1st time I ever cheated… [F]

Once upon a time when I was 18, i thought I was cool for dating a club promoter. At the time we had been dating on and off for over a year and I was too “in love” to see that we were in a toxic relationship. He had already cheated on me once *(that i knew of)*, and we were currently on a “break”?. 2 weeks before I cheated, we were in a great place… or so I thought. We had made plans to go out dancing, and it was the first time we weren’t going to have to deal with the BS. We were just going to hang out and just have fun…or so I thought.

Fast fwd to the day of: that was a great fucking day for me. I got a new outfit/nails/waxed, I finally got accepted to the college of my dreams, and I got my fucking permit! Then my “bf” called to basically start a fight and ruin it. When I answered the phone, I immediately sensed that something was off. Long story short, he said something along the lines of “we should just have fun and do our own thing. I’ll still get you in VIP, but just ‘do you’ and I’ll do me…” *(aka we are not gonna be boo’d up cuz i wanna talk to other girls)*. Since this was different than the impression he had been giving me, I was pretty gutted that he was pushing me away again. It was the same old pattern, except he had the nerve to welcome me to watch. He knew I wouldn’t want to go after that, and just like he expected I told him “fuck that, have fun” and cried. My night was completely over… Until I talked to Linda.

*Linda was a party-girl who was down for anything, so I would club with her often. I had plans to meet up with her as well, so I messaged her to let her know I wasn’t going to be there. She called me immediately, gave me the pep-talk of a lifetime, and I decided to go with her instead. The main reason why I changed my mind was to prove a point that we were over for good. I’m petty.*

So I put my cute outfit on, beat my face, and met Linda in front of the club. We walked straight to the door and said that we were on “Adam’s” (another promoter) guest list. Since this promoter was a friend of my ex, I was surprised I wasn’t blacklisted *(he’s petty too)*. This club never carded us, so we went straight to the bar and grabbed shots. After the 1st round Linda quickly admitted that Adam was into me, and she was setting this up on purpose. Adam was fucking hot, and I was out for revenge…. this day got a lot better.

Just as we were toasting our 2nd shot, my ex walks in with his arm around another fucking girl. *(called it)* I threw that shot back and like clock work, Adam showed up with another round of shots and the game had fucking began. It didn’t take my ex very long to figure out i was there, and according to Linda he was dirty looking me all night.

I wasnt 100% sure I wanted to hook up with anyone, I just knew I wanted to make my ex jealous. Our light flirting eventually led to getting cozy in the corner and talking. We had a good conversation and he was genuinely a sweet guy. He could’ve been lying but he was saying all the right things, and I was no longer thinking about my ex. We hung out all night until closing and by now I had lost Linda. He offered to take me home and we instantly started making out in the car. As we drove i sucked on his fingers and put his hand up my skirt. At every stop light he’d grab the back of my neck to kiss. I unbuttoned his pants and began to suck his cock until we pulled into his driveway. He couldn’t pull me off him right away, so he sat there a little longer till his roomate pulled up. Going to his room was a fucking blur lol, i think he basically dragged me there cuz the next thing I remember was him pinning me to the wall and pulling my panties down. The room was dark and the alcohol was starting to give me the spins. He kissed me and I could taste him on me. I pulled his cock out and asked him what he wanted next. Then he fucked me till 5am while my ex blew up my phone. I came 4 times and never took my heels off. My only regret was not answering the phone cuz i was too drunk/ busy to notice.

TLDR; my cheating ex-bf was playing with my emotions, so i fucked his “friend” after going to the club.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/j73ffp/1st_time_i_ever_cheated_f


  1. Not usually a fan of cheating stories, but this one is not only hot, but reassuring. You go girl

  2. You weren’t cheating if your ex bf brought a date.

    Good story. Keep the heels on.

  3. I wouldn’t say cheating, he broken up with you…

    Had another woman onto the go, you just went and had fun and done whatever you wanted .

    Readdress hot story

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