Part three: Innocent and Pure love

Innocent and Pure Love

I open the door and walk into the suite looking for Stacey

I’m home Stacey. Where are you.

In Bedroom.

I walk to the bedroom and turn the corner…oh my god its the panties that started all of this. Stacey turns to me wearing the matching bra to the panty.

What are you staring at Will?

You know what I am staring at.

No I don’t Will.

I stare at her with a smirk.

What is it Will?

Those are the infamous panties from the cash office. You forget, the ones that I pulled aside and nibble on your naughty bits.

Stacey gets a evil grin.

Yep and I will be wearing them all day for you to you take them off tonight. I think I better have some incentive to keep at least part of your attention on me and not get lost in the store opening.

I frown and smile at Stacey.

I was never going to tell you but Back during fight classes Kelley said that I more than once in the middle of night I called out looking for you in my sleep.

Funny you did the same thing when Kelley isn’t in bed, just calling for her. It gets worst tho.

How can it get worse,

Lately both Kelley and I have heard you mumbling wondering when Maddie will get there. It is also cute and even in your sleep we know how much you loves us. When we get back I say we all three have to have a talk with Maddie about this.

Your right you know. I have noticed it after Maddie and Kelley’s spanking incident. With you away I have not gotten to talk about it with you. When Kelley is here we all need to talk about it but that 4 days away and till then we need to get our head in the game.

I walk over to Stacey and kiss her and hold her in my arms.

I am glad Amy convinced the boss to let you come along. With you, Brian and Allison I know we will crush this opening with time to spare. Speaking of which you get dressed I will order food threw room service for the four of us. Now don’t forget I will be stripping you naked later in that bed and I want to be with you heart, mind,and soul…and cock and pussy

I wink as I walk out and order breakfast. After Stacey was dressed and ready I blocked the door open just in time for the food to arrive and 30 seconds later Allison and Brian.

Ahh the gang is here. Eat up while we discuss my master plan…..

I look at Stacey with her head in her hands, Brian looking at me like I am a idiot, and Allison smiles and pulls out her Cell Phone

Hello Mental Hospital, please come pick up Will Knot he is a idiot and totally mental.

Have I mention Allison and I have a similar sense of humor?

Those are some harsh criticisms. But truthfully I have a idea that, if my math is right, could get us finish with this store a day or maybe 2 days earlier. Is that worth a discussion?

After breakfast we hatch the plan out. We all agree this would be for the best. A little streamlining the plan and by the time 10:45 hits and the refreshments come up from the cafe we are ready.11:00 comes and people are wondering in and for most this is the first time seeing the Honeymoon suite.

All right if you want we got refreshments over there get what want and let get started in say 5 minutes.

Stacey is sitting on my left side as I sit at the end of the couch facing the door. Allison and Brian are on the couch on the end close to us facing the bedroom. Stacey has her hand tucked in mine since unlike everyone else, she knows I hate public speaking, yes a actor who hates public speaking deal with it.

The last stragglers sit down and its show time. I stand up and take a deep breath.

As some of you know my own store holds the record for the quickest set up. We finished 18 hours earlier than expected and to this day we still beat the closest store by nearly 8 hours. Here is the thing. I think we can beat that number by at least 24 hours? But to do it we need each stores help. We have two pallet jacks but when my store broke the record we had 4 pallet jacks. I want to get 6 more plus the two here. This store is set up differently. All of our stores have 1 single door and one double door. This store has 2 double doors. We could increase the amount of product taken out but even better we can target what departments easier. A pallet of sleeping bag, goes out the door near the camping department. Women’s nike clothing take it to the door by clothing. With more jacks we could place them faster and since corporate is sending 50 regular employees out to us next week plus the employees here. I think we might be able to do it. Thing is we need to get pallet jacks here from your stores somehow.

I look around and I am not sure if people are stun or they think I am a idiots.

Tina speaks up,

We have 3 I think I can get 1 sent here driven by a employee

Now others Pipe up. Now Mina speaks

Will I think my dad has a truck and a driver who could pick up the local jacks in your area.

Great Mina, call your dad ask him how much he would charge. I will get it approved threw corporate.

Everyone is chatting and some calling there stores. I turn to Stacey, Allison, and BrianWell that was the easy part. Now to convince Amy and the big wigs this will work.

Mike walks in and over to me and ask me a question and the whole time Mina is watching Mike. Mina knows what her dad would say if he knew the thoughts she was having about this Tasty looking white cream treat before her. Now she knew her mother would understand it.

Time for lunch be back here at 3 we will continue on seeing how we can get these pallet jacks here.

I turn around to Stacey, Allison, and Brian as Fred walks over. Fred asks

What will you use to convince them to actuality let us do this?

a Little bet with our CEO. My completion bonus and my job if we don’t make it. Don’t spread that around tho.

Everyone looks at me and all just say.


Mina was walking to her room when she see Mike at the table. Mina walks over to the table

Your name is Mike, right? I am Mina.

Mike looks at this beautiful caramel skinned woman. Yes I am Mike, Hello Mina.

Mina holds her hand out and shakes Mikes out stretch hand. She notice how soft they are and wonder how they would feel on her cheek or on her “cheek.”

I was looking for a nice place to eat tonight. Got any suggestion?

Mike smiles at her

well what would you want.

I am thinking a nice Chinese or Thai Place.

Well there is a Chinese restaurant not to far away I love.

Really? That sounds nice. What time do you get off work

At 6:30 tonight.

Then I will meet you downstairs after 6:30 so I can take you to dinner, unless you have a girlfriend.

No girlfriend. I will be in the Lobby at 6:30

Mina walks off to talk to daddy about the truck and the pallet jacks. Mike is wondering what just happen. He is not sure but he is glad it happened.

That’s right My job and my completion bonus if I fail but I if I do finish at least 24 hours I keep my job and my bonus and Allison, Stacey, Brian, and Fred also get a bonus. You going to wright it up and send it to me in a email, great I will sign and send it back. Thank you sir I do believe in my team. Now if I fail, none of my team will be punished. No, okay yes I do agree. Thanks.

I hang up and turn back to Stacey,

He agreed and told me I have balls of steel and I said nope I trust my team.

Why would you make this bet, you loose you loose your job.

Then I better not fail.

Mina walks into the suite and calls for me.

Will where are you.

I walk out of the bedroom followed by Stacey, Allison, Brian and Fred.

Whats up Mina?

Dad is doing it for free but we need to get the drivers a bed to stay overnight when they get here.I run up and Hug Mina who hugged me back.

YES!!! Thank you Mina. Anything I can do for you I will do.

Mina smiles

I am so glad you said that, tell me about Mike.


I asked him out and I want to find out anything I can about him. He is so cute and I need to know.

Well he is 18 turning 19 soon. Single…and to a few months ago he was a virgin.

Not a Virgin? Sound good. Thanks Will dept paid.

Mina turned around and started swaying her hips as she walked away. I turn to Stacey

You know she is very odd at times. Now lets see where we can get the other pallet Jacks.

Mike is counting the hours down to he get off work. Mina was so beautiful in a exotic way. Her caramel colored skin those dark eyes and her attitude so confident and sure. He felt like she was some goddess who knows what she wants.

I walk to Mike at the Table

Hey Mike…Mike…MIKE!

What? Sorry Will what can I do for you. I just asked are you all right you seem to be in a fantasy world. Was it Mina?

Mike looks at me.

You saw her ask me out?

Nope you told me that

I smile at Mike.

She is a bit intense isn’t she. Any ways what was that Chinese restaurant that you claim has the best Crab Rangoon? I need it for Stacey for Tonight.

Here is a menu for them.

Thanks Mike. Have fun tonight.

Mina does a twirl in her white dress. She notice how it flares out and land at her knees. The top of the dress covers her favorite black lace Bra with matching panties. Mina looks at herself and remembers her father comment that she is to tall for a proper woman. At 5’11” she loves how all the clothes at the Mall fits her so perfectly. Her silky black hair to her shoulder in a bob was cute. She did inherited her grandmother large boobs but no man seems to mind when she can fill out the top of a dress like this. Mina admits she loves her father but she does not need his approval on who she dates. Mike just makes her feel so naughty. Her Father would hate him since he isn’t from India. Dad can not see past the skin color and see how handsome a man could be.Mina looks at the clock and it says it is 6:15 and so Mina grabs her coat and her key and walks out the door and turns right to head to the elevator. Mike is talking to another hotel staff member

Hello Mike

Mike turns around and sees Mina in her white A line dress. IT flatters her bust and hides her hips. And Mike just stares and whispers


I take you like the dress Mike. I am not over dressed up, am I?

Well a little but please do not change.

Mina smiles and get on her toes and kiss Mikes lips.

If you say so I won’t change. See you in a few minutes. I need to see Will before I go.

Mina walks making sure the dress sways with her hips as she goes to the open door to see Will.

Hey Will or Stacey,

I pop up my head from the couch Wow that is a good looking dress and you wear it well.

Stacey sits up with a crab Rangoon in her hand

Will, you are making a understatement. All that for Mike?

Mina smiles

‘Why not for Mike he is very handsome. Any ways Will, Dad has got the guys all set. They will pick up the pallet jacks tomorrow and be here at 8 PM at the store and you will be three more closer to your total.

I jump up and start dancing,

yes we are now up to 7 out of the 8. Thank you Mina and thank your dad from me. Now get going you look to good to be standing here with this old fogey. Have fun and do everything you want.

Mina turns around and heads to the elevator and there stands Mike waiting for her.

Mina, I will change quickly and be back in a few minutes.

Mina smiles

I will gladly wait for you.

A few minutes later they were in Mina’s Corolla pulling up to the restaurant. Mike gets out and walks to her Car door and opens it as she gives her hand to Mike to help her out. Mike looks down and see the little petticoats underneath and wonders what else is hidden there.

Mike you are such a nice gentleman

Mina gives him another kiss and smile.

Now lets gets some food. Will worked us hard and I am starving.

Mike smiles down and as they enters every face in the restaurant turns and stares at Mina. Mike looks around trying to get people to stop staring.

I am sorry Mina they are staring at you.

Maybe all the men are staring at you thinking how lucky you are. I know I am staring at you thinking how lucky I am.

Poor Mike, he is now blushing.

Mina, I was thinking I was the lucky one when you asked me out. I don’t think I would have the courage to ask such a beautiful woman out.

Mina smiles

Well our next date you have to ask me out. I love to go out roller skating and rollerblading, and I love to go to somewhere and just dance cheek to cheek with you.

Sorry that was getting a little to sweet and innocent. We will come back later.

Back in the Honeymoon suite the clock strikes 7 and I get up. And head to the door with a do not disturb on penalty of death sign and I tape it to the door and I close the door

Office hours are over, dinner is done there is only two things I want and both of them require me to lick them. Ice cream and you.

I stick out my tongue and lick the tip of Stacey’s nose.








I open the door and Brian and Allison are looking at me and both are a bit nervous.

Can’t a man have some free time to boff his own girlfriend? All right spit it out before I gut you.

Brian looks to Allison

Last night you scared me but right now he is terrifying.

Alison shakes her head

Wow, sometimes people get irritated when horny.

I look at Allison

This coming from the woman who let the whole floor know she was going to have sex. Now one of you tell me why you are here before you die.

Brian smiles as half the doors in the hallway are open and people are looking this way.

The last pallet jack will be at the store tomorrow at 7 am.

Good you meet it and don’t forget this is your punishment. Also the rest will be here at 8Pm tomorrow and you can get them also.

I close the door and locked it. Alison looks at Brian

Man he is testy. Lets go to my room tonight I have some crotch-less panties I bought today. You should have seen poor Mike’s face when I asked where to buy them.

Back in the honeymoon suite I lock the door and turn around. At this point if the Four horseman show up at the door and I am not answering it.

Stacey, I am all yours…and hopefully you will be all of mine.

Stacey lifts her head from the couch and smile.

I have always been yours

I walk over and bend over the couch and kiss her.

I wish that was true don’t forget we only met not long ago and then you were with Chad. Now I hope you are mine for the rest of time. So where do we start, You want a bath in that magnificent tub or should I make you start screaming now?

Stacey smiles


Stacey grabs my head and starts to kiss me and I slide my tongue into her mouth. My tongue is just sliding and probing Stacey’s mouth and tongue. And I pull back

So it is a promise night as you command Lady Stacey.

I smile happily

Just stay where you are at I am coming to you and you will be cumming because of me .

I walk around the couch and kneel on the floor and crawl the last 5 feet to Stacey. As I get closer I can see right up her loose skirt to the pink panties.

You know when I was working on the garter belt, the four in the back your stretch satin panties over that cute but was so visible. I wanted to touch it but didn’t.

I reach out with my right hand and slide it up Stacey’s inner thigh.

When I got to this view…I wanted to touch but was terrified you would kick me in my face with your knee. I really consider to graze your pussy with a finger and and take the knee. Did I ever tell you that Stacey.

I slide my other hand up the other sides inner thigh.

No Will, but I was wishing you then would stop being the gentleman and nuzzle my clit and rub me before you ate me out. Then I wanted you to fuck me and fuck me hard.

I look up in Stacey’s eyes

I wasted so much time. I really should told you that first week… but I was scared I would be rejected and thrown aside

I lay my head down on Stacey lap

I am glad I did figure it out for our sake. Thank you for your patience Stacey.

I look up in to Stacey’s eye and smile as I lower my head and I start to kiss Stacey’s right inner thigh kissing every inch to I reach to the bottom of her skirt. I smile up at Stacey

So very thankful

I lower my hungry stare and start sliding Stacey’s skirt up exposing the pink Satin panties that really started this happy life. I reach up and hook my fingers in the waistline as Stacey raised her hips so I could slide them off. I took them off her leg but before discarding then I sniff the wet panties.

That was the smell I will never forget.

I lean forward into Stacey skirt and lick her labia all the way around but with out parting her lips.

This time I lick the crease of her pussy parting her lips and sliding my tongue up till it hits Stacey’s clit and Stacey jumps from the gentle touch.

Oh god Will I am so throbby. Its has been too long without your touch. Will I need you please stop wasting time just lick me then make everyone know why you are the only one for me.

I smile I love you also.

I slide my face in and start licking her pussy lips causing them to swell. I start sucking on the labia making her groan. I finally worked my way back to her clit. And I nibble it and I hear Stacey’s yip and moan. I start sucking on her clit and soon Stacey is trying to grind her clit into my face. I lower my mouth so my nose is now pressing her clit and my tongue is dipping into her pussy. I lick trying to suck all the wetness out of her but for every tongue full I sucked up 2 more took its place. It is a loosing battle but I don’t care I will lick and suck Stacey pussy till she climax. I move my tongue and mouth to Stacey’s clit and I slip two finger s including my middle finger and I slide my middle finger till I found her button and start pressing it from inside as I am licking from the outside.

Stacey is trying to not to cum to soon but like Kelley the only thing coming to her is the overriding urge to yell “Fuck me Will” because soon enough I will and she wants to enjoy this feeling.

I just keep rubbing and sucking but I increase speed and start slamming my fingers into harder than before and I start sucking just as a hard and I can feel Stacey building up to climax and I accidentally graze her clit with a tooth and I am now covered in Stacey’s cum since she just spurted on my face. I keep sucking and rubbing because I know Stacey is so close and I want her to cum hard on my tongue again maybe even 2 more times and my fingers rub Stacey G-spot as I suck even harder on her clit which prompts Stacey first outburst.

OH FUCK WILL!!! Harder suck it HARDER!!

I am never to let a woman down so I suck her clit hard enough that it has swollen to twice the size and 10 time more sensitive. So I start licking her clit with the flat of my tongue and tease it with the tip. And for the second time Stacey shudder as another hard orgasm washes over her again covering my face with more of her cum.. I look up at Stacey as she grabs my head and pulls my head away from her clit and yells


l kook into Stacey lovely face but the loveliness is now twisted into pure sexual hunger. She is to the point she needs to be fucked before she explodes in sexual frustration. I stand up and pick up Stacey and walk into the bedroom and lay her on the bottom of the bed, the place yesterday we all innocently enjoyed the bed comfortable mattress, and Pull off her skirt for easy access and I remove my clothes and Stacey looks at me and repeats


I climb up and kiss her lips as my cock slides right in and I start pounding her pussy and now all Stacey can say


Her backed was arched as she reaches out and grabs my neck with her arms and my waist and another big orgasm. Stacey seems to not be able able to articulate her self. All I hears is her groaning, moaning, and purrs. I pull out and Stacey sort of collapse to the mattress still touching me. Her breath is still coming in spurts.

As our breathing slows down and our heart beats come down to normal, it is now that I hear the pounding on the door. I look at the clock and it is 9:30 so why are they bugging us.

Sorry my love I will be back some idiot is banging on the door.

Hurry back I want to hit the tub with you then I think some sleep.

Stacey looks at me and giggles.

I get up and slide my sweats on and walk threw to the sitting room to the door and look thru the peephole. Most of my crew is there. I open the door.

What’s wrong?

Allison rushes past me in a silk robe and heads to the bedroom and Brian grabs me and slams me against the open door.

WTF Brian what’s going on.

We heard you, Will. Do you get off on hitting woman. Maybe I should hit you and see how you like.

I watch as Brian’s fist is raised and pulled back. Yea this is not Chad I am dead meat if it hits and I close my eyes in fear.


That was Allison and I turn and there is Allison supporting Stacey and Brian growls


Will wasn’t hitting Stacey he was doing something very different.

I look at Stacey.

Are you okay Stacey you need to sit, please, sit before you fall and hurt yourself. Allison sit her on the couch. Brian please let me go I need to get to her.

Allison sits Stacey on the couch and turns to Brian.

Brian let Will go they were only having sex and turns out Will knows how to make Stacey cum and cum hard it seems.

Brian let’s me go and I run over and kneel in front of Stacey and kiss her.

I did it again it seems Stacey. Looks like the entire crew is outside our door thinking I was killing you. I am sorry. Let me get the door closed for your privacy. Stay here with her Allison. I will take care of the hall.

I stand up and walk to the door

Okay the show is over and yes I can make Stacey scream in pleasure now you know go back to your rooms and any one mention this in front of me or Stacey will find they will receive a written warning. Ask Allison and she will be honest with you and tell you I was not trying to kill Stacey. I love her very dearly, Good night.

The hall starts to clear and as I get to the door Brian puts a gentle hand on my shoulder.

Sorry Will I just thought you were hurting Stacey

I know Brian. We were told the room is soundproof, I guess not.

I hear Stacey moan

Will come here

I run to the couch and kneel in front of Stacey.

What do you need Stacey?

You Will I always want you…I wanted you from the first week we met and I wasted time because I was afraid you did not feel the same, it was never just your fault.

Stacey hugs me and smiles.

I love you Will.

I gather my arms around her and hug her back with happy tears falling.

I hear Allison grunt

You two mind getting a room.

I smile in the embrace of Stacey

We did you are in our room?

Allison looks thoughtful and looks around.

Yea I guess you are right about that. Lets Go Brian I think we need to work on our sex game to match that.

As Brian and Allison walkout of our suite the elevator dings and Mina and Mike walk off.

I had a great time Mina. Let me walk you to your room.

They head to 608 and Mike stops at the door as Mina unlocks and opens the door.

Mina can I have a good night kiss before I leave?

Well I was hoping for a Good morning kiss from you. So please stay.

Mina takes Mike’s hand and leads him threw the door way.

Part 4 coming soon.
