Freshman Couple’s Night Out

***Gang takes control of college couple.***

The evening had started out so promising. That’s all Trisha Waters could think when the nightmare had started to unfold. The freshman with a knockout body stood 5’2 with a petite figure, decently-sized breasts, and such an adorable face. Her raiment of long, luxuriant blonde hair fell halfway down to her waist. Her sun-kissed skin was the envy of many a pasty white girl too. Her most devastating asset, though? Those baby blue eyes, which, combined with her practiced bat of the eyelashes, often melted a guy’s heart when she really, really wanted something.

This was a big part of how she’d gotten her new boyfriend, Everett, to take her out bar-hopping with fake IDs the day before classes started, after everyone had settled into the dorms. It wasn’t hard, especially in a city like Detroit. Although the urban sprawl just reeked of decay, on the plus side, it also meant that there were many hole-in-the-wall bars that didn’t scrutinize IDs too carefully.

She and Everett had started out the night on a carefree note. They’d lowered their inhibitions a little…making out at the Last Call Café as a prelude to something heavier once they’d hit the bars. They’d only been dating for a week, so Trisha hadn’t done much with him. Over a drink or two they’d talked about the serious relationships in their past, and Trisha decided she really, really liked Everett. Trisha’s hope was that she would get to know Everett better tonight, but she got more than she bargained for. Much more.

It wasn’t until they began walking from the café to the nearest bar that things got dicey…and turned from dicey to something far worse.

Four gangbangers ambushed them as they walked down K Street – one huge black guy and three well-built Latino guys, all at least in their mid-20s. The 18-year-old couple suddenly found themselves facing four men with guns and knives. Everett was well built and had a six pack of muscle – but even he couldn’t stand up to that.

“Hey, what have we here? Looks like a sexy little slut putting out,” the black man said with a whistle. Malik was the tall black guy and leader of the gang. His ‘brothers’ were Herminio, Diego, and Vasquez. They were all wearing jeans and sleeveless white shirts. They looked like brawlers, and the tattoos snaking down their arms made it clear that they were hardened from living on the streets.

Everett clutched Trisha’s hand and upped their pace. He glared at the lead gang member though, his sense of honor not letting him completely let it go. That had been their first mistake. Seeing Everett’s glare, Malik moved to cut him off. He pulled out his piece, pointing it directly in the young man’s face. Trisha froze. ‘Oh god,’ she thought, ‘what’s he going to do?’

“Listen up, white boy. You and your girlfriend are gonna stay a while, just chill. We gonna give you the best hospitality this city has to offer.” The gang leader’s leering grin sent a chill down Trisha’s spine. She felt her boyfriend’s now clammy, sweaty hand around hers…[continue reading](


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