Doesn’t Feel Like Love | [tf] [Trans] [Rape] [Blowjob] [Anal] [Rough]

**Hey! I haven’t written in ages due to personal shit and all the stresses from COVID have made it pretty difficult to get in the mood to write… but hopefully I can be more consistent from now on!**

**Anyway, here’s something a little different. This idea comes from the always fantastic** u/nothingisnothing1**, who has given some super kinky ideas to write with… We’ve got some ideas for a second part, so keep your eyes out for that!**

**KAITLYN is based off of** [KAITLYN DEVER](

**EMMA is based off of** [EMMA STONE](


Kaitlyn was sat in the school cafeteria, mindlessly scrolling through Reddit on her phone. The screen was cracked after she had dropped it on the sidewalk yesterday while running to catch the school bus.

This is what you get when you oversleep, you idiot, she thought to herself, sipping on a can of soda. The clock on her phone said: 12:48PM. That gave her twelve minutes before history class started. An essay was due in today. Four-thousand words on the fallout of the Cuban missile crisis; not exactly Kaitlyn’s area of expertise, but she had studied hard and was confident that she would at least scrape by with a pass. Where she lacked confidence though, was in the presentation that she was expected to do in front of the whole class. Stood up, a class of thirty judgmental teenagers glaring at you while you talked about the cold war… it was Kaitlyn’s idea of hell. Even after practising in her bedroom for the last two weeks, getting the whole thing memorised, the thought of it made her stomach feel like it was doing backflips.

Two soft hands clapped her on the shoulders, making her jump.

‘Boo.’ The flirty voice said.

‘Hey, Emma.’ Kaitlyn said with a smile, her tension relaxing and her shoulders slumping. She placed her cracked phone on the table as her best friend took a seat across the table from her.

‘Here. Don’t think I forgot.’ Emma smiled and pushed a pink envelope across the table. Kaitlyn’s name was scribbled on the front. She picked it up and ripped the paper open. Inside a small card with a cute little bear hugging another bear, a speech bubble read: *HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I COULDN’T BEAR TO BE WITHOUT YOU!*

‘I know it’s not much, but I’m so fucking poor at the moment… I promise I’ll get you a proper present when I have some more money.’

Kaitlyn stood up and wrapped her arms around her friend, ‘Don’t be silly. You don’t need to buy me anything. Thanks for the card. At least *someone* remembered, my fucking sister forgot this morning.’ Kaitlyn sat back down and slid the card into her bag. Ever since they were kids in elementary school, Emma had always remembered to give Kaitlyn a birthday card.

‘Oh, I should mention… Mrs Heggerty is gonna rip me to shreds.’ Emma said, checking her make-up in her phone camera.

‘You idiot. Don’t tell me you haven’t written the essay?’ Kaitlyn leaned forward. They had had two-months to finish it.

‘I, uh, forgot.’

‘Well, how much have you written?’

‘I wrote something about Castro and then I kinda gave up.’

Kaitlyn shook her head in disbelief. ‘You’re fucked.’

‘I know I am.’ Emma giggled, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll come up with a good excuse like I always do.’

‘I think you’re running out of viable excuses.’ Kaitlyn began to take a long final drink from the soda can.

‘It’s a shame it’s Mrs Heggerty. If I was in Mr Wainwright’s class, I’d just offer to blow him.’

This comment took Kaitlyn by surprise, and she let an uncontrollable burst of laughter from behind the can, and accidentally spilling the fizzy liquid over her white t-shirt.

‘Ah shit.’ She grabbed a paper napkin and started to pat at her chest. ‘You can’t say shit like that while I’m drinking, Em.’

‘What? It’s the truth. Everyone knows Mr Wainwright is a total creep.’

‘Yeah, yeah.’ Kaitlyn looked at her shirt. Patches of sticky orange soda had stained the soft wool. She wasn’t going to walk into history class and stand up at the front covered in soda. She was stressed enough without everyone staring at her orange stained chest.

‘I’m gonna have to go to the restroom and clean myself up.’ She gestured at her chest and stood up.

‘You better not blame this on me.’ Emma smirked ‘It’s not my fault you haven’t figured out how to drink yet.’ She stood up with Kaitlyn.

‘Oh, shut up.’ She said, ‘You made me laugh.’

As they walked to the restroom Emma put her arm around Kaitlyn’s shoulder, ‘Not my fault that I’m so hilarious.’

As they walked through the school corridors, past students chatting and socialising next to their lockers, Kaitlyn wondered what people thought of her and Emma. They were a most unlikely friendship. Kaitlyn was an innocent church-going girl, still a virgin, and not bothered by the fact. She had no issue with waiting for the right person to come along. Whereas Emma, a bubbly, outgoing bi-sexual trans girl, had had sex countless times and loved to gloat to Kaitlyn about it.

Kaitlyn’s conservative father didn’t approve of the friendship, but he was still living in the 1950s and was content in the decade with his bigoted views. Her mother on the other hand had come around eventually, after meeting Emma for the first time and finding out she was just a normal run of the mill teenage girl. The only thing different was what Emma hid in her pants, but that was no one’s business except hers and whoever she decided to tell.

It was 12:56PM when they got to the restroom. Four minutes until Mrs Heggerty’s class.

Fuck… I’m gonna be late, Kaitlyn thought, looking in the mirror above the row of sinks. The stains had dried on the t-shirt’s fabric. They were gonna be a bitch to get out. She switched the sink on and grabbed a bundle of paper towels. Emma came in jumped up and sat on the counter next to her. A toilet flushed behind her and a redheaded girl walked out of the cubicle. She quickly washed her hands, and exited the restroom, leaving Emma and Kaitlyn alone.

A loud bell rang throughout the school, letting the students know it’s time to get their asses to class. What sounded like a stampede outside moved past the door as the hundreds of kids made their way to wherever their class was.

‘Shit… shit…shit.’ Kaitlyn wetted the paper towels and started to dab at the stains. ‘We’re gonna be so late.’ She continued to press at the stains. ‘Oh fuck, I think I’m just making it worst.’ Kaitlyn had used too much water and now the t-shirt had a large wet patch down the front. The white fabric had become a cloudy transparent, her soft skin and white bra showing through. Great, she thought, now everyone can see my tits as I talk about Castro.

Emma hopped down next to her, ‘What are you doing? Jesus, Kait. Here, let me help you.’ She examined her friend’s shirt. ‘Take it off. We need to let it dry.’

‘What? No. What is someone comes in?’

‘They won’t. Everyone will have gone to class now.’

Kaitlyn gave in and lifted the t-shirt up over her head and handed it to Emma, who started to hold it under the hand dryer. Kaitlyn shivered and placed her hands across her breasts. It was freezing in the restroom.

‘We’re so dead.’ She said.

‘Nah, we’ll be fine.’ Emma said, ‘Well, you will be. Mrs Heggerty likes you.’

‘I don’t know about that.’

Emma held the shirt out in front of her, ‘Still a bit damp.’ She hung it over one of the toilet stall doors, ‘Let’s just give it a few more minutes.’

‘Come on Em. We need to be quick.’ Kaitlyn shivered again, ‘And I’m so fucking cold.’

Emma smirked and came over to her, ‘Oh, is little Kait cold? Want me to hug you and warm you up.’

‘Oh shut up-’ Kaitlyn couldn’t finish before her friend had jumped at her and wrapped her arms around her tightly, holding her close.

‘Come on, when was the last time we hugged like this?’ Emma giggled, ‘We used to cuddle all the time as kids.’

‘We’re not kids anymore.’ Kaitlyn said, feeling her friends warm breath on her neck. ‘We should go.’ She tried to struggle away, ‘Please, Em. I don’t want to be late.’

Emma’s face was inches from hers. A moment passed as they looked into each other’s eyes. Kaitlyn had no idea what Emma was feeling but felt it was starting to get awkward.

That was when Emma kissed her. Hard on the lips. Her tongue fighting for a way into Kaitlyn’s mouth. For one blissful moment, Kaitlyn allowed her friend in, and enjoyed what was her first kiss. Then she snapped back to reality.

‘No… Emma. Don’t.’ She stammered, ‘Don’t.’

Emma went in for another kiss. ‘Why not? I’ve been dreaming about this forever.’

Kaitlyn tried to push her away. ‘I don’t want to. Please.’ Emma started kissing her neck, one hand cupping her breast through her bra, the other caressing her ass over her jeans. Kaitlyn felt the bulge in Emma’s own jeans as she pressed her squirming friend up against the sink.

‘Feel that…’ Emma whispered, ‘That’s how you make me feel. For the last six years, I’ve touched myself thinking of you.’

Kaitlyn found strength in her anger, and forcefully pushed Emma away from her. ‘I’m not joking. Emma, I don’t know what the fuck has come over you, but I’m not doing this. You’re my friend, and I love you… but not like that.’

Emma took a step forward, something wicked in her green eyes. ‘C’mon Kait, don’t be frigid… You’re eighteen and still a virgin… don’t you want to lose it?’ Emma rolled her palm over the bulge in her jeans, getting larger by the second.

‘Eventually, yes… but not with you.’ Kaitlyn tried to push past Emma to reach her t-shirt and get the hell away from her. She needed time to process what the fuck was happening. But Emma stopped her, grabbing her, and attempting to kiss her again.

‘Fucking get off me!’ Kaitlyn felt one of her friend’s hands rub over her crotch, and in angered reflex, slapped Emma in the face.

Emma recoiled and held her cheek, breathing heavily. Kaitlyn’s hand was numb from the hard slap.

‘Em… I’m sorry…’ Kaitlyn reached out to comfort her, when Emma slapped her back, a dozen times harder than she had hit her. Kaitlyn’s eyesight blurred as she spun around and fell to her knees, the hard tile floor sending a shockwave through her legs. Emma looked down at her, lust and wickedness covering her face.

Tears welling in her eyes, Kaitlyn looked up, ‘Why…?’

Emma didn’t reply, and maybe for a split second, something looking like regret crossed her face, before dissipating back to crazed horniness. Slowly, looking down at her crying friend, Emma undid the button on her jeans and pulled the fabric down. Her semi-erect cock fell out. It was circumcised and dripping pre-cum. Taking a step forward, she roughly placed a hand on the back of Kaitlyn’s head and pulled her forward.

‘C’mon… suck my cock. You know you want to…’

‘No… Emma… please don’t-’ Kaitlyn was interrupted again with a hard slap. Emma pressed her cock head against her best friend’s lips.

‘Go on… open your mouth. It’ll feel good, I promise.’ Emma slapped her again, and Kaitlyn reluctantly let her cock slide in between her damp lips.

Emma let out a pleasured moan, as she started gently thrusting into Kaitlyn’s mouth, inching herself deeper into her throat. Kaitlyn choked as the cock hit her gag reflex. She felt numb and scared…. What was happening? Ten minutes ago, all was normal, now her best friend was raping her mouth, forcing her cock into her soft throat. Kaitlyn gagged as the sour aroma of the pre-cum covered her tastebuds. She never imagined in a million years that her first sexual experience would be her best friend forcing herself on her.

Emma sped up her thrusting. ‘I’ve always dreamt of you sucking my cock. When we used to sleepover at each other’s houses… I’d watch you sleep in the night… sometimes tempting to press my cock into you…’ She groaned. ‘Use your tongue.’

Kaitlyn sobbed, tears dropping down her red cheeks. She began to twirl her tongue over Emma’s tip.

‘No. You’re doing it wrong.’ She snapped and slapped her again, then pushed her away. ‘It’s not your fault. You’ve never sucked a cock before.’

Kaitlyn curled up in a ball and wept.

Emma stepped out of her jeans. ‘If I’m not gonna cum from your pathetic blowjob… I guess I’ll just have to fuck you.’

‘No… please.’ Kaitlyn tried to crawl away, but Emma grabbed her ankles and pulled her back across the tiled floor. She hooked her fingers around the waist of her jeans and pulled them down with her panties. Kaitlyn kicked and cried but Emma dodged the flail of feet and managed to get them off her, revealing a perfect virgin cunt. A small patch of brown hair lay above her opening, Emma’s eyes locked to it.

‘If you fight,’ Emma pushed her flat to the ground and manoeuvred herself on top, ‘It’s gonna hurt a lot more.’ She crudely pulled Kaitlyn’s legs asunder, giving her easy access to the virgin hole. ‘I don’t want to hurt you, Kait.’ Emma stroked her friend’s face and wiped a tear away.

‘Please don’t do this…’ Kaitlyn begged. ‘I’ll forget all about it… just don’t do anymore…’

Emma ignored her and lined her cock up with Kaitlyn’s pussy. Slowly, she pressed the head in, forcing her open and making her scream out in pain and shock. Emma quickly placed a palm over her mouth, muting the cries.

Beginning to pound herself into friend’s newly stretched pussy, Emma whispered in her ear. ‘You’re so fucking tight.’ She moaned, speeding up the fucking, wet slaps emitting as their flesh smacked against each other. Kaitlyn screamed out from behind Emma’s hand, her pussy aching liking it was on fire. Could no one hear her? Was there no one in the school corridors who could here the assault taking place?

Emma kissed Kaitlyn’s neck, her breath dancing around her ear. ‘Aren’t you happy it was me? Better me than some asshole jock, taking advantage of you in the back seat of his car… at least I love you.’

This doesn’t feel like love. This felt like brutal, angry, rape. Oh, god, Kaitlyn thought, she was being raped by her best friend. The one person she could trust in the entire world was assaulting her like a piece of meat.

In defiance, Kaitlyn bit down on the hand covering her mouth. Emma let out a shrill shriek and pulled out of her pussy, holding her bleeding hand.

‘Fucking bitch.’ Emma swore. Kaitlyn took her chance and forced herself to her feet, her pussy aching, and ran to the door. She placed her palm on the door handle but was suddenly pulled away from it by Emma grabbing her waist.

‘I’d tried to make this good for you.’ Emma snapped, pushing Kaitlyn to the floor. ‘I didn’t want to hurt you.’ Kaitlyn crawled on her belly, trying to escape this vile attacker that was once her friend. Emma grabbed her ankles and stopped her, before laying down on her, her weight keeping Kaitlyn pinned to the floor. She roughly squeezed her bare ass, leaving a red handprint, then slapped it hard.

‘You were supposed to blow me…’ Emma said through gritted teeth. ‘Then we’d fuck. And that would be that. But no, you just had to be frigid bitch about it. I didn’t want to this. Not yet. I was gonna wait until you were ready. But if your mouth and pussy won’t do, I guess this will.’

Kaitlyn cried out when she felt Emma’s cock, still wet with her pussy juices, slide in between her ass cheeks.

‘No, no, no, no…’ Kaitlyn struggled and squirmed, ‘Don’t please… Emma, I’m begging you…’

‘Shut up.’ Emma slapped the back of her head and with one violent thrust, plunged her rock-hard cock into Kaitlyn’s tiny virgin asshole. Kaitlyn’s pleads became illegible sounds and grunts, the pain of her asshole being ruined clouding her ability to form sentences or even simple words. Emma wrapped her arm around Kaitlyn’s neck and sped up the brutal pounding, each thrust going as deep as she could, her balls slapping against her pussy.

It felt as if a barb-wired wrapped bat was destroying her ass. In and out, in an out, each thrust somehow being more uncomfortable than the last. Whatever pain she felt in her raped cunt was nothing compared to what she felt now, stretched and torn and broken.

Emma’s attack became ferocious and quick, hammering herself into her ass, as Kaitlyn felt a twitch in the cock that was embedding itself in her destroyed hole.

‘Yeah… I’m gonna cum…’ Emma growled in pure, untamed ecstasy, as she emptied a thick and heavy load of sticky cum into Kaitlyn’s ass. She continued to thrust, pushing the white seed as deep and far into her limp friend as it could go.

Emma pulled out, and collapsed to the side, her breathing scattered and course. Her slick cock began to soften, and she looked at her best friend next to her. Kaitlyn was shaking, naked apart from her bra and socks. Terror and disgust on her red, tear-stained face. She groaned and pushed herself up, cum leaking out of the ruined hole that was once her ass and seeping down her leg.

Kaitlyn sobbed faintly and began to pick up her clothes and get dressed. She looked in the mirror and saw something she didn’t expect. Emma was crying, her mascara running down her face.

Kaitlyn turned to the friend that had just raped and abused her. That had treated her like fucktoy.

‘Kait…’ Emma said, sniffling. ‘I’m… sorry…’ She fell to her knees. ‘I’m don’t know why I… why did I…’

Kaitlyn looked down at her sobbing friend. The friend that, less than five minutes ago, had raped her. Emma took Kaitlyn’s hand in her own.

‘I’m… so sorry… Please… god… I’m so sorry. I don’t what was… I love you and thought that maybe if I… maybe you’d love me back…’ Emma let out a pathetic wail.

Feeling empty, numb, and abused, Kaitlyn pulled her hand away. She limped out of the restroom, leaving her friend crying on the tiles.

**THE END.**
