The Neko Auction [M/Cat girl]

Credit goes to [yuutyu]( for providing me the inspiration of this story.

One day I was walking around a part of town that I’ve never been too. I started to casually going in and out of some of the shops that catch my eye. As I’m walking about I see a sign that makes me wonder. The sign had an arrow pointing towards the side ally. My curiosity got the better of me. I slowly and carefully made my way down the alleyway only to get stopped by 2 men in suits. Compared to me they were big and fucking scary looking. I started to panic a little.

The bigger of the two asked “What is your business here?” Panicking my mind raced and the picture of the sign popped into my head with the word “Auction”. With a shaky voice I replay “The auction?” They give me a quick up and down and say “Alright. When you enter get your number and proceed to any of the open seats.”

As I continued on down the steps of to the basement of the building. It turned out to be a massive opera hall. Beautifully decorated exactly like you would see in the movies. This was quite surprising considering the condition of the exterior. As I entered an auctioneer handed me a paddle with the number 78 on it.

The auction has already started. They’re selling off a few trinkets and items but nothing catches my eye except for the price tag that some of the items got sold for. A vase in particular was sold for 1,000,000,000 yen (about 9.5 million USD at the time the story was written). I was floored. I would never see that kind of money in my lifetime.

Well I think I’ve had enough here. There is nothing that I could buy with my current income. As I proceeded to leave I start to reach for the door when the head auctioneer says “Now for the main event. The Neko auction”. I stop dead in my tracks. “A neko auction… no way…” I slowly turn around and they’ve already brought out the first neko to auction. She was a beautiful all black neko with a maid outfit on. The bidding went wild. All you can hear were the numbers being shouted out. The bidding started at 1,000,000 yen and it just went up from there. 500,000,000 then 3,000,000,000!

“OMG how can this be possible.” I was in shock to the point that I had to take a seat. As I sat there and watch the auctions take place they started off with the best neko that they had. After each neko was sold people would slowly leave, the winner with a sense of accomplishment and the losers angry that they lost the chance at the neko they wanted.

Finally the end of the auction is drawing near. There are only a few left and you can tell the quality of the neko’s have dropped significantly. The current one being auctioned off has is a multi-colored neko. Her hair is red but her paws and tail have a red and black mixture to them. The clothing she was wearing was a raggedy dress that was dirty and didn’t fit properly.

Seeing this my mind starts to wander. What would I do with a neko if I got one? What can I make her do? Can they talk? Can they do house chores? What about servicing their master? As I think about all of this my mind goes into dark and kinky corners that I didn’t think I had. As I’m thinking about this the head auctioneer announces “The final neko of the night is now present.” This pulls me away from my thoughts and I take notice. It was a blue haired neko in what looks like just a sheet covering her. I couldn’t help but admire the color of her hair. Finally the bidding starts.

The head auctioneer shouts out “The bidding will start at 100 yen!” “OMG only 100 yen, that’s not possible.” There are only a handful of people left in the auction. After a 30 seconds of silence. “Do I hear 100 yen for this chance of raising and breaking your own neko?”

As soon as that was said my mind started spinning. Breaking my own neko. Does that mean she’s wild and needs to be tamed? Is that why she’s so cheap? Mid-thought my attention was brought back to the auction. A man shouts out “100 yen”. He’s going to buy her. But I want her. The auctioneer goes through the motions “do I hear 200 yen?” As soon as he says that I raise my paddle and shout “200 yen!” I want her! A bidding war is about to start. “300”, “400” “500” I need to scare this guy off. “10,000 yen!” He retorts with “30,000 yen.” I reprise with “80,000 yen.” “150,000 yen” comes from my competition. That’s it this is my last try. “270,000 yen!” As soon as those words passed my lips you could hear “KUSO!” coming out of my competition’s mouth.

The head auctioneer begins countdown. “270,000 going once, going twice. Sold to number 78!” He strikes his gable down signifying the end of the auction. Everyone started to leave as that was the last neko to be sold. I slid down my chair thinking “Fuck me I just spent 3 months’ worth of rent. What am I going to do now…” Right then 2 employees of the auction house stood beside me and with a polite bow “This way please to retrieve your neko.” I stand up from my seat and follow them to the back of the auction house. They point out to a room and open the door for me. “This way please.”

As I enter the room there is another auctioneer sitting at a table with a cash box in front of him. “Good evening sir.” He starts with. “Please have your payment ready for the purchase of your new neko.” My face turns white as a ghost from hearing those words. “Fuck I don’t have that kind of money on me. What can I do?!?” I assume this was a prompt for the auctioneer as he began saying with an evil grin on his face. “If you don’t have the payment in full we can do a payment plan for you.” I reply “Oh that’s perfect. I would like to do that.”

The auctioneer pulls out a pile of papers and starts spewing out the details of the contract to the point that it’s hard to keep up with what he’s saying. Near the end he slows down and says; “If you could please sign here. Your payments will start on Monday.” With that he ushers me into the next room where I was to pick up my neko.

After a few minutes they being my newly purchased neko up. She was on a leash and they threw a bag of stuff onto the floor that I needed for her. Wow this is now my neko, my property… Great. What now? Before the auctioneer leaves I ask “How real is this?” He replies with “Perfectly Legal. Here is your copy of the contract. Please take good care of her” He bows and then leaves.

I look at her up and down and the only thing that I could think of is that she’s in rough shape. Her blue hair was covered in dirt and her sheet covering her was ripped and in shambles.

After closer inspection she is 5’ with a nice long tail. Looks like a bit of a mix but I’m not sure. I need to leave but I don’t want her going out like that. To fix this I poke my head out of the door and ask an auctioneer if they could watch over her so I could quickly run to the store and get her some clothing. He accepts but mentions not to take too long as they are getting ready to close the auction down. I nod in response and thank him.

I hurry outside and the closest store that I found during my exploring was an otaku store. Luckily they had outfits for different types of cosplay. I looked around and found a black cat eared hoodie and a skirt that belonged to some kind of school girl uniform. The rest were all elaborate outfits that wouldn’t have suited the situation.

After purchasing the clothing I hurry back only to find that two men were watching over my neko and they were trying to hold her down. One man had her by the hair and the other was kneeing her while he was trying to pin her legs down. As soon as I saw this I went into a rage. “Get off of her!” I pushed them both aside and threw the second man up against the wall knocking the wind out of him. “DON’T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!” I said in a rage.

Once she was free she sprinted to the corner of the room. I kicked the 2 men out and then turned to her. “It’s ok. I’m here now. No one will hurt you” I slowly approach her with my hand out reach. When I got close enough to her she sprinted at me and bit my hand angrily.

I feel her teeth break my skin and I can see blood starting to come out of her mouth. She’s wild. Instinctively I use this opportunity to pull her close and hug her. When she gets close I pat her head and say in a calm voice “Its ok. You’re safe now.” She whimpered a little and slowly fainted.

Well this was unexpected. Holding her limp body in my arms made me sigh thinking this would be bothersome. But in the moment I take this opportunity to change her with the hoodie and skirt I bought.

Taking off the sheet covering her body I see numerous bruises. Her loli body is so thin I can see her bones trying to poke through her skin. She’s been treated horribly, the poor neko. I quickly change her and proceed to leave the auction with my new neko in my arms.

As I step outside it starts raining. Great this will be a long walk…

About an hour later I finally make it back to my apartment. She was still passed out in my arms except now we are both soaking wet. I can feel the cold setting in on my body. She must be freezing by now from all the rain. Her frail body couldn’t handle this cold for long.

A bath for the 2 of us would be perfect to keep the chills away. As I carry her to the bathroom, I slowly place her down next to the tub and start drawing a bath. I look at her and sigh. This is bothersome. I look at her wet cloths and proceed to undress her again. I started with the hoodie and next I undid the skirt. I found myself staring at her body again so small and fragile. Without me even realizing I start to produce a bulge in my pant. I brush her hair to the side and expose her face. Her child like features are exquisite. I wonder how it was even possible that she was the last neko for auction. Surely in the looks category she was at the top of the list. I guess it’s my gain.

After I inspect her body a little bit more to see if there are any serious injuries. Thankfully there were none. I begin to undress myself. Half way through I realized that I only brought one towel. When I was totally naked I exited the room to get extra towels. Upon my returned she was gone! Panic started to set in. I rushed into the bathroom and as soon as I did, she pounced on me. Biting and clawing at me.

I tried to protect myself from her feline maneuvers. Every time I would grab at her she would jump away and pounce at me again at a different angle. After the third time of her pouncing on me I figured out her pattern of attack. On the fourth pounce I grabbed her force her onto the floor. “Yowl” comes out of her mouth in the process. “ENOUGH!” I shout. As I do this she hisses at me and tries to push me off with her back paws. I place my body so that my legs are now between hers and I spread them apart. “I TOLD YOU TO STOP!” this time she closes her eyes and admits defeat. She slowly lowers her front paws down so their close to her face and her back paws she brings back and spreads them wide so she is totally exposed. Upon seeing this she lifts her but upwards so that her pussy is closer to my cock that has been hard this whole time.

I look at her with a confused look. Is she submitting to me? All I can think about is how if this was a normal girl I would be jamming my cock into her without a second thought but with a neko. I don’t know. She wiggles her butt again so that her pussy touches my cock. She wants it. I question her. “Should I punish you for what you’ve done?” she lets out a hesitant and barely audible “meow”. Fine then!

While still holding on to her I maneuver my hard cock up and down her pussy till I find the right hole. As I was doing this you could tell that she was flushed already. Once I find her hole I slowly place it in front of her and then jam it in. She resists and starts to meow and nya because of the unpleasantness I was doing to her. I could see her eyes tear up. I slowly started to move allowing her pussy to get wet. Once it started to glide in more smoothly I started to move faster and harder. For such a small person taking all of my cock I would feel it hit the opening of her uterus. It was like a ring that would slide around my cock every time I jammed my cock deep inside of her.

After a few minutes she was starting to meow and nya less. Her sounds started to change into a purring sound when I would jam my ridged cock into her. Her purring would get louder and louder as time went by. I was about to hit my limit. As I was about to cum I misjudged my last thrust and accidentally pulled out. My cum exploded all over her tiny body and face. When I did she let out a meow of excitement. It was as if she came at the same time as me.

I finally let go of her front paws and I started to sink down on top of her. She stayed there prone position and once I freed her paws and she began to cleans her face. Wiping the cum off her face with her paws then liking them clean. I let out a little laugh as I was watching her do that. “I guess you like the taste.”

After a few minutes I try to pick her up and she wraps her paws around me like a child hugging a parent. Looks like she’s submitting to me now. The tub was ready and I walked into it slowly. Once I was standing in the tub I lowered the both of us into the water only to have her attempt to escape once the water touched her back paws.

Holding on tightly I submerged the two of us into the water and after a few minutes she started to settle. Once she did I let go and got the soap to wash her body. I began to wash her, starting with her front and back paws then moving towards her body. I started washing her back then moved to the front. I got nervous because I was now feeling her breast. She barely had any but her nipples were nice and pointy. Pointy enough to stick out of any shirt she would be wearing. I teased them a little and she started to purr a little. I pinched them a little and she let out the cutest nya. I started to get hard again.

She noticed my cock getting hard again and started moving her ass so that my cock was between her ass cheeks. “Are you ready to go again?” I whisper. After a few more rubs from her ass, she raises her butt so that it above my cock. Out of curiosity, I grab my cock and start moving it back and forwards between her pussy and asshole. It’s almost as if she doesn’t care which hole my cock goes into. I get a rush of excitement when I realize this. I move my cock so it’s perfectly in front of her asshole. Next thing I know she sits down on my cock. It slides deeply into her anus and the feeling was exquisite. I’ve never done anal before and now I get the chance to experience it.

She starts bobbing up and down on my cock. It feels like my cock stirring her insides when it gets in pushed all the way. All while her anus stays clamped down on my cock. The feeling is breath taking. It’s like a ring that surrounds my cock and doesn’t let go. After a few minutes the water in the tub is starting to splash everywhere. Before we start making a mess that I’ll have to clean up I lift her up so we’re no longer in the water. Bending her forwards I start pounding her tiny frame. She starts to purr again but this time it’s a deep body purr that I can feel on my cock. Her asshole is so tight that I get the feeling of a vibrator riding my cock. I keep going as long and as hard as I can. She orgasms first and a couple seconds later I finish.

My second load leaks into her ass. I just hold her ass as close to my hips as possible so my cum leaks out deep into her. When I finish I pull out and crumple to my knees. It’s been so long since I had sex that doing twice in a row has made me exhausted. I don’t know why but my neko turns around and gives out a cute meow. As she does this she straddles me and starts licking my face while she is purring. It seems she’s totally happy now.

I finish washing the both of us and get out of the tub. Once we got out I started to dry her off. All while she continued to purr. Once I finish I say “I’m all done” she took this as her cue to leave. She sprints away before I realize what’s going on. As I sit there mystified all I can here are a few things crashing over and then quietness.

After I finish drying off I put on a pair of boxers and just give up and call it a night. Luckily I left my futon out since I went exploring I didn’t need to tidy up like normal. I had a sigh of relief thinking I didn’t have to pull everything out of the closet. I slowly make my way to my futon and jumped in. When I did, I noticed something else was there. Startled I turn on the light so I could see what it was. It was my blue haired neko curled up under the blanket already peacefully asleep. With a sigh I shook my head and closed the lights.

We both slept peacefully through the night huddled beside each other.


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