[MF] first love

After all these years, that phase of my life does feel like fantasy in a sense that it was too good for me. Like too fucking good to be true. For a guy in his late teens, nothing tops than having his sexual fantasy coming true and that was what this narration , though NSFW , is all about. I feel goose bumps recollecting and writing it down in all its dirty details and reliving the past. Now that only other person involved in the story is no more, I feel quite relaxed to share it openly.

I was in my last year of graduation and boy, it was tough. I was not a naturally gifted student. Though I studied hard and put maximum effort in my subject, I was somehow lagging behind the top section of my class. May be it was due to improper guidance or improper way of studying or may be something else which was holding me back from scoring high grades, like a guiding hand which can bring some sort of clarity in approaching the various subjects. With that in mind, I approached Miss M for private tuition during the summer holidays which she agreed, though reluctantly. But since I was a sincere student and my record from past year was solid, she agreed to take class for an hour everyday during the holidays to cover the full term of science subjects. This was pretty cool and I was excited to finally get an edge upon others since it was my dream to get through top college and only way to do it was by getting top rank.

I sacrificed my holiday plans and meticulously studied throughout the holidays which pleased Miss M very much. I was so focused on my studies that nothing else mattered at that time, not even her pleasant company. Now, Miss M was a bit of an enigma at the school and most of the students as well as staff did not know much about her personal life. I became probably the only one who was privy to share her personal space. Miss M was a pretty but no nonsense figure bordering on sullen and rough during her time as teacher in the school. But during her private time, I observed her as actively funny and quite accommodating. Perhaps it was because I kept to myself mostly and did not engage in anything else except study related stuff. She was a young, unmarried woman in her late thirties. She was neither voluptuous nor slim and wholly attractive dusky figure. She lived alone far from her home town and was regularly visited by her family . We did keep our classes very discreet , lest any gossip spoils her stay at the place and her well maintained personal life. Though I did fantasize about her in private, but during my time at her place I was picture of studiousness. Now that I think about it, I wonder how I was able to maintain my composure during those years when raging hormones dictated almost all of my classmates’ social activities. I recall many of my classmates engaging in hanky-pankies during school days but I was always absorbed in my studies especially during the final year. My friends used to tease me when I regularly avoided veiled invite from girls to parties and beyond. Some even joked about my sexual preferences and other innuendo but, that hardly bothered me. I was happy doing my stuff and did not give a fuck about what others thought of me.

Even after the school term started, I was a regular to her house but only during weekends where we used to go though whole week’s worth of materials and make plans for upcoming week. I thought this could go on as per plan but after two months things changed dramatically, for worse. I really don’t know what took over me, but somehow being in her company all this past months led to a severe form of infatuation which led to distraction from studies and led to a brief fall in grades. During this same period, she chided me for being lazy and inattentive which led me to slowly avoiding her and skipping the classes. At one point, I completely stopped going to her place. I was looking for a reaction, but the only reaction I received was cold shoulder. This led to anger and frustration and made me quite grumpy and sullen. This went on till end of the term. Fortunately I received very good grades during the end of the semester which was some sort of consolation. I kept to myself and was acting on single point agenda of securing high grades which was working and I was happy for it.

I still remember it was late Friday evening when the school got over and I almost bumped into her while rushing out of the lab. That brief moment when we our eyes met, we felt a sort of longing for earlier times. She smiled and enquired about me and the reason for not continuing the classes at her place. I replied honestly about our last class and how I felt when she scolded me earlier. Upon hearing that, she said she was sorry for reacting in such a manner. She also said that she had a great time with me earlier and missed my company and it would be nice to continue the sessions at her place. I was overjoyed to hear it and we decided to start again from upcoming Sunday.

When I reached there, she welcomed me with a smile. While I sat in the main room, she went inside her bed room. It took quite a while for her to come out. So, I was observing things around, sitting patiently. I saw a plastic pouch full of recently shaven bunch of hair lying on window sill. It looked disgusting and looked really out of place as if kept deliberately to catch my eye. But I kept to myself and minded my business and sat lazily on the dining chair resting my head on my palm but the sight of hair laden plastic pouch was very distracting. I thought of taking it up and throwing in the garbage bin, but again, thought it better to sit still minding my own business.

She came out after a while, and to my shock, was wearing a loose night gown, looking pretty lovely. I tried hard to put out dirty thoughts but the whole atmosphere suddenly became quite charged up. She sat on the table top very near me and asked me about recent study and other stuff while I was totally distracted by her appearance and that weird pouch. Finally, I blurted

“I think wind blew in some garbage from the window. Let me throw it off.”

She laughed “No, nothing has blown anything in. Window is shut, can’t you see? I have put the pouch there.”

“Why? Have you started shaving like us?”

“Don’t be silly. You don’t think I can grow a beard, do you?”

“Oh! Then it must belong to someone else. Any family member has moved in recently?”

“Ha, ha! No. It is mine, though not beard hair, you silly boy.”

“You don’t fool me. You have straight black hair and this bunch of curly brownish fluff does not look anything like it.”

“No, it is not. Of course. But who said it was from my locks?”

Then suddenly, I realized the sexual innuendo she intended. But I was in tricky situation. Never before we engaged ourselves about anything other than studies and though I have fantasized about her in private, never did I act out of place to raise a doubt about my intentions which were purely academic. Now, she was acting in erotic manner but one slip from my side and everything could go south; but my inner teenage horny guy was immensely delighted with her tone and wanted desperately to guide the situation to something similar to what happened in the movie “The graduate”. So, I just went along with it and took care not to say anything explicit and as act cool as possible.

I became certain that this was a bunch of her pubic hair. So, I replied in equally cryptic manner, “ I just guessed. How would I know ? I can only see your locks. It is long and beautiful but looks nothing like this bunch.”

“ Well, don’t you know women have hair in other parts of their body?”

“ I sure do.”

“ Then?”

“Then, what?”

“ I mean , you sounded very naïve when you assumed that it is my locks”

“ I know some women have quite a hairy legs. I really hope that is not the case here… ha, ha.”

She lifted her dress till her knees and shown her beautiful well shaped legs and placed them very near my chair. “ You can touch and see if it is my leg hair. Come on.”

This was definitely an invitation and a huge turn on. She noticed the change in me and brought her leg right next to me to feel them. I placed my hand on her shin and slowly caressed it. This was the first time I was touching someone of opposite sex in such a manner. Though I was sexually aware, due to porn , I was a totally inexperienced virgin.

“ Yes, ma’am. This is surely not your leg hair. In fact you have very attractive legs. I’m sorry that I hastily assumed otherwise. But I wonder where could this bunch of hair come from ??” I hoped this can lead the conversation to something delightfully naughty, which it did. She was flustered; I could see her face getting reddish; something like a nervous kid behaving before giving a public speech. She was trying to place her words properly, as I did. May be she was having similar thoughts about the while things.

“ Tell you what ,I’ll give you three chances to guess It correctly.”

“ That would be awesome”, I played along, “ How would I know if I have guessed it correctly?”

“ I’ll show you , like I showed my legs and you can check it “

This was something unexpected as well as a welcome chance. I had to proceed smartly. If I tell her that it is her pubic hair, the game would be over and she may or may not want to engage in this banter and I wanted so desperately to take this to satisfying conclusion.

“ Ok. My first guess is that it’s the hair on your chest.”

“ Oh, My. You are weird. You got to be kidding. Do you really think women have hairy chest like men?”

“ Ma’am. How do I know? I’m not aware of it. I’m making a good guess. If it is so, then tell me. Otherwise, let me check.”

Now she was getting shy and it was a sliver of chance before she would change her mind and ditch this game altogether. But to my glee, she went along with it. She slowly opened the front button of her dress to slightly reveal part of chest. But I was having none of it. “ Ma’am I said chest hair. You have to show your full chest to confirm if I’m wrong.”

Her face went red. I knew this sexual game was having desired effect on her too. She opened rest of her front buttons to reveal lovely pair of breasts. “ Here, check it yourself.” I slowly put my palm around her breasts and circled my fingers around her nipples, sometimes pressing them gently, which produced a sigh from her, and cupped them too. Finally telling her that it’s definitely not her chest hair. She was totally flushed and hurriedly buttoned up while looking over as if she was caught stealing and avoided looking at me directly in the eye. I complimented her on having such a fine pair of breasts and I was cheesy at best. I don’t think the words mattered at that time with both of us being so much turned on. I was leaking pre-cum in my pants and I was sure she was getting wet too.

Then I told her that it was most probably her arm-pit hair, to which , she laughed and raised her hands for me to examine them. She then told me that I had a last chance to guess it correctly. This was the moment when I needed to be at my sharpest best. One wrong utterance and it could ruin the moment and we would both lose a golden opportunity which may not be possible again. If I tell her that it is her pubic hair, she would say yes and the game would be over. If I say anything else, she would show me that I was wrong. I was in some real catch 22 situation. But that’s when I hit on an idea. Thankfully I was thinking with my brains and not with my dick.

So, I went ahead and said , “ Ma’am, this bunch of hair is from inside your vagina.”

She was taken aback by this blatant statement. It took her some moments to respond to my outrageous comment. But she wanted show that she was in control.

“Really ? How are you going look inside and check? “

“ No problem there, ma’am. I have a one eyed apparatus to look at the region inside your vagina. I can insert it to verify and with your permission, I would like to do so immediately.”

“ One eyes apparatus? What’s that?”

“It’s called penis. I hope you know that, don’t you?”

I said this with a straight face and in “star trek” voice. She gasped but regained her composure and told me to come to her bed. May be she was glad that I was playing this smartly and making things happen. I was surprised to have come up with such response.

She led me to her bedroom and lay down on her back and I stood near the bed.

“Have you used your apparatus already or is it the first time?”

“No, ma’am. This is the first time I’m going to use it, though I keep it in good shape with regular massage in my palm.”

This was hilarious and crazy talk leading both of us to peak of sexual frenzy.

“ Now, listen. After I lift my dress, slowly slide your apparatus inside to check for hair, Ok? No sudden push or anything like that. I have not had anything inside my vagina till now.”

She exhausted herself after saying this in hurried manner which confirmed that she desperately craved for sex while confessing that she was a virgin herself.

“ Ok, ma’am. I’ll be glad to follow your orders.”

She lifted up her gown and I saw a beautiful clean shaven pubic region. She must have been ready for this interaction in advance. This further turned me on and gave me full confidence when I realized that the woman I fantasized and desired was herself desiring me. I went down and gently kissed her there and pressed the cheeks as if I was carefully pressing ripened mango fruit taking care to apply only enough pressure to make her quiver with extreme pleasure. This was very delightful to watch and I continued doing so for few minutes.

Now, I gently took my penis in hand. It was sticky and gooey with pre-cum. I wonder how I held on this longer. This whole hot and crazy situation was making my penis throb like crazy. I was worried that I would reach climax as soon as first contact. I held it firmly at its base with my finger and thumb and placed it at the tip of vulva opening. She shuddered and moaned loudly. I could feel that she was quite wet and oozing sticky liquid from this crazy sexual talk. I placed my penis at the centre and touched her clitoral hood with other hand and gave a gentle pinch. She gave a sudden jerk which helped the top of my penis slide inside her. I felt a bit of popping inside her. She gave a small cry and tried to bend her hips backwards. I knew that she had experienced the penetration for the first tie and it had hurt her but I firmly held her from hips and tried to divert her mind from initial pain.

“ Well, ma’am. It seems you don’t want to let me look deeper inside your vagina with my apparatus anymore?”

But all that crazy talk was beyond her now.

“Fuck you, bastard. Take your dick out. I’m not playing this game anymore.”

In spite of all the foreplay, when it came to actual sex, I felt bad to see that it was causing her discomfort and while I was inside her, I had to make her feel relaxed and continue to comfort her with words and actions.

“Look, I don’t want to force myself on you, but believe me I’m being as gentle as I can. Please let me take over. You’ll be glad to have let it happen my way.”

I could see that she was relieved by my words and relaxed herself. I got on top of her. Parted her legs fully which widened the passage and pressed my penis gently on the opening while my other hand was busy squeezing the clitoral hood and probing the inner lobe with my little finger. This whole thing was getting way too hot for her. She removed her garment in one swift motion and there she was fully naked, breathing heavily, moaning in most sexual manner which seemed enough to make any one ejaculate from this simulation itself. Her breasts looked lovely like a fresh pair of mangoes which looked flushed red due to excitement and her nipples looked pointy and hard. Funnily, they resembled those erasers which come attached to end of pencils. Not too hard, neither too soft. I put one of them in my mouth and bit it lovingly with my teeth. She let out a squeak of delight. I kept on engaging in foreplay and simulated her body to almost orgasmic level when she finally begged me to penetrate her.

“ Please, please come inside me. I can’t bear this feeling anymore. I think something is about to burst inside me. Please, please…. Oh……oh….”

“ But you wanted to stop the game. Shall I stop it , dear?”

“ You bastard. After all this, you want to deny me. Fuck you. Please boy. Go deep. Fuck me and come inside me….O! God, I can’t bear this anymore..”

Now, I knew that she was right at the peak of her pleasure. I too kept the tip of my penis at her widened vaginal cheeks and gave a small push. She gasped and a small scream escaped her mouth but she did not stop me. She bit her lips and urged me to continue. This was very exciting. Her body was arched and almost begging for my thrust. I was not in good shape now. All this heavy foreplay had made me reach to point of climax. I knew that if I cum now, it would be over for us. So, Instead of blindly proceeding, which would have resulted in me reaching climax at that instant, I moved my body to and fro to give myself a moment to recite 1 to 100 in reverse order. This made me cool down a little and gave me control over my overly simulated penis. After few moment of doing so, I was in full control now. I pulled out my penis with a swift jerk and let it rest on her pelvis while I fingered her with one hand and squeezed her nipple with other. After few precious seconds, I inserted it again with little bit more force. I felt it slide deep down inside her nether regions which were sufficiently lubricated by my pre cum. It went inside smoothly and she engulfed my member completely. I repeated the thrusts and the feeling of sexual bliss was indescribable. She was quite relaxed by this time and enjoying my thrusts with equal trusts from her own. What’s more, she started the crazy banter one again.

“ Hey, do you see the hair inside my vagina with your one eyed dick?”

“Not, yet ma’am. I think I need to dig deeper.”

With that, I gave a big jerk and felt my whole member totally fill her nether region. I knew, that she felt a bit of pain, but this time she was feeling ecstatic and was about reach orgasm. I kept on thrusting my hip few more time after which I felt her shuddering and she dug her nails into my back.

“ I’m coming. Please don’t stop. Please..O! Oh! Oh!….. Oh my God! Please fuck me hard. Fuck me , fuck me….. please….”

I increased my pace and after a moment, she collapsed and let her arms and legs fall loose. I was about to reach climax too. I parted her legs and gave her few extra strong pushes and came heavily inside her with swifts spurts of semen. I could feel it gushing out of my balls and filling her completely. I was too exhausted and collapsed on her naked body.

I got up after few minutes and saw my penis slide out of her and it was smeared with soft reddish flecks. So, she was indeed right that it was her first time too. But contrary to what I have read about first sexual encounter ending up in disappointment, this was beyond measure a most pleasing and unimaginably awesome experience.

We both got up and cleaned ourselves in the bathroom and took a shower together. She was feeling shy now and was not looking at me straight in the eye. After wards, I talked to her freely.

Finally, she said,“ Look, please don’t let anyone know about whatever happened today. Please?”

“Ma’am, you can relax about it. Whatever happened today was in heat of the moment and I’m not going to take any advantage of you in future. I did not come here looking for sex but I want you to know that I have fantasized about you often. What we had today was result of our mutual cravings but if you are afraid that I’m going to compel you to repeat it later, don’t worry, I will not. Please understand that I’m not that kind of person. “

“Thank you. I just want you to know that I too have fantasized about you in the past but I was worried that if I act on my feelings towards you, it may ultimately lead to nothing but trouble. You are my student which can make our relationship awkward and this may lead to embarrassment and problems for both of us. So, I resisted , but these past few days, I could not resist my urges any longer. I longed you so much.”

“Ma’am, please don’t blame yourself. What ever happened today was beautiful. If it leads to something more, then please know that I’m looking forward to that future with you. Otherwise, whatever is your intention, I’ll be happy to comply.”

With that, I left her house and went back to my room. The later semester days were joyful and fun. I immersed myself in studies completely. We made sure no one else knew of our encounter at her place. I never visited her house after that incident and we never spoke to each other except in company of others. I finished my course with top rank and went on to graduate with science majors while she resigned from her job and went back to her city to live with her parents. Later I came to know that she got married and settled in another country altogether. I was happy for her. I never communicated with her in any form but kept track of her activities regularly via social media . She did the same. What we shared for that brief time was magical and we both wanted to preserve that moment till our last breath. I went on to find companionship with another girl, later during my job and married her. We are enjoying the marital bliss for more than four decade now, as I type this long, long pending “confession” which I hope, the reader enjoys as much as I have enjoyed recollecting it.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/j4y8ki/mf_first_love

1 comment

  1. This seems like it was written by an alien who had only third-hand descriptions of what dirty talk is.

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