“YOU’LL SEE”- a dance date!!

Shweta!! my senior in college, a sweet and calm girl; I was glad that I got connected with her in my first 3 months of training at the company I had joined as a program associate. It was a college-placement norm that seniors placed in corporates would align with final-years who are shortlisted for final rounds of interviews, and Shweta had helped me in understanding the demands of the role I was going to be interviewed for. Later that week, I sent a long thanking note, after phoning her, to give the good news.

In the first week at the office in Bangalore, I didn’t get to meet her at all, since she was working at her client’s office. The first week was boring since all my fellow-joinees were kind of over sincere and professional, while I was disappointed, having high expectations of fun in the new city (I was originally from Nagpur). And I had a break up with my girlfriend of two years, since she had travelled abroad for higher studies, we had both expected that to happen anyways since she wouldn’t be able to compromise on her career, and we both knew how well long distance works.

The next week, I met Shweta in the office, and she seemed quite happy to see me in a position like her a year ago. She was happy that I cleared all rounds with her guidance, and gave me a formal hug, and cheered me like a teacher does to kids when they get good marks/grades. I was like: “Shweta, please stop, I’m not a kid ok, everyone is watching”. “So what, I’m your senior, without me you would have had to join that stupid company haha, cheer up smart kid, ok ok come, sorry ok”…and she gave me a (real) hug, I could feel them haa!! That sparked a sensation, it was the first time I could feel something for a girl who’s older to me.

Shweta was a sincere girl in our college in Nagpur, classy style of dressing, never showing more than comfortable skin. She was a trained Bharatanatyam dancer; I remember her performances which always got good applause in college. And me being me, flirted with her whenever possible, at the same time maintaining that rapport of junior-senior. She laughed when I was in the mood for silly jokes, but was hesitant to think of real connection with me, since I was younger. But whenever I went a step ahead and asked her out for a coffee on weekends, her usual reply was “kids shouldn’t dare to flirt with mature women haha”.

And it was almost a month in bangalore, and my boy was getting disappointed for not making more moves. I nearly gave up on trying her furthermore when, one fine day, I came across her profile in tinder and saw her mention ‘daring and dancing’. So the next time when she shooed my invitation with ‘flirt with younger girls kid’, I challenged her to prove in person who’s younger and that she’ll lose the challenge if I impress her. As expected, she agreed to meet for coffee, only once though and that if she’s still not interested, I should never ask her out again.

I said, we’re not meeting in some coffee shop, we’re going for a dance; she was happy that she’ll get to dance for the first time in Bangalore. I said ‘but only on one condition, I want you to surprise me, Bangalore crowd is pretty hot hmmm’, and I winked knowing that she likes dares/challenges. She said fine, ‘you’ll see’. I was excited because, as per her profile pics and the way she spoke, she seemed to be a lil conservative with dressing, add to that her pretty pics with no peek of a lil skin at all.

And I asked her to come directly to this club in Koramangala at around 9 pm. I told I’ll be reaching in 15 min and asked her to wait for me at the bar counter, but I was actually hiding at the other end to just spy on her for fun.

She entered the club…Oh my oh my oh my…she was classy and sexy!! Bangalore has had its effect on her for sure!!

Shiny (silver) halter neck backless top and an almost black lil-above-knee skirt with a casual pattern!! I could see everyone (men and women alike) catch a glimpse of her while she walked towards the bar counter, she walked in a classy style, showing her beauty. I waited for like 10 minutes, and could see a few guys rush to get something from the bar counter, obviously to have a close look at her and probably strike a conversation, but in vain. And then, I went and said ‘hi gorgeous’, she hit me on my shoulder and said ‘shut up Sameer, naughty kid’. And what caught my attention was her dress selection, she was totally different from what I expected. I could see adorable but short cleavage and a very tiny portion of her side-breasts when she moved her hands, I could die then and there, she was class apart from the girls I’ve been with. She was class in her dressing, like those ‘I know how and how much to show’ kind.

She teased me: “are you ok, looks like you’re surprised with the crowd at this club”, and I had to give her thumbs up: “Shweta, you’re class apart and sexy too” and I winked. She again hit me “again you started flirting, youuuu”. I asked “what would you like to have, breezer or beer, or you’re going to surprise me with rum or whiskey??”. “You’ll see, lets get some beer first” she said, and I’m like- “oh my, she said ‘you’ll see’, so this too is going to be exciting. So we talked about everything, how she felt about Bangalore, where all she’d been, what all she tried, etc. And when we almost finished our beers, she asked the bar man for some liquor shots, and I was shocked, never I tried such things like shots, heard about tequila before though. Upon having the shots, I asked another round of beer, and she followed with her order, and this time 3 shots each, and I’m like “Shweta, you’re crazy, you’re a wild girl haan”. “YOU’LL SEE”, and she took me to the dance floor- she was winning this. I was amazed at her, like real fun to be with her. But now, I had to do something to win the game and get her.

The moment we were on the dance floor she showed her moves (wild at dance). We both could sense all eyes upon us (her rather), I pulled her close and started moving and grabbed her waist and said “you’re so beautiful Shweta”. I could see her blushing and so took it as a welcoming signal and played along, got a lil finger-touchy at the open portion al round her waist and whispered in her ears “you hide lot of things about yourself Shweta, I know”, and Shweta replies “and you won’t get to know haha”. “Aaha, you know whom you’re challenging?”- saying this I moved my hands to feel her back a lil, she didn’t say anything, so I felt up her entire back, man I must tell, it was so amazing, though only for 10 seconds and she kept my hands making me hold her at her hips. I explored there and could get a sense where exactly her panty was, and came close to her like I’m saying something. She responded by giving an ear, I whispered “I’m sure you’d taste delicious” and licked her ear a bit. Before she could react, I caught hold of her panty strap, pulled and released to hurt a lil. Shocked, Shweta turned around (probably to hide her expressions from me). I eased a bit not knowing whether to continue, and then she searched for my hands starting from my shoulders while she was in front of me, in a kind-of-grinding position but not really grinding. So I hold her waist while she’s dancing, realising she’s trapped for my touch, loving being seduced on the dance floor.

I wanted to see how far she’s liking me, and ease her to take out a cigarette to light. She snatched the lighter, teases me, and then lights the cigarette for me while staring at me in a seductive fashion- now, I have a thing for gals and smoking, JUST LOVE gals who smoke or who don’t but are absolutely fine with me smoking in their presence!! Then, I try being naughty by smoking on her face, she hides herself in my chest and says “lets go to some corner”- I ridicule her “haha, Shweta is shy haa, what happened to the wild one, I’m not done here, let’s show some of the wild one out here alright…ok how about here…” saying this I bring her to a corner while she’s still clinging to me.

Once at the corner, she pulls me by my corner and says “you’re still a kid only”. “Oh is it!!”- and I slide my hand to explore under her skirt (damn soft thighs haa) at the side away from the crowd. (Shweta’s skirt was of such silky-soft material, the one which can be just crumbled in your palm but will take its original form once freed). As I gradually felt her thighs, Shweta offered her lips to be kissed. Now this was our moment, she knew that there are guys and gals equally stunned by her beauty, watching us and we kissed like mad, me grabbing her neck and she pulling my hair while pushing my head to dig into her. I can’t forget the way she pulled me back, once we stopped kissing, to try swallowing my lips.

“LET’S GO SAMEER, out somewhere”- she says, knowing that she’s mine I tease her “are you sure, someone thinks I’m a kid haa, but I could be quite harmful?!”. Shweta looks into my eyes and places my hands, behind over her skirt, and while I feel her larger melons, she pulls me and whispers “I decided much before IDIOT (love the way she calls me an idiot), do that to any gal with consent and she’ll fall for you forever YOU NAUGHTY KIDDDDDD”. I was like “what are you talking about gal”…”the way you did that with my innerwear ” she tells me. I was loving this, my method did work- “say what the innerwear was Shweta” I commanded…”YOU’RE PATHETIC SAMEER, my panty ok, let’s go now you fucker!!!”.

“You’ve to earn it gal, get me a beer from the bar, WRAPPED IN YOUR PANTY DAME!!”-I said while squeezing those melons under her skirt, then immediately turned her around and pushed her towards the bar. She looked back while walking and gave that smile to die for, this soft Shweta who was so reserved till a day ago….

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/j4m6t5/youll_see_a_dance_date

1 comment

  1. Hey all…took a pack of cigarettes to write this faaackin experience of mine, would really appreciate any kind of feedback, cheers!!

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