How I met my first wife

***A true story when I was growing up with the neighbor hood kids***

This is another true story about how I met Debra and lusted over her big breasts years before I married her. I grew up in a rural community and the kids I grew up with were farmers. The first big tit’s I saw were on cows so when Debra appeared on the scene I was impressed.

Debra was a city girl and had a high opinion of herself often looking down on us country bumkins. Though she wouldn’t admit it her mom was one of us until she married and moved to the city. Joan was the older sister of the kids that I hung out with, she was a tomboy and had 5 brothers . She was able to get us to do whatever she wanted and always got her way when she was around us.

I liked Joan as she was always kind to me and pretty, she was the same age as me 15 . She was a skinny girl ,long brown hair,brown eyes but had no tits.In the summer she would always hang with her cousin Debra which gave us boys some time to get away from her.

We did a lot of exploring in the woods and even found a swimming hole where we could skinny dip in the hot weather and not get caught. In time we erected a cabin near it and started spending a lot more time there. There were times when Joan would join us also naked swimming and playing around in the sun to us she was one of the boys.

The first year we didn’t think much about her being naked with us but by the end of summer she started to develop tits. That’s when we started paying a bit more attention to her body causing our cocks to get erect. When she would leave of course our cocks would return to normal. Since we were around animals we knew that cocks were for breeding and we just didn’t understand why ours were getting hard when seeing Joan naked.

It was in the fall when I found my older brother’s stash of nudist magazine’s and brought a few to the camp. When it was rainy and cold we would all gather around looking at the pictures ,it wasn’t long our cocks would be hard.

We started comparing our cocks to the ones in the magazine and then to one another’s. Since I was the oldest mine was larger which drew more attention. When I had my first cum I was home but the next day I had to show the guys what it did. Soon they were all jacking off and slowly one by one finding out they could cum as well.

We seldom would touch one another’s cock just did things like who could shoot the first ,or the farthest ,but it was fun.When the next summer rolled around I was 16 and my hormones were raging . My interests were now focused on Joan and her budding body, although she liked hanging out with us she refused to skinny dip. She did seem to enjoy watching us boys run around naked even though the others were her brothers.

One day after swimming I sat down beside Joan and started making small talk as I looked over her body. Her breasts had grown larger and her slim frame and long legs started to get me hard. I tried to cover up but she noticed and whispered “why are you bigger than my brothers”.I was embarrassed but replied “because I like you,but I bet if you got naked theirs soon will get bigger”. then laughed .

Joan drew her legs up placing her chin on her knees , looked at her brothers then turned looking at me and then down to my cock. She then quietly said “no” looking back down to my cock,”if we can sneak away I will get naked for you though”and smiled.”I saw you guys jerking off once when I came up to the cabin “she said again putting her chin on her knees. She was looking at her brothers again then said “I saw you all squirt,I had to leave though cause I wet my pants or so I thought.

I could see Joan was getting embarrassed and her cheeks were getting red seeing all of our cocks on display. I tried to change the subject and asked her if she would like to go for a walk which she quickly said yes and stood up. She was standing in front of me as I slowly rose and slid my shorts on as she stared at my hard cock in front of her. I got my shirt and shoes on following her out through the woods.

Her parents owned a lot of land mostly farmland but the woods had a stream running through it that we knew well. There were trails we made everywhere but the trail Joan chose was heading to a small waterfall.After we were out of sight of her brothers she stopped “I miss skinny dipping with you. I know it is wrong to be naked in front of my brothers so I come up this trail by myself and get naked.

Would you like to walk naked with me”she said pulling her shirt off above her head.I followed suit and soon we were both naked standing in front of each other. My cock wasn’t completely hard but was gaining stiffness as I admired her small but firm breasts and almost bare pussy. She took my hand and we began walking and talking along the trail to the stream.

I was in heaven walking with such a perfect naked body like Joan,but when she stopped and turned to me I saw the devil in her eyes. She looked at my hard cock and asked “can I feel it” lowering her hand down. When I said yes she grabbed it firmly looking up and smiled “it is really hard “ she let out a moan and leaned her body against me.She lifted her head up looking into my eyes still holding tight to my cock acting like she wanted a kiss. So I gave her a kiss when I pulled my lips away she gave me a kiss that lasted longer.

She then let go of my cock fanning her face “I am hot lets go to the waterfall and cool off. Retaking my hand we walked even closer together to the stream where we both sat down in the water.”You have a beautiful body can I feel these “I said placing my hand just below her budding breasts,Shyly she said “Yes” taking a deep breath and shivered when my hand touched her nipple.I quickly pulled my hand back “did I hurt you “ I asked and immediately started to apologize.

Joan then began to tell me that it was the first time a boy has ever touched them. “It made me jump but you can feel them again if you want”she said moving my hand back up on her chest. This time she didn’t jump. She laid her head against my shoulder and let out a soft moan As I tenderly felt around on each one . After a few minutes she looked up at me “that makes my tushie tingle. You’re what “I asked “my tushie my you know this’ ‘ taking a hold of my hand placing it between her legs’ ‘my tushie”.

She then slid farther down away from me in the water and turned over on her belly looking up at me.She was floating ass up and fanning her legs “when I watched you and my brothers shooting your seeds it also made it tingle . Can you make it squirt for me “she said looking down at my cock”I want to see it up close”.

I grabbed my hard cock and began stroking slowly as her eyes widened and her mouth opened in awe.I was watching her tiny butt floating up and down and her tiny nipples harden. Joan was looking at my cock then into my eyes repeatedly as my stroking increased.She was smiling in anticipation of seeing it shoot and when creeping closer my first shot went over her head . A few more landed on her hair before she could move away. “Wow” was all she could say as the remainder of my cum landed in the water then dripped down my fingers….. [continue reading](
