I don’t regret it [F]20

I (f20) don’t regret it (part one)

I’m writing this with a sore pussy and a hangover after canceling my shift at work ….

I replied to his (m20) story on Instagram and that’s how it all started . Like a domino falling one decision leading to another .

For description purposes . I’m a slim , small boobs , small ass , socially awkward with a lot of dark humour 20 year old bisexual African female around 5’4 .

And he (Chris ) is a 5’8 -20 year old African male , he is kind of cute , dating his high school — I don’t know how to describe males because I tend to avoid males by claiming I’m an actual lesbian

I’m really bad at describing…. but go to ######### for the actual story

After replying to his story , we started hanging out every single week just talking as friends because I’m “lesbian “ and he was looking for friends who don’t actually party and drink all the time (social anxiety ?) but it was really nice to have a friend be cause it’s really hard to meet people where I am

We had hang out for about 2 months and I had started falling for him . We were always touchy around each other , holding hands , trying to control each other by using force on the neck , trying to warm each other by putting our hands on each other stomachs but we were strictly platonic .

One night as he dropped me off , we had a moment and I panicked and literally skipped away when he asked me what was wrong but that thought kept me awake for days . Was it a moment or not ?

“ Maybe I should make a move ?” I thought because in the months we had been talking he was going to break up with his girlfriend because she had allegedly fucked his best friend ?

I was in a dilemma because I wasn’t sure what would happen if I made a move “would he let me “ or “ would I lose a friend “ and he knew I didn’t do guys

We normally hangout at a pier on the rocks just over the ocean because the view is amazing

The next time we hang out , a fisherman caught a fish and was trying to unhook it but I’m always squirmish around things like those so I looked away


He was sitting above me and me in between his feet and so he was able to place his hand on my neck to “try” and control me to look at the fish being unhooked

But this time , he was slightly choking me . I had always fantasised being choked and no one has ever had the courage to do so ?

He continued choking me , insisting that I look at the fish while all i could think of was just ripping his clothes off then riding him (after consent)

I leaned into his chest for a while enjoying the feeling that comes with lack of oxygen to the brain . I looked up at his lips still debating and he looked down at the same time and that’s all it took .

We made out for a couple of minutes then I straddled him as I slowly grinded on him (fully clothed)

At this point we were interrupted by the coughs of the fisher man and we settled in for a bit . And that’s when Chris decided to tell me that he was still with his girlfriend who he loved to death ? ? but I didn’t care at the moment.

I started grinding on him again as he choked me and he decided to remove his dick above his boxer but beneath his trouser . I panicked for a second because till then I was almost exclusively doing girls and I wasn’t sure what to do

I told him this and he grabbed my pants and pulled them up making my inner wear rub against my pussy and said he’d tell me what to do .

Again , made me want to rip his clothes off but couldn’t because we didn’t have protection, I don’t know his current status and most importantly I hadn’t shaved . So I denied him entrance but decided I would one day because I’m pretty sure he’d throw me like a rug doll and treat me like the slut I am

I’ll end it there because I didn’t want to drag on but here are some of the highlights of the night

•when he held my hands behind my back and played with my boobs as I “struggled” to get free

• when he drove me home , we were holding hands as always lol, and he put my hand on the shift stick (I’m not sure , the gear shift?) and changed gears with my hand .
I was ready to produce his kids there

• when he almost pushed me onto his bonnet and “raped” me when I called him ‘my bitch ‘

• when I teased him while he was driving and he immediately pulled over and climbed over me and made me repeat what I said while choking me and kissing my neck

•when he lifted me up and pushed me against a wall and started making out with me

I’ve never had anyone dominate me so this was actually amazing and why I slightly got obsessed over this man

Needless to say I spent a couple of weeks pondering whether I should let him go raw or with protection when we next met

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ixzpod/i_dont_regret_it_f20