The Princesses in the Tower – Chapter 3, Part 5 – Roberta [Maledom] [Male supremacy] [Les][Spanking]

*Probably the last character added as POV*


My nose is no longer belonging on the face of Brunkow, who was born with it. I press it into Sylvia´s flesh, her soft belly, licking it shortly. She, thoroughly relaxed, raised up leg upwards and moved the bottom on sofa´s largest cushion, opening the victorious way. The pussy is trimmed, I gave it insatiable kiss. The long one! Sylvia sighed and I brought her juice to the crevice between breasts.

With a small regret I sticked my tongue whole just to the mouth of her own. Our figures met in the harmonical pairs. Lips on lips, tits on tits, mound in mound. At last, our hands touched, we booth crooked forefinger and straightened the thumb to make together the heart shape. Sylvia won our stupid wrestling, so she inserted two fingers to my vagina first. Up and down I squeezed my eyes in the marital satisfaction. I allowed her repeat it four times and then the pleasure wasn´t all mine, I reflected it upon her. We are fawns, enchanted by … Artemis (im)possibly. Pussy suggestions collide with my atheism.

“Ooooh, Sylvia, you are dirty kidnapper, you´ve caught me off guard and didn´t let me go! You need to be policed!” I slapped her left, right, left. “Don´t think for a moment you´ll stop with your master thrusts, desperado!”

Sylvia did as she was told and we entered “the contest”. Myself climaxing any second, I pulled one of the fingers out and I used my nail, side of it and the point on the ground of Sylvia´s thin bush. Ultimately, I have won and she started to sing, not ebbing away on her side. We were shouting one another down in a chorus of Sapphic coitus.

“Ladies… Each of you should be immortalised in my dollhouse!”

When copulating, look at your partner and pretend Martin is comical audiotape.

There are some things me and Sylvia are sticking out, here, among the heteras against their will. We are married – wife and wife. Those, who do know, became maximally envious of our preserved bond. One other lesbian in the Tower is single. Passionate love that many guys are oozing also assigned us with not so alienating form of Lovemaking. Martin watches. Ha can join, but so far he was touching just himself. We should have slowed down. We had our rears tracked by bigots, incensing countless people who haven´t seen their loved ones in weeks, homosexuality handing us free pass from the cock…Damn it, I´m the clever one in our marriage and I haven´t seen that coming. After arrest I wished to leave the corner we were driven into and frenetically asked for co-lector appointments. One reason to hate us is here four.

“Roberta, that is pigeon you are chewing. Nothing that ever milked and galloped on a meadow.”

Gina was dining effortlessly. She bared the skeleton on the two thirds and her diamond face have a chance to overfill, the teeth are done with a morsel in a split of a second. You should eat like that, but she isn´t some headmistress.

“I´m not pitying the animal, I see myself being roasted.”

“You could save Sylvia one day. She would leave her bits to all in need, so I and Lolle would eat her out of respect. Puritanically, Basma would crawfish from the food charity and go to bed without supper.”

Lolle, unable to speak, gave Gina high five. Sylvia smacked her lips in what I suspected was aversion. Pick up the brat by the ear!

Eh, the teacher keeps her quirks.

The Arab girl was nowhere to be found. The deal hampered her socializing among youngster miniskirts and I´ll sooner accept the Virgin birth before she´ll slip to the grander collection of the red toffees.

“She is one isolated little peach,” I finished my thought out loud.

“I heard we are in for new workshop mini-courses for Lovemaking,” Gina said. “And one of them is going to be belly dancing. She mustn´t refuse this time!”

Her ethnic joke improved the mood. I caught up with her in eating, determined to find out, how Basma is taking her obligations. On a walk from dining hall, I loitered uncommonly. I was a little dishonest to Sylvia whose hand I got a hold of, while peeping at Lolle´s bubble ass, compensating for short legs. Basma had welcomed us, not pleased she sees the queer quartet gain, but accustomed to it. I looked upon her medical books, more of them unsystematically opened at the same time. Literature of the other subjects must have had pages glued to the covers, fuck the cards with the return dates and exclamation marks.

“Did you enjoy smoke screened day, whipper-snapper?,” I asked her.

“Doctors are hacking me so much I want to boost my leukocytes to not fall into their clutches ill for the second time, Mrs. R.,” Basma said.

“Harsh words contained some useful Greek, I see… We´ll practice tomorrow afternoon. You´ll not have to talk, but I´ll send you the quiz.”

Basma nodded and thanked before lowering her eyes. She was embarrassed by her roommates changing and watching themselves too, being reminded what we are seeing. She felt better off going to brush her teeth.

Lolle wasn´t that seductive, snorting with her pug nose, so she became on-issue. If anything, I had to glance away from Gina´s figure and stayed fixated on Sylvia´s smaller bunch of hair. For a minute…What kind of secrets can we maintain?

“The nun saved her in more ways than one,” my spouse whispered.

“And her father,” I said. *”Let she sees his denailing.”* Mayson´s exact words.

“I´ll try to bite the dust,” Lolle shouted, uncaring of anyone´s feelings. “If I fail like her, they will pamper me, or they will turn my bastard of dad into pate!”

This wasn´t worthy of my response. Suicide attempts have been continuing across the Towers. A few of them unthwarted.

Washed up, Basma came from the bathroom and didn´t take off the outfit, until she was hidden by the blanket, another of her habits still intact.

“Good night. May you succeed, Ms. L.”

“Nobody´s talking to you!”

“Lolle, your repulsiveness was uncalled for!” Sylvia said. “And girl returned a favor,” Gina said. Basma pretended to sleep.

“Was I “wude”, teacher? Maybe I don´t like people with alleviations, Sylvia. Only thing I can be proud of here, will be my higher prize.”

“Teachers and pupils should have a place, where they mean more than ball-kicker.” Sylvia isn´t defenseless to the hypocrisy.

“To the beds!,” I commanded. “Sylvia, you will be dealt with. Lolle, don´t relieve yourself by teasing.”

I switched the lights off, glimpsing confidence in Lolle´s smirk. I wasn´t paying attention to Sylvia, on the contrary, I took a pleasure in tomorrow´s adamancy.

As the morning and wardens came, I used my occupation to postponement. I asked for me and Sylvia to be fifteen minutes alone, because of co-lector stuff. Roommates taken away, I dressed in the Homemaking outfit, but she stayed in her green and white stripes.

“Fetch me the hairbrush, dear!'”

Here I can sort out two women – Roberta Brunkow in person and her “better” half. Sylvia might be my wife, but next to me, I always seen her as sort of daughter. And I do know what to do with daughters.

She opened the table´s clipboard and handed me over black and heavy thing with a short handle supporting wide oval body. She had a sad face while I sat on the edge of a bed, but no back talking followed. I had her by my side and soon, over my lap. I had secured her waist with one arm and pressing the hairbrush a little to her cute butt. I practiced the authoritative relationship before it was cool.

She knew she was in trouble, I wasn´t losing any time by theatrics nor making it easy by warm-up. I turned the brush into purificator, as if blistering the shaking ass meant killing foul impulses of mind, roots of her misdeeds.

“Ouch, Oww-w I don´t deserve that muuuuch!”

The first twenty-five strokes in, she consciously dodged, as if she didn´t know my policy that while is struggling, I don´t actually count it. I locked her legs with mine and went harder. You go softer only when you want the lecture to be heard, not the smacking.

“You know everything about Achilles, Sylvia. How we say people and groups have his heel. Smack! Our weakest spot was always Basma and Lolle isn´t helping!” Smack! “Did you have to quarrelling like them?!” Smack!

“N-no, Ma´am!”

“Lazy answer!”


“Ouch… Roberta, I don´t like children being slandered!”

“We have no PTA meetings here! Somebody will tell her in person! And you offended Lolle as a sportswoman!”


“That must have come from my war with the coach Mary!”



“I will apologize! I should have remembered they are tougher on her!”

Now I had it out with her, panties are going down, the formal part is over. It would be more well-mannered if Sylvia did it herself, but she goes bananas and I won´t be giving the bottom chance to escape justice. One more inch further down the thighs and I can testify the buttocks are crimson, just not yet perfectly swollen.

I don´t mind making this hot baboon out of her. I was pounding asscheeks like cutlet, encouraged by Sylvia´s pleadings.

“You are deferring to me and here that means enduring what I do and not be provoked by grumblers.”

Three gentler smacks.

“I´m s-oo soorry. I should have been better than her.”

“You figured it out, dearie, we are done after this.”

And one last stroke, very hard, to remember that merciful Roberta has her limits and strict Roberta can return after any mischief.

“Owwwwww! Th-Thank you for punishing me, I´ll be good!”

Anything less would earn her twice as many smacks.

I don´t like it, but lesbian lady is a spectacle for straight guys. Something like bearded lady or snake woman for kids in circus. I´m predestined by my nature to be fetishized along with the love of my life.

Did I just… Give a boner to the security guys who were eavesdropping on us?

For obvious reasons, you have such worries when harassing your partner. It becomes non-issue when getting corporal makes your job easier like you always dreamt about it.

Martin had to wait in blissful hours I was wearing a white coat in likeness of Lindsey and clarifying how is our blood being filtered inside the kidneys. The primary lector sought for sense and order in some newly constructed cottage for, she was supposed to explain and initiate some chemical manufacturing.

I knew the girls deserved sympathy. I was just… Awed that they so quieter than those on liberal schools, when you are teaching with Lindsey´s forked prison strap pointing in two directions. Once some wannabe parrot disrupted the class and I took the revenge for years of stressful career.

That warranted a peace.

I have interrupted my lecture to ask those who looked like they are groping in the dark, but never about things Basma had to write about on her sheet. While I had my beck turned towards her, she was… Petting my side? I jumped away and l checked the pocket. There was her quiz… I was still mad and gave clout to the brat´s ear. Not just one pupil took a notice of mostly seculated Middle Eastern person. I thought it ended there and tried the fruitless question.

“Now, girls, are you dying to know some biological peculiarity?”

To my surprise, Basma raised her hand.

„Yes, Al-Yahya?”

“Fellow co-lector Mrs. R., do you have a biological explanation why would nature make somebody homosexual or bisexual?”

I couldn´t even locate all the shortly laughing ones. Basma´s impertinence was beyond compare, irresponsible return to square one.

“This reasoning is something we can never understand in the logic of blind watchmaker, but we can deduce some theoretical inferences. It could be model of crude population control. Assistants and good friends of mothers in the case of lesbianism. Or production of individuals helping people in the setting poor in opposite sex partners.”

Somebody else raised her hand, that incredibly fuckable Spaniard with long legs.

“Yes, Gutiérezz?”

“Fellow co-lector, the last thing you mentioned is probably the most important gift! We are not making this public as much as we should, but would we be without them… Without our willing substitutes for the boys.” She hugged red heir classmate on her left. “Sharona is my Miss Universe!“

Sharona covered her face with both palms, crushed by any reaction now. Be it gleeful gaiety or monosyllabic expressions of disbelief. The otherwise exemplary student Woodroof spoke without permission.

“Montserrat, you will bury the public face of ours!”

I have raised the taws. They had History after me, so instead of keeping the problematic kids overtime, I unlocked all four of them with one key, showed them door and left for the corridor followed.

“Sorry, I you couldn´t stay behind,” I told Sharona… Stonewall.

“And Gutiérezz, we have no English, but you should have mastered meaning of the word private by now.”

She might have been three year old, whose balloon burst.

“Fellow co-lector, sexuality is one of the points of my existence, that is stated in the Vows. We should discuss it like we discuss food or childcare.”

Basma muttered some words. Possibly Arabic, certainly derogatory.

“In that case, speak just about what you are doing, unless your lover is so “reformed” too…

Stonewell called Gutiérrez “goofy oddball” and stated: “No sex for two weeks!”

“You know what?,” said Gutiérezz. “I have wanted to ask Natalie for a long time.”

“Prettier than Trudy or Karen…”

“All Frisco girls are foxes.”

“Cock and pussy teasers!”

“Gutiérrez, the Lovemaking…Eerghh, the Lovemaking has lesbian course. They will be glad to see you and your friend fully prepared. Woodroof, what have you meant by “the public face” remark?”

The more normal pupil gave me a speech about upcoming holoshow and fantasy drama they shot together. Jesus, from this genre I remember only that Gollum is Lord of the rings…

“Al-Yahya, your vendetta hurt innocent bi´s!”

Basma rubbed her ear. “You were a brute, Mrs. L.”

Says the bully. I don´t think I am not going to make you pay.

“Al-Yahya, Gutiérrez, you will arrive in teacher´s lounge after dinner for the decision about your discipline by the co-lector board. Woodroof, I will be checking on your self-control.”

How I hate when they are choking back sobs, unable to admit their guilt, not seeing anything cleansing about their punishment to be.

Sylvia in the lounge, holding glass of juice, was wiser thanks to the each rightfully deserved stroke. . She offered me the Lovemaking outfit, but I have slowed down the industrious white hands and brought up the trial.

“Are we to prolong day for all co-lectors, because of two cases of two…”

“Ill-breds!,” I named them precisely for what they were. “Imprisoned or not, they are humans, but out of civilization… We can be only teachers, who care about their habits. So we´ll gather scary council and punish them in a way that simple thrashing pales in comparison!”

Sylvia turned on the hands-free. “As an errant wife, I will call people for you.”

The first demand fell on deaf ears. “Cabrera won´t come, she dislikes goody two-shoes preaching.” Second in the hierarchy – Ekström – agreed with the meeting and so did Ruby. Kaur and Harris were on the grounds, with Lindsay in fact. The tribunal will therefore consist of me as prosecutor, Ekström as judge, plus miniature jury of Sylvia and Ruby on her side.

Martin, passively randy as was his way, made us uncover solely our crotches, essential for 69 he had on mind. We did it, just not so ardently like when we were loafing around on weekends back in normal days. He was sitting in his bathrobe, and as a reward he gave us the doll from 3D printer, made in his image. He had two others, half-refined, on the window-sill. He might be exercising his hand by painting our faces when it doesn´t hurt. He kept meandering about one fantasy of his, us making out underwater and the record of such act became our homework.

I have returned to lounge only so I could change again. I saw other co-lectors when moving away. Ekström grandiose, the thoughts unreadable. They were saying the marathon winner is in all likehood not prisoner at all… The inmates are restricted by several layers of jailers and I have crowded in.

Ruby was cantering, nothing in her head to trouble her.

Warden followed me back to the dining room. I ran amok when we met another with Basma and no one else in the shadow.

“And where is Gutiérezz?!”

“She has connections, you know,” the whipper-snapper was sniggering when she handed me over message on the card.

*The person you have been prosecuting is a promising applicant for Loyalist program. Furthermore, her deed was mostly in compliance with the innovated morals. Please, think about the big picture.*

*Sincerely, Principal Daniel Mayson*

Bastards! Stupid hooker and the pen-pusher, both!

“You can be happy, Basma. Now we can concentrate on you!”

We reached the lounge soon, but the handle didn´t respond. No to me and not to wardens. Some raspy voice I have never heard discouraged us. “Nobody´s allowed, but Mayson and Arnolph. They have half an hour, or we kill the co-lector of choice.”

The photo was slipped to us below the door. Poor Sylvia bound to the chair and ballgaged, centered in the line of three, Ekström contemptuously attempting to hypnotize the photographer by arrogance, Ruby … Not comatose, but anemic, maybe hoping to pass out. I flipped the photo and found two signatures. Ursula P + Lolle M. “Ursula Pepper is one of my roommates,” said Cabrera, coming short of stomping arrival of armed women and men. “Criminal, transported here from the court. We did not like her very much and our recent initiation… It should have done what the judges haven´t finished. We screwed up.”

“And Lolle is my roommate.”

“Can you give us her profile?,” asked emerging security commander Victoria.

“She is smellier than skunk, has needles up her asshole, would go mad from revelation that she is not center of the cosmos.”

“She was Pepper´s recruiter,” Arnolph said, following Mayson here as requested. “Four more inmates are unaccounted for. Policewoman, firefighter, two professional wrestlers. All her buddies in the PE and the walks in the park. . They must be inside. Pepper has recently borrowed some Holy Submission requisites and she convinced her Lovemaking tutor to plays in warden uniform.”

“And she invited five friends?,” I asked. “Must have been some groupie.”

“They were ordering them separately. One we are sure about currently. Pepper has privilege is to consult other tutors. Her own was sleeping, something in his tea, we suppose. She “offered” extra classes for the conspirators and she had to show them security blindspots to change. Her entourage had to be switched in the process.”

“Do they have any weapons?“ That was sickening me, the picture of Sylvia, knife unguarded by idiot shredding the belly.

“I call them bluff,” Mayson said. “Unless they think the grip is all it takes to break the neck… Some of them are experienced in this area. I will go to see. No inmate should die in vain… What is she doing here?”

He flinged Basma by arm and evaluated every visible olive-flavored bit. She jerked noticeably in the elbow.

“The board was called because of her. I want her to stay, so she doesn´t lie around, but sees, what she caused!”

“That´s true,” agreed Cabrera. “Ursula must have got the idea, when Sylvia called the meeting.”

“If I hadn´t chance to defend myself, I haven´t caused it, Basma said.

Doesn´t play by the rules, but learned plenty loopholes to boasting about rights.

“You there!,” Mayson told one of the one of the wardens, who came with us originally. “Step aside, but make sure she doesn´t run. Mrs. Brunkow is right, we can handle the desert rat.”

Seeing the massive men with riffles, net throwers and some gas bombs, I would predict Pepper´s misfortune, crystal ball not needed.

“Apropos, do you have to stay here?,” Arphons asked.

Was Cruella her grandma? “I live to protect my wife and I won´t disappoint co-lectors!”

“Tell them, I´m here!,” Mayson said in extreme tension.

“We know,” creaked the voice that was surely belonging to Pepper. Somebody opened the door. It was Ruby. She had still bound wrists and ankles. For no obvious reason, also the steel necklace. Then the muscles of her neck wrinkled down under pressure.

“I had a girl, who was suffocated by specialized client and he owed me ever since. I´m not a lapdog, if l´ll snuff your livestock, not any more. You are deprived of some souls. Let me tell you, how to decrease that loss.”

My sadness and resulting anger couldn´t overcome the helplessness. What´s more, I understood the hate. On occasions I saw woman holding stick from necklace and she wasn´t Pepper. She stood unshaken, ready to slay and selflessly make a way for the insurgents. Joan reborn.

“Privileged have less advantages than they deserve,” the extortionist said. “We shouldn´t be auctioned at all. First demand is to give absolute liberty in the matters of husband or guardian choice. Second, all inmates want to have visitations, every single one. Third, we want also the non-privileged, chosen by inmates, to attend some Close fellowship assemblies.”

“You have a three hostages in not so large office,” ridiculed her Mayson. “And there´s about six of you. So, should I call Princeps, or should you search for red dots?”

“You are clever to ask. One of us, not telling who, has picked out the heir, and introduced The Slow Marauder into his bloodstream. ”

The small, translucent object rolled to us from the direction of Ruby´s feet.

The syringe.

“What´s funny is that I can´t tell you how much time he has. It could be five, six, or seven hours to the short Ebola field trip. It won´t be within the hour. We will reveal his identity once you will let us form strike committee of sorts, I´ll send you names soon. We will also need actual weapons, just to assure committee’s longer session.”

The door shut closed and civilians fell back.

Terrible suspicion engulfing in me, I have hissed on Basma.

“Did you give them the poison, bastard?!”

She “crazysmiled”.

“Mrs. R., anti-racism school rules have yet to be revoked.”

Warden holding her halted me, simple edge of traffic controller, left hand with brass knuckles.

Is she with them, is she??!! Basma has the means and the character…

Mayson, Arphons and Victoria sneaked away to the corridor´s turn.

“…during Homemaking, they could hide the syringe,” Victoria said. “Maybe they contaminated the food in which case, we wouldn´t even have sample of him. I´ll order to analyze their services.”

Mayson went into cataleptic “Yeah, yeah, yeah” mode, his future endangered by the multiple failures.

I left them to rescue operations.

Basma avoided eye contact with her unfavorite pedagogue. Hurt by accusations? Hurt by me siding against the insurgents? If so, she was never afraid about beloved. Instead, her sympathies lied where subjugated would place them under the usual circumstances.

“Ursula is the scum,” Cabrera said. “Suffocating people, that´s exactly what you never take you back on her. She doesn´t have to talk to make clear what would she do, if she could. Poisoning guy with such overkill shit, that´s her final skyrocketing.”

“Why to store that preparation here?”

The most subversive thing I ever said here.

Basma pulled my sleeve. I couldn´t believe how did the obstinate wryness melt into urgency to say something.

“Mrs. R., I didn´t do it, but they… That´s was what they were talking about!”

“Basma, cursed girl, what do you remember?”

“I have heard it just the last Friday. The head nurse was blowing out of proportions, how they can´t find one syringe that was missing after…. Testing of “Green´s dote”. Empty one!”

My breath was taken away. I was upset, never jolly, when retarded medics say “dote” in the sense “poison”, but it was overshadowed by the second part of substance´s title. Greens can live in any town and breed with Browns or Smiths. One comes to mind as the most probable contract owner.

Mayson is making bio-weaponry for the Prefect!

The third deduction manifested itself late, considering the utmost consequence. If the syringe was stolen empty, save to the drops, insurgents are short of one ace.

The warden wasn´t def or that dumb, we have found ourselves on the same page, in the gang of everyone in the hearing distance. Cabrera told Mayson´s group, of course… Rather to my displeasure. If convinced, they might not care about collateral damage.

“I still owe you some penalty, Basma. ”

She got it. I haven´t experienced her happy, but this time I saw her being remorseful, knowing she helped to doom Sylvia, if not just the first time, then ironically by exposing the con. I asked Mayson proactively on a midpoint.

“Send me to negotiate! They think they have upper hand, I can talk to Lolle and offer members of the committee in exchange for hostages.”

“They also want us arming them,” Mayson said. “As a result of my personal blessing. I´m not sending you to become traitor, much less stay there against your will.”

The door opened again, ballgagged Ruby trying to deliver the sheet of paper in freed hands. Mayson took it… And tore it in half.

“Incoming,” screamed that Joan. All three hostages wheezed and Lolle´s voice lashed out on the invisible party.

“Mrs. S.!”

Basma got to the lounge acrobatically. She fell forwards, but did not black out. Warden squatted and she jumped. . She leaped to space between wall and Mayson. The aiming men became disconcerted, but not so much like when she zipped inside in three seconds. I made my move, disingenuous in chasing her.

No regard to helter-skelter, I was, to puzzlement of my own, helping Ruby, playing tug-of-war for stick with Joan, whose wide forehead glistened sweating. I was holding up where I fought, while looking at Sylvia over and over. She and Ekström seated almost in corner. Their stranglers in the fake warden uniforms were watching anxiously the opposite side of the room, so I peeked eventually. Lolle and Basma were brawling two other women. One was sturdy and furious, the other with bloated face, strength coming from animal rage. The former has knocked Basma out in a five kicks and went… For me.

Since I was not going to loosen my hands on the stick, I strived to pull it out from Joan. I succeeded and Ruby escaped, but the sturdy kicked me in the groin.

On the ground, I sprained her legs. Riffle on the corridor rattled and Joan clutched her right knee, screaming in agony. Net-thrower ensnared the sturdy one. They are stepping in, I must not let Sylvia be harmed!

I went to hostages on the chair, hands up, picture of stranglers blurred by my tears. Oh, boy, this confrontation can´t compare!

“Abort!,” I cried. “Do you want this to go from bad to worse? They are cool with wasting lives, are you the same?”

The one strangling Ekström was full of doubts, she searched for clues in the expressions of her dispassionate comrade, unfortunately controlling Sylvia´s fate. The beloved hostage is eyeing me…

Doubting insurgent hurled me the stick, but I didn´t have to release Ekström. She throwed the ropes from her wrists down herself, unhooked the necklace from stick by the left hand and punched mouth of defector with the right fist. The rest of her was taken by muscled leg ending in her stomach. Ekström landed on Lolle´s opponent, beating her in unabashed fun.

By this point about seven full geared men entered the lounge and I had few seconds to disable Sylvia´s strangler, another broad-shouldered figure. I used advantage to attack her from the side. Even mere moments of bringing her closer to the wall gave the defenders chance to twist shovel-like limbs.

It was over. I unhooked Sylvia and removed the ballgag. She gasped for breath and I had to allow her that, despite I wanted my mouth on her like newlywed.

“Don´t arrest her she ´s with me!

That was Ekström talking. By the situation of person detained – about Lolle.

I was lucky to stay. Infirmary admitted two hostages, four insurgents and Basma. Wardens were out of the lounge and I was observing Mayson´s group interviewing Ekström and Lolle. The PE educator designated me as heroine of the day. Principal, spokeswoman, head of security and the first co-lector acted subordinate, but sour.

“I should have been informed,” complained Mayson.

“It was also test for you,” stated Ekström. “Prefect wanted your reactions to be monitored, the secondary objective in addition to purging the unsalvageable ones. Lolle knew Pepper had some shady friends. Have you still the paper pieces?”


“”Recover those names, there should be like 18 of them. Vent your rage as you please. ”

Vivtoria goggled.

“Brave plan. Given the risk for yourself.”

Ekström looked unjustly slighted. “I live in a risk and I believed Lolle keeps the hostages alive. Of course, she was supposed to “negotiate” and enable you to end the thing in phase two. She is crafty wench.”

“Also the new PE co-lector,” Lolle said, triumphant. “Roberta, we will work together and more than that! You know, you should stay here. I´ll go for the friend and we can have a toast to my promotion and to the victory achieved.”

I agreed, content with authorities being gratified. On my own, I was rather horrified Sylvia´s abuse, by the Lolle´s opportunism and by the garden of Prefect Green, extending beyond Mayson.

Lolle left me there for eternity. She returned in Gina´s company, middle sized silver box in her arms.

“Roberta, this will s… This will sound dope. I had no woman in a long time. Crap, I had no say whatsoever and I couldn´t eye you without chip on my shoulders, you know that. Our ranks matched and lessons learned, you can be nice to all your adult “´mates”.

Lolle has unbottoned shirt and no bra, her breast sare small, but provocative this way. And I visualized that behind so much that I lost the count. Gina came in fishnets and leather jacket, her Lovemaking must have been distinctive. These temptresses…

“Do I have to remind you something about myself, Lolle, or are you trying to ruin me?”

“I have asked Sylvia. She thinks I am entitled to a little tribute. ”

How could she say no to double agent´s pet?

“So, you want to go deeper with me? OK, we will go to the room…”

“No, right here! Security wants to make a video as a reward…”

And show it to their uncles?

“I won´t be defying their wishes either. You should know I´m bit of a reluctance freak. What if for round one I would lay back and Gina would hold my hands?”

They had no problems with my suggestions. I stripped down and used a table as a hard hammock. Gina grasped my wrists, actually making whole arms ache. Lolle opened the box. There she had prepared two dildos, one shaped like a regular phallus, green with rainbow flags drawn, the other was long, black and had a spikes. Lolle exchanged panties for more peaceful looking one and pushed the button for humming vibration. It also played the melody of The Star-Spangled banner. She climbed above me and I, in a jest, sticked my legs together.

“No, I won´t let you in! AAAAAOOOOWWW!”

I was screaming, because Gina was nibbling and then biting my fingers. Lolle tickled me, so I coughed and the legs snapped open spontaneously. Lolle put a lightning into me, there were no other words to describe it in. She was Zeus and I was … Every busted Greek legend heroine. No female mythology buff would like to be Hera.

“Gina, you bitch, let them go!” With loosened hands I slapped Lolle´s cheeks and molded them. There you are, mine, all mine… She kissed my neck, the softest moment before vibrating me monumental fiery climax!

Gina wouldn´t be cheated for, but we needed to rest and, in my case, loss the conscious guilt. Fortunately lounge had a lot of wine in a fridge. Three sets of drinks and the last remains of inhibitions were gone, along with much coordination, leaving enough for unlimited boning. Boning Unlimited, if you are looking for company name.

I buckled on the spiked dildo, knocked Gina and elicited a long squeal from her by single thrust that kicked me back! I lost notion of Lolle until I felt tongue on my ass, doing giant X


We had a few more combinations to try… Inflamed by alcohol, I made sure was never the fourth wheel. Then I slept and woke up. And slept. And woke up, assisted like paraplegic.

Half-nude Sylvia and one warden helped me to walk. My wife also discerned for me which of two beds I see isn´t the drunkards hallucinating She left me for a second to complement our uniformed sis. In the light from the corridor I saw her rear profile view, notable by the purple bottom.

“You should thrash me now.”

“No, that would be unnatural.”

She wanted to be my last joy of the hard day. We have fondled, the intoxication went away, replaced not by promise of hangover, but by affirmation of my most personal narcotic. Sight of no use, I decided to feel only the warmth of the wonderful person laying on me. Alarm and threats to traitors could be lullaby for all I care.
