Flash Fiction: Veronica

“Flash Fiction” is a series of first-time flashings; willing or otherwise. Each story will center around a new protagonist and will be between 750 and 800 words in keeping with the original meaning of the term. I hope you enjoy these tightly packaged steam stories!

Growing up in small town middle America had concreted my resolve to move to a more urban setting as soon as humanly possible. It didn’t help that on top of everyone knowing my business around town, the household I grew up in was under a very strict catholic patriarch. I had developed both physically and sexually at a very early age, but because of my upbringing, had been repressed in both regards as well.

Of course, there was a trail of lifeless battery-operated-boyfriends in my wake, but by the time I had turned twenty-one, I had yet to do anything more than kiss a real boy. To say I was a powder keg ready to explode would be putting it mildly at best. I had barely stepped off the plane at LAX before I knew I had made the right decision. The sun was high in the sky and buzzing through the airport everywhere were attractive people in revealing clothing.

Before the moving truck had pulled away, I had already decided to trade in my entire closet for my west-coast-wardrobe. Because my new company had footed the bill for my moving costs and my salary was much more than I expected, I had some money to burn. Not wanting to waste a second, and also overwhelmed at the sheer number of boxes that cluttered my new apartment, I set out on my mission.

Several hours later I returned home with both arms full of bags from several different stores. A product of my upbringing, I hadn’t tried on the clothes in store, and couldn’t wait to have a one-woman fashion show in the privacy of my home. I grabbed a bottle of wine, and made my way through the maze of boxes on my way to my “dressing room”.

The doors of the closet were full panel mirrors, and when I stripped off my ill-fitting outfit, I could feel the weight of my old life strip away as well. Next, I poured a tall glass of wine and took stock of myself. The unflattering bra and underwear set still covered more of my body than some of the women’s outfits I had seen out and about that day. I decided if I was truly going to embrace my femininity in my new life, I needed to completely throw off the shackles of modesty forced upon me by my over-stepping father.

In true bra burning fashion- I balled up the undergarments and stood-a blank canvas- in front of the mirrored doors. Maybe it was because I was already on my second full glass of wine, but even I was impressed with the woman who stared back. At 5’5″ and 120 lbs, my 32-24-36 frame was by no means model material, but I figured I could hold my own compared to some of the enhanced women I had seen in my limited exposure around town. My soft pink, quarter sized areolas stood out against my pale white skin, and I couldn’t help but feel envious of some of the tanned goddesses as far as the eye could see. I ran a hand down my tight tummy and rubbed the stubble from my one act of defiance before the move West. My bare-shaven pubic mound was starting to grow back and I made a mental note to schedule a full Brazilian wax. When in Rome- I figured. As I twirled to inspect my hind quarters in the mirror, I was happy with the results of the endless squats I had endured at the hands of my youtube personal trainer.

Satisfied with my self-inspection, I was ready to start the show and turned to retrieve an outfit from the plethora of bags beside me. My body froze in place as I suddenly realized the show had already started. From my bedroom window, I could see straight into the living room of the studio apartment in the next building. Not only that, but with a craned neck, several adjacent apartments probably had a clear view into my boudoir. At present though, my main concern was with the two gentlemen sitting on their sofa, with an unobstructed view to all I had to offer.

While I was mortified, I couldn’t seem to budge a muscle to conceal myself. We hung in suspended animation for several seconds before the two both raised their glasses to me and nodded. Motor function was finally restored, and I scurried against the wall, then snuck a hand out to grab my glass of wine.

“At least now I have a good use for my old clothes,” I laughed to myself and took a long, deep sip of wine.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/izhzy8/flash_fiction_veronica