The Show Must Go On Part 2 [extreme fdom][F][M][tattooing][piercing][non-con][kidnapped][BDSM][msub]

The lights flickered, and Mike opened his eyes groggily as his body drifted back into consciousness. He was no longer in the dressing room at the concert hall where he had been the moment he passed out, but the room did look familiar. He blinked hard a few times, and as he looked around the dimly lit room, he realized his body ached and throbbed with even the slightest movement. He looked down, the tense mucked in his neck straining, and saw his naked body bruised and covered in red welts. He was seated uncomfortably on a metal folding chair, his ankles strapped to the legs and his wrists cuffed behind his back. Bondage tape was wrapped tightly around his torso, holding him to the cold back of the metal chair.

Just as Mike’s faculties returned to him, the sound of a door creaking open came from behind him, and a pair of high heeled shoes tapped across the hardwood floor. There, standing in front of him, was Lynda. She was still wearing her black outfit that she had worn at the concert, but her hair was now down and draping over her shoulders.

“Funny, you never even noticed all the times that I flirted with you. Inviting you to this concert and wanting to be alone with you, you’re so oblivious. You ruined the show, and you acted like a God-damn animal! Booing, jeering, heckling the performers. They gave you what you deserved after what you did to them and all their fans. But that wasn’t enough. You need to learn your lesson once and for all. You need to learn your place on your knees under the heel of every strong woman out in the world. From now on, you’ll be the weak, sniveling, pathetic little submissive dog worshipping women on your hands and knees where you belong. I will make sure you never forget your place.”

A frightening grin spread across Lynda’s face, and her eyes darted towards a small table that Mike hadn’t yet noticed was set up to his right. His eyes widened, and he let out a soft, hoarse whimper as he noticed the tattoo gun and several thick needles laid out on the table top. For a moment he panicked, and struggled against his restraints to no avail. The chair was bolted to the floor, and he was tied so tightly to his seat that he could barely move any part of his body except for his head.

“Don’t bother trying to get out, unlike you useless, lazy men I know what I’m doing and doing things right. Now, let’s start with those nipples you’ve got there. No reason such a nice, sensitive area should be left untouched.” Lynda pulled another folding chair from behind Mike, and sat backwards against it as she prepared one of the thick needles laid out and ready.

She clamped his left nipple with the scissor-like tool, and Mike realized at that moment that he was screaming. His own shrill cries for mercy echoed through the small room, and his voice cracked as his exhausted vocal cords stung in his throat. Lynda chuckled, her face twisting in playful amusement as she slid the needle through her cousin’s tender flesh. Mike’s terrified screams crackled into pained gargles, and he thrashed violently against his restraints, though his body hardly moved.

“Ha! Look at the pitiful cockless pig wriggle! Suffer! The way men make all women suffer! You’re all worthless, stupid, violent bastards and you don’t deserve the power you have. Now, you’re going to be powerless and helpless to women!” Lynda’s expression was a mixture of rage and amusement, and she slipped a metal ring into Mike’s bleeding, pierced nipple.

“Lynda, Lynda please…” Mike finally managed to speak for the first time since waking up in this hellish room in his cousin’s home. “Lynda, we are family for fucks sake. Please, God, stop. Let me go!”

Mike’s pleading was met with a chilling silence, as Lynda sat facing him with a smirk spreading wide across her face. She brandished another needle in front of her sobbing cousin, pinching a portion of skin from his shrivelled testicals. His knees were held apart with the bondage tools attached to the chair, and as hard as he tried to beg and struggle, nothing would stop what was about to happen to him.

“You need a little reminder that your balls belong to me now!” The needle pierced his wrinkled skin, and Mike squealed as the stinging pain signified his mutilated manhood.

The curved barbell fastened in place, Lynda sat back and admired her work as Mike panted and whimpered. Tears streamed down his face and his puffy eyes stung as he watched his cousin reach to the table next to him and pick up the tattoo gun.

“No! No no no no no, Lynda you can’t! Please! Oh my fucking God I can’t believe this is happening!” Mike’s voice was barely audible behind his heavy weeping, and soon the buzz of the tattoo gun nearly drowned him out completely.

“Oh yes, haha! Now is when I brand you, like all men should be branded for what they really are.” Lynda gave her cousin a sweet smile, narrowing her eyes at him as she approached him with the gun.

Lynda proceeded to penetrate the sensitive flesh of Mike’s bare chest with the needle, tattooing a black line down the right side of his pectoral as he cried out in agony. She traced the letters slowly, inflicting as much pain as she could as she drew the large ‘S’ over his reddened skin. The ‘L’ began to bleed profusely, and the speckles of red dripped down Mike’s ribcage as Lynda moved on to trace the ‘A’ directly over his tender sternum. The pain was unbearable, and Mike wished that he would lose consciousness as he was branded by this grinning devil woman before him. The ‘V’ was too simple and quick, so Lynda backtracked over the lines over and over as Mike begged for a break. Finally, she ended her first tattoo with a thick lined ‘E’, tearing into the raised and swollen flesh of his left pectoral to finish branding him for what he was.

“There we go,” Lynda smiled at her masterful art “you and everyone who sees you will know that you are nothing but a pathetic, weak, helpless slave to all women!”

Lynda moved on to her next tattoo, stabbing at her victim’s inner thighs as she branded him with the word ‘pig’, and tattooing the other thigh with ‘dog’. The stinging pain made Mike cringe and whine, too exhausted and hoarse to cry out for help. He pulled against his restraints, his muscles tensing as the needle penetrated his skin over and over as his cousin tortured him mercilessly.

Mike had never before experienced the cornucopia of emotions that were mingling together in his mind at that moment. His body felt as though he had been hit by a sixteen wheeler and run over several times, his muscles aching and his nerves burning. His vision was severely impaired by the tears and swelling around his eyes, and no matter how hard he swallowed, the lump in his throat choked him up every time he attempted to speak. He looked down at his tormented form, suddenly aware that his manhood had shrivelled and shrunk as he was so thoroughly emasculated by this dominant and vicious woman who he had once called family. His mind began to race and his temples throbbed as the blood pumped through his veins.

His thoughts wandered from the excruciating pain, to the intense humiliation, to the subtle realization that, perhaps, he deserved this. His head bobbed side to side as his neck failed to support the weight of his pounding head. He wondered if all of the things that the women had said about him throughout this horrifying experience could be true. Was he a misogynist? Was he a privileged male pig that abused women and deserved the torturous beating and humiliation that he had endured? He thought back to the things that Taylor Swift had said to him, and how his own cousin thought that he deserved to be emasculated in such a severe, painful, and permanent manner.

“I can see the gears just turning and grinding in your pathetic little head.” Lynda’s voice echoed as his attention was drawn back to her pretty, yet frightening face. “I can tell what you’re thinking, you know. Men have such weak, simple minds. It’s easy to tell what’s on your feeble mind at any given time. You’re starting to see what’s happening to you and understand that it’s all for the best. Disgusting, useless pigs like you are meant to be beaten down and out in their place by strong women like me and Taylor and Carly and Nicki. I went looking for you after the show, and when I saw that they had started the much needed process of putting you in your place, I knew I had to finish the job.”

Lynda’s expression was calm, but determined. She looked into her cousin’s teary eyes, her jaw set and her firm tone making Mike nod in submission. Her words sunk into him like the needle sunk into the flesh of his limp shaft, as she yanked it to stretch the flaccid member and began her final tattoo. The pain was like nothing he had ever felt before, but his focus was on her silky voice and devastating words.

“You’re never going to be able to trick some poor innocent woman into disgracing herself by letting you put your pitiful, worthless cock inside her again. Every woman who sees your thirsty cock will now know what a misogynistic animal you are and that you aren’t worth the gum under her fucking boot. Every woman who makes the mistake of letting you whip this garbage cock out for her, will see that you have been branded as the sin of a bitch male pig you are!”

Lynda ran the tattoo gun over Mike’s stretched skin, writing ‘sexist’ from base to tip over the bottom of his shaft. Mike groaned in pain, his vocal cords burning in his throat. Lynda smiled sweetly at him, pulling his flaccid manhood down and scarring him with the word ‘worthless’ as he tried not to look down at his mutilated member. Soon, Mike experienced the final and most intense pain of the evening. Lynda dragged the needle around the sensitive head of Mike’s penis, and when she was done, he looked down through swollen eyes to see a circle with an X over the very tip of his cock.

The message was clear, and Mike’s overstimulated nervous system finally pushed his mind to the brink. The darkness overtook him as Lynda’s vicious smirk faded before his eyes. The last thing the beaten down victim heard before unconsciousness fell upon him, was his cousin’s voice.

“When you wake up, remember this night. Your life will be different from now on and you will know your place. But your life isn’t over, no, that would be too easy. Your pathetic life will continue, afterall, the show must go on.”
