Step Sister Corruption Part 8 (M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, cons)

I don’t know how long we laid in the entertainment room just completely naked with the room now smelling of ass pussy and sex.

I was actually offended because now I could smell my own body odor.

Summer and Kel were laying against me. Summer lightly stroking her finger on my chest. Kel lightly stroking my leg.

Great I had converted not only Summer but my step sister by my dick.

I wanted Summer but I wasn’t going for a fucking two-fer.

I looked over at Summer, “So do I have the job?”

Summer smiled and said, “Not only do you have the job but you can keep it for as long as you want.”

Kel looked at us confused, “Job?”

Summer looked at Kel, “Yeah before we started down this training path for you I kind of professed my interest in Gabe here.”

I smiled and told Kel, “I told her she was too valuable as a friend to you and I that I didn’t want to ruin it.”

Summer continued, “So we offered friends with benefits towards each other.”

I smiled and continued, “But Summer countered with I had to try out for that position instead of instantly getting it.”

Kel blinked, “So wait you two were trying to become couples?”

Summer nodded and I shrugged.

Kel looked like she was going to get mad but gave up and said, “Well you can dick me down any time you to Gabe.”

She looked at Summer, “That’s if Summer is ok with it?”

Summer shrugged, “He’s not mine Kelly. But I appreciate the thought.”

Summer looked at me and said, “But you got the job Gabe we can fuck anytime you want. As long as I’m allowed to come over whenever I have the need.”

I laughed, “You’re more than welcome.”

I moved, “Well if you two shall excuse me. I need a wash.”

Summer spoke, “But why?”

I looked down on the two girls, “No offense I reek of body odor after working out earlier and now sex. Plus this room reeks of ass and sex.”

Kel sniffed, “I don’t smell anything?”

I laughed, “That’s because your still riding the orgasm high. As soon as it wears off you’ll smell it.”

I got up and walked over to the pile of clothes retrieving what was mine. I looked at the girls, “Besides mom and dad will be home tomorrow. It’ll be good to air this room out before they get home.”

With that I walked out.

I got upstairs to my room throwing my clothes into my dirty waste chute that was near my door that disposed all dirty clothes to the basement where the washer and dryer were located.

A lovely installation when the house was being remodeled.

Granted only my room and Kel’s room had the laundry chute. The joined bathroom on the second floor had a chute in it for the girls. And mom and dads master bathroom had a laundry chute connection.

All chutes led to the same location…..the laundry room in the basement on the other side of the entertainment room.

Dad wanted to install a sauna or something across from the entertainment room but mom won out getting a laundry room instead of it being in the garage where it was originally located.

So dad got his way with the addition for their studio which had a sauna and that worked out after a rough workout.

And mom got her way with the master bathroom. Well technically mom got her way with the master closet. Both got their shared idea on the master bathroom which was loads better than mine and Kel’s shared bathroom.

I grabbed a towel, some new clean clothes mainly boxers basketball shorts and a geek shirt, and my toiletries which was my man soap that dad got me hooked on, man shampoo from the same company and my loofah.

I then trekked to the second floor where mom and dads room was going into their master bathroom.

They weren’t home so I doubt they would actually mind.

God do I love my parents master bathroom. They really went all out when they did all the remodeling to the house like they did.

I distinctly remember during the remodel it constantly sucked.

One week we wouldn’t have hot water because that was being replaced.

Another week we had to wear shoes because the carpet was being ripped up and changed to the bamboo wood flooring and heated tile on every room. The bathrooms got the heating tiles and the rest of the house had the bamboo wood flooring.

For two weeks we didn’t have heating or cooling because they changed out the units for cooling/heating and re-doing the ducting.

Then came changing out the insulation and getting energy efficient windows and doors.

I looked back and lightly chuckled thinking we really gutted the place and pretty much rebuilt from the ground up almost.

I remember dad saying he got the place for a steal nearly pennies on the dollar for the land and the house.

During the remodel it definitely put a strain on ALL of our relationships to where mom and dad were going to couples counseling so their marriage wouldn’t be ruined. But they survived. Kel and I, and the girls of course, actually went to therapy because of the remodel and the fact we were at each other’s throats which in turn straining mom and dad.

But after everything was done we pretty much pulled together to become a family. We still jab at each other for things done during the remodel.

Like Kel in her infinite wisdom left a bra, which I bet no longer fits, in one of the walls when they replaced the insulation and redid the dry wall.

Or dad accidentally left a beer in the wall during the same time.

Or the girls spray painted their names before the bamboo flooring went in.

Or I carved my name in some of the boards during the attic changeover.

Or mom leaving a pair of panties in one of lights fixtures when the closet was remodeled.

I think all of us did something during the remodel so it felt like home at the time.

I laughed as I walked into mom and dads master bathroom. I flipped on the light and turned on the digital thermostat for the floor bringing it up to a nice 85% degrees. Not hot enough to cook my bare feet but enough to where it was noticeable and comfy.

I walked over to the massive shower that was completely open on the sides. On the wall to enter the shower I turned on the digital shower. Switched the power washer option activating the 20 shower head system. Put the power at medium so the water doesn’t power wash off my skin. Changed the shower to half most half normal. Then brought up the temperate to a reasonable temperature after feeling the heat a couple of times.

Then I stepped in.

I was half way done with my wash mainly I just had done the soap. Still needed to do the shampoo. When I heard the bathroom door open and close.

I instinctively called out, “Who’s there?”

I heard a female voice but with the water it was hard to make out let alone place. All I heard was “Just me.”

I wanted to ask the stupid question of who it was but because of the water pressure I couldn’t hear exactly.

Instead of asking the stupid question I poked my head out to look into the bathroom from the shower and saw Summer.

Should have figured.

I smiled at Summer, “Let me guess needed a shower?”

Summer laughed, “Yeah and you were right the room did smell like ass and sex after our orgasm high passed. Plus Kelly was a little irritated that you stole your parent’s shower. So here I am. Mind if I join?”

I waved my hand telling her to come on in and stepped back into the pressure washer.

Summer stepped in finding water just right to her I guess because she didn’t change the water temp to scolding like females are known to do.

I always had to be careful each time I used our shared shower because that was the temperature that Kel always had it at. A temperature that would cook a lobster.

That or Summer was being nice and not raising the temperature for me.

Summer came in for a kiss and I greatly accepted it.

We kissed and our tongues lashed at each vying for dominance.

I reached up and grabbed one of Summer’s breasts.

My dick responded and started it’s hard on process.

After a few moments of kissing Summer pulled away and put her hand on my chest, “We need to wait for round two. In the meantime I set out some more pills and frankly I’m starving.”

I blinked and my dick brain screamed ‘FUCKING TEASE!!!!’ The only thing that came out of my mouth was, “Huh?”

Summer smiled, “I said we need to wait.”

I blinked and said, “But I want you now and you said I could have anytime I wanted. Well I want you now.”

Summer smiled, “And so do I but I just put something inside me so I can have ALL of you. But we have to wait for it to dissolve.”

I blinked, “Wait what did you put in you?”

Summer smiled a evil smile and twisted her body side to side hypnotizing me with her breasts, “Just a pussy ball.”

A what?

What the fuck is a pussy ball? I had never heard of that.

My mouth moved and I spoke, “What the fuck is a pussy ball?”

She laughed and after she stopped, “It’s just a ball to help lower pregnancy chances and std chances. Among other things.”

I blinked completely confused, “Why take something like that?”

She laughed and said, “Because I don’t trust my IUD.”

She cuddled into me, “Besides having sex bare feels so much better.”

Well I did like having sex bare. It was infinitely more pleasurable than wearing a condom.

So that’s a plus over my now ex fwb I always had to wear a condom with her.

I looked at her, “Ok how long will that take to dissolve?”

Summer shrugged, “About an hour.”

I sighed, “Ok. And what about the pills?”

Summer frowned at me, “You know for a guy who won me over and was having fun with two girls less than an hour ago you ask a lot of questions.”

I frowned, “Ok fine. Sorry. I’ll take the pills.”

Summer smiled, “That’s the spirit. Trust me we’ll be having fun after dinner. That reminds me. What are we having for dinner?”

I shrugged, “No idea. I can cook something or we can have something delivered?”

Summer cuddled up next to me, “How about after dinner we all figure it out.”

I shrugged, “Fine with me.”

Summer and I got done with our shower I took the pills Summer had laid out for me.

Then she convinced me to remain nude saying it’ll help with the fun she had planned.

What happened earlier was indeed fun though I wasn’t planning on fucking my step sister.

I shrugged and went with it.

We walked into the kitchen with Summer thinking that having a naked girl was making it hard to think straight. Most of my blood was in a different location.

Kel eventually came down from the girl’s shared bathroom something about the bigger bathtub. Which was true.

Kel of course remained naked but had her pink vibrator sitting next to her cell phone on the counter.

I rose my eyebrow, “Aren’t you supposed to have that in you currently?”

Summer answered for Kel, “She also has a ball in her.”

I looked between the two and internally I was excited because that meant I could cum in them. I knew Kel had some type of pregnancy prevention like an IUD but I was unsure which. And thanks to the shower conversation I now knew Summer had an IUD.

So many possibilities ran through my head and none of them were clean.

By the time Kel got downstairs it was getting dark and was getting late to actually cook. So we decided on delivery though because of where we live we had to pay extra for where we live.

Naturally we called the only place we could agree on and the only place that delivered to where we were….Francesco’s.

Francesco’s was a nice restaurant that catered to those that wanted something healthy. More than 3/4 of Francesco’s menu was healthy with options to be gluten free and vegan if needed. Along with meat substitutes if needed.

We placed our orders and was told because of the of our location we were told it’ll be roughly an hour before it’ll be at our house.

Which was fine.

So we had an hour to kill.

I looked over at Summer as did Kel, “So what should we do?”

Summer looked at us, “Why you looking at me?”

Kel spoke, “Your the one with all the plans.”

Summer looked at us for a moment thinking before speaking, “Well I guess we have to kill time both for the balls and for the food.”

Then something dawned on her and she had a shit eating grin. She walked up to Kel, grabbed her, and led her upstairs. The last thing she said as she was hauling Kel upstairs, “You’re on your own Gabe until after dinner.”



  1. It’s ultimately up to you if youd like to continue it but I will say its a nice read and I would enjoy reading more

  2. To all that replied to my question. Thank you for the praise. I thought on my previous post on SSC the wording was wrong or the idea a cervix could be ‘popped’ threw off everyone though this was the thoughts of a teenager not familiar with female anatomy might have been lost.

    Either way I appreciate everyone reading my story and enjoying them enough to leave feedback.

    I will continue writing SSC until I feel it has run it’s course. Be on the look out for the next post of SSC where I’ll introduce new characters possibly might bring them in for more in the actual story plot. And we’ll all see Kelly’s Gabe’s and Summer’s progression in this series as it comes.

    Can’t wait to write what’s running in my head for these characters.

    Once again thank you for the praise.

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