[MF] My Asian Girlfriend Gets a Free Pass To Try Her Fantasy

Background: [https://www.reddit.com/r/bigdickjoy/comments/ioqd0s/girlfriend_wants_to_try_a_big_one_can_this_work/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bigdickjoy/comments/ioqd0s/girlfriend_wants_to_try_a_big_one_can_this_work/)

Basically I gave my Cambodian girlfriend (nickname Tia) the chance to try a big foreign dick. We’re open about our fantasies, and learned it was a turn on for us both.

A few Redditors far from us messaged, but we ultimately chose someone passing through who we found elsewhere.

Tia goes out alone as the sun sets. Heart thumping ensues. I try to go on as normal, watching youtube etc but it’s not happening. I wonder if this whole thing was a mistake.

But then, after a few hours, I get a text and then she returns. We kiss at the door as a sort of rekindling moment.

(Me) > You look normal, you did it?

(Her) >>> Yeah

> He was easy on you?

>>> No. I’m tired

I brought her shorts down and squatted. Normally she has a slit with everything tucked away. But now her flaps were hanging out. Her light tan Khmer skin had a red hue encircling her pussy, like someone swatted it and caused a sting.

Tia grabbed my head and yanked me into her privates. I pushed myself off and fell on my butt, then stormed to the bathroom while she cackled in the background.

> So funny. Now whatever you did is on my nose. You clean up too.

>>> { makes loud kissing sounds } I already clean up in hotel shower

> Everything? Mouth, pussy, body?

>>> Yeah. I scrubbed good. He a big man and sweat a lot

> Gross

After cleaning off my face she was lying on the bed looking ready to sleep

>>> Now what

> Now you tell me everything

I crawled into bed and we embraced.

The guy was visiting our normally tourist heavy city. A lot of the single male tourists passing through, try to find a local girl for a day or two of casual time. I had helped her find a good candidate based on our rather shallow criteria, Due to the pandemic it took a couple weeks for us to find someone we were both satisfied with.

> So how big was it?

>>> Big. not like picture. Maybe like this (she shows a medium banana size with her hands)

> Oh. So picture was a lie? He looked really big, like this (I show a large banna length and girth)

>>> Yeah not that big but bigger than Khmer guy. Biggest I’ve seen in real life

> So you liked it or not

>>> Yeah… it was good

She was in a hesitant interview handling mode. Probably nerves from being questioned by the boyfriend after doing something normally forbidden.

I brushed her hair off to the side and kissed her, turning on my naughty bed-talk voice.

> Tell me everything. No shyness. { Ear nibbling } I said yes to this to make us both happy. I still am

>>> Yeah, it was fun. He was good

This would take more probing

> So what did he look like? Face and body ok?

>>> Yeah, nice body, face ok. Older

With more assurances, coaxing and probing, I got the details to come out in piecemeal fashion.

They met near his hotel and had drinks. He looked like the pictures but older by a few years. Made her laugh a bit to loosen her up. Got her to feel at ease and then made the move to get her back to the room. She said he was smooth.

At the room, not so smooth. After heavy groping on her ass and a passionate makeout session he pushes her onto her kness, clothes still on, and inserts his dick in her mouth.

> Really? Just like that? He didn’t say anything or what? Tell the details Tia

>>> Yeah, happened fast. He did everything with his hands, groping me hard, holding my head back to kiss, then moving me down to suck him.

>>> When I saw it I was so horny about his size. No Khmer guy had one so nice. I just wanted to have it in my mouth to feel its size

> How long were you on your knees for

>>> I don’t know, maybe 20 minutes? He kept pushing my head down and gagging me. I kept pushing his hands away but he never stopped. I didn’t like he did that

They then switched to missionary position on the side of the bed. He was more mindful here and put a few minutes into easing in. But then went rough and put his weight into pounding her from above. She was basically screaming the whole time.

>>> Kind of hurt. But I was very wet and excited

> Sounds intense, and maybe painful

>>> Little bit, yeah

He cums and stops thrusting. She needs a break and puts both hands over her belly, knowing there was probably some stretch damage.

Round two is even longer. Her only reprieve is that he switches positions this time. Hands on wall standing doggy. Spooning on the floor. One leg on a chair. They covered the entire hotel room pretty well. During doggy she came the first time in her life from vaginal sex. Said that was her favorite because him holding her hips made her feel small. Plus the angle let him go deep without much force or pain

The final round was a thank you bj while he lay there on the couch.

> So one for you and three for him

>>> Yeah

> You ran to the sink and spit? I thought you said sucking a dick that big turned you on

>>> You know I don’t like how sperm taste. Yeah I loved sucking him though. I almost swallowed it to make him happy because he made me cum from fucking.

>>> But he fuck too hard sometimes. It hurted a bit. When he on top his big body put all the weight on me and goes really deep. When I tell him to slow down he speed up again after few minutes

> You should have told him stronger then

>>> No no. Feels good and exciting even if hurts a little. Different from fucking a smaller guy. More scary. Intense. But more exciting too. Makes sex feels like a wild adventure

We’re kissing in between descriptions in bed. She’s opened up now.

Then the big unresolved drops

>>> This was fun… for one time only? Or we can do this again?

I knew it was coming based on her positivity, only initially masked by not wanting to hurt my feelings or step on a hidden landmine with the boyfriend. I decide to toy with her a bit.

> You just fucked a guy after an hour of meeting and now you want another?

>>> { silence, smiles sheepishly }

> How long did you make me wait? i think it was a whole month and I took you to all those places. Remember?

>>> { nervous chuckle }. Ok, I’m sorry. I just ask. Thank you for letting me try a big dick

> LOL. My girlfriend is such a slut { kiss }. You’re so sexy. You’ve changed though. But I love how you changed

>>> You like it too don’t you? I think this made you horny right?

> Yeah. Tell you what. If you tell me what a big dick does to your pussy, I will consider it again. But only if you give every small detail about what your pussy goes through when it enters and exits. And how it makes you feel and why you need it so much.

Now she’s beaming as she realizes I was misdirecting her.

> It felt better? I’m not jealous or anything, just curious. Tell me.

>>> Yeah. Yours is good too! But his one goes deep and fills me. My toys are not as good as that, different feeling, not as good, too hard. Or maybe you need a man to get good angle and push hard with power. To fuck you good. { shows me her arm doing a sort of fisted slamming motion }

>>> But real feels sooo good when it’s big too. Warm, soft but also hard. Nothing else touches me like a real big dick. { Pouty face } I would be sad if it was only one time.

> What about the fullness. Did it stretch? Did it hurt you said?

>>> Yeah but a good hurt like I said. Like when you scratch your back.

>>> His big cock make my pussy wrap around. Make me feel like my body is a toy for him, how it pushes everything out to make space. I am horny so much I can only see sex when I fuck it. I just want to fuck, not thinking of anything else. Guys are like that too sometimes right?

> Yeah, we get like that. Higher testosterone makes us sex hungry a lot of the time.

>>> Yeah, exactly. I’m glad you know what I mean

>>> Also a big one touch the back area where other guys don’t get to. I never felt that before. Felts when someone itch a hard to reach spot and then you’re in heaven from the touch because it’s rare and feels even nicer down there.

>>> Oh man, I want it again. Can I? I waaannnnnnt….. Pleeeeeasse?

She wanks my dick to try to sell me, while we lock eyes. I contemplate her fate.

At some level I am concerned that this was too good an experience for her. It’s what we wanted but when it happens and your girlfriend begs for a bigger cock again the consequence of letting her have it start to become more noticeable.

At the same time, I kind of felt my bond to this girl deepening too, through our shared perversion. Lying there in bed together as we also relished in the excitement and naughtiness. No other girl I’ve been with would indulge this kind of thing without it turning wierd, Khmer girls are mostly shy and conservative.

> I don’t know…

>>> Oh come on! I did exactly what i told you and we both enjoyed it? Right?

> You came 40 minutes late and didn’t call…

> { interrupting } What would you have done with a big man grabbing you and fucking you all over a room, huh? Shoving a dick inside you and controlling your body? I can’t just make a phone call at any time?

>>> { Apparently she realizes her error in breaking our expected communication rule } I’m sorry next time I’ll check my phone more, I’ll tell him to stop when it gets close to check in time.

I like when she gets defensive

> So you want to see him again? He was mostly good?

>>> Yeah, I’m good with him. I’ll tell him if he gets too pushy next time.

> Okay then. I’ll tell the other guy to cancel. I thought you’d like even even more. He’s big too but less fat. And his dick, maybe a bit thicker (I show a water bottle size. I’m exaggerating to rile her up)

>>> Really?! I want to see. Show me picture

> Look at you. Are you going to drool on the bed? It doesn’t take much for you to move on, does it?

I was overmarketing the potential new guy quite a bit, mostly to test if she would switch interest or not. She did which was good, to me it indicated this really was just about sex for her. Compared to Khmer guys I think she’ll still like him too, we’ll see.

Secure from judgement, another session locked down, Tia goes on the offense

>>> I think you might be a little gay

> Um? No

>>> I’m happy but, why you letting me do this? Why do you like it?

> I like hearing you get your pussy mangled. Look at it. It looks like someone hit you between the legs with a paddle and everything fell out

>>> You don’t like thinking about his big dick too? A little bit? Come on, admit it

> No! I mean, it’s hot imagining you in the room, and it’s going in and out of you and giving you dirty pleasure. And stretching you and making you moan like an animal.

>>> { She raises an eyebrow and suddenly I feel like i’m the one being interrogated }

> It’s just hot thinking of you like a bad girl a bit

>>> Like those girls in those movies you watch on days i say no to you?

> Yeah { I smile somewhat embarrassed at the admission }

>>> { Rolls her eyes. But she’s smirking too. Tia really gets off on her sexual sway over guys }

>>> Haha. Okay. You want me to be bad, I can be bad. But of course, only one man I care about…

> { pouty tone } Then maybe stay home and try fucking your boyfriend? Instead of talking me into wanking alone while you go on big dick hunts?

>>> { bitchy tone } Maybe you really are gay but just trying to hide it with this thing

Most of our wind down from there was mundane chatter not worth recounting here. But there was some more fun shit talking as we got closer to dozing off in each other’s arms.

> So… are you going to leave me for a big dick guy

>>> { in her snotty voice } Yeah maybe, depends how big

> What if you find this and this (I show a soda can girth and a water bottle length)?

>>> Oh wow. yeah. You and I can still be friends okay?

> Bitch. What about the future kids?

>>> Big dick can give me a cute foreign mix baby too { stuck up giggle }

> And even help you make room for it

At some level I still felt 100% not at ease about this new dynamic. She sensed it and grabbed my dick. It was her turn to offer assurances;

>>> This the perfect size for boyfriend. Can fuck every day and pussy not sore. You trust me and did this to make me happy, thank you

> Yeah, you’re a good girl… sometimes. I trust you to do the right thing and keep it sex only. I hope we can continue this and it makes us even closer to each other

>>> It’s very exciting for me. But it’s only sex. I just joking because you have a dirty mind about everything

> Ok Tia. You say the right things. When your next guy shoves 2 soda cans of meat into your pussy we’ll see how you really think.

>>> Ok { pervy grin }

Wrap up

Hope you enjoyed our little adventure. I don’t know why I like having a slutty girlfriend but unfortunately I do. Probably too much porn as a kid. Thankfully unlike all my prior relationships, Tia has that side to her too. So it has been an exciting, erotic experience for the both of us.

That said, other redditors have warned me once we do this a few times, she won’t be able to stop. So I’m treading carefully and making sure she only meets up with tourist guys. That’s not too much of a problem because the retirees are not exactly her type.

Makeup sex was quite good after and almost like the relationship started afresh so this has the potential to work out nicely for us. The main things i will be watching for, are her catching feelings, or her starting to avoid me for whatever reason. But aside from that I look forward to letting my girlfriend indulge her new passion as a nympho of big dicks

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/iz4eti/mf_my_asian_girlfriend_gets_a_free_pass_to_try


  1. Ngl my gf wanted to see other people too and hooked up with a guy and told her it kinda turned me on. The way I see it. Its like imagining porn featuring your girl. Kinda hot

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