[EU] Daily Life Of A Runway Model In A World Of Exhibitionists

Established Universe (Not Required Reading):

[The Sexual Freedom & Liberation Ack](https://www.reddit.com/r/DirtyWritingPrompts/comments/iht3mm/wp_the_year_is_21xx_the_sexual_freedom_liberation/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


[Original **WP** Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DirtyWritingPrompts/comments/j1r87a/wp_eu_daily_life_of_a_runway_model_in_a_world_of/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share); both are mine, so it’s *technically* not a repost.


Exhibition is now legal & common; it’s been that way for a few years now, and it’s starting to reflect in the fashion industry.


(Story In Comments)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/j25053/eu_daily_life_of_a_runway_model_in_a_world_of

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  1. Part 1 – History

    Ever since the Sexual Freedom & Liberation Ack, fashion has shifted more & more towards exposing one’s self.

    Many models thought this just meant less clothing; some just went nude with a pair of heals & some makeup. Those that did often didn’t make it. Most of their careers were based on some fashion designers layering cloth over them until they were satisfied, alway pulling the eyes focus to their work & away from the one wearing it.

    When the switch happened, they had no chance.

    This new era of fashion centers around the wearer. ‘Exposure’ is all about showing off one’s vulnerability; the few models able to do this while projecting an air of confidence & power were raised to a whole new level of fame.


    Part 2 – My Onsomble

    Let’s start with the simplest piece of my onsomble; [a simple, black, latex, collar with a small O-ring](https://images.app.goo.gl/tcPGujqNH9cWybEv9). It provids a stark contrast to my pale, snow-white, skin.

    The next piece is [a long loop of thin, white, silk](https://images.app.goo.gl/Cob8Vbwji9hbsMKn9) going through 2 [twisted golden rings](https://images.app.goo.gl/WRZbHm1NRbCpmygk9); when pulled taut, it reaches just a couple feet beyond my wingspan. One of the rings are placed on my left, middle-finger. The white fabric flows down the back of my hands, going back & around my arm once, across my chest, & repeating with my right arm.

    The center of the cloth, both strands, is pulled up & through the loop on my collar; two [small, gold, loops](https://images.app.goo.gl/f7BDw1JYkhnnqNcY9), with designs nearly identical to the two rings on my fingers, are placed around the silk & applied to my nipples, forming a white triangle.

    The rest of my onsomble is comprised of a single composite material; a [thin, white, plastic, tube](https://images.app.goo.gl/8AGkKmvPZA2EMAt46) is filled with a silicone-resin & molded into place. When it hardens, it becomes a sturdy, yet flexible cord, one as strong as steel, but will always deform before snapping.

    My left *shoe*, if you can call it that, starts on the outside of my knee. Flush to my skin, the cord goes straight down about 3″ before curving into a [clockwise](https://images.app.goo.gl/nFfY3qVCLsL6dhdP7) spiral, wrapping about 5 around my lower leg & ending on the inside. After traveling behind my ankle & under my heel, it forms a skinny, 5″ tall, [double-spring](https://images.app.goo.gl/wAm2wQxvp7VM96Xo6) with a [small double-spiral](https://images.app.goo.gl/pUYjZgCqqkCUFwBm6) at the bottom, connecting the 2 springs.

    It then travels along the inside of my foot & towards the top, looping under my middle toe, never leaving my skin, & back towards my heel alone the outside of my foot. It then creates a second double-spring/spiral surrounding the first before going up the outside of my heel, behind my ankle, & into a clockwise spiral interlaced with the first. It stops on the inside of my leg just before curving straight up 3″ and ending next to my knee.

    My right shoe’s the same, just mirrored.


    Part 3 – The Main Piece

    It starts just above my left Knee.

    3″ straight up, before curving into a clockwise spiral, twisting around my thigh 12 times; the top of the spiral cups my left buttocks, propping it up &, ever so slightly, pushing it to the left.

    It then slips into my vaginal opening, applying just enough pressure to pull the entrance back & to the left. It then travels straight up before curving forward, forming a 2″ø, semi-circle right next to my cervix. Twisting slightly to the right, it leaves my entrance just left of my clit. Not once does the cord leave my skin.

    Directly above my clitoris, the white cord forms an [intricate 8 point star](https://images.app.goo.gl/PSBzRVcj3ukGZ8hq5), perfectly framing my navel, & finishing the pattern back where it started.

    Flowing back down, the cord presses my clit against its counterpart cord, clamping it in place but not pinching, forming a [sideways eye](https://images.app.goo.gl/VDe6ZEFyc4KwcvXSA).

    It then slides back inside, curving backwards to form another semi-circle to mirror the first, then exiting, leaving my hole as a triangle shaped gape.

    The white line then reaches back, cupping my right cheek, just like it did the other, before spiraling down my thigh & stopping just above my right knee in a perfect mirror of my left.


    Part 4 – The Walk (Coming Soon)

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