Converting The Feminist Ch6 [mf][masturbation]

“What do I even say to her?”

“The truth would be a good start, troublemaker.”

“Oh yeah, really? ‘hey sis, my husband kept me here against my will and planned to have me sold but I love him now so it’s fine.’ That ought to go well.”

“I think you’re overreacting.” I eyed Blake warily. He waved a hand dismissively at me.

Things would have been so much simpler to play off if Blake had just kept his cool. Instead, he grabbed my sister, despite my pleas, tossing her into one of the guest rooms. She barked and screamed, each word tearing apart my heart. I tried to follow Blake, but when I caught up, he threatened me with punishment.

I sat on the floor kneeling, tears flowing down my cheeks for the first time in four days. I promised myself to stay until I remembered what that magical turning point was that convinced me to marry Blake. Seeing Emily being dragged off by Blake only left me seething. If he hadn’t told me to sit, I might have done something I’d regret.

Blake came back after a few minutes, told me to stand and walked me back to my room. He quickly fucked my ass, completing my punishment, then hastily unbound me. Blake was concerned about my sister. Blake knew he fucked it up and we could have passed it off as just how we lived. No one knew about our relationship, so who were they to second guess that there were ulterior secrets.

Now that it was all ruined, Blake wanted me to talk my sister into keeping this a secret. If I couldn’t, she would take my place and our issue with Tyler would be done with. Blake still hadn’t told me anything more about that particular issue. It was worrying to think my sister would somehow be the simple solution. If that was the case however, I assumed that to keep me Blake would have to sell more girls until he made up the deficit.

That thought alone was repulsing enough that it very well could be the case. Blake did say that I would hate him for settling his debt whenever he got around to it. If selling more innocent girls into slavery was that settlement, I’d never forgive him. It wouldn’t matter what he said or did in the past or present, he and I would be through.

“So, ready to talk to her? Or you still need a minute?”

“This will not work,” I started speaking weakly, “I can’t imagine she’ll ever understand my reasons for staying. And when Kylie finds out, she’ll do anything to get you behind bars.”

“I’m surprised you haven’t already. Whatever those reasons are, I am surprised they are enough to get you to turn against your ideals, at least, turn so easily.”

I eyed Blake with a hint of concern. Was he on to my ploy? Maybe he was predicting I was up to something else. Either way, he wasn’t as convinced as I originally thought he was. I guess I submitted a little too easily to be believable.

*Can’t fix that now, so back to my problem at hand.*

“I’ll go talk to her,” I commented.

Hastily, I made my way to face my sister. This was going to be the hardest conversation. I felt the jitters of the coming attack I’d have to withstand. My sister was a lot of things, and maybe she’ll be understanding, but I highly doubted she would be happy about it. If Emily wasn’t happy about something, she was a wild card. I couldn’t let her send Blake to prison just yet.

Stopping in front of her new prison cell, a guest room on the second floor. It was like the one that Blake had kept me in until today. Following a deep breath, I entered the room. Emily, with a sullen expression, looked surprised to see me. This conversation was already showing the signs of being something I could never predict.


“Hi? Is that really all you have to say to me, Brittany?” Emily said flatly. There was a bit of a sting to her words, and I realized this might go exactly as I predicted this conversation would go.

“Can I at least explain what’s going on before you jump to conclusions? You’ve always given me that in the past, just like I’ve given you.”

“That was before your brute decided locking me up for what I saw was a good idea!” Emily shouted, taking a stand from the sheetless bed she had been sitting on. Fury covered her face now, and I felt nothing but shame. “I can’t believe this shit. You lied to me! You both lied to me. I trusted you and now I’m stuck here with you because you betrayed me!”

“I did not betray you, Emily. It’s complicated.”

“Oh, that’s such bullshit, Brittany.”

“Then let me explain myself because trust me having you anywhere near this situation was the last thing I want right now.”

Emily remained silent as she began pacing about the small square room. I’d notice this room had no bathroom or any kind of furniture then the bed. Taking me all of about two seconds to find Blake’s reasoning for choosing this room. There were none this empty. Which meant he was seriously contemplating turning her over in my place.

“Kylie said you were being forced to marry him. That’s why she never came to your wedding,” Emily blurted out. “When she finds out about today, she’ll go to the cops.”

“Not if you stay quiet,” I quietly replied. The look of disgust masked her fury, and I knew exactly what she was thinking. I wish I didn’t, but I also wish this whole situation wasn’t happening.

“Don’t you dare ask me to do that.”

“I’m asking you to, at least for a while.”


“Because I… I need to know something first and I won’t get the truth when he’s behind bars.”

“The truth about what?” Emily asked, her voice trembling with fright.

“I don’t remember why I said yes five months ago. I don’t remember what he did to win me over.”

Closing the door behind me, I walked over to the bed to sit. I leaned myself against the wall at a sideways angle, staring at the blank white wall in front of me. Life was just starting to look up today, but one screw up ruined it all. All the planning, all the pretending I’d been doing; it was all for naught now. I’d have to start from the base again, earn Blake’s trust then find out what I can’t remember because something tells me I didn’t say yes; he made me say yes.

“When we first moved in, we consummated our relationship. I lost my virginity, and I was happy to have finally done it. Then, I fell asleep and woke up dangling a few feet off the ground, chained up and gagged.”

“What the hell?”

“Blake hates feminism. He wants me to be his submissive slave wife or something, I’m not quite sure what to call it myself. I’ve been playing nice to get that something from him. Today would have gone a long way to advancing my plan, but I expected none of this.”

“Your plan is to make him think he broke you,” Emily said, more a statement than a question.

“Sometimes I think he did,” I state honestly, looking over to my sister. “Some things he does are so kind and real that I can’t believe that Blake’s just a monster. Then… then he does shit like you saw in the kitchen.”

“Brittany, it’s not worth it. Whatever happened, that guy out there is going to destroy you. He’ll take you apart brick by brick and when he’s done, I won’t even recognize you, no one will. I’m not letting this happen to you.”

“There’s still more to this, why specifically I was determined to have today go well. He’s a sex trafficker.”

“What!? You can’t be serious.”

“He threatened me today that if you found out about the truth… if you found out he was going to ship you off in my place. We look close enough that no one would suspect.”

Emily walked over to me, kneeling down in front of me. She grabbed my trembling hands in her own. When she looked up at me, I saw only the raw concern in her eyes. She was believing me, and more importantly, she didn’t hate me.

“I was worth a million dollars to someone, Em,” I commented.


“I don’t know,” I replied.

“So, by extension, I’m worth a million dollars to that same person.”


“Do you think it’s dad?” Emily asked.

If one’s jaw could physically drop to the floor, mine would have done so right now. My father was ten times the monster Blake was. He beat my mother regularly, cheated on her and then molested my sister, Emily, when she was fifteen. There were a million and one reasons my father would be behind this, but I only needed one; I was the one who got him in prison.

I remembered the day vividly. Why wouldn’t I? It was the day after all that I tore my family apart to protect my sister. It wasn’t difficult to manage once I convinced mom what a monster the person she married was. There was an issue. The law didn’t work how I hoped. Dad’s sleazy lawyer got him a slap on the wrist compared to life in prison.

Three years after the trial he had been released. He claimed to have seen the err of his ways and wouldn’t contact us again. My father may have fooled the judge, my mother, and the jury, but Emily and I knew better. We knew he’d be back. Time passed, and he never came with his bullshit legal loopholes to sucker us back into his life.

Time had passed, and I honestly forgot about him. Everything that happened with Blake and my mother getting remarried that the memory of him slipped through the cracks. My father had the means and the motive to track me down for the purpose of kidnapping. To make matters worse, Blake would know the client. Which begs the question, does he know, and that’s what he’s hiding?

I stood up and walked to the door. My sister followed close behind, but I stopped her short of the door. I looked dead into her eyes, shaking my head from side to side, and walked out the door. I closed it behind me, not bothering to lock the door. I knew my sister would stay put after that conversation.

A quick trip down the stairs, and back to the sitting room, I found Blake. He was watching a sports show, typical man I suppose. I quietly approached him from behind and rested my hands on his shoulders. Blake jumped with a startle. When he turned to look at me, his features relaxed significantly, but there was still some tension to them.

“So, did you get her to keep our secret?” Blake asked.

“Who’s the client?” I questioned.


“Who wanted to pay one million dollars for you to deliver me to them?”

Blake stood up, circling around the couch. He came to me, placing his hands on my shoulder. The look on his face said it all. I swatted away his hands, taking several generous paces backward.

“It’s him, isn’t it?”

“Brittany, I can explain.”

“Explain!? Did you really just say that!? You were going to sell me to my own fucking father,” I screamed.

“It’s not so simple, Brittany.”

“Oh my god, I’m going to be sick.”

“Brittany, please let me explain.”

Blake reached out to grab my arm. I was quick enough to slap it away. I didn’t care about hiding my tears, so I let them flow freely. Blake chased me, but I wasn’t letting him get his hands around me, not again.

When he reached out for me, I smacked as hard as I could. He stumbled back, and I fled to get Emily. My attempt to get away was short lived. Blake recovered quickly and easily wrapped his arms around my belly. He held me tightly, despite all my resistance.

“Let me fucking go you piece of shit!”

“Not until you calm down!”

I flailed about, trying to slink free of his grip, but it was as usual too tight for me to do anything. Biting down on my anger and pride, I tried to let myself calm down. The calmer I got, the more depressed I became. All this time my father had been plotting his revenge and I couldn’t see it. I wanted to lie down or curl into a ball just so I could cry my heart out. My foolishness may have cost me my freedom.

A hard stiff cock, twitching into my backside, snapped me out of my depression. I could feel Blake was struggling to control himself. Having held me like this after the interruption earlier set him off. Figuring I’d have to take one for the team to get Blake back to rational thinking, I slipped my hand behind me. With my hand on his cock, I gently rubbed where his shaft was.

When he moaned softly into my ear, I knew it was working. I couldn’t deny that my body was getting turned on by the power I was having over Blake right now. He may have been stronger, but with his dick in my hands he was like putty. Hopefully, this would be over quickly and I could get him back to normal.

“This is a bad idea, troublemaker.”

“I need you thinking straight, not thinking of my ass. So let’s get this over with,” I whispered.

Blake groaned as I gave him a gentle squeeze. Its effect was severely dampened with all the clothing in my way, but it did enough. Blake pushed me, bending me over the couch. In a swift motion, my skirt was lifted and my panties pulled down. He found my wet pussy and speared his full length into me. I yelped in a mix of surprise and pain, but Blake was primal.

Each thrust into me created a moan and scream mix with pleasured pain. I grit my teeth, trying to keep the pain in check. I thanked the stars when I felt his cock twitching inside my pussy. Just a bit further and I’d get the normal Blake back. With a final slam and painful spank to my ass, Blake shot his load into me.

I thought after a quick reprieve we’d finish the discussion of him selling me or my sister to my father, but he wasn’t down yet. Before I got a word out, Blake flipped me over and pushed me to my knees. I looked at him confused, his hand stroking his already hardened cock. It was slick with my juices and remnants of his cum still dripping out.

Opening my mouth to tell him no, he shoved himself in until my nose was pressed against his crotch. Blake guided my head up and down the length of his shaft. I was struggling to breathe. When I was bordering on passing out, Blake pulled out and stroked himself in front of my mouth.

I sputtered, trying to regain my breath. The moment I did, Blake forced his cock back inside and began face fucking me again. I was gagging on the engorged member filling my mouth. The worst part was, I had still been turned on and this was only making me more horny. I didn’t know when I started finding it hot to be forced like Blake was doing, but one of my hands slid down until my fingers could slide between my legs.

Combining the effort of my fingers, viciously assaulting my clit and fingering myself with that of Blake’s forcefulness, I felt myself quickly bordering the edge of an orgasm. I started swirling my tongue as best I could between his thrusts. I urged him on as I got closer, hoping we could orgasm in sync.

I was gifted with the chance as he squirted another load into my throat. I felt the warm salty fluids slide down my throat into my belly as my pussy clamped down on my fingers. One long moan was filling the air, a mix of his and mine, as we both reached that point of ecstasy.

Blake finally pulled himself loose of my lips, a dribble of cum dripping down my face. My hair felt like a mess, my makeup was most assuredly ruined, and I just fingered myself willingly as Blake fucked my mouth. What on Earth was happening to me? Was this natural order bullshit that was converting me away from my ideals?

“God, that was amazing, troublemaker.” I wiped the cum off my chin before looking up at him. I sported a look of resentment but hoped my eyes would convey the message I enjoyed our bonding moment.

“So, what are we doing about my father?”

“The boss is handling your contract. I just have to pay off the debt and you’re scot free. Only problem is, when our contract for you goes void, I’m sure your old man will send someone else after you. He instructed us to make it as humiliating as possible for you, but now, I think he’ll just handle that part himself.”

“That’s not very reassuring.”

“Brittany, you’re mine. I’m not letting him take you away from me.”

“Neither am I.” I turned, still on my knees, to find Emily angrily staring down Blake.

“Emily, when did you?” I asked.

“You’re noisy. That’s all I’m going to say, sis. I just came down to tell you this. I’ll keep your secret, Blake. But if anything happens to my sister, I’m holding you personally responsible and I’ll turn your ass over to the cops. Got it?” Emily barked.

“Yes, ma’am,” Blake answered.

“Then I’m going home. Let her call me more than once in a few weeks jackass.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at the backbone Emily was displaying. She strode out of the room, stomping her way to the door. Emily was definitely pissed, but I knew she wouldn’t turn Blake in without my consent. Hopefully, I could patch up our relationship once this whole situation blows over.
