Part 4: Worshipping a goddess

Part 4 Worshipping a Goddess

Mike smiles down at Mina. When she invited him into her room this was the last thing he thought, but here he was slow dancing to 50 love songs while holding Mina.

Mike, thank you for dancing with me. I had meant to sleep with you tonight it turned out I only wanted to cuddle. You don’t mind, do you Mike?

Not at all this is fun. My parents use to dance like this when I was young and they were always so happy and I guess I enjoy it as much as they do.

But we both need to get sleep. I have to work and so do you. Unlike you my boss is not as nice man as Will.

Mina looks at Mike

I guess I should let you leave then.

Well I can sleep in bed with you with my jeans on and I could hold you till you fell asleep. Will told me once that the nicest gift you can have is to have someone trust you enough to fall asleep in your arms. But if you want I can go sleep in the staff break room, there are bunk beds there.

No stay here with me, I would love to continue our dance.

Mina turns her back to him.

Pull the zipper down please. I have to much trouble with it.

Mike pulls the zipper down and stops.

No all the way down.

Mike has a red blush on his cheeks till he gets to the black lace bra and now he is crimson.

Mina turns around kisses mike on the lips while holding her dress to her breast and went into the bathroom to change clothes.

Umm maybe I better ask will the best way to do this.

Mike dials my number. I am half asleep when I hear my phone.

Who is calling me this late. Mike?

Morning Mike what’s wrong.

Mina asked me to sleep in bed with her, not sex just sleep and…well how do I do it with out being pervy?

Mike do have pajamas?


hold on I am bringing a pair of sweat pant that should fit you just tie the drawstring tight then you let them decided how close they want and if they are comfortable you sometimes can put your arm over them protectively like but wait till you know she likes it. I will be there in a minute with the sweats.

I go to get out of the bed and wake Stacey.

Will where are you going?

The funny farm. Want to come along.

I grab my dirty sweats put them on, grab a pair of my clean sweat and just in case a t-shirt. I turn and grab my room key off the desk by the door and headed to 608. I knock and Mina answered.

Will umm what are you doing here,

Give them to Mike. I need sleep. I hurt all over.

I turn around and slept myself back to bed. I really need a answering service for these kinds of nights.
I wake up at 7 am a little sore and I head to the shower. When I get back to the bedroom I throw on clean clothes and head out to get some tylenol, coffee, and a rather large bottle of Mt Dew Code Red and head back to the room. I sit down beside Stacey with her coffee.

So does sleeping beauty want to wake up or is the coffee going to get cold?

Morning Will and thank you for everything.

Stacey puts her hand to my back and I jump from the touch.

Will whats wrong?

Umm I was slammed into a door by a Marine. I am probably black and blue or a least I better be with the pain I am in.

Stacey lifts up the back of my t-shirt and all she see is one giant black and blue mark.

Wow perhaps we should go to the doctors?

I will be fine and we need to start figuring teams out of the ones coming. By the way they are adding 8 more managers. I haven’t checked who yet.

There is a knock on the door

How do they know I am awake and chatting with you?

I get up and close the bedroom doors and head to the door and use the peephole.


I open my door to the last two people I wanted see…well not last but close.

Brian and Mike, what brings you here this early in the morning.

Both started speaking at the same moment.

Hold it you two. Mike you go first.

Here your t-shirt and sweatpants. Mina says thanks also.

Your both welcome. Brian get the pallet jack?

Yes they just dropped it off and it’s on the but that’s not why I am here. How is the back?

Well I can walk and Stacey says it has pretty colors in it. Want to see?

Ummm yeah I guess.

I pull up my shirt with all its black and blue contusions.

CRAP!! I am so sorry Will.

It happened let’s get over it.

Mike is just staring. And says

Holy Crap! Why did you do it.

Before Brian can say a word I spoke up.

He did it to protect Stacey. It wasn’t intentional and neither of you are to mention what my back looks like to any one. As long as no one pats me on the back, no one will know. Meeting at 11 Brian. And Mike please don’t be late for work, my crew really like you and your assistant.

Brian turns and heading back to Allison’s room.

By the way Mike who asked you about buying crotchless panties yesterday.

Brian runs the last few step to the door and run in and I hold up a finger to stop Mike from answering.

3-2-1 Bingo. Out come Allison

Will hey umm Brian said you asked about…umm..

I figured it was you. Go back and kiss the big bad Marine and tell him to get his tail out from between his legs. I need Gung ho. See you at 11. Mike get going before you are late.

I walk in closing the door Stacey comes out of the bedroom heading to the shower.

You should get it checked out Will.

If it hurts to much or gets worst I promise to. But for now I will take some tylenol and see what happens. How are you feeling?

A little sore.

I ment with how everyone heard you and I. Can you look people in the faces?

I think I can.

Stacey walks into the bathroom and showers.

A hour later Stacey and I are eating breakfast I have the door open for questions.

Stacey’s phone rings and its Kelley. Stacey picks up.

Hey Kelly how has your week been? Lonely I can definitely understand. We both miss you so much. Maddie, what about her. Here talk to Will.

Stacey hands me her cell

Please blow me a kiss, I miss my dragon.

Behave Will. Do you mind if Maddie comes with me this weekend?

Yes please bring her. She will love to be here. Plus I think it is time all four of us sit and talk, don’t you agree?

Yes Will I do.

Good. Oh Mike is still here and he is helping us here at the hotel I told him you were coming and he can not wait to see you.

Yeahhh! Miss him. Okay We are driving out together in Maddie’s car. Should be there by 12 pm. We both took the day off.

Sounds good. Wants to chat longer with Stacey? I unfortunately have a meeting to get started soon.

No Will love you and my sister. We love you also and maddie also. Bye Kelley.

Bye Will and Stacey

Kelley says Bye

Bye Kelley.

You know we might need a bigger bed, right?

Stacey looks at me

oh look who is being practical now.

Stacey leans in and kiss me.

Back to work. I was thinking maybe having Anna and Lars to assign employees to the teams. What you think. I am also thinking of having Mina and Karen run the labeling and storing in the back room. Lar and Anna seem to be able to read people well while Karen and Mina are both great organizers.

Stacey thinks for a few second.

I see no reason why to not have them doing that.

11:00 hits and again we are back in the sitting room.

All right we have the jacks or will by 8 pm we need to start splitting up the mangers to teams for stocking purpose. Karen and Mina, do mind taking on the job of labeling the backroom shelves with bar codes so we can start storing excess product back there as soon as we finish unloading all 120 trucks.

Both Minia and Karen nod yes.

Thanks Next one. Hey Anna do you want to do the actual assignment of employees to each managers team. Lars it is a big job so can you help her?

I see two suprise faces.

Do you two want to do it? If not I will find someone else.

Lars speaks up first

Yea Will

then Anna,

Sounds fun. Sure Will.

Great thanks. Mina and Karen talk to Allison to get the scanner and labels Talk to Anna and Lars get maybe 5 to 10 bodies to help you two.

After more managers been assigned to the area they will be responsible on the floor and several hours of debate
Hey Fred has the time clock company called you yet. I was at the store yesterday but the system wasn’t even on yet and no body was there.

I will get on it.

Great Other than that the offices seem to be up and ready even the computers are running. Oh Anna the cash registers are running also just need to get with Fred to add the employee numbers to the database. It is now 2:30 I say we call the planning meeting over for the day individual manager start coordinating with Anna and Lars. Speaking of which Anna and Lars stay for a minute so I can give you the employee files. Karen and Mina again see Allison. Okay everyone go get food and start working on your individual project. Don’t forget when the door is open I am free for question, if door is locked Please respect my privacy…unless it is a emergency. Oh Brian don’t forget the Truck with the three pallet Jacks Mina’s father is sending will be at the store at 8 then send them here to the hotel, the company has arranged a double room for the two drivers. Now Anna and Lars Follow me to the bedroom for the files.

I get up and walk to the bedroom and see the computer.

Crap I forgot they are sending 8 more managers today so let me print that off for you two.

Mina has walked out to see Mike.

You are such a gentleman and you smell so good. Remember you need to ask me out on the next date.

Well then how about this. Tonight the Hotel is having a Oldie dance night Music from the 50 to the 80’s. Would you like to go with me Mina

Okay it sounds fun.

Mina smile

What should I wear, Mike

Something comfortable of course.

How do Yoga pants sound

Mike now is fighting down a gulp and blushing.

Mike are you imagine me in my yoga pants. Don’t, you will see soon enough and it will be better than you can imagine.

Mina leans in and kiss Mike and heads to her room.

I walk out with Stacey to head down to get some dinner in the restaurant. I see Mike and a sign about a 50 to 80 dance party tonight.

Hey Stacey, do you feel like to go to a dance

With you definitely.

Look at Mike’s table.

I walk over to Mike with Stacey

Where do we sign up for the dance party… Mike are you blushing?

Mike looks at Me

Yes Mina just told me she will wear Yoga pants to the dance.

I noticed you like women in Yoga pants. I remember you watching Allison climbing on the bed.

I think they are so sexy.

LOL I feel the same way with women in skirts. Any ways what time does the dance start, we like to go.

Oh 8 PM. I will see you there.

Not with Mina in Yoga pants LOL

8 pm comes and I walk Stacey into the party and find a table. It looks like several were paired up and here tonight. I see Allison and Brian, Tim and Karen, Mina with Mike, and surprise Anna and Lars.
I look at Stacey.

Did we ever get a dance at Formal

No Will other than the group dance.

Well then tonight you get me all to yourself to dance. Maddie had me at her work party and Kelley had me at Formal so its only right you get me all to your self..

They started to play “Lady in Red”

Stacey dance with me, please.

Stacey just smiles and nods.

I walk her out and we are the first couple to start dancing I whisper in Stacey’s ear

You are are my lady in blue. When we get back to the room let’s enjoy ourselves but no screaming tonight I doubt the floor would forgive us for waking them up. a second time.

Will look behind you.

I turn around and Mike and Mina are now out dancing.

They make a nice couple, don’t they? I need this, today was a lot more stressful and will only get harder. To face this stress and survive you are the only one that will help me survive. Thank you for coming.

Will, it is the least I could do.

Our song goes off and they start playing some bubble gum pop. And we head for a table.

Let me get..

Can we sit down.

I look and it is Brian and Allison

Please do. Now if you have questions about work then you need to leave I am off duty.

I smile at Brian but Brian has a sad face on. I look at Brian then at Alison and both have a sad face.

Okay what is wrong you two? You aren’t regretting getting together, are you?

Both look up startled and shook there head no.

Okay so what is wrong.

Brian looks at me

When we heard Stacey screaming we thought the worst of you. If Allison didn’t reach me I planned to pound your face in because I thought you were hurting Stacey. Also it was our pounding on the door and screaming that woke everyone up and now everyone knows you have loud sex.

I chuckle which makes Brian and Allison stare dumbfounded at me which set me off laughing harder at. Stacey chuckling Looks at Brian

Sorry Will has a great love of whimsy. See we never thought about my reaction to certain things Will loves to do to me especially when we have been separated for weeks on end. First at Will’s apartment and then when we moved into our secluded home, we never had to worry about the results of our love making. Will did ask if the room was well sound proofed and was told it was.

I Break in still chuckling

I never thought about you two in the next room would hear anything, tho since you just heard screaming and not the actual words your reaction, while forceful, was nonetheless the right thing to do.

Mina and Mike walk over. Mina looks at my reactions.

Will what’s so funny?

Just the whole incident with Bull for brains here planning to smash my face in for having sex with my girlfriend last night.

Mike looks concerned

What Will?

Looking at both of their faces it hits me. You weren’t back at 9:30 last night were you?

No we got back just after 10. Why did Brian want to beat you for that.

Okay since everyone else knows. Stacey and I know how to push the right buttons during sex and we both sometimes get loud. Well the Honeymoon suite is supposed to be nearly sound proof, well it isn’t. These two were in the room next door when I was turning Stacey volume up to 11. They did not hear or understand her scream. Just as I finished I heard someone pounding on the door and when I open these two ran in. Alison went to save Stacey while Brian got ready to reduce me to my base components. Then about a hour and half later is when Mike asked me for Jammies to sleep with you.

Now it is Brian and Allison turn to respond in unison.


I turn to Stacey, I think I know what you mean about knowing all the business while others only know bits.

Good and by the way when were you going to tell me about Mike and Mina.

Umm when my brain was jogged into running.

I look at Mike and Mina, both blushing.

Everyone it was just sleeping no sex. Sheesh you perverts. Speaking of which. Mike, Next time you get home pack a overnight bag, I am not letting you borrow my sweats every night.

The waitress comes over and we all order something to drink. I look over at Brian

In all seriousness, Thank you for coming to Stacey’s rescue.

Stacey smiles over towards me.

I didn’t need rescuing but could have use more pounding tho.

Got to love my Pretty Manager. Tho Brian almost snorting his rum and coke out his nose at her statement was totally worth the getting some on my pants. Waitress came back and we ordered some food. I was about to ask Stacey to dance with me to the Song “Baby Love” but Mina asked me first.

Sure Mina. While up there I will bribe the DJ to play several slow songs for us, Stacey. Be back.

Mina and I walked up and and start slow dancing and I look at Mina.

Okay spit out what you want to ask me. I know that’s why you are dancing with me instead of Mike.

Your right. Last night I wanted Brian but I got cold feet. I really want to spend the night with him like that but I am afraid I will chicken out.

So what if you do. You should go at the pace you two want to and fuck any one else timeline. If it takes a week of dates every night then that what it will take. You understand?

You are right will. You are smart like my Mother. I am sure she would have given me the same advice.

Good so now why are you still dancing with me. I think Mike might be getting Jealous. Now be a good Girl .

I give her a forehead kiss

Get Mike to call you a good girl it will be much better.

Mina hugs me and heads back to drag Mike up to Dance. I take this time to pay off the DJ for some nice slow songs for my old body. I head back and Grab Stacey and I take her dancing for the rest of the night till 2AM. Nonstop.

Mike, let’s go back to my room. I want to dance with you more privately

Mike smiles

Definitely and maybe you can teach me to not have 2 left feet.

They leave the club and head to the 6th floor. They get out and head to Mina’s room and once the door closed Mina grabs Mike and stands on her toes and gave him a kiss so good that his toes were rolling up.

Mike I like you alot and I do want to make love to you. But I want to warn you. I am still a virgin.

Mike smiles down to her.

I was still a Virgin to this past July so I am really not that far ahead..Make a fact other than those few times in July with this one woman, I have not been with anyone else.

Mina looks up to Mike.

So how do we do this then.

Mike smiles.

We take it slow and easy and at a pace that’s good for you.

Mike and Mina hugged then they started to kiss. This is the first man she has ever kissed that she was not related to. She can feel the way her body was reacting including her thong becoming wet. She also feels a small throbbing that she knew well, it was her clit wanting attention. To try and calm her clit she gets closer firmly pushing her clit against Mike’s leg. Doing this tho was the worst idea because now her clit was being rubbed by the movement of his leg. Mina lets out a small moan right into Mike’s mouth.

What did you say Mina?

Your leg feels good on my crotch.

Mina looks down where her clit was rubbing and on Mike’s leg is a damp spot. Mike looks down and sees the spot and smiles.

I think you like that kiss. May I just touch you down there over your pants?

Mina nods yes. Mina can feel the heat coming from mike’s hand before it made contact. As soon as he rubbed her yoga pants she can hear how wet she was and when Mike pulled his hand back his fingers were wet. He takes his finger and sucks her pussy juices off his fingers.

MMM you taste like a sweet flower

Mina eyes just locked on Mike. She steps away from him and walks to the bed and removes her shoes and the yoga pants and walks back to Mike with her black satin thong. She step back against the in room desk and sits on the edge.

Mike please lick me…I don’t know what it is called but I know I want you to lick me down there, please.

Mike step closer and Mina can smell his cologne an her whole body shakes at its smell. Mina just know that no matter how long she lives she will never forget Mike, his smell, and her longing for him. Mike takes another step and then lowers himself. And he reaches out for the thong but never removing his eyes from hers. He slowly slides the thing down till it falls to the floor. Mike can smell the fresh orchid smell from Mina’s perfume and also he can smell her musk from her damp pussy. Keeping eye contact he moves in and just gives her slit a tentative lick.
At this slight touch Mina’s whole body shudders in delight. Mina opens her legs wider giving Mike even better access to her pussy. Mike is still watching Mina watch him as he slowly reaches out with his right hand. Mike’s finger touch the lips and slides up to touch her strip of hair above her pussy. Mike rubs his finger up and down it feeling the course hairs there but on his last trip down, he didn’t stop at the end of the hair. His finger kept going and ran down to her throbbing clit hidden behind the fold of flesh. Mike then brought his other hand up and together they parted her Labia and her clit was exposed. Mike smiles at Mina and moves his head in again with his tongue just protruding threw his lips. Mina just stares as his hot mouth breathed warmth on her. She could feel Mike’s breath going in and out all the while she watched his tongue get closer to her clit till finally she felt the electric bolt shoot from her clit to her nipples as he made contact. There was nothing but them, No room, no work, no sounds but there breathing. Waves of pleasure swell over her with each lick. Try as she might she just could not stop watching. Mike was looking at her while he was licking her clit. Soon she felt a deep contraction of muscles as Mike continued to lick her. She was feeling light headed but so focused all at the same time.

Mike wanted to see the moment Mina came as surely as he wanted to be the one to do that. Mike stops licking and lowers his face closer and he started to suck her clit as he licked it, all the while watching her hunger.

Mina felt the pressure in her pussy building and the pleasure of each suck and lick but the way Mike just stared, that was really was driving her passion. He was handsome and he was letting her know threw his look that this was his way to worship her body and with that realization Mina realized that she was coming hard. She can see the white sticky groo of her pussy sticking to Mike’s face. She watched as Mike pulled his face away but his soft brown eyes never let her eyes go. She can see her own cum sticking to his face and to her pussy as if a bridge between them. The pounding in her body she was feeling, it was her own heart. Mike Stands up still staring and wraps his arms around her.

My the lovely goddess before me is so beautiful.

He finally release her eyes and he tightly hugs her.

Mina didn’t care how long he held her because she knew it would be to short. But she planned to hold onto it for as long as she can.

Part 5 coming soon
