Are You Sure You Want This?!?!? Be Careful What You Wish For [Cuckold] [30F][60M] Part 1 of 3

Alycia and Tony had been married for seven years, together for ten and in all that time Alycia never really was able to pry her husband’s fantasy’s or at least the ones that were real, when after a long night of drinking he confessed his fantasy to watch her with another man, watch her give into her desire while he watched. She was apprehensive about it from the start, but she wanted to make him happy like he had done for her, she wished now she would have said no, wished she would have not gone through with it, wished she didn’t enjoy it so much, many men and some women have fantasy’s about sharing their partners, stepping outside themselves watching someone they love receive pleasure from someone else, we are all natural voyeurs at our base biological sexual desires.

***One year earlier***

“I don’t know babe, I know this is a fantasy , but this might be best to keep it this way, I just don’t think I can enjoy getting fucked while you watch” her husband still had a glazed over look on his face “Alycia, I will beg if I have to, I can’t stop thinking about it and you have to have thought about other men , I mean its only natural right?” she was reluctant to continue this conversation but something yet unseen was bubbling to the surface, the thought of it did get her wet, but reality would be much different finally she gave in “Ok Tony, we can try this, but you have to promise you will not change towards me after for doing this ,are you sure you want this?” he quickly responded “Yes, thank you, I love you for doing this for me!”

Two weeks later she was sitting alone at a bar, well her husband was on the other end of the bar, but she was just the bait, it had already been twenty minutes and no one had even approached her, she felt ridiculous in the short skirt, thigh highs kept coming un-clipped, what was she doing here, just as she was about to close her tab and signal her husband it was time to go a stranger sat next to her, he was much older then her, probably late forty’s early fifties , she was unsure, he glanced her way and caught her staring, smiling he introduced himself “Hello, I am Ryan” she flushed “Hi, I am..uhh..” “Your name is uhh?” he was lightly laughing “No….sorry Alycia” she shook his hand, “Well Alycia it is nice to meet you, you will have to let me buy you a drink, a beautiful lady such as yourself” again she flushed “Thank you, I uh..appreciate it”

“So Alycia, how old are you?” she fumbled with her straw “Thirty, and you?” he smiled “Guess” she cursed in her mind “Uh…hmm…forty-nine” she made a face that said don’t be mad but he smiled “Wow, thank you for making me feel good, I am sixty” her mouth was hanging open, he looked great for his age she couldn’t believe it “Bull-Shit” she laughed , he pulled out his license and in fact he was sixty, she was having a good time as the two talked and flirted with each other, finally the question came “So where is your husband?” she flushed , she had not thought about this question or an answer quickly she blurted “Out of town on business” smiling Ryan replied “Well I guess that is lucky for me, you seem like you enjoy when he is out of town” she wasn’t sure what he meant until she saw his eyes moving up and down her body “Yes very much” her husband wasn’t the only one who had secret fantasy’s , the one she never told Tony was how wet and turned on by older men, much older men made her, men like Ryan, the bar was becoming more crowded and louder “Say do you want to maybe step outside, I uh need to tell you something” he said something to the bartender who nodded then placing a hand on her chair helping her up Ryan led her outside.

“Ryan, I haven’t been honest with you and I like you so I want to tell you the truth, you see my husband is not away on business, he is sitting across the bar, watching…he…well has this fantasy about me fucking another guy, he wants me to take you home and fuck you while he watches from the closet or window or something, I uh was apprehensive at first to even do this, but I am here and I wasn’t sure that I would…find someone that I was attracted too strongly, I thought it would be awkward….I …I ….Iam sorry” she had her head lowered not wanting to look into his eyes, his hand gently pushed her face up ” You have nothing to apologize for, I am not mad that you lied, I understand , I have to wonder why your husband would want to risk his beautiful wife however, well I will say this, if you were mine I would never let another man touch you how I am about to touch you” after he stopped talking he kissed her, she didn’t even try fighting it, she felt like she was floating on air, she had never been kissed like that before, his arms wrapped around her as he pulled away “Now lets go back in and put on a good show for your husband”

An hour later Alycia was sitting in the passenger seat of Ryan’s car, nervous, excited and horny the two had indeed put on a good show, she had texted her husband telling him to head home and get ready, which he did five minutes earlier, she asked him if he was enjoying the show, he responded with “very much”. Ryan started the car looking over at Alycia he said ” How would you feel about staying parked for a few more minutes, I have an uncontrollable urge to kiss you again” blushing she took off her seat belt and climbed onto Ryan’s lap whispering “I want to do more then that” the two kissed, his hands slowly moved up her skirt grabbing two handfuls of her ass, she could feel his cock grow hard, her clit throbbing , wet in anticipation, she reached down and reclined his seat, “Pull your pants down, I want your cock in my mouth” he obliged her request, as she began using her tongue softly teasing Ryan’s shaft, sucking on his balls his hands had a firm grip of her hair, she was dripping juices “You are really good at this” Ryan said as he smiled, “I want you inside me, I want to ride you, cum on your cock, fuck me!”
