Home for the Summer (CH. 4) [MF] [public] [quickie] [creampie]

[CH. 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/iqyt61/home_for_the_summer_ch_1_mf_oral_public/)

[CH. 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ivfoxn/home_for_the_summer_mf_oral_rimming_virgin/)


After leaving Katie’s you actually do head to happy hour at the local bar. When you walk in, it seems like half the town is there; all your high school buddies and their current partners, people you were loose acquaintances with back in the day, everyone. You head to the bar, order two beers for yourself, and scan the room. You decide your best bet for the night is to hang with your buddies, so you walk over to the collection of tables where they are all sitting. You guys do the greeting song and dance, before you get a good sense of the flow of the conversation and fit in naturally.

After shootin the shit for a few hours, you start to lose interest in the conversation, and turn your attention back to the bar. Scanning the room, everything is a little blurry, so you must be feeling the booze a little more than you were expecting. As you look to see who’s sitting at the bar, you do a double-take. *Is, is that Hannah? I thought she moved.* (Hannah is an ex-girlfriend of yours, if you could even call your relationship dating. From the end of 8th grade into the beginning of 9th grade, you “dated” her; you don’t recall ever going on any real dates, and rarely even actually saw her outside of school. But you texted 24/7 and called each other every night, so in your young mind she was a real girlfriend. It’s been years since you’ve seen her, she moved away shortly after 9th grade ended.) She’s facing the bar, away from you, so you aren’t totally sure it’s her. But that mane of red hair is not common, and the girl at the bar has the same slender, athletic body that Hannah always had. You tell your buddies that you’re going to get another drink, but they’re so engrossed in their conversation that they barely acknowledge you with a nod. As you stand, you feel the booze hit you a little harder. You take a moment to collect yourself, and walk over to the bar. As you get close, you hear the redhead’s voice, chatting up the bartender, and confirm that it indeed is Hannah. She was always loud and energetic, but never crossed into obnoxious. You take a seat next to her at the bar, and order a drink. She glances your way, but doesn’t pay you much attention. So you turn to her, and say “Hey, you look awfully familiar, do I know you?” She glances your way, gives you a quick look up and down, and goes to turn back to the bartender before you stop her, saying “I think we went to middle school together, are you Hannah?” You can see the wheels turning in her head before she breaks out in a big smile. “Oh my god, Hank! It’s been awhile, how have you been?” she leans in for a friendly hug, and you guys start catching up.

After almost an hour of talking school and jobs and life, and a few more drinks for each of you, you wind up talking about how the two of you once “dated.” You both admitted it probably doesn’t deserve to be called “dating”, and have a good laugh about the whole thing. Hannah then smiles shyly at you, looking you up and down, before saying “You know, it’s a shame I moved. Maybe if I had stuck around, we could’ve dated again once we both grew up some.” You smile back at her, returning the elevator-eyes. Her hair is wavy, with most of it pulled to one side creating almost a mane for her. She’s wearing a small, spaghetti-strap white crop-top, exposing her slender shoulders and thin waist; it doesn’t seem like she’s wearing a bra over her small tits. Her jeans are so tight, they look like they could be painted on her slim legs, and are deliberately ripped in a few places as part of the style; the exposed skin makes your cock twitch just a little. Her outfit is completed with a pair of black, strappy sandals. After looking her up and down, you place a hand on her thigh and say “It is a shame, who knows what we missed out on.” She places one of her hands on yours, and it gives it a little squeeze, before using the other to grab her drink and down it. She slaps a few bills down on the bar, leans in, whispers in your ear “Meet me outside” and leaves. You sit there stunned for a minute, before paying your tab, and getting up to leave. As you head towards the door, you wave at your buddies, and they all wave back, still not paying you much attention.

Stepping outside, you pause for a second, letting your eyes adjust to the darkness. All of a sudden, a hand grabs you from the shadows and pulls you to the side. A set of lips find yours, and the only thing you can think to do is kiss back. Just as quickly as they appeared, the lips are gone again, but you are still being led through the parking lot by the hand on your arm. The short figure in front of you finally pauses beside a small sedan, and instantly those lips are reconnected with yours. You noticed about halfway through the walk that it was Hannah, so you quickly have your hands on her body. As the two of you make out, your hands run up under her top, and find her tits. They’re small, each tit takes up less than a handful. But her nipples are very erect, so you grab them, give them a solid squeeze, and twist. She gasps, and you seize the opportunity to push your tongue unto her mouth. She responds by fighting back with her own tongue, and so after one more pinch of her nipples’ your hands start to slide back down Hannah’s body. When you reach her waistband, you slide one hand into her pants, and immediately feel your already hardening cock throb. *Oh fuck, she’s not wearing any panties.* You grab her ass, squeeze, and draw her body into yours. She grinds her hips into yours, before running her hands over your chest. They eventually reach your waist, where she starts to fumble with your belt. You break the kiss, “Hey what are you doing? People can see us.” She just giggles at you, and continues to undo your pants. You ask her to stop once more, but your words have little truth to them. Once she has your pants open, she moves her hands to start undoing her own. You stand there dumbfounded; you can’t believe what you’re seeing. Hannah slides her jeans down to her ankles, slowly mesmerizing you with her long, pale, freckled legs. She then hops up and sits on the trunk of the car before grabbing your waistband and drawing you to her. She reaches up, grabs the back of your head, and pulls you down for a kiss. You make out for a few minutes, your hands running up and down her body, alternating between squeezing her ass and pinching her nipples. One of her hands makes its way up your leg, across your waist and grips your cock. She starts to stroke you, and you can feel a little bead of precum leak from your tip. When she notices it, you can feel her smile into your kiss. You feel one of Hannah’s fingers swipe your head before she breaks the kiss, leans back, and slowly licks the finger before sucking it clean. She then spits in her hand, rubs it all over your cock, before lifting her legs and guiding you to her entrance. You hesitate for a moment, questioning whether you should proceed, until you see her bite her lip.

That sends you over the edge, and you drive your cock into her pussy. The sensation is incredible; she’s so wet that you slide all the way in on the first try, but she’s so tight it almost hurts. You start slow, allowing her to adjust to accommodating you. Each thrust causes her to moan, but as you gradually pick up the pace, Hannah’ moans turn to pants. Holding her legs to your chest, you use them to pull yourself into her, pounding away at her cunt as fast and as hard as you can. With the increased force of your fucking, her pants turn to curses, as every other breath becomes a “fuck” or “shit.” You can tell you’re both getting close, so you wrap one arm around her legs to keep your leverage, but your other hand to her pussy. You start rubbing her clit as you fuck her, hoping to make her cum soon. As you give her clit more and more attention, you can feel the tension building in her body. *God I hope she comes soon, I’m not gonna be able to hold on much longer.* “Hannah, I’m not gonna last much longer. Where do you want me to cum?” After a few seconds, she responds: “I-I’m on the p-pill. Cum in m-me.” That’s almost enough to send you over the edge, as you feel your cock start to throb. You rub her clit harder, knowing you only have a few moments left. As you pound into her, her breathes get short and shallow right before her orgasm tears through her. Her chest heaves and you can see her stomach muscles contract and release. Her pussy clamps down on your cock, and the extra pressure is all you can bear. You thrust into her, hard and deep, as you feel yourself climax. Your cock throbs and throbs, as you feel spurt after spurt of your cum release into her. You keep your cock inside her as you both come down off your orgasm-induced highs. You lean in to kiss her again, but she just chuckles and pushes you away and out of her. As you look around for something to help with clean up, Hannah hops down off the car and just pulls her jeans up. “Alright, I gotta get back inside. My friends are probably looking for me, our DD didn’t want to stay out late” as she pats you on the back and starts to walk inside. You stand there, dumbstruck, until calling out to her right before she opens the door: “Wait, that wasn’t your car!?” “Nope” she calls back with a wink, before closing the door. *I always knew Hannah was a freak, but damn I didn’t know she rolled like that….*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/j44bx3/home_for_the_summer_ch_4_mf_public_quickie