A most annoying elf [Ch.2][MF][Fantasy][Bratty]

When Sel, the elf girl we had been sent to capture escaped thanks to my idiocy, all I could picture was the dejected faces of my people as I returned back home alone with empty hands.

Fortunately, I wouldn’t have to suffer through that. I’d have to suffer through much, much worse. After Sel escaped, I went looking for her. Alas, I first came across an elven party which too, was looking for her. They had been sent to save her.

Long story short, they took me as their prisoner and led me towards their capital, to answer before the king. Before we entered said capital, I was stripped of my clothes. The entire time it took to get to the damn palace, a pale elf bastard was whipping my back. All this was, of course, observed by the wonderful elves of the city, all of whom seemed delighted at my pain and misery.

We arrived in the throne room and I was forced to kneel before the king. My vision was blurry from the pain and I could barely hear my own thoughts, let alone what the pointy eared bastards had to say.

I felt as sharp kick to my side and collapsed to the ground. The marbled floor was cool against my skin, oddly pleasant.

“Enough!” A voice cried out. It had a strange cadence to it, puncturing my skull. I could hear it perfectly. “I need him conscious. This is why you don’t whip them before bringing them to me. Who ordered this? Bring him to me after I’m done with this one.”

I felt two hands pick me up off the ground and helping me to my knees. My eyes were shut closed, the scene before me a mystery.

“Boy. Boy!” The voice spoke. I felt a hand tap my cheek gently.

I opened my eyes to see a striking figure kneeling in front of me. There was no mistaking it. Blonde hair, chiseled jawline, large build, green eyes. This was Veletos, king of the elves.

“What is your name?” He asked me, his voice calm.

“Erik,” I mumbled.

“You were a member of the party that was sent to capture my daughter. Is that correct?”

“Your daughter?” I said, then realisation struck me. Sel. *Selestia*. Of course. That’s why she was so important. We had been sent to capture an elven princess. A cold sweat ran down my forehead. If she had told them what had happened, I’d be in for a slow, painful death.

Suddenly, I felt my lucidity return to me. I scoured the room. To the side of the kings throne was none other than Sel. She shot me a glance, her eyes smiling, her mouth a thin line.

“Yes,” I said to the kings question. I saw no point in lying.

“Who is your commander?” Veletos asked. His voice never seemed to betray any emotion.

“Derek Strongshield of the Cursed Isles,” I said with all the pride I could harness.

“Ah. I see. I’ve faced him on the field before, you know. A fierce warrior and seasoned tactician. A rare, deadly combination. And what were your orders?”

“Capture the princess and bring her back,” I said. This was a surprisingly easy interrogation. All of the questions seemed harmless, obvious.

“Do you know of Derek’s next moves?”

There it was. Now we got to the tricky ones.

“I’m a foot soldier, your grace. I am not privy to such information.”

“Is that so? And why would a common foot soldier be sent on such an important mission?” Veletos asked. For the first time I could sense a hint of emotion in his voice. Amusement. Whether that was good or bad I could not tell.

“Who else would they send? Knights are in short supply, I’m afraid. And besides, I’m as good with a sword as Derek Strongshield himself,” I said, surprising myself with the conviction in my tone.

“I find that hard to believe, considering I’ve faced Strongshield in person.”

“I am the only one left alive from both sides,” I said.

“You lost forty-nine men,” Veletos said, raising an eyebrow at me.

“Not my fault the others were incompetent.”

The king chuckled to himself, then his expression turned dark.

“One last question. Did you do anything to my daughter?”

I glanced over at Sel who was facing away from me, rolling her eyes. She didn’t seem particularly inclined to help me.

“I… I…” I felt the grogginess return to me. It was hard to think, to speak, to breathe

“As I have said,” Sel broke in, “Erik was a kind and gentle captor.”

“That’s not what I asked,” he said, eyeing his daughter, then turning back to me. “Did you do anything to her?”

“He did lots of things,” she jumped in once more. “None of which unwanted.”

Veletos’ eyes were still on me. “I’m asking you boy. What did you do to my daughter?”

“Do you want to hear the details of how he fucked me in the forest?” Sel asked, growing irritated.

“Fine, fine. I’ll stop. I just love watching them squirm. We don’t find sex embarrassing here, boy,” the old king said, laughing affably.

I laughed along, hope rising within me. He didn’t care I fucked his daughter in the middle of the woods. What a relief…

“Nevertheless, you did capture my daughter and kill my men. For being kind to her, I will spare you the torture. You’ll be executed tomorrow at noon. Take him away,” Veletos said, clapping his hands.

Huh? Execution? I was too exhausted to care. I’d deal with that tomorrow. Or not.

“Father,” Sel’s gentle voice spoke. “Instead of executing him, could I keep him in my chambers? For company? Please.”

The king looked me up and down, laughing. “Yes, I’m sure his company is very impressive. Are you certain he will not harm you?”

“I am, father.”

“Very well. You can keep him for as long as you please. Just please be careful, dear.”

I felt weaker and weaker as time passed, my consciousness fading. My head collided once, twice, with the cold marble floor, and the darkness took me.

I woke up face down on a bed. It was the softest bed I’d ever laid on. It felt like heaven. On the other hand, there was a terrible burning along my back which felt a bit too much like hell. I groaned, trying to get up. I felt a pair of hands push me right back down by the shoulders.

“Don’t move,” Sel said, towering over me. “You’re not supposed to be awake.” She pressed a small vial to my lips. “Drink it.”

I did. Sleep submerged me.

I awoke on the same bed, this time without the burning. I felt inexplicably hungry and mad. I pushed myself up to a sitting position and scoured the room. Sel was sitting in front of a desk, sketching something. She must have heard me swung around on the chair.

“You’re up,” she said, smiling beautifully. I did not return her smile. The anger still pulsed through me. It must have been rather obvious on my face.

“Are you feeling okay? What is it?”

I jumped off the bed and stepped towards her. She stood up from the chair, looking worried. “Should I call the healers?”

I wrapped my arm around her throat, squeezing.

“Oh,” she said, smiling wickedly. “That’s what it is.”

“You left me chained up in the middle of the forest,” I yelled, increasing the pressure around her. She arched an eyebrow at me.

“Your pointy eared bastard friends dragged me around in chains, then whipped me through the streets naked.”

I slammed her against a wall, the severity of my grip heightening.

“Erik, that hurts,” she whimpered, clutching at my hand, trying to push me away. “Please, I can’t breathe.”

She was trying to kick me but I was too close for her to get a good swing.
“I don’t care,” I whispered ominously. “I could just kill you, here and now. Should I do that?”

“Erik, please.” Tears were welling up in her eyes. She tapped her heel three times on the floor, the sound echoing through the room. The door suddenly burst open, two guards rushing in.

I instinctively took a step away from her, letting her fall to the ground. She clutched her throat where my hand had been, breathing hard.

The two men had already seized me by the time she had composed herself. She wiped her eyes, then stared at me disdainfully.

“Beat him,” she said coldly. “Just make sure you don’t accidentally kill him.”
The guards obliged their lady, using both punches and kicks to administer the punishment. A good five minutes must have passed before she ordered them to stop.

Every single inch of my body ached.

Sel kneeled on my chest, making it hard for me to breathe.

“Let us make something clear, Erik. Anything you get to do to me is because I let you do it to me. You are my property now. My toy. If I command you to fuck me, you fuck me. If I command you to stop breathing, you stop breathing. And, if I command you to die-” Sel paused, giving me a hard kick to the ribs, “-you die.”

The light faded again.

I awoke once more on the soft bed. This time I was on my back. Sel was sitting on a chair right next to me, sobbing into her hands. I groaned, partly to let her know I was awake, partly because I hurt so much it was the only thing I could do.

“I’m sorry,” she cried. “I’m so sorry.”

“What?” I said, greatly disoriented. Vile memories flashed through my head. Had I really done that?

“No,” I said, “I’m sorry. I hurt you. I almost killed you.”

“It wasn’t your fault,” she said, laying her hand on my arm.

“Yes it was. I-”

“No, you don’t understand. The thing I had you drink. It makes people mad, crazy, violent. You were supposed to sleep through its effect. At least that’s how it works with elves. It must be different for your kind. I’m sorry.”

There was a red circle around her throat, highlighting where my hand had been.

“Side effect or not, I hurt you.”

“I hurt you too. Badly,” she said, running her hand over my bruised, bare body.

“There are many ways to make it up to me,” I said, trying to free us from the unpleasant direction of this conversation.

“Not today. I doubt your body could even take it.”

She picked up a large vase from the floor and dipped her hand inside it. A strange yellowish mixture clung to her fingers as she pulled them out. She began spreading it all over my bruises. At first contact it was cold as ice. Then, it rapidly grew almost unbearably hot.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I groaned, clenching my teeth.

“Don’t be a baby,” she said and applied some of the salve around her throat. “That’s my job.”

She began whimpering adorably. We sat there in each other’s company, laughing and groaning until the moon was high in the sky.

The morning found us sharing a bed, cuddled up under the sheets. I wasn’t wearing any clothes and was only mildly shocked to find out that she was in a similar state of undress.

My cock was brushing up against her backside. She wiggled a bit, teasing me.
I pulled her hair away and kissed her neck. She purred like a happy cat, stretching her marvelous body.

“I think I owe you something,” she said, turning around to face me. Her hand reached for my cock and gave it a couple of experimental strokes.

“Already this hard for me? Guess I can’t blame you,” she said and climbed on top of me. “Last time I left you unfulfilled. Consider this a heartfelt apology.”

With that, she was astride me. Her thighs moved up and down, taking me as deep inside her as she could bear. Unfortunately, I wanted more. My hand encircled her waist and pulled her down so that the entire thing was inside. She winced, smiling awkwardly.

“Still not used to that,” Sel said, going slower but deeper.

I flipped her over so that now I was on top. Eyes locked, I continued thrusting into her, keeping the pace that she had set.

“Is that all you’ve got, manling?” She asked mockingly.

I stopped, scowling, and lifted her up off the bed. She wrapped her legs around my waist, her arms around my neck.

I placed her back on the wall and began fucking her against it. She moaned straight into my ear, kissing and biting it.

I dug my face into her neck, resting it there as I pushed myself deeper and deeper inside of her, forcing her to squirm.

I appreciated the control the position offered, the trust it required. She had to rely on me for everything. If I took one step back she’d crumble to the ground helplessly. But no, I wouldn’t let that happen. I’d hold her for as long as I had to. I’d pleasure her until she ordered me to stop. I’d make love to her until the moon graced the world anew.

“Fuck me on my desk,” she said, her voice but a gentle whisper amidst the sea of our moans.

I was quick to obey. Her lips tickled my chest as I carried her over to the occupied desk. Sketches, papers and pencils blocked our path.

“Your drawings,” I said.

She unhooked an arm from around my neck and used it to send everything flying, freeing up the space. A shame. The sketches had been rather nice. Still, the princess knew what she wanted. She wanted to be taken on the desk. I did not dare refuse her.

Slapping sounds echoed through the room as our bodies collided over and over. They were not half as loud as her groans.

There was a grim hilarity to situation and it was certainly not lost to me. I had spent my life fighting, killing elves. Now, here I was, pleasuring and being pleasured by the daughter of the man who brought my people all of their plights. I had sworn I’d put a blade through Veletos, watch him squirm in a poodle of his blood. It would appear that I was stabbing the wrong elf. I wasn’t using a sword either. At least not the traditional kind. And the worst part of it all? I didn’t mind. I felt great. I could spend the rest of my life here, with Sel, fucking day and night, relishing in elven hospitality. What was wrong with me?

“Are you okay?” She asked, lifting her head to stare up at me.

I blinked myself out of my thoughts and met her gaze. I hadn’t stopped, had I?

“What? Yes, why?” I said, trying to sound normal, as if she was the one acting weird.

“Your eyes. They seemed…distant.”

Her hand gently caressed my cheek. It was oddly endearing how concerned she seemed.

“If my eyes are worrying you,” I said, grabbing her by the shoulders and flipping her over so that she was face down on the desk, “this should make you feel better.”
Arms tangled in her hair, I began slowly moving in and out.

Her feet barely reached the floor; she had to get on her tippy toes to gain any purchase. Her powerlessness sparked something inside me and I picked up the pace.

Perhaps my situation wasn’t as bad as I was making it out to be. Veletos would die one day. Then Sel would become queen. I could potentially influence her decisions, get her to act in the interest of my people. Make her my bitch outside of the bed, just as she was inside it. For now, I had to settle for inside.

She was squealing with every pump, her fingers squirming around, fruitlessly searching for something to grab.

I offered her my hands and she gripped them tightly. Though I would like to say I was being romantic, I simply needed a better way of pulling myself deeper inside her.

“Hurts, doesn’t it?” I whispered as her grunts grew louder.

“Yes,” she said, trying to keep her voice composed.

“But you don’t want me to stop?”


A poor choice of words, really. Too many loopholes. Still, I wouldn’t dare to use her phrasing against her. She was a princess, after all…

“Of course you don’t. You love the pain because it reminds you what a filthy little harlot you are, letting yourself be taken over and over by a human.”

She whimpered in agreement.

I didn’t really focus on what I was saying. I just let the words pour out of my mouth. It seemed to do the trick.

“That’s all you’re good for. Being fucked. Pleasing men. Pleasing me.”

“Yes,” she said. No, she shouted it.

“Not yes. I want to hear you say it.”

“I am your little elven whore,” she mumbled. “My purpose is to—”

She paused, breaking out into a loud moan. Her entire upper body quivered uncontrollably. I felt her intermittently tighten and loosen around me as I pounded her hard.
“What is your purpose,” I urged her, speeding up.

“To please you,” she screamed as the orgasm overwhelmed her body.

I kept on going, not stopping for even a second. Her body spasmed, her legs dangling and bouncing as if she were running on the air.

“Please,” she groaned. “It’s too much.”

“Do you want me to stop?” I asked as I rammed her from behind.

Her euphoric moans were the only answer I received. No more than twenty seconds had passed when I felt her lips clench around me again.

“Okay, okay. That’s enough. Please, I can’t,” Sel said, breathing hard.

I pulled out slowly and let go of her hands. Without me to support her, she fell off the desk and to the floor. Her eyes were vaguely accusatory as I moved to pick her up.

“Sorry,” I said.

“Not interested. Go lie on the bed,” she said, shooing me away.

“I don’t mind joining you on the floor…”

“The bed,” she said, pointing.

I shrugged, obliging her request. I sank into the mattress, drenching it with my sweat. She was on me before I could even react, taking me deep and fast as her hands pinned my wrists down. This was oddly reminiscent of our last encounter. I could only hope that it didn’t turn out the same way.

She lowered her face down, letting it linger centimeters away from my own. The way her hair fell tickled my neck.

“Is this elven whore going to make you cum?” Sel whispered as her thighs glided along me, moving her on and off of my cock.

“Yes,” I grunted, realising just how close I was.

“Are you going to fill me up with your human seed?” She asked, rocking back and forth even faster than before.


I felt it rage within me, like water against a dam.

“Do it. Give me your seed. Defile my elven purity.”

I couldn’t hold it anymore. Her words drew it out of me. I felt myself twitch as I pumped her elven flower full of cum. My whole body shivered, and for a good minute I felt unable to even open my eyes, let alone move.

When the bliss passed, I felt weary. She was still on top of me, smiling and running her hands along my chest.

“I’ll take a bath,” she said as she scrambled off. “Care to join me?”

I nodded, feeling too exhausted to speak.

She pouted at me playfully. “Awwh, is someone tired?”

I smiled, shaking my head. “Not at all. I’m full of vigor.”

“Is that so?” Sel said, bending down and pressing her lips against mine. “Then, perhaps the bath can wait.”

And with that, she climbed onto me again. We tumbled in the bed, then on the floor, on her desk, the table…

After the second round followed a third, and by its end, she had to drag me to the bath. All in all, quite the day.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/j1kvvs/a_most_annoying_elf_ch2mffantasybratty