The Pleasure of Business: An Erotic Novel, Chapter 32

The next morning, Anna awakes before Bruce. Not wanting to wake him, she dresses quickly, kisses his forehead, and then sneaks down to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. When she opens the front door, she sees a car waiting for her, just as Bruce said there would be. She smiles to herself, it will be nice to get back into the office for work.
As the car pulls out of the driveway, Anna sends him a quick text. “I didn’t want to wake you, I’ll see you when you arrive :)”

When she arrives at the office, Anna takes her seat at her desk, straightening her dress. The dress is tight, black and low cut, just the way Bruce likes it. Ever since she got back from Paradise she hasn’t worn a bra or panties, and today was no exception. It felt so freeing to be sexually liberated. As soon as she’s settled, Anna sets to work. She answers emails and follows up on deals from their trip to Italy, the business that occurred outside of Paradise. She keeps sneaking peeks at the clock, wondering when Bruce will arrive.

At 10:30, she finally hears the elevator open and sees Bruce step out of it, smiling at her.

“Good morning, Anna. How is the schedule looking?”

“You’re booked in meetings most of today,    sir. I’ve set necessary documents and information on your desk. I’ll be here if you need anything.”

Bruce winks at her and walks into his office, shutting the door behind him. Anna bites her lip and smiles to herself. Bruce is behaving much better than she expected. She sighs and gets back to work, when her phone buzzes. She opens the message and sees a picture of Bruce’s rock hard cock, the message simply says, “Nice dress ;)”
Anna smirks, she didn’t think she would like seeing his cock on her phone screen. Then she gets an idea. She looks around to make sure no one is watching, then she spreads her legs and snaps a picture of her pussy, pink and glistening, clearly aroused by the recent message she received. She attached the message, “I thought you’d like it today… ;)”

Bruce replies quickly, “Dirty girl. I have a good mind to show that to every client today. Show them we are excited by their prospects. Except the ones that have already seen it, of course. ;)”

Before Anna has time to think about it, the elevator door opens, an older gentleman and his younger associate step out. Both handsome in their own way, Anna smiles, standing to welcome them.

“Caruthers and Son to see the man in charge,” the older man says with a slight smirk.

The voice is familiar but she can’t place it. Anna buzzes them into Bruce’s office and goes back to work, puzzled.

After 2 hours the three men emerge from the office, the scent of cigars following them out.

“I think this will work out well for everyone, boys. Give my best to Joyce,” Bruce says, taking them to the elevator.

As the door closes, Bruce turns and stops in front of Anna’s desk. She gives him a sly smirk. 

“Did you have to show them how excited we are?” she asks with a teasing tone.

“Why would I do that?” Bruce responds with a smirk. “They’ve both already seen it. They’ve both already been inside the business.”

Anna looks confused and blushes slightly. 

“I suppose you wouldn’t recognize them,” Bruce continues, leaning in to whisper in her ear. “They both paid $10 million dollars to fuck you. From what I remember they were 2 of the better participants too.”

Anna’s eyes widen, it clicks. Now she knows why she recognized the older man’s voice.

“The younger one asked you if he was going to fuck my ass… Now I remember, the older one definitely got the best blow job of his life too…”

She squirms in her seat a little and winks at Bruce. “I didn’t recognize them at first… I guess I was too busy getting fucked to remember faces.”

Then she stands and walks over to the printer, more documents for the next meeting. She hands them to Bruce and gives him a small peck on the cheek.

“Can I get you anything else sir?” She asks sweetly with a smile, her eyes twinkling, thinking about the night of the gala.
He takes the documents from her.
“I’m sure I can find something I need from you,” He says with a wink. “I don’t think anyone else on today’s schedule has fucked you. Yet.”

As he turns to go back into his office to wait for his next meeting, Bruce places something on Anna’s desk. Thinking it was another proposal needing a review, Anna plugs it into her computer and starts to click through the dozens of folders and files. She quickly realizes the flash drive is not a business proposal. It’s full of videos and photos, of her, of her and Bruce. It’s a flash drive Wyatt gave Bruce of everything recorded of them at Paradise. It’s her own private stash of porn and she is the star of it all.

Anna smiles and squirms in her seat. Biting her lip, she starts to flip through the pictures. She doesn’t open a video, for fear of being discovered by a client. Instead, she sends Bruce a text,

“Wyatt sure is clever, I didn’t think there were this many angles you could take of me ;)” 

Then the elevator opens and another pair of men enter, making Anna jump slightly. She doesn’t recognize them at all, but she finds both of them attractive. “Sir, your next appointment is here”. She says through the intercom before buzzing them through. 

The younger of the two leans in and whispers as he passes, “nice screensaver”. Anna looks and blushes, she forgot to close the image of herself on her knees with Bruce’s cock in her mouth.  
Anna sits back down at her desk, embarrassed that she was so careless.
Meanwhile, Bruce welcomes his newest clients into his office.
“Gentlemen, welcome to my chamber of horrors where I steal your souls!” 
“Think your secretary could steal mine instead?” the younger one laughs.

“What now?” He asks.

“Your secretary is looking at porn out there,” he says.

“Ah. Well, one, she is not my secretary. She is the executive in charge of office operations. And, two, she’s not looking at porn. She is reviewing our vacation photos,” He informs him matter of factly.

“Wait… I just saw a photo of you getting head from her?” he stutters.

“I don’t know what you saw but you very well may have,” Bruce says, taking a seat behind his desk. “Maybe if we can get a little business done here I’ll bring her in and you can ask her yourself.” He motions to the chairs in front of his desk.

They sit.

“Now gentlemen, we are currently paying $2.78 per unit to your company. It’s unacceptable. Anything more than $1.90 is outright robbery.”

And so the negotiation begins.
An hour passes.

The phone rings.

“Anna, could you please come in here,” Bruce’s voice says, his tone one of agitation and frustration. 

Anna stands and quickly walks to the door, opening it and walking inside. 

“Yes, sir?” she asks.

“Anna, please come stand next to me,”  Bruce says, not taking his eyes off the clients.

Anna walks to his desk, feeling the eyes of the two men in the chairs before it drinking in her form. Once she is next to Bruce, he begins to speak.

“Gentlemen, this is Anna. You met her on the way in. You have made quite a few sexual remarks about her since then. Which is all well and good. She is an incredible woman.”

Bruce meets Anna’s eyes, his look telling her to follow his lead.

“Anna, please expose your breasts to the clients,” he says in an even tone.

Anna hesitates, and Bruce, sensing her hesitation, places his hand on her waist to reassure her this is okay. She reaches up and slowly unzips the dress to her waist and pulls it down in front. 

“Gentlemen, do you see Anna’s breasts? They are exquisite. Perfect. Large yet supple. Sensitive yet calling out to be rough with them.”

He places one hand on her breast and starts to stroke it slowly. Her nipple getting hard almost immediately.

“You see I am allowed to touch them. And you are not. Anna lives in my home. Sleeps in my bed. Showers in my bathroom. She also makes my appointments, schedules the entire building, takes calls, keeps my files in order, and deals with assholes like you. Anna is valuable. This company doesn’t run without her. I don’t run without her.”

Bruce quickly turns and slaps both of his hands on his desk, making all three of them jump slightly. 

“I hope you’re both good and hard now because you clearly came here to jerk each other off and waste my fucking time. You are not like Anna. You are not valuable. This company can and does run without you. Now if you want to continue wasting my time, you can leave now. If you can come up with anything of value to say, you better wow me in the next 30 seconds.”

Bruce stands and brings her dress back up, zipping it. Out of their sight, he squeezes her ass and whispers in her ear, “As soon as I am done with these two, we are taking lunch, locking the door, and I am going to fuck the living hell out of you on this desk.”

Turning back to the clients. “No? Nothing? Get the fuck out of my office. And tell your boss if he ever sends two little errand boys with an insulting offer to me again I will shove his precious cigars straight up his ass one by one.”

Their eyes go wide and they all but run to the door.

Bruce huffs and presses the button on his desk to lock the door. 

“And how is your day going, my dear?” he says, unbuckling his belt.

“My day is going better now.. the flashdrive is in my purse because I was getting distracted.” Anna replies as she sits up on his desk, spreading her legs. Then she bites her lip and pulls on his tie, bringing Bruce closely to her, stroking his cock and kissing his neck. She can sense and feel his frustration at the meeting that just occurred.  

“Take your frustration out on me, sir…” she whispers lustfully .
Bruce kisses her roughly and the pushes his cock into her. Not gently.

Not gradually.

All in.


Pounding her perfect little snatch.

Rattling things off the desk. His eyes wild. His fingers digging into her hips.

Not moaning but grunting.


The caged animal claiming his mate.

His balls slap against her asshole still sensitive from their activities the night before.

“Anna,” He growls. “Anna, my perfect whore. Make me cum. Make me cum now.”
Anna cries out in pain, his thrusting is not gentle. She braces herself against him and wraps her legs around his waist, whimpering as his balls slap against her tender ass. 

“Oh sir…” She whimpers. She knows by his ferocity, she is not cumming this time. She is an outlet for his frustration. She moans and whimpers in his ear, “fill your whore’s little pussy. Make me drip and full the rest of the day”.
It doesn’t take long, her words pushing him over the edge. Bruce groans and cums inside of her. It’s a small load, not the big gooey load she is used to getting from him. 

Bruce kisses her gently as he pulls from her, redoing his pants and belt. 

“I’m sorry, Anna,” he says, panting slightly. “I should never fuck you that way.”

Anna takes his hand and says, “it’s okay sir, I figured you needed an outlet for frustration, I just wasn’t mentally prepared.”

Bruce helps her off of his desk and motions for her to sit in his desk chair. 

“As you can probably tell, that meeting didn’t go well. And I knew it wouldn’t. Victor Salvatore has been waiting for me to return to the office to send his goons. He wants a piece of the company. I told him I won’t sell to mafia pieces of shit.”

Anna’s eyes widened slightly, she had no idea he did work with the mob. Bruce continues.

“Sure I’ve worked with the mafia before. Every big business has from time to time. It’s part of the game. But I won’t sell this company to them.”

He walks behind Anna and turns the chair so she can see their reflection in the window. 

“And I won’t let them touch my most prized possession,” he says, his hands on her shoulders.
Anna puts her hands on his as they are placed on her shoulders. She gives him a small smile in their reflection, “Your most prized possession huh? I appreciate you sticking up for me. I’m sure they were giving you a hard time because of my lack of closing out of a screen with an image of me naked on my knees. I’m sorry about that, sir.”
“They’ll be jerking off thinking about you for weeks,” He says with a flat tone. “That’s one of the reasons I demonstrated to them that they can’t touch you.”

Brue leans in and gives her a kiss. 

“And because I like to show you off and touch you. But I don’t think I can be blamed for that.”
“I like being shown off sir, you know that. I’m glad you want to show me off as well, it makes it fun for me to think about what to wear to help you with that”.

Anna smiles and stands from his seat, and turns, facing Bruce. “Do you need anything else from me right now sir? You have another client coming in a few minutes. I believe it’s an associate from Europe, but can’t place the name right now.”

She turns to leave, but Bruce catches her hand and pulls her in by the waist, “You’re incredible, you know that?” He says kissing her forehead. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Anna smiles and rests her head on his chest, inhaling his cologne and listening to his heartbeat. 
As Bruce releases her, he says, “You should order some actual lunch. I’m starving.”
Anna looks at him and raises an eyebrow at his sudden change in tone. 

“And maybe decide what you want to have Chef Tony make for dinner.” He continues.

Anna continues to silently sass him, giving him a playful smirk. Bruce retaliates by pinning her to the door and whispering in her ear, 

“And let me make it up to you at home tonight by giving you a hard and proper fuck.”

He kisses her firmly on the mouth and slaps her ass as she opens the door. 
Anna smiles and giggles before she responds, “Lunch is already here sir… I ordered it before the last meeting”.
She quickly walks into the lobby outside his office and takes a bag that was placed on her desk. Lunch was delivered when Bruce was fucking her on his desk. Handing it to him, she says with a smile,

“I’ll let you know when your next meeting arrives sir. I’ll look forward to this evening, very much…” She winks, shuts the office door and gets back to work. Her mind going back to his promise of giving her a proper fucking when they get home.

At the end of the day, Anna knocks on his office door and pokes her head in. “I’m heading out, you coming?”

Bruce turns, his phone to his ear, he covers the mouthpiece and whispers to her, “I’ll be home later, don’t wait for me for dinner, it may be a while”. 

Anna smiles, blows him a kiss and shuts the door. As she walks down to the parking garage, she can’t help but giggle to herself, something about being back in the office makes her think about how months ago, her life was completely different. 


1 comment

  1. I still can’t decide if I’m more invested in the smut or the story yet. Great job!

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