Locked Up [Cuckold] [Commission]

Hey everybody, Elliot here. This is a commission that I wrote up for a client recently. If you’d like to commission a piece of your own, you’re in luck! I’m open for commissions and I am a 100% limitless author. You dream it up and I will write it for you. If you’re interested, you can message me on Reddit or at [morrenwrites@gmail.com](mailto:morrenwrites@gmail.com). Without further ado, please enjoy!


Andy walked down the hall toward Liz’s locker. His bag was heavier than usual today, as he had her anniversary present packed in with all of his books. He started planning it a few weeks before senior year started. He would take her to her favorite spot by the river after school and then he’d give her the glass sculpture that he found in a secondhand shop a few months ago. It was beautiful, if a little dusty at first. The figure was an ice skater who looked just like Liz in the middle of a pirouette. After she made it to the state competition last winter and he saw how happy it made her, he was sure that it was the perfect gift. When he rounded the corner into the North hall, he didn’t see her anywhere. Andy was a bit confused, as they always met here after class to walk to lunch together. He walked further down the hall and heard her distinct laugh. When he got to the end of the hall, Andy found Liz standing with Matt at his locker, her hand on his shoulder.

“Oh! Andy, come here!”, she said excitedly. “Matt invited us to hang out with him and Ali at his place after school today, doesn’t that sound fun?”. Andy shifted his backpack, feeling the weight of her gift grow exponentially.

“I thought you wanted to go to the river?”, Andy said.

“I know, but we’ve been there a million times. Let’s go to Matt’s house and have fun!”, Liz said, spiritedly. Andy felt a lump in his throat, but he swallowed hard and pushed the thought away.

“Yeah, okay. We can do that”, Andy said a bit too nonchalantly.

“Sweet, meet me in the back parking lot after school. Oh, and Liz, don’t forget to watch out for those wet floor signs!”, Matt said as he and Liz both burst into laughter. Andy raised his eyebrow, confused by much of what was happening.

“What was that about?”, he said, somewhat defensively.

“Oh, it’s kind of an inside joke. Let’s go to lunch”, Liz said, turning to walk down the hall. Andy watched her round ass sway back and forth in the hall as they headed towards the cafeteria. Matt was a friend, but certainly not a close one. Why had she blown off their anniversary plans to hang out at his place? His mind began to tangle with different thoughts when they reached the lunchroom. Once they sat down with their food, Andy started telling Liz about the crazy thing that his calculus teacher had said that morning. Soon after he started his story, however, Liz pulled out her phone and started laughing at a text she had received.

“Who’s that?”, Andy asked.

“Oh, it’s just Matt being Matt”, she said dismissively. Andy didn’t say much else during lunch, and the couple headed off to their classes.

When school got out, Andy walked to the back parking lot to find Matt, Ali, and Liz all standing around Matt’s car. Before they noticed him approaching, he started to eavesdrop on their conversation.

“Are you sure about this? I feel so bad ignoring him”, Liz said, looking up at Matt.

“Trust me, you’re not gonna regret it”, Matt replied.

“Besides, it feels so good to change it up, he’ll totally understand”, Ali said, bouncing up and down on her heels, causing her chest to bounce up and down with her. Andy had no idea what they were talking about. It sounded like Liz wasn’t happy with him anymore, but he pressed on anyway. He rounded the corner and joined the group.

“There you are, slowpoke”, Ali teased. “Get in!”. The teens all loaded into the jeep with Matt and Liz upfront. Rock music blasted out through the radio as they rode down the highway towards Matt’s house. In the car, Ali caught Andy’s attention and winked at him. Confused, he looked around the car and then returned his gaze to Ali as she pulled her shirt down, nearly exposing her full chest to him. She giggled as his jaw dropped and then continued looking out as the scenery passed them by.

When the jeep pulled into the driveway, Matt hopped out and pointed up at the woodpile at the top of his slanted yard.

“Last one out has to get the wood!”, he chanted as Ali and Liz jumped out of the car, giggling. Andy sighed and started walking up the path without protest as the other three went into Matt’s house. It took him a few minutes to get to the woodpile and collect enough for a fire. As he headed back down towards the fire pit, he heard more uproarious laughter come from inside the house. Andy dumped the wood beside the fire pit and walked up the stairs of the deck, heading into Matt’s kitchen where the other teens had been gathering things for s’mores.


“Last one out has to get the wood!”, Matt chanted, knowing full well that Andy was too far in his own head to react. He watched for a moment as Andy shrugged his shoulders and started towards the firewood. Once Ali, Matt, and Liz were inside, Liz spoke up.

“I just don’t know Matt, you’re sure you heard Andy say that he wants to watch me have sex with someone else?”, she said apprehensively.

“I’m positive, I was right there when he said it. Besides, it isn’t that weird, sometimes people like to fantasize about being cheated on. The important thing is that you stay in character. If you make it too obvious that you’re just doing this for him, it’ll totally ruin it for him”, Matt assured her.

“Yeah, I did this with one of my boyfriends once, but I told him that I was just doing it because I knew he wanted me to. After that, he called the whole thing off and we ended up breaking up that week”, Ali added dramatically. Liz furrowed her brow, worried.

“I don’t want to ruin his fantasy… Okay, I’m in. What do we do next?”, Liz asked.

“When he comes in, Ali and I will go out to start the fire. You give him his anniversary present and tell him how much it would mean to you if he put it on right now. He has to know that you want this too, ya know, so you really have to sell it. Then, when he comes out of the bathroom, come out to the fire and sit next to me”, Matt said confidently. Liz was nervous, but she wanted to give Matt what he wanted. After spending the day with Matt, she was also getting excited for other reasons. She grabbed the box of graham crackers out of the cupboard and handed them to Ali as Andy walked in.

“Thanks, bud”, Matt said, slapping him hard on the back. Ali followed Matt out into the yard and Liz ran to the bathroom to retrieve her gift.

“Happy Anniversary, Andy!”, Liz cheered. Andy was caught off guard. Perhaps it was all in his head after all. His mind was put to ease for a moment, but then he saw the gift she had given him.

Cuck Cage Plus, for the submissive man in your life. The words were not nearly as shocking as the small metal cage within the plastic packaging. Andy thought back to what he had overheard Ali say to Liz earlier. Besides, it feels so good to change it up, he’ll totally understand. Was this what she meant? Was she trying to tell him that she wanted to sleep with other guys? A surge of feelings rose in Andy as he considered the prospect.

“You… want this?”, he said hesitantly. Matt’s voice echoed in her head.

“Oh yeah, I want it. Will you… put it on right now?”. Andy was shocked. She was usually a bit timid when it came to sex. For her to have been so bold, she must have really wanted it. He turned the cage over in his hand and inspected it.

“Okay”, Andy said. He was nervous as he walked into the bathroom. It took him some time to figure out how to put it on. What was even more curious was that he couldn’t find the “Remote operation unit” that the directions kept referencing. All he could do was put the cage around himself and closed it tight. With a click, the cage was locked. It wasn’t super uncomfortable except for the small prod that seemed to just out into his skin right behind his balls. He pulled his clothes back on and walked out of the bathroom somewhat awkwardly. Blushing, Andy forced a smile for Liz as he adjusted the uncomfortable cage.

“Let’s go hang out with everyone!”, Liz said, starting to enjoy the thought of Andy being caged. She walked out through the sliding glass doors and sat in the folding chair beside Matt. The fire was already starting to catch as Ali tossed a few more bundles of dry sticks onto the pyre. The four teens chatted about their classes and ranted about their least favorite teachers. As the sun began to set, though, the conversation turned a bit more intense.

“How about a game of truth or dare?”, Ali suggested. Everyone besides Andy jumped on board right away and Ali initiated the first turn. “Matt, truth or dare?”.

“Truth”, Matt said, pulling the tab to his drink until it cracked open with a satisfying pop.

“Okay, I got it. How big are you?”, Ali said in a sultry tone. Andy’s face flushed as his mind was drawn back to his caged member. He was embarrassed and somehow got the sense that everyone could tell.

“Eight and a half inches”, he replied confidently. Liz blushed hard as both her and Andy mentally compared Matt’s length to his own. Andy was certainly a few inches short which made him twitch in his cage. Liz started to imagine Matt’s manhood, wondering what kind of girth is normal for something that big. Her imagination ran wild with all of the things she’d been too nervous to think about until she was brought back to earth by Matt’s voice.

“Liz, truth or dare?”. Liz looked at Andy and thought for a moment. She wanted to pick dare so Andy could watch but she was too nervous.

“I’ll choose truth”, she said, certain that it was the safe bet.

“Okay, have you ever thought about having sex with me?”, Matt said, staring deeply into her eyes. Liz was caught completely off guard. Her mind was once again filled with images of him taking her right here in the yard and her face gave it away.

“Yes, yeah I have”, she said, her face beet red from embarrassment. Andy felt a painful sting in his heart as he followed her lead and imagined her and Matt together. However, he also felt the cage getting tighter as he grew more and more aroused. Why is this turning me on? I should be mad! He thought to himself. Liz was about to take her turn in the hopes that she could move on from this awkwardness but Ali cut her off.

“Do you want to have sex with Matt?”, she asked, feigning innocence. Inside, Liz was burning up as the thought of Matt inside of her turned her on more and more. She glanced at Andy and noticed him shifting in his chair. He does like it, she thought. With that sign of affirmation, she made a bold choice.

“Yeah, I do”, she said. Even Matt was caught off guard by her directness. The sexual tension in the air was growing more intense by the second. “Anyway, my turn to ask. Ali, truth or dare?”, Liz said.

“Dare”, Ali replied with a smirk.

“Give Andy a lap dance”, Liz said, trying her best to stay cool. Andy’s member was suddenly growing but was locked up by the cage. He had never felt this kind of sexual frustration before, and he knew it was about to get a lot worse. Ali stood up and took off her shirt. She was wearing a blue bra with lace around the edges and a pleated skirt. She made her way past Liz and turned around, sitting on Andy’s lap. She had wide hips and a slim waist, making her ass the perfect proportions. He could tell that she wasn’t wearing much under her skirt as her ass connected with his crotch. Ali felt the cage underneath her and started to gyrate her hips around and around to build up his frustration. Andy’s body was on fire as he grappled with Liz’s admission and now Ali’s curvy body as she spun herself around. Ali’s breasts were large and perky, blocking out his vision completely as she straddled his lap. She put her hand on the back of his head and pressed his face into her cleavage, giggling at his flustered reaction. She leaned back and kissed Andy on the cheek, winking as she got off of him. He was already pressing hard against the walls of the cage, ready to burst, when Ali announced that it was her turn.

“Matt, truth or dare?”.

“Dare”, he said, leaning forward.

“Let Liz give you a blowjob”. The sexual tension exploded as all eyes shifted to Liz. She looked around, desperately horny herself, and repeated that she was doing it for Andy over and over again in her head.

“Okay, let’s do it”, Liz said. She stood up and knelt in front of Matt’s chair. By the time she had put her hair up, he had already undone his shorts, allowing them to fall down to his ankles. Liz could see the outline of his manhood, a little underwhelmed. It was maybe five inches long, give or take, but nothing she couldn’t handle. Still, she pulled his boxers down and was hit by his musk. It was intoxicating, and she imagined what Andy’s face looked like right now. She grabbed the base of his cock and gently placed the tip into her mouth. With a swift motion, she took nearly half of it in without issue, swirling her tongue around the head. However, Liz started to feel it expanding in her mouth, she started to gag as it reached the back of her throat and she pulled her head off to reveal that he was actually even longer than he had said. Liz looked at Ali and held her forearm up next to his erection, noting their comparable size. She caught a glance at Andy and smiled, drool dripping down her lips, before she went back for more.

Andy couldn’t begin to process the swarm of feelings inside of him. He watched Matt grab a handful of Liz’s hair, pushing his cock deeper down her throat. She gasped for air when he finally let her go, slapping his drool covered tip against her face and smearing her makeup. Andy looked over to Ali in disbelief hoping to find some support. Instead, she turned and locked eyes with him as her hand drifted under her skirt. Ali turned her chair to face Andy so that he could see her light pink panties. Her hand was tucked under the elastic as she rubbed her clit, moaning in concert with the sound of Liz’s wet throat being filled. The fire crackled, causing Liz’s head to cast a shadow on the tree’s behind Matt as she deepthroated his entire length. When she came up for air, she pulled her shirt off and unhooked her bra, allowing her pert, C-cup breasts to bounce freely as she licked along the length of his shaft. Liz stopped for a moment and whispered something to Matt that Andy couldn’t hear. A second later, they had rotated slightly so that Andy could see his thick cock disappear down his girlfriend’s throat. Andy had never seen her like this, and he knew that she never looked at him the way she was looking at Matt. She had become ravenous, desperate, even, for his cock. Even Ali was staring at Matt’s impressive length and imagining the feeling of bottoming out on something so big.

Ali continued to pleasure herself while watching Andy squirm in his seat, too shocked to move a muscle. Finally, Ali was overwhelmed by the sight as she threw her head back in ecstasy, moaning loudly with the oncoming waves of her orgasm. She took a moment to collect herself as Liz continued to choke on Matt’s cock and then joined her on her knees in front of Matt. The two girls swirled their tongues around the tip, trading off between who would take his length down her throat and who would lick the remainder of his shaft. Matt knew that he wouldn’t last much longer with Ali now attending to him, so he pulled the remote out of his pocket. He held the small device up for Andy to see as he clicked a button on it. Instantly, the prod that was attached to the cage started to vibrate and stimulate Andy. He was so aroused and frustrated that it wasn’t long before even he was close. His body shook and convulsed as waves of half restricted pleasure rocketed through him. He was brought to the edge of orgasm, but suddenly the device stopped. From then on, it pulsed occasionally, keeping Andy on the edge without ever giving him the satisfaction. Matt returned his focus to the beautiful girls who were covered in his precum and their own drool. Liz took him deep into her mouth and Matt felt his orgasm building rapidly. He grabbed her head and forced his cock all the way down to the base, holding her head there until the last possible moment. He released her head just in time for her and Ali to share his hot, white, seed as he released it across both of their faces. Liz’s chest was covered and her face was coated in the thick ropes of cum. Matt took a moment to catch his breath before taking the remote in hand once again.

“Girls, look at Andy and smile”, he commanded as he pressed the large circular button on the remote. Andy was sent over the edge, but only just barely, ruining his orgasm as he came all over the inside of his pants. Ali and Liz giggled at the lewd faces he made while a wet spot formed on the outside of his shorts. Liz looked at her boyfriend and licked her lips, tasting Matt’s cum on her tongue. She had never been so turned on in her life, and now she needed more.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/j5grvd/locked_up_cuckold_commission

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