Ex-Con Meets Ex-Wife, and Her New Husband… or New Bitch?

He’d been behind bars for just under five years. Not nearly as long as some men, but hey, he had connections on the outside and enough cash stashed to buy a decent lawyer. Could have easily been ten, add in some good behavior and he was free. And now he wanted back what was his.

She… didn’t want anything to do with him. The second he got pinched she’d called up a lawyer, shown up within a week with the papers to make it official. She barely spoke a word, and refused to look him in the eye. “Tch… fine. Not like I can do anything witchu’ while I’m in here. But you know I’ll get out, right?” She’d swallowed hard but resolutely kept her eyes away. “Heh.” She didn’t have to look at him to see the smirk on his face, the one that made her heart pound.

Five years later she had no idea he’d gotten out early. He had found out she’d remarried. Fuck, the two of them were shacked up in his home! Like she was trying to insult him. Or maybe, deep down, she knew he’d come back. And he looked up some info on the new guy.

It was like his pure opposite, a twiggy little nothing. Asian guy who was actually several years younger than her. Worked for some company and made good money. He figured she wanted someone she could control, someone she wouldn’t have to ever worry about putting her in that place she both loved and hated so much. But he was back to fix things.

The loud knock on the door startled the woman as she was loading a dishwasher, one of her favorite cups hit the ground and shattered. “Honey?! Everything ok?” Came the voice of her husband, higher pitched than normal in startlement, and she smiled to herself just a bit chagrined.

“Its fine! Just slipped. I’ll get the door then take care of it.” She had a broom nearby and just brushed it out of the way enough to walk safely then headed for the front door.

Tabitha Meyers, then Erikson, then Wang went to the door. She wore comfy yoga pants that clung to her round hips, and a comfy Tshirt that couldn’t hide the way her large and still quite perky breasts formed into a balcony you could do Shakespear off of. At least that was a joke her Ex had made. She reached up to brush a strand of her brunette hair out of the way. The dark strands mostly back in a loose pony. She opened the door with a hesitant smile on her face. “Can I help yo-” The startled sound she made was more a choking gasp as her dark blue eyes went wide and she looked at her ex.

Kirk Erikson towered over the woman. He had tanned skin that always had a slight brown shade to it. His ancestry not the easiest to place off the bat. Nordic on his fathers and a mix of native and latin american on his mothers. He had a broad build, and dark hair. His face was mostly clean shaven with just a hint of stubble coming in, and his hair had grown out a bit into not quite a shaggy main. A small part of her thought it fit him. The same part that locked in on his eyes and smile and made her knees go more than a little weak. His eyes were hazel, and almost always narrowed in a look that said he knew what he wanted and how to get it. And his smirk… It was the same. That one chipped canine that seemed to make the other one appear longer than normal.

“Hey Tabby, I’m back babe.” He had a rucksack over one shoulder that he let drop. His other reached out to grab and lean on the door frame. He looked her over as the woman made small shakes of her head. She was trying to tell herself this wasn’t happening, that he should be in there for a year or more! He just noticed she’d put on some weight. Her thighs had gotten even thicker. Her chest even bigger! And her stomach had a bit of padding on it, but he honestly didn’t mind in the least. He’d been around men for years, and she just screamed femininity in a way that no prison bitch could hope to pull off. “Damn, I missed you…”

He said the words gruffly, and his eyes were blatantly checking her out. She realized quickly that he missed her curves more than anything. And no matter how much she internally screamed and tried to push it down that little voice was taking immense pride that he still wanted her… Lately she’d been a bit upset having to buy bigger pants. “Kirk-” She coughed out his name again. “W-what are you doing here?!” her voice was a strangled and harsh whisper. And he just raised and eyebrow while his smirk cranked up another notch. The bastard.

“I’m here for you. And my home. I need some TLC baby…” And he reached out for her. And Tabitha had made a mistake, she’d stepped out of her house to confront him, and his long muscled arm snaked around her waste. She went to step back, and for just an instant her leg froze up. Then she was pushing back, but it was too late. His hand had her waist, then her ass as he moved closer to press against her. “N-n-no Kirk, don-MMMPH!” He pressed his mouth to hers.

Her eyes went wide as her kissed her, his left hand groping her ass. And then his groin was against her. And she felt it, it was all coming back to her, the memory of the biggest cock she’d ever felt. The most enthusiastic, and savage lover she’d ever known. The most possessive, degrading, and exhilarating man she’d every imagined could exist. “Mmmm…” he moaned slightly as he pulled her close, and his tongue pushed past her lips. Her eyes went wide, and for several seconds she just melted into his grasp. Then sanity surged. She pushed, desperately to get away.

“No!” She shouted as she did. Her mouth coming away wet, and to her shame so was another part of her body. She gripped the door frame and glared at him as he stood there. She was breathing hard, her chest was heaving in a very fetching way, and a patina of sweat had broken out on her clear brow. “Y-you can’t do that anymore!” She then brought up her left hand, palm in to show off the ring there. It was a golden pair of bands with a very nice rock on one. He gave a small respectful nod that at least the fucker had shelled out properly for a quality woman like his Tabby.

“Tabitha? Is every alright?” It was his voice again, standing in the hallway behind her. She went stiff, and Kirk just smiled even wider. He couldn’t wait to meet the fucker. Tabitha cringed but was feeling more and more powerless. Which was insane, her husband was here to help her, she should feel empowered! But instead she just got the feeling of a poor sheep about to have a wolf walk into its pen. She moved to the side, letting her husband come up to see.

Lee Wang was a second generational american. A bit of a steriotype for his academics, but happy with it. He also played piano quite well, but had gone into finances instead of a more musical career for its stability. He lived a happy life, with a beautiful wife! She was a few years older than him, and he felt lucky every day to be with her. Just a bit below average height at 5’6 with pale skin and dark hair that was itself grown out just a bit. He was overdue for a trim but a terrible procrastinator at non work related activities. His wife had recently teased him about how she could almost style it and he’d look more like a pretty Asian girl! He’d blushed terribly and told her that was just ridiculous of course, and had managed to laugh with her, if just a bit awkwardly. And now he stood face to face with a man built like a mountain, and becoming more and more aware that his wife seemed to be… cowering. “Who… are you?”

Kirk smiled and put out a hand. Not to shake but on Lee’s shoulder, “I’m Kirk! Tabby’s ex! Its great to meet you, I’m glad someone was taking care of the old ball and chain.” Lee frowned deeply, upset at all of this. He knew Tabitha had some issues with her ex. She sometimes would spin off into more radical feminist arguments about how terrible men could be. Not quite calling them all rapist, but speaking of them as manipulative, and sexist, but also quickly reassuring him that she didn’t mean him. She loved him…

“I… See. And, what are you doing here?” He kept glancing sideways at the large hand on his shoulder. The fingers were long and thick. The arm was muscled heavily and had very nearly a sleeve tattoo down its length, with some letters he couldn’t quite make out on the knuckles.

“Well.. its my house!” Kirk guffawed easily, and gave Lee’s shoulder a squeeze. It hurt,and the smaller man just kept it to a slight flinch of one eye as Kirk pulled his hand away. “I mean, you got my girl, you got my house… I figure the least you guys could do is put a guy up for a week while I get on my feet.” He looked past him to his Ex. “I mean… you wouldn’t say no to me, would you Tabby?” somehow he kept any tone out of it, but as he met her eyes, she could feel it. The old promises she’d made. The vows shed taken… Not the ones in the chapel, but the ones in their bedroom, on her knees, with his… dripping down her chin. Her knees were going week again as she clutched at the frame.

Lee’s frown deepened more, and he swallowed hard. Then turned to look at Tabitha. Because at the end of the day, she was the one in charge. She was the easy dominant in their relationship with an unspoken agreement. She made the decisions, she handled the money, she… chose when they were intimate. And now she looked from one man to another, and part of her knew. This could be her way out. She could say no, he can’t come in. Close the door, and maybe even call the cops! They might think she was being hysterical, but she’d be ok! She’d be… in control of her life! She’d be- “We… we can help you out for a while Kirk.”

Her heart started to pound so hard she was amazed the other two men couldn’t hear it. Lee frowned, then grimaced as he looked at Kirk. “Well… alright. I supposed. I mean we have the guest room. Tabitha I’ll go straight it up, why don’t you get our guest a drink then.” A lifetime of proper manners asserted themselves for the man as the choice was made. He moved aside and entered the house. He reached out to give his wifes hand a small squeeze, frowning as it seemed cold. She smiled at him, and it only seemed a bit strangled as she pulled her hand away. He left to go clean the room, Lee was a attentive house keeper, and enjoyed most of the chores of the house ontop of his busy work schedule.

As he walked away, Kirk stepped into the house, and Tabitha back went tight against he wall. “Hmmm… I like him.” He murmured the word. Actually saying it just loud enough that Lee could catch it. The smaller man smiling despite himself. He liked being liked! Tabitha’s eyes were more than a bit confused. And she opened her mouth but wasn’t sure what to even ask. “He reminds me of some of the bitches in prison… Heh, I can always tell.” And he gave her that grin, and Tabby knew that her life as she’d known it for the last five years was over.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/j3ys1e/excon_meets_exwife_and_her_new_husband_or_new


  1. I hope this wasn’t too boring! I’ve had this idea for a long time, and want to see how far I can take it. I hope you enjoyed the introduction of our main characters Kirk, Tabitha, and Lili-Oh, I mean Lee.

    Spoilers: I love women, especially curvy ones, and prefer them on the older, milfier side. But… I lean a bit Bi when it comes to specific types of smaller, submissive males.

  2. I think we’ll like this when you’re finished. Please consider writing the whole thing off-line, then posting chapters here bing bang boom.

  3. Damm, this itself is amazing. Do you by any chance know if a part 2 will be posted. I loved the story and attention to detail about how everyone acts.

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