I [F] Watched Two Friends [MF] Get Naked and Almost Fuck Right in Front of Me


I am not your stereotype. I teach high school in the suburbs during the pandemic. I’m a young female teacher, only a few years out of college. I’m a nerd and a gamer, and I’m also a lesbian and a stoner. AND I spend most of my free time lesson planning and grading like the good little perfectionist that I am. So basically nothing about me makes sense.

That being said, pandemic teaching is hard, and my Friday and Saturday nights have become the place where I let all that stress and anxiety out. It’s my time to let loose and not give a single flying fuck. This summer, I found out the person I teach next to likes to party. Like, on your ass planning to completely disassociate from reality the next morning. Despite being nearly 50, this gal and her friends of varying ages and sexualities get together once a week to get completely shitfaced and take a variety of drugs including MDMA, shrooms and bud. Even for someone whose young and went to a party school for college, it’s INTENSE, but I keep finding myself going over for some reason. Because most of us are on Molly, the night usually ends with the couples going off to fuck, while the single ones like myself either sober up and leave or crash. Simple, right? Hmm


So on this particular night, I was pretty quiet and stressed from the long work week. The different drugs weren’t working since I was honestly so exhausted, and I was all set to go home in the next couple of hours. Even my teacher friend, the party host, had gone to bed, and it was already nearing 1am. Then, the guy who brought the Molly asked if I wanted another, bigger dose. I knew I shouldn’t have said yes, but I said “fuck it”, and I agreed. They gave me more of the drugs because I was sad and they wanted to cheer me up from the stress of pandemic teaching, how sweet! Little did I know..

It never really kicked in, other than I was randomly really horny…As one does when they’re exhausted at a party mid-pandemic on multiple substances, especially the Molly. But the hunger for affection ramped up as the high continued, and I already knew I’d be itching to get home for some me time the first sign of daylight next morning. But I got a surprise twist instead I’d never saw coming.

Most of the party had left, and it was down to just me and my two new friends, F in her 30s and M in his 40s. He was rolling off his ass on the Molly, and she’d taken a giant hit of Shrooms. I could tell they were being more and more flirtatious with each other, and I figured they’d be off to her room soon, so I just calmly sat there, ignoring the lust I felt from the drug and preparing for the sleepless night ahead.

Then things escalated. Suddenly they’re moaning, and she turns around and sits on his knee, making full eye contact the entire time with me as she does so. He’s feeling her breasts outside her scantily clad shirt, and I start to wonder if I should excuse myself to another room. She catches my apprehension, and asks, “You don’t mind watching, do you?”

I am speechless. She smirks, and appears as though it doesn’t bother her. I panic. Will she think I’m a creep if I say yes? I could already feel myself getting slightly uncomfortable as they were groping each other, and her asking me what I wanted so openly definitely had me feeling a way. So I nodded, and they went back at it.

Another 2mins in, he’s tripping balls and is basically just going through the motions, but her intensity and passion is unwavering as she stares her beady dark eyes into my soul. I feel immobilized, and I can do nothing but stare back and watch in fascination. Then, she gets up and asks me, “It’s hot in here. Is it okay if I take my top off?” Again, all I can do is nod. She chuckles, and he quickly removes her shirt, suddenly revealing two large, bountiful breasts. She stands there a minute, clad in only her dark panties and him in a pair of sweatpants. I try to look away and pretend not to notice, but this becomes nearly impossible as she continues to stand there, her nipples already beginning to harden. She takes this opportunity to start talking about how she used to be a stripper, and damn, am I horny. She says what she liked about getting to expose herself to strangers, and how she wishes she had a pole to dance on. I feel the strong urge to reach down and touch myself, but I fear what they’ll think, and still feeling frozen in place, I just continue to sit and listen to her stories, getting all the more turned on.

After a few minutes of talking and allowing us to see her in all her glory, it’s all her boyfriend whose rolling in the height of his trip, can do to not fuck her right in that moment. Damn I wish they had. He whispers something in her ear, and she asks me, “Have you ever had your ass slapped?” I nod my head yes, but wonder what would’ve happened if I’d said no. She goes towards the couch then, leans down on her elbows, and next thing I know. her beautiful ass is only a mere 5ft away. Her boyfriend gets behind her and slaps it a couple times, chuckling as he does so, and I wonder what would’ve happened if I’d reached over and done the same. Giving into his urges, and with a quick wink and a grin to me, he pulls her up, comes up from behind, and roughly thrusts his hand down beneath the fabric of her panties into her vagina. He’s fingering her there, standing in the middle of the living room at 2am as I watch in amazement, not sure how to react. They want each other now, you can feel it, and they start giggling and whispering things I can’t hear. I think it may have been them debating on whether or not to ask if I wanted to join. Anticipating this, I’d already decided in my mind right then I would say yes if asked, but until then I just continued to sit and watch the thing unfold.

After a few minutes more of fingering, kissing, groping, and whispering to each other, it seemed they’d decided not to, and I was a bit disappointed I’ll admit. So instead she pulls him back over to the couch next to me, lays him down, and goes back to kissing him, both still giving quick smirks at me every few seconds as they did so. Next thing you know, she looks at me with the same intensity as before, and the groans and gropes return. I almost wonder now looking back, if I’d done anything to indicate my interest and speak then, maybe they’d have let me join? Eh, for a future story.. Anyways, the groans ramp up, and she begins rubbing her body, wet and raw against his over his pants. They’re grinding against each other, the intensity building, dry humping on the couch like a pair of wild animals.

But how could I just keep sitting there, my eyes now fixated on the pleasure that lay before me. ESPECIALLY when there’s a beautiful sexy naked woman 10ft away dry humping her older, rolling, ridiculous boufriend on the couch at 2am right in front of me.. I am a human being after all and, and oh hell..

They’re hot, and they’re ready to fuck, but it’d become clear that I wasn’t going to be there to see the end result. She gets up and puts her shirt back on, and walks to the bedroom. He keeps laughing at me and not saying anything, knowing how much it turned me on to watch even that. As he goes to follow her, he asks, “Are you sure there isn’t anything you want?” WHY didn’t I say yes?!?! I just shook my head no, and on he went after her into the room. I heard them fucking moments later as I sat there another 20 minutes, still frozen in disbelief at what just happened.

So will they do this again? We will have to see, all I’ll say is, thinking about it and getting it written down just makes it that much more real, and that’s exciting and hot.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/j0hhbt/i_f_watched_two_friends_mf_get_naked_and_almost

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