Sunday Brunch Face Sitting [MF]

The summer between high school and college, my girlfriend (now wife) and I had been spending a lot of time sneaking around and exploring each others bodies. Even though we were both 18 our parents had strict rules about not allowing sleepovers or having the bedroom door closed when in each others company so we had to get creative.

Amy loves getting eaten out and before she showed me the proper way to go down on her, early in our relationship she often took the initiative to get things started. This specific time we had plans to have a brunch with her parents and extended family who was in town. At the time I didn’t have a car and often shared with my mom but she had left early in the morning to go somewhere and my dad refused to let me borrow his company car so Amy offered to pick me up.

Amy had a Corolla that her parents had passed down which had become riddled with scratches and small dents ever since Amy started driving it. This car had become our private, small and cramped hotel room on occasion. Its where she gave me my first blowjob, where I first fingered her and where she let me cum in her for the first time. The car was always a mess but it was one of our only slices of privacy and freedom.

This morning Amy decided she wanted us to check into our Corolla hotel before heading back to her parents to release some urges. Dressed in an over sized sweater that covered her short pajama shorts, Amy picked me up and started driving in the direction of our usual private hideaway on a road between our houses where we would meet up to get in a quickie. Amy smirked at me as we pulled down the secluded gravel drive that must have been some sort of power line access road as nobody ever drove down it. She pulled in between a few trees (that she had run into on more than one occasion) parking in our usual spot.

Amy moved quickly not wasting any minute and slipped off her pajama shorts before climbing over to straddle me in the passenger seat. The small cockpit of the car didn’t leave much room so she pushed back my seat setting it as far back as it could recline and undid my seatbelt. My hands squeezed her ass as my dick grew in my shorts. She was grinding against me while we made out briefly before climbing further up my body like a spider monkey.

The seat couldn’t recline fully flat due to the back seat, so my body was at a slight incline making me eye level to the bottom of the back passenger seat window. Amy didn’t care that it didn’t leave her much room and climbed up wrapping her thighs around my head until her pussy was inches from my mouth. With her back pushed up against the ceiling of the back seat, Amy lowered her pussy onto my face and slowly gyrated her hips.

I teased up her pussy as it pushed into my face and felt her ass cheeks clenching every time she gyrated. I couldn’t see Amys face due to her giant sweater covering my face but I began hearing her moan. My dick was aching pressing against my shorts but I focused on Amy knowing we didn’t have much time.

At some point Amys knee hit the button to the back seats window causing it to roll all the way down. Once this happened Amy paused and shifted her body back to allow for more room. She now had one leg hanging out the window with another off to the side of the back seat. With her arms now resting on my legs, she pushed her pussy back into my face.

The summer breeze blowing in from the window provided relief in the hot car while my head was surrounded by her radiating thighs. This new angle seemed to be working better for Amy as her moans and heavy panting became louder. I kept a steady flick of my tongue across her slit finishing each lick up on her clit.

Now rapidly bucking her hips, Amys body began to quiver starting with her legs. Her thighs closed tighter around my face and her arms began to shake resting on my legs. Amy clung onto my short pockets as she came nearly ripping them, then slowed her gyrating hips on my face. I kissed her puffy mound and teased her sensitive clit a few more times as she caught her breath.

My dick was still straining against my shorts but Amy said we had to go before her family got suspicious. She slipped back on her pajama shorts and wiped off the juicy mess her pussy had left around my mouth with the sleeve of her sweater.

With my breath smelling like pussy, Amys flushed red face and my dick popping up a tent in my khaki shorts, Amy drove us to her parents to have brunch. Her family never said anything but looking back I’m sure it was obvious we had made a stop before brunch to fool around.
