The Things I Want to do to You [FM]

It’s been a while since I made my first post, but there was some interest and I had fun writing and reliving it, so figured I’d give you guys another story of ours. A little back story this time. Names changed just in case. Sexy parts start at ***

December 2019

I’m sitting at a bar I frequent quite often, during happy hour, writing holiday cards to my clients. It’s packed in this dark, cozy, downtown bar, standing room only at this point. The person next to me gets up and leaves, and I hear one of the bartenders I know shout, “Scott, over here, next to Christa, you guys should meet anyways.” I’m only half paying attention, the bartenders introduce me to other regulars all the time. Someone sits next to me.

“Hi I’m Scott.” He reaches over to shake my hand.

“Christa, nice to meet you.” I reciprocate the handshake, and in the process notice he’s incredibly good looking, and wearing a shirt from a competing company. I go back to working on my holiday cards. Over the next half hour this guy is asking me all kind of questions about our industry, and I’m really trying to finish the cards before I have to catch my train. At one point the bartender who sat him next to me comes over.

“Guess how old he is?” and points at Scott.

Trying not to blush while examining his face 2 beers deep, thinking, wow he is so handsome. The darkest brown eyes I think I’ve even seen, almost black. He’s tall. And he has an amazing smile. No grey and a full head of hair, just a little in his light beard which I love. No wrinkles.

“Hmmmm 38?” I’m 34, this guy can’t be much older than me. Shit I hope he’s not younger than me.

Scott grins this grin that he will learn makes me melt in place.

“Guess again sweetheart,” the bartender says.


He points up towards the ceiling.

“No way, you’re not older than 45,” I’m looking at Scott, and he’s almost laughing.

“49, 50 next summer.” He says, beaming.

Wow. Just wow. He’s not wearing a ring I notice, and I can’t believe it. Must be divorced. And he’s almost 50 just starting out in my industry, so what is this guy’s deal? Unfortunately, I can’t find out, I have to leave for my train.

“Gotta run, maybe I’ll catch you here again?”

He throws his business card down on my pile of holiday cards, “Text me next time you’re here, I’ll be around.”

Did this incredibly handsome man just give me his number? Surely this is work related only.

A few days later, I’m back at the same bar. Less distracted by work and chatting with the staff. It’s a little less crowded, and in strolls Scott. Strange that I’d never seen him here before, and now twice in a week. He notices me immediately, closes the distance between us, and takes a seat at the bar.

“You’re here and you didn’t text,” He says, elbowing me playfully, grinning that grin.

“Technically we’re competitors, I don’t know if we should really be fraternizing,” I elbow him back. This is definitely flirting, right?

He orders a beer, and I another drink, and we chat for a long time. He is married, but big surprise, it’s complicated. I roll my eyes. I don’t need to hear it. It’s the same story every time. We keep drinking. It’s time for me to catch my train again.

“I can give you a ride home,” he’s looking directly into my eyes. Another thing I would learn to love.

This is a bad idea, I know this is a bad idea. But I’m a little buzzed, and he’s offering, and I can keep it together. Which I do the entire ride back to my apartment. I’m trying not to look at him, he’s making slight innuendos whenever he can. He’s not wearing a ring.


He pulls into a parking space in front of my building. There is a silence that feels like it’s forever, but was probably closer to a minute. I’m doing everything I can to avoid saying something I regret, so instead I do the absolute worst thing, and kiss him. Great Job Christa! But we keep kissing, roughly, hungrily.

“Come upstairs,” I breathe as I pull away from him. His eyes are wild, lustful, looking at my lips that were just on his.

“The things I want to do to you…” He turns the car off and we get out, walking quickly through the grass to my building. I finally get the door to my apartment open, and we step inside. I turn around. He’s staring at me, and I can’t quite figure out what he’s thinking. Is he realizing what he’s about to do?

It only take a few seconds before he’s wrapped his arms around me, and he’s kissing me again. Very gently, and soft. Completely different from in the car, and his hands are roaming my body, but barely touching it. Like he’s afraid if he puts his hands fully on me, this will be real. I pull away and look at him.

“Are you ok?”

“Yea, yea, really good. You just make me nervous.”

“I make YOU nervous?” I start laughing.

“I don’t know what it is.” He’s kissing me again. I take his hand and move it to my breast and push down on it, giving him the ok to continue exploring. He starts to rub my nipple through my shirt and I moan lightly into his mouth. He pulls away and starts to suck on my earlobe, while he breathes slowly into my ear.

“I want to taste you.” Right into my ear. Almost a whisper. All the hairs on the left side of my body stand up, and I can feel how wet I’m getting. I look up at him and turn to lead him into my room.

We’re standing at the edge of my bed, I’m unbuttoning his shirt, he’s pawing at my jeans, clumsily trying to get them off, while we try to keep our mouths and tongues entwined. He pulls my shirt over my head, stopping to look at my DDs for the first time in just a bra.

“What?” I ask.

“Nothing, nothing at all. I just want to look at you.” I can feel my face turn red. He tries for the back but it’s a front clasp so I help him. He takes both of my breasts in his hands, and immediately starts to run his tongue over my right nipple. He’s bent over trying to make it work, so even though it feels amazing, I lift his head and scooch back on the bed. I reach to unbuckle his belt, but he stops me.

“Not tonight. Not yet. Just lay down.”

I lie back, only wearing a black thong at this point. I’m so turned on, and so nervous at the same time. He slides his body up over mine, and his mouth resumes it’s place on my nipples. He’s using his tongue, alternating between them, flicking, and sucking, and always looking up at me. I think I might come from just this. He stops and licks me all the way from below my belly button, up my chest, sucking on each nipple on the way, up my neck, behind my ear, and landing on my mouth. I’m writhing under him. He still hasn’t touched me where I need him to.

He starts the journey back down, and keeps going. He puts his mouth over my mound, and breathes in over my thong, still looking into my eyes. He hooks his fingers through the straps and pulls gently, while I lift my ass so he can have full access to me. Once it’s off, he spreads my legs and stops again, just looking. He takes both hands and lightly runs them up my legs, his head following.

I’m at the point I want to beg him to put his mouth on me, but I don’t. The anticipation is amazing. He softly kisses my thighs, making light dragging trails with his lips, almost to my lips. He stops and breathes out a long, hot breath over my clit. I moan a whiney moan.

I’m watching him look at my pussy, that same lust that was in his eyes in the car. Finally, he looks up at me and lowers his mouth, making sure I’m looking in his eyes the first time his tongue touches me. My eyes roll back and I arch my back a little, but try not to move too much, he feels too good. He’s going so slowly, rolling my clit back and forth on his tongue. He has both his hands holding my ass, and I feel one move towards my hole. I feel a finger enter me, and I swear lightning shoots through my body.
“That feels so good,” I pant between moans.

The pressure on my clit stops for a split second, “Good, it’s supposed to.” That grin, and then his mouth is back on me.
He takes his finger out and lifts my ass in the air and runs his tongue from my asshole back up to my clit, and stops to fuck me with it in the process. Over and over he keeps his tongue running this path, until he finally stops at my clit again, its swollen and throbbing and he sucks it into his mouth. His fingers find me again and this time he pushes two inside. I look down at him and nod.

“I’m so close, please don’t stop.”

No words this time, but he adds a third finger and I feel his tongue increase pressure. I can’t keep myself propped up to watch him anymore, I’m so close. I focus on how good he feels.

“You’re going to make me come, you’re going to make me come.” I don’t know if I’m saying those words but that’s what I want to be saying. A few seconds later and I’m there, and he doesn’t stop.

“I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming.” I repeat as his fingers still pump in and out of me and his mouth stays attached to my clit. I feel like I’m smashing his head in between my thighs, but he doesn’t seem to care.

I finally start to come down, breathing heavily, sweating way more than I realized. He kisses my inner thigh, and climbs back up towards my face, laying next to me.

“Well tonight turned out to be a pretty great night.” He says, smiling, then kissing me.

I laugh, “That might be an understatement.” I reach to try to unbuckle his belt again – I’m not used to being the only one to have an orgasm.

“Not tonight, next time.”

Until next time folks!


1 comment

  1. “New card.” I try to act casual about it but I’m smiling proudly. “What do you think?”

    “Whoa,” McDermott says, lifting it up, fingering the card, genuinely impressed. “Very nice. Take a look.” He hands it to Van Patten.

    “Picked them up from the printer’s yesterday,” I mention.

    “Cool coloring,” Van Patten says, studying the card closely.

    “That’s bone,” I point out. “And the lettering is something called Silian Rail.”


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