[EU] The daily life of a runway model! Part 4-6

[[Parts 1-3]](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/j7mi1e/eu_the_daily_life_of_a_runway_model_in_a_world_of/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Next]

Alt. Story: [[Leash 1-4]](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/j7n4k9/eu_the_daily_life_of_a_runway_model_alt_story/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Part 4 – Pre-Show ^[]=[1(×4)]{easier ^to ^read}

I stand here, still as a statue, unmoved since adorning the *final* piece.

Putting everything on was, truthfully, quite easy; the silk was simple enough to manage, & the ‘shoes’ slid on like slippers. The wires stretched & formed perfectly around my calves. Unsurprising, since the whole outfit was formed using a mold of my lower body.

*Removing* the shoes were just as easy; by simply twisting the top to release a little pressure, my leg slides right out. I tried them out a few times before the show & found them easy to walk in. They’re even quite comfortable, or as comfortable as *5″ heel* can get.

Gone are the days of the impractical; **fashion** is about balancing **function & freedom**.

Even the center piece could be slipped on like a pair of tights; however, its designer & creator forbid me from seeing it before the show, much less wear it.

The music beats. Directions being called. Models running, changing into their final outfits; all extravagant, but none like mine.

The show will soon reach its *climax*; yet, I have not gone on.

My name is called.

I move into position. All other models flow in & out through the sides; however, I’m starting front and center, separated only by a thin, velvet, curtain.

On the floor, in front of me, is the central piece of my onsomble. The ‘star’ is the first thing to catch my eye; it’s quite beautiful, stunning even. Yet, it doesn’t hold my attention for long.

My eyes are quickly drawn to what’s in front; 2 hills, made of wire, separated by about an inch of space.

*I breathe in.*

It looks so big, & it’s going to be inside me soon. Will it even fit? I know, in my head, it will; he took more than enough measurements, but still, just seeing it makes my heart race.

*I breathe out.*

I glance over, & right next to it is a near duplicate colored black; the measurements are a little different, but, then again, it’s not ment for me.

I hear a small *gasp*.

I turn right.

There stands Emory, my partner, my *sister*, *my Emory*.

Dark brown skin, long black hair with little curls at the end, & wonderful green eyes. If blindfolded & told to describe my Emory, I’d tell of every mole, every crevice on her body, the way her heart quickens when I trace my fingers along her shoulder blades, how her very presence calms me, gives me strength.

A hand covering her mouth & a smile on her lips.

*I giggle.*

She noticed its *size* as well.

I take a step back to take her all in. Emory’s *garments* mirrored mine in every way. The only differences being a reversal of colors, black wire & silk with a white collar; the gold remained the same.

She lowered her hand & adorned a quizzical look.

“How are they standing upright like that?”


I squat down.

Is it.. floating?

My eyes follow the spirals down; at the ends of each, the wire curves straight down into 2 small holes in the floor, causing the rest of it to float a couple inches off the ground.

I show this to Emory as she squats down to examine her own.

“It looks like the holes are pulling the springs apart, making the ‘legs’ wider.”

“Probably to allow us to put it on without taking off our shoes.”

“You girls ready?”

We bolt up.


“You admiring my work?”

“Yes Sir!”^×2

“Good; I like it when my *’Pets’* enjoy my work.”

I smile & blush beat red.

“All right, time to put on your *runway faces*.”

My breathing slows, my spine straightens, & my features become neutral.

When Devin gives an order, his Pets follow it.

“Now, step in.”

As one, we step into *our* Devin’s work.

“Eyes forward.” And we obey.

He moves over to Emory first.

Through the music playing beyond the curtain, I can hear Devin shifting & finalizing her outfit; yet, not a sound came from Emory. Davin wouldn’t like that; runway models **never** loose composure.

Devin comes back into my view.

He smirks.

Our Devin is happy & he’s showing it. That makes me happy too, but I mustn’t show it.

He kneels down, out of sight. I hear him adjusting his work; I feel it sliding up my legs.

Two fingers go in & spread me wide. I feel the wire start to apply pressure to my entrance. Davin pulls his fingers out just as the wire slides in. He loosens the springs up enough to finish *dressing* me.

My face never changes.

Davin stands up; face to face, he looks me in the eyes. He reaches around to adjust my bottom; he runs his fingers along the crevices, adjusting my cheeks ever so slightly.

As his fingers slide across my skin, I can feel that the ones on his left hand are slightly damp. Was I really that aroused? Am I dripping? Will they notice? Perhaps they won’t, ^but ^I ^hope ^they ^do.

Devin learn forward and into my ear; “Good Girl”.

That brings me back; I refocus. I am Devin’s Good Girl; I am a **model**; I will project an air of **confidence & power**.

Devin steps back & stands in front of us both.

“All right, just like in rehearsal. Assume your positions.”

I place my right hand on the crook of Emory’s back while stretching my left out to the side; Emory mirrors my actions.


Devin steps forward.

“Now, I think it’s about time we apply the final piece.”

Final piece? It’s not finished?

He reaches down and pinches my clit, *hard*, &, from his position, I could tell he was doing the same with my Emory.

“Now, this is actually a gift the two of you have been asking me to get you for a while now, and I was originally gonna wait till after the show, but you two have been such good girls today that I decided to give it to you early.”

He let go; I can feel it swelling as the blood rushes back.

Again, Davin kneels down, & again he leaves my sight.

A few moments later, I feel a sharp pain in my clit, followed by a slight sting & the sensation of cold metal. I know what it is; a [simple, gold, bar-piercing](https://images.app.goo.gl/KguXNEnAVWD6zLnm8). I feel Emory’s hand twitch on my back; she must of just got hers.

Another jolt of pain.

“Don’t worry, it’s just the alcohol.”

Devin comes back into view.

“All right, just like in rehearsal, you two wait here till the curtains open. *You are not to move till then.* I’ve got to go check on the other models, but I’ll be back before they announce your names.”

When Devin gives an order, his Pets follow it.

*We* stand here, still as a statue, unmoved since adorning the final piece.


<Follow Davin in [[Leash 1-4]](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/j7n4k9/eu_the_daily_life_of_a_runway_model_alt_story/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)>


Part 5 – Tiny Circles ^[1(×5)]

*I breathe.*

Then I stop.

When my chest expands, so does my stomach.

The star, flush to my skin, becomes a leaver; pushing, ever so slightly, on Devin’s gift. My newly pierced clit becomes stretched; my eyes widen.

*I breathe out, slowly.*

I focus on my core.

*I breathe in.*

It works; the star doesn’t move; but it’s straining. I won’t be able to keep it up; I’ll have to wait until the curtains are drawn.

*I breathe out.*

Relaxing my core, I brace my mind for what is to come.

*I breathe in, deeply.*

A jolt.

My hand clinches; Emory’s skin, so smooth, against my fingers.

*I breathe out.*

Tiny circles. My Emory, slowly, she moves her thumb.

I move mine.

Again, *In deep*.

Again, A Jolt.

**I freeze!**

My thumb stopped; can’t have that.

Tiny circles. My thumb moves.


Tiny circles.


Tiny circles. Good .


Tiny circles. 1. 2. 3.


Tiny circles. 1. 2. 3.


Tiny cir- Wait, Emory! She stopped, No Tiny Circles.

Clench. Her fingers brace against my skin.

Twitch. Her fingers move, *ever so slightly*.

Eyes widen; *I know what it is*. My Emory’s cumming. Was *she* really that aroused? Is *she* dripping? Will they notice? Perhaps they won’t, ^but ^I ^hope ^they ^do.

Tiny circles. Emory starts over.

Tiny circles. I follow.


Tiny circles. 1. 2. 3.



Part 6 – Scent ^[1(×6)]






~grab~ Pressure on my waist. Breath in my ear.

“It’s almost *tiiime.*


“Let’s get you two toweled off first.”

I sniff; *not* good. This scent, so gross.

He starts with Emory; her arms jiggles as the towel goes down her back. Davin reaches my hand, and, without pause, dries it off as well. The towel wraps around my arm; he moves up, then back down returning to my Emory.

Our Davin always does *this* before a show, treats us as **one.**

Cause that’s **what we are;** when we’re on that stage, we act as one, we breath as one, we *walk.* As. **One.**

Emory stopped shaking. I hear him moving behind me.

He starts with my nape; moving in circles, he draws a line down my spine. Emory’s hand pushing against my back as he dries her off.

Davin leaves my back; *he moves up, then back down.*

The pressure returns; he’s back.

He cups my cheeks; moving out & around, his hands meet at my spine’s base.

One moves down, spreading my cheeks. The towel, still in hand, trails behind.

The hand moves forward; Davin braces the towel over my crotch & against my clit.

*A jolt!*

I am Devin’s Pet. His touch is painful; yet I am his to touch.

His hand stops.

The towel goes taut.

It remains there, pressed against my clit & spreading my cheeks.

*Quickly,* it is removed! As it slides back the way it came, my breath catches.

Devin’s hand remains where it was; he feels my clit, feels the wire push against his gift, pulling on *my* clit. No, not mine, *his.* I am Devin’s; this body is his, his to touch, his to *feel.*

His hand slides back, following the path of the towel, before leaving my body.

Davin speeds up. He dries off my right leg, then the left. He doesn’t spend much time on them.

Time must be running short.

He wipes down my left arm before walking to my front.

I see him, my Davin, towel in hand. He starts wiping my front; careful not to snag my piercings, the towel trail down, passing over my breasts and pressing against my belly.

“I wish we could take our time with this, but it’s almost time for you two to walk.”

It moves back up, wrapping around my neck, then my face.

It goes dark. A palm presses against my nose.

My scent again, but there’s more; there’s Emory’s scent. He used the same towel. This scent, so good.

*A whisper.*

“You know, I haven’t finished drying off Emory yet. You think she’ll mind the smell?”

Light! The towel is removed & my Davin is smiling.

He walks over to Emory & out of my sight.

A minute passes & Davin returns, standing between us, towel over his shoulder.

“All right, before you begin your walk, I’ve got one last thing to help you concentrate.”

*Another gift?* I’m not sure I could take it.

He reaches into his pocket & pulls out a small bottle.


He applies it to his fingers, then my clit.


It stings, but then it doesn’t.

**I breathe in, deep!**

No jolt.

He moves over to Emory.

“Now, I can’t use to much, else your legs will go numb.”


“So try not to put to much pressure on you gifts. OK?”

~Chuckle^soft ~ His smile grows.

*”That was a rhetorical question, darlin. No need to answer.”*

I think our Devin got another *talking to.*

The Announcer pulls me back into focus.

**”Aaaannnd, that concludes our line of luscious leisure wear, but don’t get up from your seats just yet! We got our main event yet to come!”**

“All right, you two got this; you’ve done it before. Just focus and remember to breathe.”

Davin hurries out of view.


Tiny circles 1.2.3


Tiny circles 1.2.3


Tiny.. ~Smack~ What was that sound?

~Smack~ My bottom begins to sting.

“Just a little something for good luck.”

Our Davin *spanked* us. He’s *never* done that; yet, his hand landed *right* on my *right* cheek.

**The announcer calls our names.**

The curtains open.

I refocus.

Tiny circles 1.2.3


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/j7msnn/eu_the_daily_life_of_a_runway_model_part_46