Stalking A Mage [kindnapping][forced][bondage][gag][blindfolded][slavery]

“Boss, you sure about this contract?” Chatty said, his usual complaining getting on my nerves.

“It pays good money, Chatty, so shut it!” I barked.

Chatty, my magical weapon and source of most of my power, is a great tool, but he talks way too much for my liking. We accepted, well, I accepted a job and forced chatty along, to investigate a growth of undead in the blighted lands in North Wethric Moor, or for my personal shortness, North Moor.

The blighted lands have seen a lack of activity since the fall of the Black Knight. I wonder if those pesky Unknown just stopped caring about our world. Not that I cared much. My job is to get rid of the little buggers. The lands are as dreary as I last remembered them.

*Quick in, Quick out.*

Despite my mental order, the lands were never easy to traverse. Getting in and out quickly will not be so easy. I stick close to a path, if that’s what it could be called, acutely on guard for my targets. Unknown have a nasty habit of ambushing lone travellers. My plan, simple and easy, bait out the baddies and torch em with Chatty.

After about ten minutes of walking, I’m starting to wonder about the effectiveness of my plan. Not a single Unknown has propped its way out to attack me. Chatty is being quiet as a mouse, so it’s definitely not them suspecting something amiss. Maybe the whole contract was bogus. The price was way over the top for a simple hunting job.

Frustration overwhelms me. I turned back, hoping that something would follow me that I could take out my anger on. The rotting dark hills hosted nothing fitting my needs. I grunt angrily and Chatty springs to life from my hip.

“What’s wrong, boss?”

“This stupid job is bogus, clearly. Unknown would have already attacked by now!” I say, letting my frustration vent out.

“Well, we can always go back and put him through the ringer. Maybe he’ll pay up as recompense.”

I chew over Chatty’s suggestion. It does sound tempting to take out my frustration on the jerk who pulled my strings. Problem is, I don’t know where this mysterious contractor would be. The job was passed on to me by a friend and I was more concerned about the pay than asking questions.

Pacing back and forth, I decide on how to approach the problem. Someone got the better of me, and now I needed to figure out how to get even. At the same time, I didn’t really care about making him pay, so long as I got the money for new jewelry.

“Hey, boss,” Chatty interrupts.

“Not now.”

“But, boss!”

“I said not now, Chatty! I’m thinking!”

Loud snarls sound from behind me. I turn to find a pack of Unknown circling around me. They were split into three groups; two nightmares to my left, three leeches to my right and directly in front of me was a keeper, flanked by two more nightmares. Chatty came free of my waist, floating into my hand.

“I guess it was important,” I comment begrudgingly to Chatty.

“You think!?” Chatty countered.

Thinking quick on my feet, I blast the group of two nightmares with a fire blast. The leeches rushed me from their position with the nightmares. This new formed group was not something I could deal with yet. I made a run for it up the hills. Curse my greed. This was supposed to be a straightforward job, not a multi-person deal!

Cresting the hill was easy enough, but the buggers were still on my tail. Doing a quick one eighty, I quickly conjured up another spell of fire. I turned the nightmares to ash, but the leeches shrugged off the attack. Preparing another spell just before the vile creatures descended on me, I managed to injure one of the two leeches.

The final leech ran me over, pushing me hard into the ground under its weight. Its long tongue pushed outward towards me. The pink flesh was pointed and had I not dodged to the side, I would be a goner. Not that my situation was looking any good right now.

Suddenly, a gust of sand struck the leech, sending it flying into the distance. Looking over at the direction the magic was cast from, I found Basar, one of those big time merchant guys. And a total hunk at that. Money, power, looks; what more could a girl want?

The Unknown fled at the very sight of him; at least the keeper did. Everything else was either ash or buried in sand. Approaching me warily, Basar stood over me in the usual black robe and white slacks. Golden tassels hung from his neck, and I thought they were gold jewelry instead of fabric. I’ve got to say though, he sure knows how to make an impression.

“Guess I got here just in time,” Basar said, beaming with his brightest smile.

“Sure did. What are you doing out here, anyway?”

“Well, I’m here for you.”

The wicked smile that donned on his face frightened me. Before I could fight back or ask questions, I felt myself falling off to sleep. My body was heavy, but I couldn’t have been exhausted already. Trying to stand up was near impossible, leading to me falling every time I tried. Basar simply stood there staring with that wicked grin.

“Sorry, love. Can’t have you trying to hurt yourself. I’ll make sure you’re plenty comfy when you wake.” With his last words, darkness enveloped me.


When I came to, there was nothing but darkness. Even with my eyes wide open, I couldn’t make anything. I moved to stand to find something was amiss. My mouth felt full of something big and plastic, my arms felt like they were trussed up in some kind of unbreakable sleeve and I felt tight ropes around, under and between my breasts.

I screamed in fury, hoping Chatty would come to my rescue, but there was no response. Every sound I made was heavily muffled. At least there was a softness beneath me, maybe a mattress. So that was something. Worse of all, I could feel a brisk chill creeping on my body. I normally never felt this cold. My magic and Chatty were good enough sources of heat I never needed to worry about it.

Browsing in the darkness, in what I thought was downward, I was trying to figure out my situation. This damned room was far too dark for me to make out anything. Another frustrated yell and I began struggling in earnest. I discovered immediately, small pieces of metal were dangling on my body. Given the feeling and their locations, I assumed they were locks holding my bindings in place.

Then a blast of light hit me, albeit slightly dimmed. I came to realize a dark leather cloth was shielding my eyes. That answered my quandary about the darkness. Now I just needed to figure out what was going on. Metal locks sounded in the distance, as if they were being unlatched. My first instinct was to screech for help, but I stayed my tongue when I theorized it might very well be my captor.

Memories flooded back to the time before I arrived here. Basar, a wealthy and powerful merchant, had used magic to render me unconscious. I remembered the wicked smile he wore, which usually meant nothing good. Finally, my train of thought and trip down memory lane was disturbed as a metal door flung open.

“I thought I heard you screeching,” Basar said, his voice coming from the sound of which they opened the door.

“Hnphnr? MMhnph’ph gnnng nn hmrm?” I tried saying.

*That came out like I was a bumbling baby idiot. Curse this stupid plastic ball!*

“Let me get that for you, sweetie.”

I heard a fiddling of keys into locks. Soon the tight straps holding the ball in place were loosened. Taking my chance, I quickly ejected the gagging object before Basar would have the chance to lock it back in place.

“Basar! What are you doing? What’s going on?”

“Shh, shh,” Basar cooed, “Everything’s alright. You’re safe now. I’ll never let anyone hurt you again.”

“I’m hurting right now!” I screeched.

Another unlocking and the soft satin eye cover fell to the ground. The discovery of my surroundings horrified me. The door in which he entered was in fact a metal door with lots of locks that looked too complicated for me to figure out. To the right of the door, tucked away in a corner, laid a comfortable but expensive looking bed with leather cuffs attached to the four corner posts. I dreaded what he had planned for that.

Darting my eyes to the left of the door, I found a terrifying shrine like structure. It was covered with pictures of me, both normal walking around pictures and more intimate self pleasuring photos. I couldn’t hide my disgust if I tried. I didn’t dare try to understand why or how he got those pictures. All I could think about was getting away from this place.

Lastly, the mattress I was lying on was left on the floor. It looked new from the clean state it was in. The coziness of the bed was actually what surprised me most. This would actually be pleasant were I not being held hostage by an insane kidnapping pervert.

Basar strolled around in front of me. His cloth necklace ornament was gone, leaving only his robe and white slacks. I never realized Basar had heterochromatic eyes, one dotted a lightish red and the other a deep verdant teal color. His lightly bronzed skin still sent shivers down my spine in a good way, despite my situation or his evil grin.

“I’ll lay you down on the proper bed if you behave. But first, I want something I’ve waited so long to get.”

Basar headed to the opposite wall where a classically old looking wardrobe rested. When he returned, in his hands were a couple coils of rope that were similar to the ones around my chest. He took one of my legs, pushing my ankle into the underside of my thigh.

Quicker than a flash, he lashed the ropes around my upper thigh to my ankles. My leg was pinned in an uncomfortable position, but it didn’t take long to figure out what Basar was planning. Already on his knees, disposed of by his white slacks, Basar’s manhood was out for me to admire. Though, admiring him as a specimen was something I’d done before. This time it felt disgustingly wrong.

“You’re so beautiful. I’ve masturbated to those pictures of you many times. Your beautiful flowing red hair, like lava flowing from your scalp to your ankles. Not to mention your pleasantly delicious breasts. Oh, how wonderful they look on display for me right now.”

“What the hell are you talking about, you creep!?” I shouted.

“You know, I liked you better when I couldn’t tell what you were saying. I think I’ll be putting back in that ball gag now.”

Basar snatched up the slobber covered ball and pushed it against my lips. I denied the ball entry, remembering not only the painful stretching of my jaw, but the stupidity in which my speech was reduced to. Annoyed, he pinched my nose, cutting off my air flow. Forced to take a gasp of air, Basar quickly shoved the ball into my mouth. He secured the buckle behind my head, then locked the buckle for extra measure.

“So much better.”

Basar’s words were dripped with honey but reeked of malevolent intent. He sat back on his heels, pleasing himself in the view of my naked body. The way he looked at me was truly revolting. It was almost as if he thought it entitled him to own me, like one of his stupid trade goods or like my jewelery.

Things took a turn for the worse when Basar started rubbing his free hand over my breasts. His fingers toyed with the tiny nubs left exposed from my lack of clothing. Basar pinched, pulled, twisted and rubbed my sensitive buds one at a time. Making sure to give similar attention to each breast just made everything twice as bad. He made strange sounds of glee with every noise I made.

“You’re so much better than I could have ever dreamed. I’ll never get bored with playing with you.”

“MMhnph!?” I shouted into the enormous ball, clearly furious.

“An added benefit of not understanding you is hearing how hot you sound when your mouth is stuffed. I must explore that avenue later with my cock. I bet you’d give me a great blowjob and I’ll happily reward such fervent dedication to your new station with a stomach full of cum.”

At that, I lost my composure. I thrashed violently in my bindings. Successfully, I dislodged his grabby hands from my breasts. The freedom was blissful. I never thought I’d think having my breasts played with would be a bad thing.

“Naughty girl,” Basar said before quickly slapping my breasts with his palm. I let out a loud yelp in surprise and pain from the strike. “I told you to behave. I don’t want to punish you, but I will. You’ll be my good slave wife in no time. I know it. You’re just going to love serving my every carnal desire.”

“Nn fnchnng mmnm!”

“Hm I didn’t think could get any harder but listening to you is intoxicating, far better than I thought. Now is a good time to try you out. Maybe I’ll come up with a cute little pet name for you. Oh, even better! You can be my sex pet! How exciting, right? Do you like my name for you, sex pet?”

“PHhnph phnnnnph grnphph! Gmph phhm fnch nff mm!”

“The more you talk, the more aroused I get. Keep talking like that sex pet and I’ll fuck you good.”

If that is what he constitutes as a warning, I definitely didn’t want to know what his promises sounded like. Basar poised the tip of his cock at my entrance. Spitting into his palm, Basar lathered up my folds with his makeshift lubricant. Big shocker, he couldn’t wait to turn me on first.

“I’ve waited so long for this,” Basar whispered into my ear.

Without further ado, Basar plunges into me completely. I’m thankful for the improvised lubricant. It was painful when he filled me with his full length, the tip pressing against my cervix. Basar groaned with blissful pleasure, but once he saw the pained expression he tried to shush me, cooing me into relaxing my tensed muscles.

“Don’t worry, sex pet. It’ll get easier. You’ll look forward to our sessions of fun soon enough,” Basar whispered.

Slowly, Basar withdrew only to slide back in at a faster pace. Like practicing sheathing a sword, except I was the sheath and his dick was the sword; easier to put in, harder to pull out. Since my pussy wouldn’t know the difference between consenting and not, it was happily ready to accommodate such violation. It had been some time since I last got fucked. While I loathed being raped, I couldn’t deny it feeling pleasant as I came hurtling toward arousal.

As I became more turned on, the less I worried about this being rape. My hips began to meet his thrusts, enhancing the already good level of pleasure I was getting out of this. Maybe being Basar’s “sex pet” as he called me, wouldn’t be so bad after all.

I thought it would at least, right up until Basar started twisting my nipples. Screeching out in pain, I tried to wiggle my free leg into a place to kick him. He positioned one of his arms under my knee and pulled it close into my chest. I was pinned into a mating press position of sorts as Basar hammered away at my pussy.

“I’m so close to cumming, sex pet. I’m gonna fill you womb up so much, you’ll bear at least three of my kids. I’ll have to remember to take precautions, though. Can’t have kids ruining our fun so early now, can we sex pet?”

“N nnn’ph mmnnph mnnr fnchnng chnmnrmn mnnr frmnh!” I screamed desperately.

The twitching began inside my pussy and I knew he was going to cum soon. Resisting and squirming as best I could was of little use. Basar was going to do exactly that which he said, and worse so, I could feel my own orgasm quickly approaching.

After one final powerful thrust, Basar’s manhood erupted into me. Shot after shot of cum blew into me, filling up my womb. Basar’s thrusts slowed as the remnants of his seed dripped into my pussy. Just when I think he’s going to make me cum, Basar pulls out. I shoot him a confused look as he zips up his slacks.

“Thought I was going to make you feel good? That’s not how this relationship works, sex pet. If you can’t orgasm before I finish, then you can spend the entire night without pleasure. Now, I need to add a finishing touch before I let you get some rest.”

Basar went back to the wardrobe, pulling out a rectangular black leather that looked like it was a small corset. Only when he put it around did I realize it was a posture collar. He locked it in place with yet another padlock. I quickly found it irritatingly uncomfortable.

“There we go. Gotta get you into the habit of good posture after all,” Basar said with a wry smile. I rolled my eyes, which I think he might have missed as he fetched the satin eye covers I had on before this nightmare began. “This should help you get that much needed rest, sex pet.”

The collar did a good job of preventing me from shaking the covers off. When my world went dark again, I started to panic. I thrashed around, trying to fight the wide variety of bindings and encasement that my body was pressed into. The ropes around my chest dug into my skin deeper as I continued to fight.

Finally, I heard the door close, and its locks thrown. With only one thing left I could do, I take Basar’s advice and rest my sore body. Albeit begrudgingly, it does feel nice to relax into sleep after a hard fucking like the one Basar just administered. Without Chatty, I was in for a long stay in this torture room.


“Gnnn Mnrnnng, Mnphphmr,” I mumbled.

Kneeling before him, naked I greeted the mage who broke my mind into submission. For a time, I hated him, but now, I was enchanted to absolutely love him. Every morning since then, would always greet him ball gagged and naked, ready to please his every carnal desire.

“Good morning, sex pet. Cure my morning wood, would you? I’m thinking your pussy will satisfy me just fine today.”

Eagerly wanting to please, I spread my legs and leaned back, ready to serve. Promptly he took my invitation, spearing his full length into me. I squealed, both with delight and pain from being unready. The enchantments compelled my mind to feel the delight, despite my body craving every second of the abuse.

Basar had become more caring of the pleasure he gave me, but if he was in a hurry, said care went out the window. This seemed to be the case today. His thrusts were primal, pulling consistent moans out from behind my ball gag. In less than a few minutes it was all over, as Basar pumped his seed deep into my womb.

He pulled out, wiping the juices of my pussy and his cum that covered his cock on my bare tits. The enchantments made me wear this humiliation like a badge of honor. To be honest, I didn’t mind so much anymore. This wasn’t entirely a terrible life after all. I was being spoiled, given all the jewelry I could want and daily fuckings from a hunk. Shame that it was my freedom and mental ability to resist him was the cost of this new life.

Basar attached a leash to my posture collar. He loved to enforce proper posture whenever he could. I got on all fours and followed him obediently down the halls of his estate. I no longer lived in the torture room he initially kept me in. Now I had a small pet house to reflect my position as a pet. I still wasn’t able to decide what kind of pet I was. Basar only referred to me as “Sex pet” as if that was indicative of my role.

“You’re looking extra eager today, sex pet. How about a stroll around town, hm?”

Though he phrased it as a question, I know full well that it wasn’t. It was a command to obey and revel in my embarrassment. My pussy was dripping with excitement at the thought of being paraded around town like a dog. That was no gift of Basar’s enchantments. I genuinely was excited. Turns out I’m quite the exhibitionist.

Incidentally, I learned quite a bit about myself since becoming Basar’s slave. For starters, the exhibitionism was just the tip of it, I’d come to love the humiliation factor that came with it. I was all but ready to fuck in public in front of a live audience. Basar, however, seemed to have other plans.

We made a stop at one of the storerooms which happened to be filled to the brim with all sorts of sexual toys and accessories. Stepping inside, Basar headed straight to the pet section. Buttplugs with tails, muzzle gags, kitten mittens of unreal size and leather cuffs with fur on the outside to give the appearance of animal appendages.

First came the butt plug doggy tail. Basar pressed the toy into my hole and I could feel the hairs tickling my thighs. Next he got the fur cuffs and bound together my ankles, then my wrists. I was spared a gag change or a new collar and brought over to his collection of vibrators.

It was amazing how many of the electronic toys existed. Each one a master at stimulating some part of my pussy. My owner was feeling the bullet vibrators this morning, stuffing two inside my well lubricated pussy. Satisfied I was ready, Basar turned the toys into a low hum, more tickling my pussy than providing actual arousal.

“How does that feel? Do you like being dressed up as a pet? I’ll let you answer without your enchantments this time.” I could feel the magic slipping away, allowing my mind to be in full control. I looked up at Basar, a soft blush creeping across my face.

“N mnfm nph phnr!” I replied gleefully.

The enchantments settled back in, the magic taking full control again. Maybe one day I’d be trusted enough to have them taken away permanently. There was a subtle charm to them making my life easier for me, but I still wanted to prove I could be a good sex pet without them. For now, the radiant smile he got from my honest answer of appeasement was good enough.

He tugged me along the mansion; I made sure to follow around as a pet would. We made our way outside, greeted by the shining sun. I knew today would be the start of a wonderful life for me.
