The Rikyu School for Girls- Janitor observes punishment at girls school.

The Rikyu School for Girls is a prestigeous school for upper class Japanese girls. They go there between 18 and 24 years of age and are interned there. As in England, all students where identical uniforms. Blue dresses that end just above the knee, with with and blue blouses. I’m a janitor there. Janitors have a way of seeing things and not being seen themselves. People tend to ignore janitors and sometimes forget they’re even there. Although I do not have voyeuristic tendencies, two years ago, I saw something that made me stop and watch.

The Rikyu School is very strict with its students. Discipline is enforced through the usual staying over after school. But sometimes limited physical violence is used that would seem old fashioned to a Westerner. Yes, they still use would to slap the big offenders over the hand. This is mostly done by the male teachers. I have occasionally seen a female teacher slap a girl who was a little too forthright. Not that being forthright is the Japanese way. The girls usually appear very timid except when amongst friends. They usually avoid my eyes walking past me and even sometimes make jokes about me behind my back. I don’t mind that.

One day, I was sweeping the floor late in the afternoon. All the students had retired to the dorms. Only one classroom was still occupied. One of the particular naughty girls, Ishu, had been required to stay in the classroom and wait while the teacher did his paperwork. Ishu is a pretty girl. She doesn’t look as Japanese as most girls. I believe her mother is part European. Like other Japanese girls she’s very slender, almost frail. Unlike the other girls, she was relatively well developed. Of course, the Japanese do not tend to have exaggerated femine forms, but she was lucky enough to have inherited some of the European influence. Her breasts were actually fairly large and she had long legs.

As I peeked into the classroom she was pouting and looking intensily mad at the teacher. The teacher, mister Li, took no notice. He was a little older and quite severe. I guess you could say he was of classic kind. He expected total obedience and took easy offence. Something must have been brewing between the two of them, because this was the second time she had had to stay over in one week. At that moment Ishu said something under her breath. My Japanese isn’t that good, but it sounded something like ‘Damn school’. It was a pubescent taunt: she said it soft enough so that he couldn’t really hear what she was saying but loud enough so that he heard she said something. She was just trying how far she could go but didn’t really dare to go all the way. Mister Li slowly looked up. From the look in his eyes I could see she had gone too far once too many. Ishu noticed the same thing, but she proudly put her chin up in a defiant gesture. ‘Come here,’ mister Li said. He said it softly but without room for discussion. I could see Ishu’s defiance rapdily evaporating. But she got up and walked to his desk, her eyes on the ground. She was now a very timid. Mister Li slowly got up. His eyes held a dangerous glint. ‘You keep defying me, don’t you?’ Ishu started to protest, but he just said ‘shut up’. Then he went to corner of the room and retrieved a thin cane. He used it normally to point at the blackboard, but now it seemed to get a new function. I could see Ishu’s eyes open wide in fear. She started apologizing profusely, but mister Li had made his mind up. He stood to the side of the desk and said again ‘Come here!’. Ishu could do nothing but comply, reluctantly she stood in front of him. She didn’t dare look up into his face. He turned her sideways, facing the desk. Then he slowly and deliberately pushed her upper body so that she face was sideways on the table. He was going to cane the young girl! Ishu also seemed to understand what was coming and I could see tears starting to flow from her eyes. ‘Please!’ I heard her whisper softly. But mister Li gently raised her skirt so that her white panties were exposed. Then he pulled them down slightly to expose here buttocks.. I realized immediately that this was very inappropriate, even for a severe punishment. In her fear Ishu didn’t seem to realize that her pussy was exposed. I have to admit that I started to get a little excited. It shames me now to say it, but I crouched slowly so that my eyes were aligned with the table. She was half facing me and because her legs were longer than the table was high, her buttocks were slightly raised. Her panties were down only slightly, but her pussy was completely exposed and I could see the black down. I felt myself getting hard. Then, with a whipping sound mister Li brought down the cane against her buttocks. There was a vicious slap and Ishu’s eyes flew open in pain. I could see her mouth open in pain and her body climbed up from the table like a soldier shot in the back. Before she could voice her scream, he brought down the cane again. She gasped for breath and a small scream escaped her mouth. But he pushed her down on the table and threw his cane away. ‘You are an intolerable spoiled little girl!’ And with that he brought his bare hand against her buttocks with a vicious slap. This time she did manage to cry out. But he did it again and again, while keeping her down with his other hand. Every time he slapped her he seemed to get more angry and he muttered curse after curse. The man was beside himself! One slap was so hard that her body jerked sideways. I could see the top buttons fly from her blouse under the strain. One breast came half out of a pristinely white bra. It was round and youtfully perfect, with a small aureola around the nipple. [read more](
