Taylor’s Journey through Space, Chapter 3 [MMF] [Fiction]

Something wasn’t right. Taylor stared into the microscope, advancing it further to get a birds-eye view into the pollination she had forced on one of the plants. It was amazing. The little microorganisms were screwing themselves silly. And it wasn’t just in the plants. She had tracked the pollen-like organism through the water, fruits, and the air around them too. The planet was one big biological orgy in progress.

She shook her head in confusion. These readings hadn’t been present while the mission was being prepped. She knew it wasn’t. She, herself, had tested the samples the unmanned bots had brought back. This was something new. Something which must’ve started only a few months ago

She took a deep breath as she straightened, staring down at the small array of plants she had arranged around the table. She had run tests until she was blue in the face, had worked tirelessly to figure it out, and she was damned if she could. Of course, the heat building in the air around her wasn’t helping.

Mike and Ivan were working around the camp in only their uniform pants, sweat soaking on their bodies as the heat continued to build. It was like this every afternoon. The temperature readings never changed, but the humidity shot up to nearly intolerable levels.

She had ditched her shirt hours ago, just as the men had, leaving her clad in the small, damp undershirt. It clung to her breasts, drawing attention to the hard nipples poking against the cloth. And Ivan had noticed. When he came to the tent earlier to bring in more samples, his grey eyes had gone immediately to the hard little points.

Taylor pushed back the fringe of sweat-dampened hair that escaped her ponytail and tucked her glasses more firmly on her nose as she thought. The planet was growing at a very rapid rate, oxygen, cloud cover, vegetation and amazingly enough, small insects too. There had been no sign of any insects or animals when the previous unmanned samples had been taken. But there was no sign of any chemical influence at work. No supernatural aphrodisiac, nothing except the fact that it seemed to be at its height during the sweltering heat of midday. The process then seemed to cool as evening and night descended. The next morning, the growth rate could be noted. Not a lot of growth, but more than normal.

Taylor was starting to fear that it affected more than the plant life. She noticed her own arousal peaking at midday, then seeming to settle down until she drifted into sleep. As her mind relaxed, it appeared her body was becoming more active.

More than once she had awakened herself, her fingers desperately searching along Ivan’s body, searching for the source of satisfaction she knew could be found between his thighs. At the same time, she would find herself relishing the head of Mike behind her, longing to have him touch her, rubbing against him as her arousal built. She was growing so desperately heated in her sleep, with her dreams spurring her on, that she knew the men’s control was going to snap soon.

“Ivan.” She called out to him as he and Mike stared into the guts of the communications equipment. He shot her a questioning look. “Could you come in here a minute?”

He frowned before rising to his feet and moving with long, powerful strides to the tent. Dark muscles gleamed with a moist sheen, rippling in movement. Her cunt rippled in response.

“What’s wrong, doctor?” His gaze flickered to her swollen breasts then back to her eyes.

Taylor drew in a deep breath, feeling her face flush. “We might have a problem.”

He lifted a black brow a bit sardonically.

“Okay, we have another problem then.” She grabbed hold of her temper as she stared up at him in frustration.

He roughly sighed running his hands over his close-cropped black hair as he closely watched her.

“What’s the problem?”

“I need blood and cell samples from you and Mike as well as,” she cleared her throat, “semen samples.”

He blinked down at her, his gaze becoming flat and cold. “I must have misunderstood you.” He shook his head. “Could you repeat that last part?”

She cleared her throat again, ignoring her own blush. “I need semen samples,” she hissed, knowing he had to have heard her.

He didn’t say a word for long moments. His gaze flickered back to her breasts, making her nipples throb at the flare of heat in his gaze.

“For what?” he finally asked with studied calm.

Licking her lips, she quickly explained the results of the tests she had been running and her conclusions.

“I need blood, cell and semen samples to see if our bodies are experiencing the same reactions,” she finished.

He didn’t say a word during the explanation. When she finished, his eyes had that hard, determined look that made her more than nervous.

“You don’t need the samples,” he finally grunted. “It’s obvious we are. Now find a cure.”

He turned to stomp off.

“Excuse me.” She jumped from the tent, gripping his muscled arm to bring him to a stop as she moved in front of him. “I need those samples. And what do you mean, ‘find a cure’? What the hell do you think I’ve been working my ass off on for twelve hours a day?”

His face flushed. “Use the time you’re spending masturbating through the day and maybe you’ll get an answer. Better yet, use your equipment for your studies rather than filling your pussy and it might do more good that way.”

Taylor’s eyes widened as she felt herself suddenly pale. Her hand jerked back from his arm as humiliation tore through her body.

“You were watching me?” She barely breathed at the thought. Hot color flooded her body as horror rose inside her. The things she had done, the desperation that pulsed through her…

She moved back from him in a quick step, turning. She needed to put enough distance between them now that she could find a way to deal with the fact that she had totally humiliated herself in front of her commander.

“Damn it. Taylor.” Ivan caught up with her as she rushed into the shuttle, intent on grabbing her survival jacket and heading into the surrounding forest. His arm caught hold of her as she passed the bed, gripping it hard and swinging her around. She lost her balance, stumbling then falling to her back as she gazed up at him in shock.

“Do you think you’re the only one?” he snarled as he came down on top of her, his thighs spreading hers, the hot wedge of his cock burning between their clothes to sear the mound of her pussy. “Damn you. I’m so jealous of the fact that something besides my cock is filling that tight pussy that I can’t stand it. But I’ll be damned if I’ll take you. Because when I take you, I won’t be able to order Mike away from you anymore. Do you hear me? If I fuck you, then I have no choice but to leave you open, filled with my seed and ready for him to fuck. Is that what you want?”

“Ivan.” She moaned his name, her hips arching against him, barely hearing his furious words now that he was touching her.

She didn’t care. Whatever he wanted she would give him if he would just ease the driving heat filling her body. To be honest, the more she slept between the two men, the more she craved both their hands touching her, their cocks digging into her. The planet wasn’t the only thing that was an orgy in the making.

His hands were pushing under her top, baring her breasts, enclosing the hard globes in his calloused hands. Ahh yes, it felt so good. She arched into the hold, her hips pressing tighter against the heavy erection nudging against her cunt.

Her hands gripped his arms as his eyes went to her breasts. Then with a hungry growl his head lowered, his mouth attaching to one tight peak and firmly drawing on it.

“Oh God” The wet caress was a shattering relief against her tortured nipple.

His tongue stroked over it, his teeth rasping it, his mouth sucking on her so hard and strong that the rough caress nearly drove her to orgasm.

Her legs lifted, knees gripping his hard flanks as he began to rock against her, grinding his cock against her, causing the cloth of her panties and her pants to rasp against her clit with nearly destructive results. All the while his lips drew on her breast, going from one to the other, licking fire from peak to peak before pressing the two mounds tightly together, his mouth enveloping both nipples at the same time.

“Ivan.” Her head rolled back on the mattress as she writhed beneath him, on fire, so damned aroused now she could barely breathe.

“Damn you,” he growled as his head rose. “I’ve watched you fucking yourself with that damned pestle to the point that I want to destroy it with my bare hands, Taylor. So help me, you shove anything else up that tight little cunt and I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

His lips came down over hers, his tongue spearing between her lips, kissing with a starving greed that sent her tumbling into such erotic sensations she wondered if she would survive them. His hands continued to palm her breasts, his thumbs heatedly rasping her nipples.

“Ivan.” It was Mike’s voice that had Ivan’s big body tensing, a warning, almost animalistic, growl issuing from his throat as Ivan possessively lay over Taylor’s body.

“I’m not going to fight you, man,” Mike finally sighed, though Taylor saw the hunger on his face. “But I won’t lay back and suffer, either. You take her, and I’ll have my turn. Eventually”

Taylor’s pussy shamefully pulsed at the hard tone of the other man’s voice, the determination in it. Both men were at a breaking point now and Taylor knew that she alone held the key to their survival or their destruction. The question was, would taking that final step save their lives, only to destroy her heart?

The heart she had given to Ivan before ever making this journey.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/iytx9d/taylors_journey_through_space_chapter_3_mmf


  1. I feel like each of your chapters keep getting better and better. I feel weirdly both turned on by you and proud of you for your writing. I hope you keep it up!

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