Converting The Feminist Ch5 [mf][bondage][gag][anal]

Four days had passed since I chose to stay with Blake. Things were getting better, thus weakening my resolve. Blake still did things both childish and made me think he was an asshole. Every day, I got progressively more freedoms. The first day after Tyler visited, I woke up uncuffed. Originally, I thought Blake simply forgot. It wasn’t until the next day that I started to suspect he would not have me cuffed to the bed every day.

Blake didn’t give me complete freedom. Every day, I woke up locked in the same room. Sometimes, Blake would sleep the night with me. He let me out of my cell every day, but only when I could be kept close. Dresses, blouses with skirts, heels, heavy makeup; I had become the stereotypical poster girl of femininity.

Sexually, Blake was amazing and devilishly evil. When he fucked me, it was wonderful. It was never just sex. If I said or forgot to say something he didn’t approve of, I was quickly gagged. Ball gags, tape over my lips, cloth shoved in my mouth, ring gags; I never wore the same gag twice in a row.

The punishment was different if I did something he didn’t agree with. Most of the time, his reason would be I did something that wasn’t very ladylike. Punishment was usually spanks, to the point I couldn’t sit down comfortably without a soft cushion, or some embarrassing situation. The worst of which was tying me up naked to a pole in the garden with a sign that said, “I’ve been bad, feel free to cum on me.” None of the neighbors engaged in that particular activity, but plenty took embarrassing pictures.

My biggest complaint, bondage. I always had to be tied or bound for most of the day. Blake’s personal favorite was duct tape. He claimed it to be quickly applicable while also retaining an element of elegance. That didn’t mean he bound me in tape every time. Sometimes it was rope, which was quickly becoming my favorite or belts which seemed to be the least favored to the both of us. Crotch ropes were more fun than I thought they would be. That aspect of bondage I was more than happy to suffer from. I wouldn’t ever tell him that, though.

Surprisingly, sex didn’t make up as much of the daily routine as I thought it would. Yeah, sometimes Blake had to attend to his day job, but even when he was home it wasn’t always sexual between us. Blake enjoyed cuddling up with me to watch tv shows or movies. To my despair, I said something out of line once and now I was to be permanently gagged during television time.

We took turns cooking dinner, but when I cooked Blake would keep a heavy leash on me. I think he was afraid I’d use a knife to get free or something. There were even times he took me out. Of course, the places were very secluded but equally serene. I could tell he was trying to normalize some aspects for me. It was hard to stomach sometimes, but life was settling down. I was feeling happier.

Today would be the truest test of my complacency. Blake had agreed to allow my sister, Emily, to visit. She’d been calling non stop and Blake was steadily running out of excuses to bat her away with. When Blake finally caved and agreed to allow her to visit, he invited her over for lunch. She basically spit out her food when I told her the address over the phone.

Blake was adamant about how things would go. He would watch me closely, insisting that he be allowed to stay should my sister want some alone time with me. I was to take his side, act like a good wife and such. If I tried to compel my sister to help me, Blake would see to it that Emily took my place.

Emily wasn’t exactly my twin, but she looked close enough to me that Blake’s slavers wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. The threat alone of her being forced to endure a life of slavery was more than enough to keep me behaved. Bonus of taking my place just cemented me further.

Blake told me a bit about what I was originally slated for. I was to be sold for the price of one million dollars to a crooked porn producer who was infamous for forcing slaves to make him money. Just thinking about the living conditions Blake described made me sick to my stomach. That people could keep girls chained in a dark, damp box of a room naked and chained to the wall, fed three meals a day and fucked every day in front of a camera for other perverts money.

My husband didn’t know much more about that specific producer but hinted that girls who no longer made enough money were sold to middle easterners or Asian millionaires wanting a western sex slave. I felt practically lucky that Blake had insisted that I belong to him. There was a catch to Blake keeping me, apparently. Blake wouldn’t tell me what that condition was, claiming I would hate him for it. It either involved handing me over eventually or something just as twisted, kidnapping more women to take my place to pay off the one million his boss lost on me.

Turning a page of my book I thought would distract me while I awaited Emily’s arrival, was doing a poor job of calming me down. One wrong move or comment and I would damn her to a terrible future. Emily wasn’t exactly a hardcore feminist like me, but she was smart, like super smart. One day, my little sister would be a lawyer. She didn’t know what kind, but Emily had all the time in the world to decide. Hell, she would get the pick of the litter after graduating from Harvard.

To my left, Blake continued to hold me close while playing phone games. I was thankful for our quiet time, especially after getting roughly fucked for three hours. Blake insisted after he said he wouldn’t touch me for the rest of the day after. My breasts were sore and my wrists red from my struggling. I hadn’t made it through a session without trying to get free of whatever binding he put my hands in. On top of that, my ass felt like it was on fire from the excessive spanking he gave me. Blake claimed it to be a “maintenance spanking,” reminding me of my place beneath him.

Inhaling a shaky breath, I caught the attention of my husband. The worry in his golden eyes spoke volumes of how he felt. I may be his property, he may have treated me like property, but he still loved me dearly and would move heaven and earth to protect me. Blake kissed my forehead, the contact of his lips erasing some of my more anxious nerves.

“Thank you, sir.”

“It’ll be okay. Just try your best to behave today. I don’t want to make Emily take your place, troublemaker. And I know how much it would kill you. So we have to work together on this okay?”

“I know, sir,” I said with a weak smile. “May I please have a kiss, sir?”

Without giving me a reply, his lips pressed to mine. My nerves quieted instantly, and I was able to relax some. Affection still affected me, despite my love-hate relationship with Blake. It was my way of calming down when I got worked up.

Blake and I talked out what happened that day with Tyler. I explained how I just wanted affection to calm me down. Blake told me that if I ever needed affection to calm down again, just ask politely. At first, I found the idea demeaning, but after getting used to it, it wasn’t so bad. Besides, kisses were pretty great.

“Thank you, sir.” I whispered into his neck.

It was worrying that I was developing such feminine habits. Feminity felt naturally weak, and I hated weakness more than anything. One of the big appeals of feminist independence was feeling empowered and strong. Blake tried to convince me that even submissive women could have a similar level of power if they knew how to tap it. Conveniently, Blake hadn’t elaborated on how I could go about doing that. Maybe he would tell me when he trusted I wasn’t going to run away.

The doorbell rang, ending my calm before the storm. Blake and I met each other’s gaze. He gave me a sharp nod, expression serious. I stood up and went to greet our guests. The thing was, when I opened the door Emily wasn’t alone. At her side was one of my best friends and a fanatical feminist.

Emily wore a simple blue and white striped dress, just barely resting above her ankles. Kylie’s outfit was more or less typical for her. Dark blue jeans, sneakers and a black band tee shirt she’s had since high school. Kylie had a skeptical look on her normally perfect face.

*Shit. This just got a million times harder.*

“Kylie!” I shouted in surprise, trying to cover my worry at seeing her.

I’d known Kylie since fifth grade. We were that childhood friendship that withstood the test of time. The slender blonde eyed me curiously with her usual wandering hazel eyes. It was no secret Kylie was a lesbian, or that she had a girl boner for me.

“Brittany!” I didn’t even get a second word in before the tall, short-haired blonde embraced me in a tight hug. With her boobs pressed against mine, I felt a slight tingle of arousal. They were still sore from being slapped the other day when I forgot to address Blake as sir. “I can’t believe you got married! And especially to a guy.”

Kylie hadn’t bothered to hide her resentment. I remembered the day I told her I had started seeing Blake romantically. Kylie practically lost her mind and didn’t speak to me for a month. This was a disaster waiting to happen.

“Kylie,” Blake commented flatly from behind me.

“Blake,” Kylie replied with a spiteful tone.

*Could this get any worse? Kylie would look for any reason to drive a wedge between Blake and I. This is a nightmare.*

“Brittany, could I have a word with you in private,” Blake asked politely.

“Oh, fuck no!” Kylie screeched, “You’ve had her to yourself forever. It’s our turn now. She’s coming out with us right now.”

*I shouldn’t have asked if it could get worse. That was basically me goading the stars into doing just that.*

“Kylie, we’re having dinner here. And Emily, why didn’t you tell me Kylie was coming?” I asked politely, trying to be the peacekeeper between the warring parties.

“Kylie pressured me into taking her along. I told her it was a bad idea.” Emily looked over to Kylie, disappointed expression and all. “You said you wouldn’t make trouble. You said you were just coming to see my sister, Kylie.”

“Yeah and get her away from him!” Kylie commented.

I could sense Blake’s anger, even with maybe six or seven feet between us. The longer this went on, the more chances it could blow up in my face. I had to think up a plan, and fast. To do that, I needed to be alone with Blake. Kylie would feel betrayed again, but there didn’t seem like any other course of action right now.

“Kylie, He’s my husband now. You can’t say things like that.” I gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek. “If he wants to talk to me alone, I have no reason to say no. So give us a bit, okay?” While Emily appeared to be fooled, Kylie wasn’t.

“I don’t care. I haven’t seen you in ages because of him. Screw the dinner, let’s go out and do something fun. Just you, me and Emily.” Kylie was really pressing this. I didn’t need to turn around to tell Blake was losing his patience and would explode any second. I had to get them away from each and now.

“Kylie! Please just give us a moment. You guys kinda dropped this surprise on us last second.”

“So? What’s the big issue!?” Kylie argued.

“Enough!” I shouted at Kylie. “I’ll be right back. Please make yourselves comfortable in the living room.”

“Kylie, come on,” Emily interjected. Seems Emily wanted to keep it peaceful between the two as well.

Kylie huffed but ultimately knew she couldn’t press the issue further. Emily and Kylie took their leave into the living room while Blake and I stepped outside. The aura of anger I felt emanating from Blake earlier had become so much worse.

“You’re not going,” Blake ordered.

“I didn’t ask for this. You were there when I spoke to my sister!”

“Troublemaker, I know. This isn’t about what’s troubling our relationship. Now that I’m your husband, I felt a bit entitled to be upset when you go out with that girl.”

“You knew?” I asked.

“Of course I knew. I respected your boundaries then because I wasn’t married to you. Now that I am, I don’t want you and her in the same room alone.”

I spun around, facing away. I took in a deep breath and thought this over. This was quickly getting out of hand already, and I did not understand how to keep the peace. Blake’s arms wrapped around my belly, the familiar vanilla scent filling my nose. When I felt his lips on my head, I felt myself calming down.

“I don’t know what to do,” I whispered.

“It’s okay. Just do what I say.”

“You know Kylie won’t buy that.”

“Do you want to go out with them?” Blake asked. I spun around in shock, wondering if he was giving me permission to go.

“Are you allowing me to go?”

“I really don’t like the idea of you being away from me or off your leash where I can’t monitor you. But sooner or later I’m gonna have to.”

I slid my hand up to his cheek, softly stroking my skin against his. I hoped that it would show him I was serious about staying; even though I wasn’t actually sure about what I wanted.

“I don’t feel good going. My mind’s a mess, sir. If I let one thing slip, my sister… I can’t let that happen.”

Blake took a deep breath, pulling me into another embrace. He held me close for a while, then stepped away. He gave me that heart-melting smile of his I so rarely got to see and then opened the door. Usually when I wasn’t given instruction, it meant that he would take care of it and I didn’t need to know how.

I gingerly stepped inside, walking towards the living room that hosted my friend and sister. Blake stayed close behind me, his presence giving me a slight ease. Kylie was standing inspecting art Blake used to decorate the wall. Emily was seated on an armchair, browsing through her phone.

“Kylie, we don’t appreciate you dropping by unannounced and being disrespectful.” I closed my eyes as each of Blake’s every word sunk in.

“Fuck, this isn’t handling it, Blake!”

“I don’t give a fuck what you appreciate or don’t appreciate, asshole.”

It hadn’t dawned on me when Blake spoke what the plan was until Kylie replied with hostility. Blake had baited her into that response so I could come in and support Blake’s comment. My backing would make her see he and I were of the same mind.

“He’s right, Kylie. I’m overjoyed to see you. It’s been so long. But you need to accept Blake’s my husband now. You’re welcome to stay for dinner with Emily and us should you find a more civil tone.”

Keeping the smile off my face at how brilliant Blake was, was difficult enough without Kylie’s appalled face. I felt wrong thinking that way because of how it would look to her. Kylie would think I’ve gone back on my feminist ways and have let Blake domesticate me. That wasn’t far from the truth I accepted.

Kylie grabbed her bag and stomped past us, quickly leaving the estate. There wasn’t rage or fury on her face; it was tears. The betrayal cut her deep, most likely costing me my best friend. How many more sacrifices would I have to make before everything settled down again. Everything was ten times worse than when people found out I was dating Blake.

“For what it’s worth, Brittany, I think you did the right thing,” Emily said warmly.

“Thank you, Emily.”

“Please make yourself at home, Emily.” Blake leaned over to give me a peck on the cheek. “Behave, troublemaker,” Blake whispered into my ear. “Why don’t you two have some time to catch up, I’ll start making dinner.”

Confusion about what just happened would be the understatement of the century. He trusted me to be alone with Emily. Was he taking another leap of faith, or did he know I wouldn’t risk selling him out if it endangered my sister? My anxiety just got dialed to eleven, and I wasn’t sure if I could manage the ploy anymore.

“Unless, you’d rather start the meal, sweetheart?”

“Only if you come with me, si—” Both Blake and I locked eyes. I may have just damned us.

“If you two want to go cook, I’ll find something to watch. We can catch up during dinner.”

*Thank god she didn’t catch it.*

“Alright, Emily. If you need us, we’ll be down that hall. Straight shot to the kitchen,” Blake told her.


Blake and I walked together to the kitchen, leaving Emily to her own devices. When we got out of earshot of my sister, Blake clamped his hand over my mouth. He pushed me into the kitchen, closing the door behind us. I didn’t manage to recover from his shove in time before he pinned me, bent over the table.

“You almost got us caught, troublemaker.”

“I’m sorry! Please, I didn’t mean to, sir!” I cried out.

“I don’t care. Stay like that and don’t even think about moving.”

Of all the times to be punished, Blake was willing to risk our secret right now because I’d almost fucked up. Blake had gone to the locked cabinet filled with sex toys and gags. He pulled out a big red ball gag, one that I couldn’t ever fit in my mouth, and a pair of leather cuffs. Coming back to my side, I quickly put my hands behind my back, not wanting to make this worse. He cuffed my hands quickly, then pulled on my hair roughly.

“Open,” Blake ordered.

I did as instructed prompting Blake to shove the oversized ball into my mouth. It was, as I thought, not able to fit. That didn’t stop Blake, however. He wedged it in as far as he could, straining the limits of my jaw muscles before securing the buckle behind my head.

A brief delay and I felt my panties from underneath my dress get pulled down. Blake was in my ass, compelling a scream to push itself through the small gaps left between my lips and the ball. Blake spanked me for making a sound. This was a newer punishment Blake did when I was being bad. He would fuck my asshole until he came and I would have to finish the day without panties.

Blake struck my ass every time I made even a slight noise. It was going to hurt to sit down after this, but right now wasn’t the time to think about that. It required my entire focus not to split in half. Anal was not something I ever got eased into, and Blake never used lube. He’d take care of me after, but during, he made it as painful as possible for me. This was, after all, a punishment.

What Blake didn’t account for was my sister needing something. I heard her scream of surprise from the door. The image of Blake fucking my ass roughly, while she stood there horrified was nothing short of the ultimate embarrassment.. The unfolding scene was slightly arousing to me, but that was the least of my worries.

“I can’t believe it. Kylie was right,” Emily gasped with horror.


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