Step Sister Corruption Part I

Author’s note:

Please be aware this is a story of complete fiction. All characters are completely made up and over the age of 18.

Comment if you want to read more.


Step Sister Corruption Part I


I awoke feeling completely dazed and confused…and for good reason…I got kicked out of bed.

I turned my head to the offender who kicked me out of bed…a swaying girl who had her mascara running down her cheeks from the obvious crying she has been doing.

I looked at the girl, “What the fuck Kelly?”

Kelly, who stood a whopping foot shorter than me, retorted to my comment, “What is it with you fucking men?”

Now I’m confused. Us men?

I guess I should give some back story.

Kelly and I have known each other since the age of 4 when her dad and my mom started seeing each other. Then at age 6 they married each other and Kelly and I became step siblings.

My mom is a youtube/instagram star in her youth and had various contracts/sponsors to where she lived modestly.

Then she met my dad having multiple dates eventually giving him what he wanted….her. Once my mom became pregnant with me he bolted.

At first she said she was devastated and gained a load of weight once having me.

Not knowing who my father was my mom was forced to raise me alone trying to maintain our new living requirements with her channels that she had.

When her sponsors threatened to drop her because she had became overweight and losing subscribers she turned to the internet.

My mom quickly found Kelly’s dad who was also a youtube caster as well as both a huge gamer, one of his youtube channels, and a little bit of a fitness nut, another youtube channel he maintains.

My mom watched Kelly’s dad when she realized she was putting on a little too much weight and kind of freaked out and hit the gym.

She started doing the workouts from Kelly’s dad’s videos referring to them and his nutrition. Soon she started losing weight referring to his videos as Thanks and regaining her subscriber’s along with a slew of new subscribers. And securing her sponsors.

After she dropped the weight she constantly recorded her workouts posted them on her channel showing females can work out from home giving shout outs to Kelly’s dad referring to his videos.

Kelly’s dad noticed the videos and references to his channel and in turn linked his videos to her’s showing that anyone can do it.

Then they started collaborating together planning and posting videos together always Skyping each other in their collaboration.

Then Kelly’s dad invited my mom to his channel for a work out video that both linked to once they realized they were in the same city. Then they went out. Then they got married.

That whole time took about 3 years to transpire.

When Kelly and I were introduced it was when we were about 4 years old after my mom and Kelly’s dad were seeing each other for about 9 months to a year, I don’t remember the exact timeline.

Then they got us together for a play date to see how us children would behave with each other. Once it looked like us children were getting along is when our parents started getting serious.

Kelly and I were only months apart from our date of births. Her being 3 months my senior.

When we were 5 they moved in with each other.

At 6 they married each other. Kelly and I became step siblings.

At age 7 we hated each other and fought like typical siblings.

At age 8 we welcomed our new sister, Samantha.

At age 9 we welcomed another new sister, Jasmine.

At age 10 Kelly and I became good friends with each other and helped raise our sisters.

At age 11 we moved from our now small house to a big country home on the out skirts of town. Once we moved into the house we did a lot of remodeling to the house.

At age 12 we build a new building mainly for dad and mom’s studio so they can do their videos. Also Kelly was visited by the puberty fairy and she learned the beginnings of womanhood.

At age 13 I had my first wet dream and the beginnings of puberty hit me.

At age 14 Kelly started to join her dad on his fitness channel working out and showing how fitness can benefit girls at a young age and working out because she was quote unquote was putting on weight.

At age 15 I hit my growth spurt and sky rocketed from 5′ nothing to 6′. Kelly had a growth spurt as well but it was on her chest. That and all the working out was starting to show. I also noticed a puberty growth but that’s in my pants.

At age 16 Kelly is full time doing videos with her dad and she was starting to be completely ripped. I have started doing videos with my step on his video game channel as well as doing fitness videos. And unbeknownst to our rents both of us have started our string of quote casual flings unquote. Not with each other mind you. I want to be very clear on that.

At age 17 we finally finished fully remodeled the basement to be the family entertainment quarters and finally fully remodeled the attic to be my and Kelly’s bedrooms after 2 years of remodeling.

The reason why it took two years was because mom and dad first had to find the right contractor to do all the work then went through various blue print redesigns.

Then had to have both city, county, and state to approve redesigns. Then they had to get all the right permits once again from city, county and state because apparently the land the building sit on some of the city controls some crosses two different county’s and the state.

Sometimes the permits would expire and they had to re go through that process. Then the inspectors had to come through at each stage because we were messing with both the foundation in the basement and because the attic was being changing into actual living quarters there was more things that needed to be checked off more than normal.

Plus they were remodeling the other bathrooms as well.

Then it became only able to do ‘xyz’ on this check. Next month we could get ‘xyz’ done with that check.

For two years we were living pay check to pay check. Kind of annoying for the process to take as long as it did.

I was kind of sad to see my original room go but I upgraded to a larger room. Same for Kelly. Honestly it was our’s parents safety feature of not sneaking in and out without being noticed.

Kelly also hit another growth spurt but it was an all around growth spurt. She jumped 4 inches in height making her now 5’6″ and the other spurt made her throw away all her current bras because they no longer fit. Essentially she had to get a whole new wardrobe.

I also hit another growth spurt jumping to 6’6″ and had to throw away my boxers they’re a little too snug in the crotch department. That and none of my clothes exactly fit anymore. I am just hope I’m done growing.

And here we are shortly a couple of months shy of me turning 19. Full circle me on the ground confused and Kelly standing over me with her mascara running down her face.

I looked up at Kelly and said the first thing that came to my mind, “Huh?”

Sue me I wasn’t exactly firing on all cylinders I was asleep for pete’s sake.

Kelly flopped down on my bed and started crying. In between sobs she got out, “I’m sorry Gabe I didn’t mean to direct my anger towards you.” Before she started sobbing again.

I sat up from the ground seeing how I was so rudely kicked out of bed by a hormonal teenage female called my step sister.

Once I sat up that’s when I noticed what exactly what Kelly was wearing. She was wearing this tight one piece that cut off shortly above mid thigh and conformed to her curves covering from thigh to collar bone. The zipper in the front stopped around mid chest and I wondered two things. One, how was it holding at her chest without breaking and two the zipper went all the way down I wondered where it stopped. She had thigh high boots where there was about two inches where the boots stopped and the one piece started.

The only thing that kept my mind from calling the outfit bondage gear was the full length coat that she still had on.

I knew I went to bed around 10ish at night I looked at my cell to see it read 1:27am. Before I went to bed I knew Kelly was in her room at least I thought she was.

So it was obvious that she had snuck out and went somewhere.

I finally spoke intelligently, “Where did you go?”

She sobbed, “To Ben Rosen’s party.”

I nodded my head. I knew about the party but wasn’t invited and really didn’t feel like crashing. Besides the party scene is not for me. I’m not much for large crowds.

I didn’t say anything I just let her cry. I knew Kelly. She would tell me once she was done crying.

After what felt like a long awkward moment that shouldn’t have lasted as long as it has already, she finally got herself under control before speaking again, “You’re not asking anything?”

I shrugged, “I figured you’d tell me seeing how you kicked me out of bed.”

She blushed a little bit and shied away and said, “Sorry again. I just got so mad. I spent an hour to get all dolled up hiding in my room. Then I had to wait until what felt like mom and dad were finally asleep. Then I had to tip toe through the house and put my boots on outside where it was cold as shit. Then drive all the way to meet up with Kevin and what do I get for all my preparation? Kevin in bed with another girl.”

Kevin was Kelly’s latest “fling”. Though I will admit Kevin has lasted longer than Kelly’s normal fling rotation. I call them flings because they don’t last long enough for me to remember the new boyfriend’s name.

I will admit I have my flings but that’s because I’m not dating and the girl that I am currently having a fling with understands it’s a fling. Actually my current fling is more of a friends with benefit because soon I’ll be heading off to college or starting a life. I haven’t made up my mind yet but I digress.

I finally spoke, “What is it with you and guys?”

Kelly cried harder and I instantly felt bad. I was about to get up but then I suddenly realized the sheet I took with me on my flight to the ground was the only thing covering me up. Instead I put my hand on her knee and looked at her, “It’ll be ok not all guys are jerks.”

She sobbed, “I’m done with boys.” I lightly chuckled and she instantly glared daggers at me. I retorted, “Coming from the girl who confessed that she loves dick.”

That statement made her break and actually smile. I continued, “So just hit the weights hard for the next couple of days like you normally do until you forget his name and then find your next,” I quoted her using my fingers, “lover”.”

Kelly bowed her head, “Your right Gabe.” She wiped her nose along her coat sleeve and smirked, “I’m sorry I kicked you out of bed but I was just so angry.”

I nodded, “What is it that you do that gets these guys to run for the hills so quickly?”

That made her start tearing up again but she blurted out, “I don’t know.” She fell out from sitting on my bed and into my arms crying on my shoulder.

I lightly padded her back trying to not focus that my step sister is in my arms….while I’m in my birthday suit. The only thing separating us is her clothes and my sheet.

I still said, “It’s ok.” And threw in some “dry your tears.”

She sniffled and said, “Do you mind if I sleep in your bed so I don’t feel so alone?”

I laughed, “Don’t you think you’re a little old for coddling?”

She looked at me, “But I’m hurting and I could really use it.”

I sighed, “Fine just turn around so I can put on something.”

Kelly pulled away and slowly looked down in that moment I saw something in her eyes like there was various levels of conflict going through her head.

I cleared my throat and that shook her thinking and she looked back up at me. I smiled and said, “Do you mind?”

She lightly gasped, “Sorry” before turning beat red and turning around.

I laid down and reached to where I threw my boxers on top of my dirty clothes pile then threw them on while the sheet still covered me. I caught Kelly in mid act slightly turn her head trying to catch a glimpse but she quickly went back to being turned around.

While she was turned around I do have to admit I did look at her ass and noticed that the zipper went from front to back stopping a few inches above her ass. Maybe that’s why she turned her head to see if I was checking out her ass?

I stood up once the boxers were on and lightly tapped Kelly holding up my sheet, “Help me fix the bed before we go to sleep.”

Kelly nodded.

Took us roughly 5 minutes to remake my bed. I was surprised Kelly didn’t go back into her room to change but she just took off her coat and boots to reveal she had on those stockings that everyone thinks is sexy.

I just commented, “You’re not going to go change?”

Kelly shook her head, “Na I’m too tired.”

So we laid in bed and I turned off the light.

Within minutes we were asleep. Actually Kelly turned on her side facing away from me. I heard her unzip her outfit, lift her leg, and heard a distinctive ‘slurp’ and a resounding ‘thud’ before she put her leg down rezipping and turned around to cuddle me.

I was too confused trying to figure out what exactly Kelly did before sleep took me over.


A few days had passed since the ‘rude awakening’ incident.

In that time, Kelly took my suggestion to heart and had hit the gym….hard. In the small amount of time she had already created 9 videos for her dad to upload to his workout channel…which is staggering for her. Normally Kelly helps create maybe 2 or 3 videos a week not 9.

But this type of behavior from Kelly isn’t exactly out of the bizarre, every time Kelly loses some guy she goes into over drive on something until she finds her next ‘man meal’.

I walked out of the house to a glorious peaceful morning and breathed in the morning air. I stretched and enjoyed the serene scene, being surrounded by thick forest, chirping of birds, the morning crisp coldness, and the light dew.

The house was empty, parents were out of town for a few days, little sisters were still at summer camp for a couple more weeks until summer was over and they would have to be back at school. Kelly and I were done with the main school system only thing left was college or get a real job.

Kelly had chosen to attend the local community college to get her general education taken care of until she figures out what to do next. And to be honest I was thinking of doing the same thing.

It was just me at the house with Kelly being in town at the gym.

I almost walked out in the buff but I knew better. Knowing my luck Kelly would return before I had a chance to go put on clothes, parents might come home early, or something stupid would happen. I was already pushing my luck with the current level of quietness. I can’t tell you how many times I was about to do ‘x’ situation and something happened…so why try something.

As if on queue anticipating my need for tranquility, in comes a loud girl pop distorting music instantly killing the calm vibe going on seconds before a plain white sedan pulled up.

The vehicle stops and I can see all sorts of girly decorations inside the vehicle. The driver gets out standing roughly 5’4″, weighing in the range of 110ish lbs, mid back length brown hair completely messed up with a hat on, wearing a tight girl hoodie zipped up and gym style leggings showing off her curves. The driver being 19 year old Summer Prior a long time friend of both Kelly and myself.

Summer grew up with both of us and remained friends with Kelly and myself since the age of 5. Though Summer has been more of an inseparable friend to Kelly than myself.

I think Summer complimented Kelly. Kelly had the bust, though I always think she’s a wizard to make people think she’s a lot smaller bust than she actually is. Kelly had 34 DDD/E breasts depending on the brand, I knew that because I accidentally found some of her current bras during one of my weekly chores of doing laundry, to Summer’s noticeable big C small D.

Kelly works out so much her muscles are defined while she’s relaxed where as Summer has to flex in order for her muscles to show.

All in all Summer I think looks more like how a female should look whereas Kelly looks like a body builder but I understand why Kelly looks how she does is because she eats like shit.

Kelly is a complete junkatarian but she keeps it under control…some what.

Summer however, at least every time I’ve seen her, she eats healthy eating small healthy meals all the time.

Then there’s the personalities.

Kelly thinks like a girl having boys on her mind when food or exercise doesn’t occupy her mind. I will admit that’s not all that is on Kelly’s mind but those 3 items are at the front of her mind most of the time.

I’m just happy she isn’t a girly girl who needs weekly mani pedi’s, always has to have pink, or any of that other girly girl shit that pisses off most guys. Nor is she some complete tom boy.

Kelly is kind of well rounded girl though I will admit she’s more foul mouthed than a girl would be.

Then there’s Summer who like Kelly thinks about boys, food, and exercise. Though I think Summer loves using innuendos to tease the living shit out of people…or at least she uses them towards me to tease the living shit out of me.

I’ve had to take more than one cold shower whenever Summer comes over for a visit.

Summer saw me and smiled, “Hey handsome. How’s it going?”

I shrugged, “Was just enjoying the morning. Where’s Kelly? I thought she went with you to the gym?”

Summer turned around and pointed her chin towards her car to show me a slowly exiting Kelly from the passenger side of the vehicle.

I instantly laughed, “What happened to you Kelly?”

Kelly closed the door on the vehicle and slowly walked around the vehicle like someone shoved a broom up her.

Kelly grumbled but stated, “I think I pushed myself a little too hard on legs today.” She looked over at Summer, “Can you help me walk please?”

Summer quickly rounded the vehicle and gave Kelly her support. Kelly quickly put her arm around Summer and pretty much unloaded all her weight on Summer. Yet they still walked up to me.

Once they got to the foundation Kelly looked and teared up, “Ah stairs my old nemesis.”

Summer instantly laughed and looked up at me, “Can you help your sister while I go grab my bags?”

I rose my eyebrow at Summer, “Bags?”

Kelly quickly interjected, “Yeah bags. Summer is staying with us for a few days while her parents are out of town. I already cleared it with mom and dad. Now can you help me?”

I sighed and walked down to Kelly before I threw her over my shoulder before grunting, “Damn Kelly you need to lose some weight.”

Kelly yelled at me, “I weigh 126lbs ass.” She pushed herself away from my rear and said, “And you better not fart.”

I watched Summer laugh as she walked towards her trunk hearing us banter like siblings do. Even if we’re step siblings we still act like your typical bickering siblings.


I dropped Kelly off in her room and went down to the basement into the home theater room. I sat down in one of the lay-z-boy style seats that my step father had installed.

I must have watched an episode of my favorite anime while thinking about the next line of videos that I’m going to do on both the video game channel seeing how I took that over a couple of years ago though my step dad does all the day to day operations including lighting and setup, and the videos I have to do on his work out channel.

I heard someone come into the theater room. I turned around to see Summer. Once again she smiled at me and said, “What you watching good looking?” I grunted, “Just watching my anime.”

Summer plopped down next to me on the long sectional the only thing separating us was the arm rests on both, “Cool.”

I noticed she had changed and made the comment, “Feel better now that you changed?”

Summer laughed, “Yeah glad I’m no longer drenched in sweat trust me it’s not fun being wet down stairs from exercise instead of legsercise.”

I chuckled, “I could see how that’s a problem.” Then I looked around expecting Kelly to follow in shortly behind Summer and said, “Where’s Kelly?”

She scoffed, “She’s in the tub on the second floor letting her muscles relax.”

I laughed, “Yeah she’s been hitting the gym hard since what’s his name.”

She breathed out loud, “Yeah she told me fuck stick cheated on her. What does that make guy number 17?”

I shrugged, “No earthly idea. Just wish I knew why so many don’t last. Do you?”

Summer thought for a moment and looked at me, “Honestly I have no idea. She always tells me he wasn’t worth her time.”

I looked at her, “She didn’t tell you she found what’s his face was in bed with another girl?”

Summer shook her head, “Nope just that it was over and no longer worth her time.”

I scratched my chin, “Well shit it would be nice to know why exactly it keeps happening. I guess if we could find out maybe we could help her. I love Kelly and all but the last thing I want for her is to get some type of disease because she opened herself up one too many times. I’d rather see her happy instead of a mess most of the time.”

Summer lightly chuckled, “At least it is helping her stay in shape.”

I chuckled with her. Then I looked at her, “Say do you mind helping me with Kelly’s predicament?”

Summer leaned in closely and whispered, “What do I get out of it?”

I smiled, “Come on don’t you want to help your friend?”

She just looked at me, “Normally I would do it because she’s my friend. But you’re asking me to help you help Kelly. What do I get out of helping you?”

I laughed, “Come on we,” I pointed towards her and myself, “as friends should help her out.”

She shook her head and pointed to herself, “Friend.” And pointed towards me, “Brother.”

I frowned, “What’s your point?”

She smiled, “I have never seen a brother help his sister with her extra curricular activities usually it’s out of sight out of mind. The only time they step in is when their sister is hurting and track down the guy. I’ve never seen a brother actually take the time to find out the problem. So why should I help her brother?”

I smiled, “Good deed?”

She shook her head, “I understand you want to go beyond and help. But asking her friend to help her brother with his sister’s personal business. That’s outside of the friendship agreement.”

I thought about it, “You’re complicating it.”

She smiled, “Still haven’t answered what I get out it.”

I gulped, “What do you want?”

She leaned in getting extremely close to me and lightly gliding her fingers along my lower anatomy while at the same time whispering in my ear, “I’m sure we could come to some sort of agreement.” She lightly sniffed my neck and spoke, “You always smell so good it’s hard to keep my hands off you.”

I gulped again and turned to actually face her, “How about we each lay out what we want then we can agree?”

Summer leaned back and pulled the zipper to her hoodie half way down showing me her bare skin, “How about you and me become an item?”

I thought about it and saw all the benefits from being in a relationship with Summer.

I ran my fingers through my hair, “I don’t know. I value your friendship and don’t think I could handle losing you as a friend.”

Summer pouted, “So you’re putting me in the friend zone?”

I smiled, “I’m serious you and I have been friends since we were little kids. I would hate to lose it in case it went bad.”

She pulled the zipper down lower showing me her cleavage, “How about we stay friends but with benefits?”

I scratched my chin and added, “No strings?”

She nodded, “No strings.”

I added, “The moment it becomes weird we stop it.”

She nodded.

I looked at her, “And if feelings get in the way?”

She leaned forward, “Would that be a bad thing?”

I sighed, “Benefits. But we remain friends.”

She pouted for a minute teasing me but eventually she held out her hand, “Remain as friends but with benefits.”

I reached out and shook her hand before I kissed her full on the lips.

I watched her go all surprised I kissed her but within moments she closed her eyes and enjoyed us kissing.

I pulled away, “Deal.”

Summer kept her eyes closed for a moment longer savoring the kiss before she fluttered her eyes open, “As long as your dick does as good as that kiss then it’s a deal.”

I laughed, “So now I need to try out for benefits?”

She scoffed, “Hell yeah you better dick me down good. You’re on a trial period, my friend, if you turned down my relationship offer. I don’t make that offer lightly.”

I looked at her concerned, “And if I don’t?”

She smiled, “Then we go back to friends and I tease the living shit out of giving you blue balls for the rest of your life.”

I smiled, “That’s a little bit harsh don’t you think.”

She leaned back, “Hell no I don’t think it’s harsh.”

She unzipped more to wearing it was almost completely unzipped completely revealing exactly how big her breasts were freely offering them to me and leaned in begging me to pop them in my mouth.

I heard her whisper teasing her breasts right in my face just as she unzipped the last remaining bit of the clothing releasing her breasts to my face “I don’t offer myself up freely to be turned down. So now you have to prove to me that your offer is beneficial to us both.”

I looked up at her and see she licked her lips with a wicked smile, “Trust me when I say if you fail to please me I will tease you relentlessly until your balls explode and you can’t take enough cold showers.”

If I was going to get help and keep Summer as a friend without her turning into the wicked teasing witch of the central U.S. I better show her my skills. Looks like my current fling was replaced to Summer.

I opened my mouth and latched onto her right breast all the while grabbing her ass pulling her more into me.

I heard her groan as my mouth latched onto her nipple.

In that moment I knew she was mine.



  1. Nice, sequels please. What else do you have planned? Get the step sis involved in this? What about the other two sisters?

  2. Definitely a good read, I’m hoping to read the next part soon. Thank you and goodnight.

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