I was auctioned off in my Wolf of Wall St office [MF]

This was many years ago, before cell phones, the internet, and the MeToo movement. It was a different time, and the dynamic between men and women, especially in the office, was very different than it is today.

I had just started working at this small Wall St company (no longer exists). If you’ve seen the Wolf of Wall Street movie, then that’s basically the sexist, misogynist, macho culture. The office was known to hire pretty women for its admin jobs. Eye candy, a side piece, an office fuck plaything. The prettier and sluttier you were, the more you thrived in this crazy culture. Again, a different time back then.

Every so often, the pretty admins were shuffled around and reassigned. We would work with a new senior leader, or new hot shit, or whatever. Not for any merit of course, but just for the guys to ‘rotate’ and potentially play. Now, not all the guys were as creepy as this. But you only need a few of them, and well, you get the point. By then, I had worked there enough, that I was known as a party girl. I was down.. for whatever. I had already fucked my guy that I was originally assigned to. By then, I was so ingrained in this crazy culture, I was openly making hotel reservations, rather than processing paperwork. There were a few of us party girls in the office, and when it came to being reassigned, we were always in high demand.

So when it came to shuffle day, they had a routine. They would get all the party girls together, make some speech on how they were restructuring or reassigning or some bullshit like that. And that they wanted us each of us to give a short brag list speech on ourselves. A little advertisement on why we’re the best fit. It was complete bullshit of course, but it was part of the thing.

So when it comes to the auction day, I know how the game works. You dress like a complete whore. Skimpy dress. High heels. No fucking shame. If you’re trying to get paired with a particular guy, then you dress for him. Like for example, this one guy had a huge stockings/garter fetish. So I wore them, under a dress that didn’t completely cover the lace tops. Something like that. Then you give your little brag speech, which didn’t really matter. Maybe, if I was daring, I would make some sexual innuendos, to help promote myself. And one by one, each woman came into the room and presented herself to this group of guys.

Then the guys chatted by themselves, behind closed doors. I later learned that they would all compete against each other, and bid on us like an auction. The winning bid got to pick first, then the second highest, etc.. Then they would bring all of us back in and tell us our assignments. Most of time, we were all happy. Then we all went out and partied. And get wrecked. Alcohol, bottles, drugs, sex. You name it. Not only did I get hammered, but I regularly got fucked on these auction days. The pooled money would go to pay for these auction celebrations.

The next morning, I’m not sure what hurts more, my pussy or my head from the hangover. But by the time I stumble into the office and back to my desk, my new guy is already working, functioning like it was no big deal. And at my desk, there’s an envelope full of cash, as my signing bonus. And a pair of stockings to immediately put on and wear.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/izh6eq/i_was_auctioned_off_in_my_wolf_of_wall_st_office


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