked, she howled out her release she knew at the same time this was that part of her that craved this control of her body, that had secrectly been revelling in her situation it gave voice to its triumph. Her pussy clenching so tightly and releasing, fluttering in orgasmic spasm,her heels drummed as she tried to pull her legs together, “God it’s not stopping”, she whimpered in her mind. Her muscles writhed and whipped, “im still cumming….”. The feeling began to subside she lay limp upon the table, jumbled thoughts forming and collapsing. She focused on breathing deeply. 

“I see you are having second thoughts about leaving”, He was resting the whip on his shoulder smiling down, that look on his face suggesting he is privy to her inner dialogue. She held his gaze, her arousal at a slow burn inside her “you won’t need that now” she flicked her eyes to the whip at his shoulder. The leather crashed down on her leg again the pain lit up her senses like a christmas tree but just as quickly fading leaving only that sensation of tingling, the warmth almost like the pressure of touch. “You do not decide what I do or do not require”, do you understand”, ? his eyes seared her, she readied herself for another blow and nodded quickly. He draped the whip over his shoulder and moved out of sight behind her head. She tried to see where he went: She gave up trying to bend her neck back and settled back comfortably on the table. She wished she could move a hand, she felt a sudden urge to pinch her nipples, she thought about his fingers sure movements on her pussy, his eyes watching her, reading her reaction to his touch. She wanted her hands free, wanted to slide them over her skin, the need to let them glide across her stomach and feel the wetness between her legs. She started to think about what his body might be like. Her ache was building again.

He slipped back into view rolling a small table beside him, it was too high for her to see what was on it. The music in the room hummed softly a far cry from the sunlight meadow that lulled her to sleep, this was more pagan in nature, her brain threw images at her of wild forest gatherings, swaying dancers and firelight. Her reverie shattered at the sound of his voice.

“Do you like card games Miss A”,? 

“To be honest I’d like you to untie me, bend me over this table and fuck me”, she replied tartly. Her body was demanding more release, the satisfaction of seeing her partner revelling in their bodies. Her orgasm having torn down the walls of what was normal and acceptable she felt wanton.

She had forgotten how quickly he could move and in a blur he lifted something from the table and was standing at her feet. She instinctively tried to pull her legs together. His arm went back and a paddle slapped into the soles of her feet. It was agony. The pain didn’t spread much further than just below her knees but it did not leave the pleasant tingling after effects of the whip and she was surprised to learn she longed for that instead. 

“When I ask a question Miss A”, I expect an answer to my question. So I will ask again. He punctuated the words with blows from the paddle and she howled.The music hummed and she sucked in deep breaths of air and felt the pain slip into the background. “I don’t know”, she hiccuped the words around her breaths. 

He was back at the table. “I love card games, though mostly those involving this deck of cards”, He lifted a pack of cards from the table and replaced it. He moved over beside her and slid his hands across her breasts, softly caressing them, teasing her nipples. Her body roared into arousal again his touch electric on her skin. Her thighs lifted slightly and he smiled. My deck of cards contains the duality of all of us, his hands never stopping their exploration. She wanted to feel those hands on her pussy again and her hips were lifting off the table trying to will them to where she wanted them. His eyes watched her closely as his touch drifted down her side down over her ribs, she anticipated their progress could already feel how it would be for those fingers to slip down over her pussy, two fingers vanishing inside her, his palm rubbing against her clitoris. “Focus Miss A, I’m speaking to you”, He returned to the table and her thighs sank dejectedly back.

“My deck of cards contains pleasure and all manner of carnal delights. It also contains suffering and pain”. Perhaps another time we can play a game of cards Miss Aquitane. I would like that very much, your allotted time is over and what has been agreed and arranged has come to an end, you may go”.

“I want more !! don’t stop now !!”her arousal has been replaced by a storm of frustration and she writhes against the shackles holding her.

Standing by the door he turns raises an eyebrow. “Say please”. The voice cuts into her and she strains toward him “please, please, please”,

“Another time perhaps Miss A”. 

The door closes soundlessly behind him.

