Captured by the Villain -Part 2 (Long) (Fantasy) (M/F) (Mdom) (Sensual)

Willow stayed crouched, ear to the door. Waiting.
She had woken that morning, still hazy from the pain potion, angry at herself for letting her captor her to her. She began to search the room inch by inch for a way out. There was none. The skylights in the ceiling were hopelessly far up, even with her powers. The furniture was immovable, and the door was locked with an enchantment. Magnus knew her too well. It pissed her off.

With nothing better to do, Willow began rifling through the dresser drawers. They were stocked with clothing exactly to her taste, simple and easy to move in. Even the colors were to her preference. Somehow, the fact that Magnus knew her clothing style pissed her off even more than the fact he knew how to keep her contained.

Head still buzzing, she grumbled as she ate the remaining scraps of last night’s dinner. The servant who had slid the meal under the door must not have known who she was, because her silverware had included a steak knife. Idiot. Willow pocketed it. Then she knelt by the door to wait.

Finally, footsteps down the hall. Willow leapt into action. Jumping straight up, she grabbed onto the ledge of the decorative door frame and swung herself up, perching herself on the thin stone ledge. The feat would have been impossible for most, but then Willow was half goddess. To her, stunts like that were nothing.
She poised herself, ready to strike, knife in hand. The door opened. The robed figure of Magnus entered, a tray in hand. He had but a split second to glance around the seemingly empty room before Willow bore down on him with a bellow.

Magnus yelped and reacted with a flash bang spell, stunning Willow and causing her attack to miss. She fell to the ground with a thud as Magnus jumped backwards. Willow kicked out her leg and tripped him, reaching for the knife. Magnus shot a spell at it as he fell, causing it to slide across the floor and under the dresser. She lunged at him, pinning him to the ground by the throat.

“You must be feeling better,” he rasped.

“What the hell did you do to me?” Willow snarled, raising her first strike. But she hesitated.

The momentary lapse cost her. A spell flung her across the room, and Magnus quickly raised his hand, holding her in place with a paralysis spell. He took a moment to catch his breath, stand up, and look around at the contents of the breakfast tray he walked in with.
“Gods dammit Willow, you made me drop the croissants! How the hell did you even get a knife anyway?”

The effort of containing her already had him sweating. Willow was too strong even for his most powerful paralysis spell. He had no choice but to release her. She dropped to the ground and put her hands to her head.

“What the hell is wrong with me?” She thought. “Why didn’t I kill him when I had the chance?” She easily could have knocked him out and escaped. What had stopped her?

Your friends, said the voice inside your head. He would be able to reach them before you could. You made a deal. It would be selfish not to hold up your end of the bargain….right?

But…what exactly WAS her end of the bargain? To stay here? To let him do whatever he wanted with her?
“I haven’t done anything to you, by the way” Magnus responded to her earlier question as he began picking up the remnants of the ruined breakfast off the floor, “except come to offer you some food. But clearly you aren’t hungry. Or don’t like croissants.”

Willow said nothing, still arguing with herself internally.
Magnus went on, “I was hoping you’d let me re-check your wound to make sure it’s healing. I brought some cream for muscle soreness as well….it was a hard battle yesterday.”

Willow felt conflicted, but he was right. Her body was aching all over. She nodded silently and walked over to the bed. Willow hesitated for a moment.

“I’m not going to hurt you Willow. I’m trying to make you more comfortable.” Magnus reassured.

Willow took a deep breath and dropped her simple cotton shift the floor, leaving her nude except for her panties. She lay down on the bed, Magnus sitting down beside her. He gestured toward the manacles attached by chains to the headboard.

“You know the drill.”

Another moment of hesitation….was she really going to let this happen again?

With a huff, she raised her arms above her head.

“Good girl.” Magnus secured her left wrist.

Suddenly, he felt her right hand grip his robe, hard, pulling him closer to her. So close he could feel her breath hot on his lips. He felt himself flush.

“Don’t. Call me that.” Willow said quietly, making it very clear that she could easily strangle him one handed if she wanted to. Magnus could feel himself getting erect already. Gods she was hot.

Magnus grinned as he gently grabbed her hand off of his robes and cuffed it. “You didn’t seem to mind last night.” He chuckled upon seeing her cheeks flush as well.

“Last night…was… was nothing.” Willow stammered, clearly flustered. “Last night you took advantage.”

“Took advantage?” Magnus asked, amused. He inspected her stomach. Her wound had completely vanished overnight, leaving only a patch of red skin to indicate where the gash had been before. A wound like that would have severely incapacitated if not killed anyone else. Her powers were truly incredible.

Magnus opened the jar of soothing lotion and began working it into her arms and shoulders. It felt amazing.
“Willow, I have watched you uproot a tree with your bare hands and use it to club a man into the next kingdom for a lesser offense. Am I really to believe you think I took advantage?”

Willows cheeks burned redder. It was true and she hated it.

“Now turn over so I can get your back.”

Willow obeyed, mind racing as his warm hands caressed the muscles of her back. They melted at his touch. Why did this keep happening to her? Why couldn’t she resist him?

He was basically straddling her now. She felt his hands work their way lower and lower down her back. Feeling her buttocks.

“Why won’t you just be honest with yourself?” Magnus breathed into Willow’s ear, the sensation sending tingles down her spine.

“About what?” Willow said stubbornly as his hands cupped her buttcheeks and tugged her underwear down.

“That you wanted to come with me,” Magnus purred as he kissed her neck and back, slipping her underwear off over her ankles.

“That you have feelings for me,” Another kiss to her neck as his fingers parted her legs and grazed the opening of her cunt.

“That you’re wetter than the sea right now.”

“Never.” Willow gasped as his pointer and middle finger slid inside of her.

A thorough massage of her vaginal walls ensued. Willow moaned as she grinded along to the motion of Magnus’s fingers, his free hand guiding her hips into him. She could feel her eyes roll into the back of her head as he pounded her g-spot over and over again. Why was he so good at this?

It didn’t take long for her body to reach climax, collapsing onto the mattress.

“You look so cute when you’re helpless.” Magnus cooed, shoving three fingers in this time.

“Fuck.” Was all Willow was able to reply. Magnus wasn’t satisfied until he made her orgasm two more times. He dragged her by the legs to the edge of the bed.

“Now, get up for me.” He lifted her up by the hips onto her knees so that her ass stuck up in the air, her pussy presented to him like a gift. Her legs were shaking. It was a beautiful sight.


Magnus’s clothes fell to the floor. He rubbed the tip of his warm, hard penis against her opening, spreading her moisture around. He inserted only the head at first, watching her squirm and whimper with anticipation at the tease, her arms pulling against her chains.

He couldn’t bare to keep her waiting. He quickly shoved it all the way in, grunting with satisfaction at the sensation of her soaking wet walls against his shaft.

Willow let out a moan as she felt his full length inserted, then withdrawn all the way to the tip, then inserted again even harder.

Over and over Magnus pounded her as she writhed beneath him, yelping as he rubbed her g-spot with his cock. One hand gripped her breast while the other stayed firmly on her hip, pulling her into his thrusts and fucking her harder.

“Oh!” Willow screamed as she climaxed again and her legs shuddered under the weight of her body, exhausted. Magnus removed his penis quickly and sprayed all over her butt. Like frosting a bun, he thought. What a picture perfect scene. He collapsed on the bed next to her.

“Now will you admit your feelings?” Magnus asked, fingers tracing across her back.

I’m getting to her, he thought. He heard her murmur something about snapping his neck like a twig if he didn’t shut up, and he smiled. He wouldn’t have it any other way.


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