Step Sister Corruption Part IV

Summer immediately ran up to my room leaving me in the dust. She got to my room and yelled down at me, “Where is it?”

I yelled up, “Where is what?”

Summer yelled down, “Your items?”

I got closer and said, “Hold on I’ll show you.”

I got into my room and saw Summer frantically looking around my room and heard her say, “I swear for a guy your room is cleaner than mine.”

I remembered seeing Summer’s room a few years back before we fully hit our teenage stride and remembered her room was immaculate. I mean her bed looked freshly maid. Her closet all her clothes were hanging and looked like they were freshly ironed. The clothes in her drawers looked freshly pressed and folded like you would see in a posh clothing store. Everything had a place and was in it’s place. It was kind of scary.

I retorted, “Coming from a girl who puts a marine to shame when it comes to cleanliness.”

Summer looked at me and smiled, “Yeah I like my room clean so I know when certain individuals try to snoop in my room I know.”

I rose my eyebrow, “A certain someone being your family.”

Summer smiled, “Or boyfriend or……” she trailed for a moment, “Or a re-occurring friends with benefit.”

I smiled, “So you would trust me alone in your room?”

Summer laughed, “Hell no but it’s nice to know you appreciate having a clean environment.” She rolled her hand, “So where is it?”

I sighed, bent down, and pulled 3 flat fabric containers roughly 6 inches high, 18 inches wide and 42 inches long. I unzipped the first to find all my electronic gear for when I go on travel. I quickly zipped that up and slid it back under the bed.

The second I unzipped and found the compartmentalized sections of all the products from Muschi ranging from pills to lotions and oil. I left that open for Summer to look through.

The third I unzipped and found all the toys mainly all the flesh sleeves individually wrapped in a micro fiber cloth with powder and lotion in their own compartments. Along with various cuffs and other items in their own compartments.

Summer looked at everything and squealed, “Jesus you’re a freak too.”

I laughed and said, “No these are just the items mom has gotten for me when I was in my experimental stage learning my body and all the items from Muschi mom has gotten for me.”

Summer looked at me, “I doubt your mom is that much of an enabler.”

I shrugged, “What can I say she told me it was better to know than stumble in the dark. A conversation I’d rather not get into thank you very much.”

Summer shrugged at my statement and went to looking at all the bottles and started reading the description on each bottle. She smiled and laughed at the bottle that read Nutters.

She held up the bottle and said, “Does this stuff work?”

I grabbed the bottle from her grasp and had to refresh my memory of what Nutters was. I read the bottle to see it read ‘Nutters The All Natural Nut Juice Flavor-er’.

I smiled and said, “No idea I haven’t had a girl when I first got this stuff and keep forgetting about it every time I do have a girlfriend.”

Summer grabbed the bottle and read out loud, “Nutter’s the all natural nut juice flavor-er. Just take 4 pills to start the flavoring process and in 4 hrs your nut juice will start tasting like the flavor. Flavoring will last up to 24 hrs. To continue taste take 3 pills every 12 hours after initial 4.”

Summer looked up at me and said, “Oh you will be taking this.” She looked down at the bottle and said, “But I’m not much for Cherry.” She bent down and replaced the bottle and pulled the next Nutters bottle to read the flavor, “Strawberry…no” she put the bottle back. She pulled the next, “Oooo Cinnabon. That could be interesting.” She put the bottle next to her and continued, “Mocha…no. Ewww grape. What the fuck there’s orange? Who wants their jizz to taste like orange.” She went through every Nutter bottle before keeping the Cinnabon bottle.

She tossed the bottle at me, “Here while we go through all this be a dear and take 4 pills.” Then her attention went back to the bottles.

She pulled out the next bottle and read the bottle. Her eyes got wide then a shit eating grin hit her face. She turned her attention to me and the bottle clearly visible.

The bottle she held up read ‘Gusher’s’ and I knew what bottle she held in her hands. I have tried Gusher’s and they are understating what that shit can do. Gusher’s if you use the recommended dosage it will increase your nut productivity multiple times over.

I tried it once and took the recommended dosage and within 6 hours my nuts started to do 2 things. 1. They felt much heavier then earlier. And 2 they started hurting because they needed release. It took me about 3 days and multiple jerk off sessions to where my nuts didn’t hurt anymore and they felt normal again.

That was when I was single.

I haven’t tried them since and kept forgetting about them every time I have a regular fuck.

She threw the bottle at me and said, “Take those too.”

She went back to the bottles and put them each back after she read the contents.

I made the comment and said, “I’m surprised you didn’t throw the Elongate pills.”

Summer pulled out the first lotion and said, “Your dick is big enough I don’t think you’ll need them unless you go limp for too long.” She looked at me and said, “All they are natural testosterone additives I doubt they add any real length.”

I laughed.

Her attention went back to the lotions and said out loud, “Oooo this one says it leaves a small film of mint on your dick. I bet that must taste good but probably burns.” Then she went to a bottle that wasn’t marked and held it up to the light showing that the liquid was a light blue liquid.

She looked at me and said, “What’s this?”

I looked at the bottle and racked my mind before I finally remembered what it was, “Oh that.”

She looked at me with anticipation. I continued, “It’s a weird mixture that essentially makes me ungodly horny and instantly gives me a raging boner.”

Summer smiled, “Yeah we’re going to need that.”

I looked at the items and said, “I take it you have some major plans?”

Summer laughed and said, “Well duh. Between our little oral sessions and my time with Kelly has made my pussy drip like crazy.”

She rummaged through the rest of the stuff, “Besides I have a few ideas with what we can do.” After she was satisfied with what she found she stood up and walked out of my room, “follow me. I have to show you what your sister has.”


We came back from upstairs long enough for the pills that Summer had me take begin to take affect. I felt my lower anatomy begin to feel a little bit heavier with a slight pain. Mainly in the sack area. The twins felt fuller than normal like any type of attention other than the fun stimulation will cause them to respond and give off pain.

Though I know the last time I gave myself relief was a few days ago it felt like a lot longer with the added benefit of a constant tease much like what is felt from getting the affluent attention only to be stifled.

We returned from our trip upstairs having Summer show me Kel’s collection of adult persuasion. Though for the most part Kel’s collection was roughly the same spectrum hers was much much larger in comparison.

She had toys, clothing, supplement, oils, liquids, gels, and a few other items. Like just her supplements alone covered all my items and I’m not afraid to admit all the stuff I have. Hell her clothing could easily replace her current closet of clothes and then some. It was just mind boggling to see how much Kel had. And she had it in various locations or at least that is what Summer knew about. She had supplements, some toys, and oils hiding under her bed. There were hidden locations in her closet with clothing. There were false drawers with more toys and lotions. Hidden bins in her closet that I originally thought were shoe props for all her shoes.

I was boggled by not only all the stuff she had but also impressed at the ingenuity of how exactly she had stuff hidden. Like I thought I had my stuff well-ly laid out and disguisedly hidden under my bed, but Kel simply blew me out of the water.

It must have cost a nice penny to get everything done like she had done which surprises me because she is like me…jobless. Well not REALLY jobless we do make a lot of videos that generally get a lot of hits which brings in revenue from our sponsors. And seeing how we generally have taken over the videos from our parents for the most part they have been paying us a nice allowance. And by allowance I mean enough to where we really don’t need to go out and get a job flipping burgers. Still must have cost Kel a lot of her hard earned money to put in all the hiding spots that she has.

I wonder how long it took her to do this and how she got it passed our parents without them noticing?

Once we entered the room we saw Kel sitting on the couch with her knees to her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs. As soon as I was able to get a full view of Kel her face was red and remained quiet.

We just stood in front of her and watched her squirm as we remained quiet. Finally after a few moments Kel broke the tension, “What?”

I smiled at her, “Damn sis you are a closet freak.”

Summer laughed hard at my comment. Kel’s eyes began to water and she spoke half cried, “It’s not my fault.”

I laughed with Summer trying to correct Kel’s reaction and knelt down. I put my hand on her knee and said, “Kel it is ok. But damn I had no idea.”

A tear rolled down her cheek and she half smiled, “So you’re not mad?”

I shook my head, “Why would I be mad?”

Another tear rolled down her cheek, “Because I was afraid you would be mad at me if you knew my true colors.”

I laughed whole heartily and said, “No I’m not mad. I’m curious though.”

She sniffled and said, “What’s that?”

I looked from Summer than back to Kel, “How in the hell did you get all that hiding equipment into your room?”

She looked at me kind of confused, “What equipment?”

I spoke, “The hidden compartment in the back of your closet, the hidden drawers under your shoes, the false drawers, all the hiding spots that you have hidden around your room.”

Kel wiped her chin from the tears that fell and shrugged, “Remember last year when you went to the west coast for those conventions for nearly two months?”

I nodded, “You mean when your dad took me to E3, Anime Expo, and Comic Con?”

She nodded, “Yeah that. A couple of weeks before you two left, I went to the same contractor and asked him if it was possible to do all that. Well after some plans and changes, he came while you two were gone and knocked down all the stuff inside the closet, added the false wall, built the cabinets, redid the closet to make it look fancy and added a lot of stuff. Cost me roughly nearly all the money I had saved at the time a little under $12,000.”

I looked at her, “So he did all that in a couple of weeks?”

She nodded. I looked at her incredulously, “Where was mom? She didn’t come with us?”

She looked at me confused, “Don’t you remember she went on that all expenses paid vacay on that cruise?”

I scratched my head and vaguely remember what she was talking about. I remember last year me and the step left for two weeks because E3 and Anime Expo were pretty much back to back. Then I remembered and snapped my fingers, “That’s right I forgot because the girls were at summer camp but I thought you went with her?”

She shook her head, “No I told mom I was going with Summer to,” she looked over to Summer,”Where was it that you went to last year with your fam?”

Summer thought about it and remembered, “The road trip to Niagara.”

Kel snapped her fingers, “Yeah that.”

I looked incredulously at Kel, “So you basically lied to mom and dad on your whereabouts?”

Kel looked at me like it shouldn’t surprise me, “What your mom was too excited to go on that cruise and when it turned out she was going alone she was even more excited. Dad was too focused on having fun at those conventions with you and didn’t know I had skipped on the cruise. None of them checked on each other aside from the occasional text. When I got a text I just said I was having a blast with Summer and no one was the wiser. When you all got back the work was done and I spent the night with a friend until Summer got back and came home with dirty clothes that I had prepacked in the car.”

Summer laughed, “You devious little bitch.”

Kel bowed to Summer, “Thank you.”

I thought about the whole series that took place. Dad did video chat with mom when she had signal but had resorted to texting her. He also texted Kel but I guess the texts were pretty vague. And he checked on our sisters at camp. And he only did that in between the conventions. When we were in convention mode he didn’t check on anyone just recording for his channel. At nights he would upload to his channel and then crash out.

I at the moment didn’t care and was pretty much doing the same. Recording for the channels. As soon as we got to the hotel I uploaded, showered, and was out.

When we got home we had the house to ourselves for roughly a day when mom and Kel got home. I had originally thought she was with mom but found out she was with Summer on her family’s vacation to up North. Mom asked Kel about Summer’s trip and she filled them in on everything. I guess she had photos from Summer that Summer had been sending them and never asked why Kel was not in one single picture thinking Kel had taken the photos.

So it was possible for Kel to disappear and get everything she said she had done without anyone the wiser.

When everyone was home Kel pretty much hogged the laundry machines and took a massive long fucking shower saying she needed to get the New Yorker smell out of her. I had thought her and Summer did something but come to find out it was all a ruse.

I even had to admit that she was cunning. Granted there were some holes in her plans and too many ‘ifs’ that if anything bad were to happen she would be in obvious shit. But it never happened.

Kel wiped the remaining tears from her face and looked at me and Summer, “So you’re not mad that I did that to you?”

Summer looked at me then back at Kel saying, “Na bitch we’re good. I was pissed you didn’t invite me to the cruise I was a little jealous but know that I know what you did I’m equally jealous of your closet.” She thought about it for a moment, “Think that contractor could do the same to my closet?”

Kel laughed and shrugged, “You can call him. I’ll give you his information.”

Then something got Kel’s attention. She stopped what she was doing and was blatantly looking down….at my crotch.

I followed her eye level and realized that I was supporting major wood. Then the pain hit.

Kel breathed heavy but still sounded semi disgusted, “Why do you have a fucking boner?”

I laughed trying to ignore the pain as I scratched my head, “Yeah about that Summer had me take some pills that mom got us.”

Summer snapped her fingers, “That reminds me.” As she put her hand in her pocket of her sweats and pulled out a hand full of pills. She handed the pills to Kel, “You need to take these.”

Kel looked at the proffered pills and looked up at Summer, “Why am I taking these?”

Summer winked and said, “Don’t worry I’m taking some too.”

With that Summer pulled from her other pocket and showed us the pills. Then in one swoop she swallowed all the pills.

Kel blinked, “What pills did you take?”

Summer shrugged, “Just take what I gave you. I plan on having some fun.”

Kel looked at the pills and at her friend before she shrugged and muttered, “Might as well go with the flow.”

I stood up and said to both girls, “Now if you shall excuse me I’m going to do something that will scar your mind Kel.”

And with that I ripped off my basketball shorts and boxers relieving the pressure of having my soldier confined.

What it was painful for him to be confined like he had been.

Kel nearly screamed, “What the fuck Gabe?”

Summer laughed, “Now were talking.”

I looked at Summer then at Kel and said, “Sorry it was getting painful having him confined.”

Kel held her hand over her eyes trying to keep her focus on my face not what was saying hello to both of them,

Summer laughed but was hungrily looking at my female pleaser.

Summer in a throaty voice asked, “Think Nutter’s is working yet?”

I grunted but still spoke, “Don’t think so it’s only been about 30 minutes or so since I took the stuff. Gusher’s is definitely working same thing with the blue lotion.”

Summer greedily looked at my wood that was nearly pointing up at her.

My dick had absorbed the lotion a gingerly applied to my dick and was now at full attention with my veins popping out of it ready to go to work.

Summer looked at Kel, “How long before the stuff we took takes effect?”

Kel shrugged still trying to not look at my dick and said, “Depends. What did we take?”

Summer smiled a shit eating grin and said, “Just some Niagara, Bimbo Crave, and Nympho Blend.”

Kel looked at Summer wide eyed, “Did you really just make me take those 3 together?”

Summer nodded and said, “Yes I did.”

Kel nearly stood up and looked ready like she was going to shout at her friend, “You’re kidding right?”

Summer shook her head.

Kel groaned before sighing in defeat.

Summer looked at Kel and said, “Well?”

Kel looked at Summer and said, “In about 45 minutes it’ll hit you.”

Kel groaned again and said, “Why did you give me Niagara? I can already squirt.”

Summer smiled, “Because I want you to give in to your inhibitions and not shy away from them.”

Kel groaned more and said, “But that’ll just make my pussy leak uncontrollably. And with Nympho my pussy will be demanding cock.”

Summer smiled with a shit eating grin and said, “Oh I know. I want you craving cock that you’ll let your walls down.”

She walked up to Kel and continued, “I want you to let your inner whore out and actually enjoy yourself.”

With that Summer kissed Kel fully on the lips.

Kel tried to protest to the kiss but within moments Kel stopped fighting and embraced her friend into the kiss.

Once Summer felt Kel embrace the kiss their tongues starting licking each other and Summer let her hand wonder. Her right instantly found Kel’s ass and grabbed ahold.

Kel moaned as Summer grabbed her ass.

Kel in turn grabbed Summer’s ass in which Summer moaned in Kel’s mouth.

It wasn’t long before they were fully embracing each other on the ground letting each other’s mouths explore one another.

I in the meantime just sat there stunned watching this.

I was torn.

On one hand I had this hot lesbian scene playing out in front of me begging me to join or at least start jerking myself off to what was happening.

On the other hand it was my fucking sister kissing another girl. And yes I understand Kel is my step sister. And yes I know she has no actual relations to me whatsoever so if we do fuck and something comes out of it nothing bad will happen.


Summer stopped what she was doing getting Kel all railed up.

Kel was panting when Summer got up and walked away.

Kel groaned and spoke softly, “Fucking tease.”

Summer turned her head and smiled at Kel, “Yes I am.”

She looked at me and walked up putting her finger on my chest, “And now for you.”

She lightly pushed forcing me to walk away until I hit the sofa and flopped down.

Summer smiled at me before looking down to see my standing soldier that made her smile more.

She looked over at Kel and said, “This is how you give a guy a blowjob. Watch.”

And with that Summer went down to her knees not giving me a kiss or anything to my upper body. She just went to her knees and put her hands on my legs forcing them apart.

She brought her face close to my dick letting her breath out and letting me feel her warm breath. She quickly started kissing my dick starting at the head and slowly starting working her way down the shaft.

She kissed each side of the shaft until she reached my now heavy orbs.

Summer didn’t hesitate as she kissed my nuts before putting one nut in her mouth lightly sucking on it.

This caused me to groan and lean my head back. I closed my eyes letting my mind tell me exactly what Summer was doing to my lower anatomy.

I then felt a hand lightly grasp my dick as I felt my second nut go into Summer’s mouth.

Then came the light stroking as both nuts went into Summer’s mouth. Her tongue lightly rolling my nuts in her mouth as she lightly sucked on them.

This caused another groan escape my mouth before I uttered, “Oh fuck.”

I opened my eyes looking up at the ceiling and in my periphery I noticed Kel had moved from her location as when I closed my eyes to a closer spot.

Kel was looking on watching Summer suck on my nuts as she lightly stroked my dick.

Summer stopped sucking letting my nuts fall out of mouth as she sucked on them one last time. Both nuts were now slick with her saliva and lightly slapped against my body letting me know exactly how full they were.

Kel was leaning further over the seat which her head was now laying on my chest so she could get a closer look.

I didn’t know it was Kel as I put my hand on her head and slowly lowered her head down thinking it was Summer.

Then something happened.

I felt two lips on my dick. One on the tip of my dick and the other kissing the bottom of my shaft.

That brought my head down to look as to what was going on.

My hand was on Kel’s head pushing down. Her body leaning over.

I froze.

I spoke, “Is that you Kel?”

She nodded with her lips wrapped around the head of my dick making it go side to side.

I spoke more, “And Summer you’re kissing my shaft?”

I got a deep kiss to my shaft in response.

I spoke again, “And why is your mouth on my dick Kel?”

She removed my dick from her mouth and said, “I wanted to get a closer look at Summer’s technique and you pushed my head down. As you pushed down your dick got closer to my face. I could either say something or open my mouth to oblige. So I obliged.”

My hand was still frozen.

I heard Summer speak, “Is that a problem?”

I cleared my throat, “I thought you were doing it to teach Kel. Not have Kel interact.”

Both girls, “And is that a problem?”

I thought about it and said fuck it. I can wash myself later and yell at myself in the mirror later.

For now I had 2 gorgeous girls with the mouths on my dick and no guy in their right mind would turn this opportunity down.

I answered by pushing Kel’s head down again.

Kel opened her mouth and once again the head of my dick was in Kel’s mouth.

Summer watched and saw my response.

I thought she would continue but instead I heard her speak.

Summer, “Good remember to lightly suck the head. Don’t put him all the way in your mouth just yet. Remember you want to tease.”

Kel started following Summer’s directions.

I just leaned my head back and enjoyed what was happening as my inner thoughts ran rampant.

Kel lightly sucked on the head of dick.

Summer, “Good. Now raise your head while sucking letting his head fall out of your mouth.”

Kel did as told. She sucked a little harder than I expected as she rose her head until a loud pop reverberated in the room as my dick fell out of her mouth.

Summer lightly chuckled as I grunted at the sudden suction and was no longer being sucked.

Summer quickly recovered and said, “Now start kissing his shaft.”

Kel moved my dick so she could start kissing my shaft.

She got down to the base.

Summer, “Now go back up his shaft lightly kissing and trailing your tongue along the shaft until you get to the head.”

Kel did as told.

I groaned.

Kel moved from the side and she now faced me.

Summer, “Now lightly grab his dick and kiss his nuts like I was doing.”

Kel did as told.

Summer, “Good. Remember if you suck on his nuts to be light and not let your teeth drag on them.”

Kel opened her mouth as one of my nuts went into her mouth.

Summer, “Good. Now lightly stroke his dick. Remember to give each nut the same attention.”

Kel released my nut and kissed my other nut before it disappeared in her mouth as she lightly stroked my dick.

Summer, “Good. Now lightly kiss his shaft again until you get to the head.”

Kel let my nut drop out of her mouth. She started kissing my dick starting at the bottom and kissing each side before moving up. She continued kissing and sucking each part of the shaft until her lips lightly kissed the tip.

Summer, “Now you can either repeat the process or see how far you can put that dick down your throat.”

Kel stopped and actually spoke, “How do I know when it’s a good time to stop kissing and start sucking?”

I heard Summer, “That depends on how much you want to tease. If you continue this process remember he could fire off early.”

I felt Kel nod.

Summer spoke, “How you doing up there Gabe?”

I groaned, “Just enjoying myself.”

Summer, “You not going to fire off any time soon?”

I groaned but still spoke, “I think I can handle some more teasing.”

I heard Summer chuckle before speaking to Kel, “There you go. If you want you can continue teasing or you can start sucking.”

Kel, “How do I know when it’s a good time.”

Summer, “That depends if you want to taste his cum or don’t.”

Kel, “Ok and how do I tell that?”

Summer, “I’ve noticed when the guy starts breathing rapidly that’s when he’s about to cum. But if you let go of his dick and see that it’s beginning to bounce erratically is another good sign.”

I couldn’t believe I was hearing this.

Summer was actually describing how a lot of guys act when they’re about to cum.

I actually had to think about this and remembered during one of my edging sessions that indeed when I was about to cum I tried to stop and let myself cool off. But I brought myself too close and as I let go my dick start bouncing uncontrollably before I started spewing cum all over my stomach.

Yeah that actually happened.

What other guys can’t tell me they haven’t done this.

Summer, “Have you ever tasted a guys cum?”

Kel sighed, “Only a couple of times?”

Summer, “And?”

I watched Kel shrug, “Couple of guys tasted funny but the five times I’ve tasted a guy it usually tasted nasty. I had to run to the bathroom to spit it out afraid I might throw up.”

The girls were talking like I was no longer around other than Kel’s hand on my dick.

My dick that was now slowly begin to soften but not by much. The only tell tale sign that most of my exciteness was beginning to disappear is the slow drop of pre-cum beginning to form on the tip of my penis.

I watched Summer look over at me and then down to what was forming on my dick. She smiled and looked at Kel, “Excuse me.”

With that Summer pushed Kel to the side as she leaned in and looked at the pre-cum forming. She looked up at me and without looking down she slowly let out her tongue and slowly licked the head of my dick starting at the bottom and across to gather the pre-cum.

With her reward on her tongue she slowly brought in her tongue. She kept her eyes on me as the pre-cum hit her taste buds.

She smacked her lips lightly as she rolled her tongue before her eyes looked off to the right trying to figure out the taste.

Kel watched in silence as Summer licked my dick and tasted my pre-cum.

Finally after what felt like an eternity Summer looked at us who waited to see what she would do next.

Summer smiled and said, “Lightly salty with a hint of Cinnabon.” She smiled, “And that was after….” she thought about the time lapse since I took the pills, “what 75 minutes?”

I shrugged and said, “Give or take yeah.”

Kel looked from Summer to me and back before saying, “Wait what pills did you take Gabe?”

Summer didn’t let me answer she simply answered on my behalf, “He took something to make his jizz taste good, cum a lot, and his bounce back is faster.”

I spoke, “Don’t forget about the lotion.”

Summer snapped her fingers, “Oh yeah. Forgot about that.”

Her head turned sideways before saying, “Wait I thought that was supposed to increase your horniness?”

I nodded, “It does just takes a while before it kicks in. It’s also supposed to increase stamina as well.”

I looked down at my dick, “As witnessed it survived two different techniques and didn’t fire off.”

Summer looked down and a wicked smile crossed her lips before looking up at me, “Wait was that the lotion or your normal stamina?”

I smiled, “You’ll have to go again to find out.”

Summer’s wicked smile didn’t falter.

Kel butted in, “So you’re telling me Gabe’s jizz is supposed to taste good.”

Summer nodded and said, “Don’t believe me just lightly stroke Gabe’s dick I’m sure it has a lot of pre-cum still in the shaft you’re holding.”

Kel looked over to realize that her hand indeed was still grasping my dick even though Summer had pushed her aside to lick my dick of it’s hypnotic fluid. Some how Kel had moved back and re-grasped my dick like it was her comfy blanket that she couldn’t let go of.

I watched as a war played in her eyes and her facial expressions displayed multiple expressions and emotions before she watched her hand mysteriously grip ever so slightly and lift milking my dick until a faint drop of pre-cum slowly form at the tip of my dick.

Kel watched as her hand go up and up making the clear viscous liquid become larger and larger until it threatened that it was too much to be held by the simple opening at the tip of my dick.

And without warning Kel leaned in and licked the large blob of the tip of my dick.

At first she gave a disgusted look. Both in surprise she actually licked the pre-cum off my dick though she had admitted that all the previous times she tasted a guys dick liquid taste disgusting. And from the fact that she had actually licked it off me…her step-brother.

She lightly smacked her lips like she was trying to decide what was invading her taste buds.

Then she blinked and she mouthed, “It does sort of taste like Cinnabon.”

Summer laughed, “Right.”

Kel looked from Summer to me, “But how?”

I shrugged, “Just some supplement that Muschi makes.”

Kel continued to smack her lips before stating, “If I knew about this product I would have had more guys take this product so I could actually enjoy going down on a guy.”

I blinked, “So you don’t like going down on guys?”

Kel shook her head.

I blinked again, “But what about all those times you boasted to me you’re THE head queen?”

Kel bowed her head and said, “I just didn’t want you to think that I was inexperienced.”

I blinked more and said, “Why would you want me to think you’re inexperienced?”

I watched her actually blush as her head continued to be bowed down, “Because……I don’t know.”

She looked up at me, “Are you mad?”

I smiled and shook my head, “No.”

I brought my hand down to Kel’s face and lightly lifted on her chin bringing her attention from whatever she was looking at to me.

Eventually Kel looked at me and I finally spoke, “You don’t have to play a big game or do anything to impress me. I just want you to be you and be honest. Nothing more nothing less. Do you understand?”

Kel thought about my words before she nodded.

I smiled at her, “Good now you can either let go of my dick or go back to what you were doing.”

Kel looked down and realized her hand was still grasped around my dick in the up position trying to make a new foreskin for my dick.

I watched Kel blush before finally releasing letting the skin snap back in place and my dick slouching forward to where my pee hole was in level with her eyes. Not going any softer but not getting harder until it got more attention.

Once again a slow drip of pre-cum slowly leaked out of my dick head.

Kel didn’t have a chance to make a decision because Summer leaned in and licked the fat blob of pre cum that formed pushing Kel out of the way.

Once Summer licked off my pre cum she grabbed a hold of my dick and milked another fat blob of pre cum that formed until it threatened to run down my dick.

She leaned in and licked the blob off. Instead of swallowing the liquid on her tongue she grabbed Kel by the back of the head and kissed her forcing her tongue into Kel’s mouth.

I watched my step sister and Summer kiss tongue lashing each other completely dumb founded and extremely turned on.

I watched as the two girls fondled each other kissing. Slowly stripping each other to nothing.

If my dick wasn’t hard it was definitely hard now.

Something in me snapped. Watching two girls make out and slowly strip to nothing made me want to fuck both girls.

Consequences be damned.

I watched as the girl’s fell and Kel was on top of Summer.

Summer slowly started guiding Kel and instructing her on what to do.

Within minutes Summer had instructed Kel to turn around and start eating Summer’s already glistening most pussy.

Watching the two girl’s taste each other was maddening.

Was I supposed to join?

I sure as hell wasn’t going to continue watching my dick could only get so erect.

And with all the pills Summer had me take my balls were threatening to do some serious bodily harm if I didn’t start unloading soon.



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