Cream & Coco, Chapter 2 [Fm] [Incest] [Mother/Son]

[Chapter 1](

My son looked down at me with an adoring gaze. He was between my legs, and I pulled him closer. So this was sex. Nothing like my first time. Yet I couldn’t really make sense of what I was feeling. All I knew was that I was happy.

“Mom,” Drew gasped.

I giggled. “Don’t, baby. Call me Coco.”

He nibbled his lip then grinned. “Okay, Coco.” He started kissing my neck as he moved, making me moan and clutch his back as he crooned. “Coco. Coco! Earth to Coco! Hey, Coco!”

I started, snapping back to reality. I looked up at my colleague, who was leaning on the top of the cubicle wall. She had an eyebrow arched, staring at me impatiently. I groaned into my hands. Just what were these dreams? They had simply come unbidden out of nowhere.

“Sorry, Jazz. What were you saying?”

“Girl, what’s wrong with you? You been acting a fool all morning, and now you’re spacing out after lunch. You got that report ready for Leon yet?”

I sighed, putting my fingertips to my eyelids and rubbing gently. “No, not yet. My bed got soaked through with water last night, so I couldn’t sleep well.” Only half true, but Jazz didn’t need to hear about my wet dream. She’d just start up again.

“I keep telling you, you need to get laid.” Never mind, she got onto the subject all by herself. I couldn’t even see how it related to what I said.

I sat back and looked at her indignantly. “How many times do I have to tell you, Jazz? I don’t need a man. I’ve gotten this far without one.”

“Nobody said shit about a man,” she snorted. “What I’m talking about is getting some dick!” I looked around frantically in case somebody had overheard, but thankfully they were too engrossed in work. “When’s the last time you got some?”

I shrugged. “Eighteen years ago,” I said dryly.

Her eyes bugged out. “Eighteen–! The hell you been doing, girl?!”

I smirked at her over-the-top reaction. “Working. Raising my son.”

She shook her head disapprovingly, then laughed. “Rule of threes says you can fit dick into your schedule.”

“What’s in the schedule?” Our boss Leon rolled up to the conversation with a file in his hands. I froze. Leon was the nicest manager I’d ever had, and a widowed single father. As if that weren’t enough, he was more handsome than he had any business being, with chestnut hair and a five o’clock shadow. He was also my neighbor. His daughter Cherish was the same age as Drew, and they took the bus to school together. Of course, Jazz was about to throw a wrench into the mix of an already complicated relationship.

“Coco was just thinking of asking you to dinner,” she announced. I couldn’t even whip my head toward her in shock. I just sat there, deer in the headlights, as Leon turned to me in surprise. If Jazz intended for me to sleep with somebody, my boss and neighbor definitely wasn’t it. However nothing I said at this point could rectify the situation, since it would just make me look abashed. But the more I thought about it, the more my brain came up with excuses to follow through. Chief among them was the daydreams I was having that accompanied the wet dream from last night. Maybe I did need to blow off some steam. Seeing that porn video had obviously reminded my lower brain of long-forgotten needs, and now my subconscious was acting up, to the point that I was imagining making love to… to…

“Just a meal,” I stammered. “No strings attached.” What the hell was I doing?! This was a terrible idea! *Coco, do you have any idea how much of a mess this could end in?*

Leon deliberated for a moment. “I suppose it couldn’t hurt,” he decided after a moment. “I can’t do tonight, because my daughter has a recital. Tomorrow?” I nodded, feeling like a marionette having its strings pulled. “We could meet at the restaurant. Or I could pick you up after work. Or we could go straight from the office.”

“That sounds good,” I mumbled, and he smiled warmly and waited for me to make an actual choice. “Let’s go from work.”

“Catch a drink at happy hour before we eat? Hm, but we do have work the next day… Just an early dinner then.” He might as well have been talking to himself. I nodded again, and he beamed. “Great.” He turned to leave, and Jazz had already begun a silent scream of excitement when he came back. “By the way, Colette. Do you have that report ready yet?”

Finally something I was comfortable with. “Not yet, sir. I’ll have it to you by four?”

“Market’s closing soon, so maybe just leave it on my desk then.”

“You got it, boss.”

“Thanks Colette.” He tapped the file twice on my cubicle and left. When Jazz and I finally turned to each other, she looked ready to squeal with glee. I groaned and cupped the bridge of my nose with both hands.

“Coco’s gonna git sum,” she sang, and I glared at her.

“I don’t need ‘sum,’ and I definitely don’t need a wingwoman,” I grumbled.

She guffawed. “That’s what you’d figure, being as thicc as you are.”

“I can’t tell if you’re calling me fat or stupid,” I muttered with a frown, making her roll her eyes.

“See, this is why you need to get back out there. You don’t even know what words are hot anymore. What you’re thinking of is ‘thick,’ with a ‘ck.’ But what I’m talking ‘bout is ‘*thicc*’ with two ‘c’s. That mean you got a bouncy booty. Big round titties. In a good way,” she clarified. “Or you might say ‘*voluptuous*’ ‘cause you all fancy and shit.”

I looked down at myself. I certainly didn’t qualify as voluptuous, though even I had to admit that I filled my tops and pants very well. A waste, really. Never really felt the urge to grant access to anybody. I suppose I could blame Andras for that.

Jazz sighed. “Look, if things don’t work out with Leon… He’s a pretty mature guy, he won’t make a fuss about it. So that’s all up to you. And then you could always get a toy.” I looked at her skeptically, and she shrugged. “Better than nothing.”

“A toy? When would I use it? Drew would hear me.”

“You gotta cut loose,” she replied, getting exasperated. “C’mon, Christmas is coming up. Treat yourself for once. And if your son has a problem with it, fuck him.”

I winced at that last part. Not the most tactful of times to use such turns of phrase.

“Promise me you’ll think about it,” Jazz insisted, her tone of voice gentler and surprisingly caring. Not that she was a typically crass and brusque person, but I didn’t expect her to be taking this so seriously. Silently nodding, I turned back to my desktop and began typing up Leon’s report.

“Baby, I’m home!”

I walked into my living room to see two boys planted in front of the TV, using giant swords to kill titanic monsters on screen.

“Hey mom,” Drew called over his shoulder, eyes glued to the screen. The boy next to him turned to look at me and smiled in greeting.

“Hey Ms. Hammond,” he said with a nod before turning back to the game.

“Stefan! How good to see you.” Stefan had been Drew’s best friend since second grade. Drew kept few friends, but Stefan was like the brother he never had, and I was thankful for that.

“I told you, Ms. H, Stef’s fine.” He smiled good-naturedly before shouting some video game jargon to Drew.

“I’ll be right out to get cooking, alright? Stef, are you staying for dinner?”

“I invited Brie over too,” Drew declared. “Hope you don’t mind, mom.”

“The more the merrier. ’Tis the season, after all,” I chuckled.

I went into my room, took my makeup off and changed, then went back out to the kitchen to get dinner started. I noticed Stefan was shirtless, then spied something odd. Four straight pale lines ran down each side of his back, starting from between the shoulder blades and then fanning out to his waist on either side.

“Stef,” I called from the kitchen, retrieving the supplies I needed from the cabinets. “If you don’t mind me asking, how did you get those scars? I don’t remember seeing them the last time.”

“Huh?” he mumbled absently, tearing his attention from the game. “Oh, these.” He ran his hand down one set of them then blushed. “Uh, animal attack.” Drew snorted and shot him a dirty look.

“Oh my God, what happened?” Obviously he was okay, so I went about cooking some pasta, letting him tell the story.

“It was at night. I was just getting ready for sleep, and all of a sudden, just–” He raised his hands then drew them down in a chevron shape, fingers curled and imitating a clawing sound. “–raked me on the back.”

“What was it?”

“Hm… Not sure what she’d be considered.” He pondered it for a moment. “Maybe like a young cougar? Yeah, that sounds right.”

“A cougar? Were you camping? Where were you?”

“Right here in the city.”

“In *this* city?!” I straightened, alarmed. Drew was shaking his head disapprovingly, while Stefan had his lips pressed together.

“Hey, y’know, cougars are everywhere.” Drew gave him a hard shove, and Stefan laughed with a wide grin. I felt like I was missing something here, but decided to leave it alone.

“I’m just glad you’re okay,” I finished. A cougar attack? I needed to tell Drew to be more careful when walking alone at night. But something about the story was bothering me. When Stefan had made the clawing motion, his fingers were pointed toward himself. Even pointed outward, I couldn’t think of any wild animals that would slash at something the way he’d described. Perhaps it was simply poor pantomime.

I was crouched down and looking through the pantry for a fresh jar of sauce when the doorbell rang. Stefan announced he’d get it, and when the door opened I heard a girl greet him. There was some discussion in hushed voices, and by the time I stood up, the newcomer was batting at Stefan’s chest admonishingly. She spotted me and waved.

“Hi Ms. Hammond,” she said cheerfully.

“Hello, Sabrina!” Sabrina was Stefan’s twin, having the same jet black hair and electric blue eyes. By any standards, she was gorgeous, managing to be both cute and pretty at the same time. Similarly, Stefan radiated boy-next-door charm, with friendly eyes masking his vigilant attitude. Drew had begun showing feelings for Sabrina at the beginning of high school, much to Stefan’s discomfort. According to Drew, Stefan was very protective of her, which was why it came as even more of a surprise when one day Drew came home and dejectedly told me that she had found a boyfriend. I had comforted him, inwardly disappointed that the girl had chosen somebody else over my son.

Come to think of it… it was around three months ago, soon after the beginning of the school year. Having traced events back this morning, I realized it was right around the time Drew had started changing. With a chill, it registered that the girl standing in my living room was the one who had broken my son’s heart, sending him spiraling into this dour phase.

“Thanks for having me,” she continued. “I hope it’s not too much trouble.” Damn her, why did she have to be so polite? She was always well-mannered and courteous, and it made it difficult to resent her. But that wasn’t my way, in any event. If she wasn’t meant for my Drew, there was a reason. It was now up to me to put him back together.

“No trouble at all,” I called. Sabrina sat on the couch, tapping on her phone while the boys went back to their game.

“Thank God we don’t have practice anymore,” Stefan sighed, and was met by grunts of agreement from the other kids. I was finishing up cooking when Sabrina offered to set the table. It struck me as odd that Drew would still invite her, regardless of whether she was his best friend’s sister or not. Perhaps that ruled her out as the cause of his slump then.

With dinner prepared, we all sat down to some classic spaghetti and meatballs. The twins thanked me and began eating, and casual conversation flowed easily. As far as I could tell, there was no undercurrent between Drew and either of them.

“So, Ms. H, any plans for this week?” Sabrina asked.

“Actually, I have a date,” I said with a smile. Drew’s movements slowed, not meeting my eyes. “I’m having dinner with Mr. Valentine tomorrow night.”

“Cherry’s dad?” Sabrina put a hand to her mouth to hide her scandalized smile.

“He’s single?” Stefan wondered aloud.

“And ready to mingle, apparently. Wouldn’t have thought.”

Stefan elbowed Drew and leaned over with a mischievous smirk. “What’d I tell you?”

Suddenly Drew blurted, “Thanks for dinner, mom,” and bolted back to his room, leaving the three of us befuddled. It was all so abrupt that none of us had anything to say about it.

The twins left after helping me clean up the dishes. I sighed. It seemed Drew wouldn’t be coming out for the rest of the evening. I settled in my bed with a book, just glad that everything was dry. I’d have to get a new mirror for the bathroom, and soon, before everything closed for the holidays. Maybe on Friday, I decided. I wondered if I’d brought seven years of bad luck on myself for the accident. Surely the responsibility of breaking the mirror didn’t fall on my head.

Getting ready for bed, I stepped out into the hall for some water, passing Drew’s room. And I heard a woman’s voice. I gulped. I had a fairly good idea of what he was doing. My curiosity was itching, desperate to be scratched. But spying on him was an invasion of his privacy. It was a breach of his trust. It was a violation of the very rules I had set for our household.

I cursed myself and slowly cracked his door open two inches. He was at his desk, on his feet and leaning over it. It was hard to tell what he was watching at this angle, and I opened the door further. He was definitely touching himself, panting in time with his strokes. I turned my gaze to the screen, my throat feeling dry. I should’ve gotten that water. Playing on his computer was a porn video, a different one from yesterday. The woman in this one had dirty blonde hair and great proportions. A closeup shot revealed that she had hazel eyes.

She looked superficially like me.

Drew’s pace sped up, and he dropped to his knees while looking up at the monitor. He shuddered and rested his forehead on the edge of the desk, hips bucking as he presumably ejaculated onto the floor.

“Mom,” he whispered, voice mournful. My eyes widened. It was just a fetish. A phase he was going through. He didn’t actually desire his mother. But… that didn’t explain his behavior at dinner.

I found myself with my hand between my legs. I almost gasped, but thankfully I stayed silent as I pulled the door back until it was barely ajar, fearful that closing it would create a sound. Late night refreshment forgotten, I walked back to my room, dreading the dreams I would have tonight.

My fingers felt sticky.



  1. For those of you looking forward to it, we have the return of the twins :D But better buckle up, next week is gonna be off the chain!

  2. I love that the twins are in this! So cool that its kinda the same world. But this is hot wondering where it’s going to go

  3. Mother/Son pairing is not something that I am typically a fan of but your writing if once again letting this build to a really good story! And because of that I can’t wait to see what is next!

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