Star Wars : Rise of a Dark Lord – Chapter 13 – Sith, Domination, Hardcore, Master and Slave, Orgasm Control

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Xau looked out calmly over the planetscape of Sorafin Nine. The scanners aboard the Draedus offered him a supreme vantage point over his newest battleground. The scans of the planet showed lumbering green clouds and long jagged stretches of red and magenta landmasses. Forests covered large swatches of the region that the dark lord of the Sith was focusing on but there were also small rivers and swamp areas. It seemed like half a dozen other small that Xau had visited since he became an undercover operating for the Sith Empire. A mission for his overseers was exactly the reason that brought him to Sorafin today. Somewhere down on the dark and cloudy planet below was a Sith artifact and a Republic research team that was bringing it to the surface of the planet. It made Xau smile thinking about the childish fools playing at being researchers for things far surpassing their understanding. It was only just that he get his hands on it quickly and delivering it far away, lest the idiots accidentally activate it. Or worse.

*Not that I know its potential either.* *At least not yet anyhow,*

Xau thought to himself as he dampened the engine and reactor power of the Draedus and prepared the ship to make its descent through the atmosphere. He and his current copilot; the Mandalorian bounty hunter Thamar, kept the shields low but still powerful enough to withstand the transition to the planet’s surface. It was a routine measure but one that could always see mistakes repaid in massive damage or even destruction. Xau had no desire to let such a simple end cut his legend short. He found it was helping to have Thamar around the ship. His apprentice Kelsa was a good hand at more than just a control yoke, but the bounty hunter had sharp nerves and a killer instinct about her, even when all her armor was scattered across Xau’s bedroom. It made him more confident of his survival given that during his last mission for the Jedi Order he had discovered that a death order had been placed on his person by members of the Sith Empire.

The order didn’t mean that every Sith would shoot him on sight, but it did mean that smaller lesser Sith scavengers might be looking to eliminate him to gain his holdings. It was an occupational hazard as a Sith Lord. How could one be considered powerful without both rivals and underlings potentially looking for any weakness.

Still, the audacity was a little troubling and it made Xau feel uneasy, a feeling he rarely enjoyed dealing with. If it weren’t for the three beautiful women keeping his bed warm on a nightly basis, the Sith worried the nights might feed his paranoia.

*Soon I’ll be too busy for worries.*

On Sorafin, he had a clear-cut mission. The dark lord of the Sith would complete his task here and then set about hunting down each and every last one of the carrion birds.

*They came for flesh, but I will leave them as little more than shattered bones…*

The Dreadus plunged towards the surface. Soon enough the Sith leveled out the craft and cut in with the repulsors while Thamar lowered the power to the engines to limit their profile. If their ship was seen visually or on scans it might limit their options but it wouldn’t destroy the mission; Jedi on missions often had complete authority on where they traveled or how they completed their own objectives. Plus Xau had been trained nearly from birth on the art of deception and manipulation. Through the Force he felt a presence coming close before he saw her or smell the fragrance of her perfume.

When he turned, the hidden Sith smiled as Kelsa Lisentis, his apprentice of nearly a year now, arrived in the cockpit. Her shoulder length hair was tied up behind her back and her green eyes sparked with interest as the ship zoomed through full, fluffy, green clouds. Her well-endowed pair of DD cup breasts stretched out her brown light armor suit as she leaned against the back of her Master’s chair. Kelsa continued watching the landscape as the ship descended.

“Plenty of life signs out there, but not a lot of information as far as planetary records are concerned. I don’t like this Xau.” Thamar said, her Mandalorian helmet augmenting her voice with a hard-metallic edge. She kept her hands steady over the console. Xau privately thought the same but as the leader of the group he wasn’t about to show any hesitation.

“Fortunately for us, we all know a thing or two about fighting. If you get scared just stay close to Kelsa. She’ll take care of you.” Xau said with a little ‘heh’ as he found a suitable landing point in one of the thickets. The region the outpost was at was labeled G-32 on the map. That meant it would be a short walk from the ship to the outpost.

He didn’t have to be able to see Thamar’s face beneath her helmet to feel the scowl she had leveled on him. When the ship was hovering over the landing area Xau lowered the landing gear and then slowly eased the ship to the ground. The land beneath them was rugged and easily supported the sleek gunship. After rising out of the chair and giving Kelsa a nice slap on the ass, Xau went off to grab his gear. When he arrived inside of his bed chamber, the man playing at being a Jedi found Erito slowly clamping a knife onto her right boot. Her jumpsuit was half down and unzipped, leaving her shapely rear and the thong exposed to him, along with her full large breasts The purpled-haired imperial agent’s eyes perked up when Xau arrived.

“Master… I… I wanted to ask you.” Erito said as her hands moved away from the blade and rested to her sides as she stood before Xau, her breasts not even covered by a bra as she stood near the open closet. “When we get to the outpost, what should I tell people? I’m no jedi and I’m not a soldier or scientist.” The envoy said quietly as Xau moved a bit closer towards her. He felt that her eyes and chin almost dipped but somehow she managed to keep her face raised and looking towards him.

“You’ve lied before my little slut. I’m sure a little deception won’t be too hard for you,” Xau reminded her before shoving past her and rubbing his side against her breasts. He smiled hearing Erito gasp as he moved over to his own closet and picked out an armored coat to go over his tan and beige pants and his green heavy shirt.

“I know Master but… I wanted to make sure… that you would approve before I went forward with an alias. My wish is only to serve you…” Erito said quietly as Xau turned back to her. This time her head was leaned forward slightly, and her hands were resting on her stomach as she stood submissively before her Master. Xau almost wished to smile but instead held in his delight.

“That was a wise decision, slave. But I trust that you will be smart enough to make a good decision. Now what did you have in mind?” He said as he moved closer towards the purple haired agent.

“I was thinking of being, Alise Everstar, a Sector Ranger. They often support Jedi on missions and their records are secured internally. I also have an identification with supporting information. With your support I believe the deception will be secure.”

Xau nodded to her before he reached out his hand and grabbed onto her plump left breast. As he had often done to her on the journey, he forbade the little slut from cumming without her first spending a long period of time being his loyal slut. This morning he had cum inside of her again and filled her belly with another load all while holding her at the very limit of her pleasure before constantly pulling back and demanding that she not cum. When Xau focused more on her he could smell the wet fragrance of her needy cunt. He moved a step closer bringing his body within inches of Erito.

“Was there something else, slave?” asked Xau before he pinched her left nipple and tugged it hard. Erito yelped out from the painful jolt that traveled through her body before Xau leaned in and bit and sucked down on her bare neck. He felt the girl’s neck shudder beneath his teeth as he tugged harder on her nipple again. Slowly, he released his grip there and then snaked his hand down to her simple panties. There he pressed his finger against the dampness already formed on her clothing. A soft shimmer of a moan leaked out from her lips before he pushed his fingers in even harder. He nudged her folds and her clit, and then grabbed a firm hold of the fabric. Erito’s eyes looked at him with unguarded want as Xau tugged the material to the side. Erito moaned out and the Sith lord slowly ran his fingers along her smooth wet lips before he pushed a finger inside of her.

“Mastaahh…. Oooh… that feels… so good. Please let me cum, Master. Your wet slut needs to cum or I’ll go crazy.” Xau smiled and preceded to dip his fingers in and out of her tight, little cunt as the Imperial agent began crying out with frantic pleasure. After about a minute however, Xau quickly removed his hand and neatly flicked his finger over the nub of Erito’s clit.

“Mwaaahhh!…” Erito cried out before Xau’s hand pulled back. Her legs shook almost violently as she restrained her release. Legs buckling, the agent collapsed onto the ground. Small tears beaded at her lovely eyes, but Xau held no sympathy for the weak little slut.

“I trust that will be enough to keep you satisfied till a point when we are not busy. You should know better than to present yourself like a painted whore when there is work to be done. If this mission wasn’t so important I’d place something inside both your holes and leave them there for a week for your insolence. Now leave me.” Xau declared and Erito quickly raced out of the room after getting back to her feet.

The Sith smiled and refocused his mind to the task at hand. His eyes caught his reflection in the mirror, and he thought if Sith across the galaxy were mad at him before, that seeing him in the garb of a somewhat dorky looking adventuring Jedi wouldn’t do him any favors.

*No sense in further delay,*

Xau thought before closing the refresher and leaving his room. He checked the charge on his blaster and made sure he had all the gear he’d need in his pack. His comlink was fully charged and a small emergency medical kit rested on his hip. At the gangway Erito was fully dressed and Kelsa was floating her lightsaber in her hand before Thamar. Like Xau, his apprentice had both her saber and blaster to deal with any threats that might rear their ugly head at the group during their journey on Sorafin. Xau had every faith in his group’s skills, but that didn’t mean that he or any of his companions should be taking the mission lightly.

“Make sure to contact me if there are any problems.” Xau told the Mandalorian bounty hunter before he moved down the ramp and onto the surface of the planet. The immediate environment was cloudy and damp. All around him the air seemed heavy and the cloudiness of the sky descended even all the way down to the surface. The green haziness limited their vision but only slightly and Xau figured that his eyes would get used to the planet’s environment soon enough. The tall brown haired Sith stepped forward with his hands casually at his sides, ready for trouble at the slightest alert through the Force. Kelsa moved down and took her place next to her master. Her bright eyes took in the landscape as Erito moved up to form the trio before Xau gave a simple nod and started walking the group towards the outpost.

The going was slow through the dense forests. The greenish haze never seemed to give up and Xau wished he had a helmet like Thamar’s to help cut through the interfering effect. The Sith Lord was in the lead of the group as they ventured further into the forest. The red land beneath them was quite dense and it made for easy traveling.

“It is a wonder anything can grow here with a ground this dense.” Erito commented as they moved through a thick branch of trees. Xau nodded and then checked with Kelsa who was holding a datapad that showed a map of the region. They had to be just about two miles away from the base at this point. Xau’s blue eyes looked up from the datapad for a moment and he swore he saw something move quickly behind a tree. In an instant his blaster had sprang into his right hand and he leveled it at the tree. The Sith reached out with the force to detect what had moved but he felt nothing. He motioned for Kelsa to move with him and the two quickly sprang forth to move behind the tree with their weapons at the ready. When they arrived however they found nothing, just the back of the tree. Xau gave a short huff before he went back onto the path they were traveling.

Up ahead one tree stood out amongst the rest. There was a small clearing in the path that exited literally right out to the massive plant and soon enough all three of them were examining the gigantic flora.

“It has to be at least forty feet high. It’s taller than any trees we’ve seen.” Erito said quietly beside Xau as they continued looking over the tree. It was the strangest thing to Xau, he could feel the tree through the Force but on a far different level than most Jedi and Sith usually felt plant life.

The Sith reached out his hand and almost touched the tree before he noticed something interesting. There were lines in the tree running up its vertical axis. While the tree’s bark was a blackish green these lines were of a bright orange that seemed to be made of up energy. It intrigued Xau and he figured that whatever was going on with the tree had to be what was causing him to sense it differently. As he continued observing the tree his comlink squawked and he pulled back slightly from the sudden sound.

“Unidentified traveler this is Chief Lau Sorn of Republic squad Beta 3. You are on a planet currently designated off limits to all but critical personnel. Reply or we will consider you hostile.” A gruff male growled over the com unit at Xau’s side. He was about to grab a hold of the comlink when suddenly he felt a feeling like an arrow hitting his spine. The false Jedi’s mind focused on the feeling and his eyes narrowed as he turned and yanked his lightsaber free of his belt clip. In the next breath the orange blade sprang forth to life and neatly bisected the creature that had hurled itself towards Xau. The quadraped’s death howl filled his ears and threw him off slightly as at least four others appeared around him. The creatures were as ugly looking as they were deadly. Each leg had set of three clawed fingers and their backs had pods that appeared to be leaking black ichor. Their mouths were wide and drooped to the sides slightly but when they opened Xau noticed a set of teeth that didn’t look hungry for fauna.

“Stay close.” Xau had time to say before two of the creatures launched forward at him once again. As they flew forward the Sith noticed the pods snaping open like petals of a flower. Out of each bulb sprang five tentacles that were at least 3 feet in length. The distance between defending Sith and creature vanished in a heartbeat and Xau let his anger rush through him. Feelings of hatred for those hunting him and the sadistic Master whose orders had brought him to this planet swirled through his mind as his eyes focused on the closer threat. His orange lightsaber cut through three tentacles in a single sweep. Another two dove for his face but he slashed back to the right to neatly cleave those. Two tentacles made it through his defenses and cut in through his duster’s left side and even into his shirt.

Xau howled with rage and leapt forward with a burst of Force energy. His lightsaber flashed like a storm and cut through another tentacle before he plunged the orange blade right into the skull of the creature. When he looked around, he reached out his hand to slam one of the creatures into the tall tree before it could leap at Erito. Kelsa was fighting off a pair of the creatures when Xau felt another stab in the force. He turned quickly and neatly cut the head off a charging creature before he heard Kelsa screaming. A creature that looked similar to the others had arrived from the haze and currently had its tentacles wrapped around his apprentice’s legs. Anger flared in Xau’s eyes as he took a step towards the creature but two more appeared and growled out with their fang filled mouth’s before he swept them aside with a wave of his left hand.

Erito fired somewhere to his side with her heavy blaster pistol before Kelsa suddenly fell when her feet were pulled out from under her.

“Yeoowwh… Dumb little mutt! Leave me alone.” Kelsa said sharply as she tried to turn and cut through the creature. She managed to cut through one tentacle, but she gave a slight gasp when she saw a tentacle rise up from the bluish creature’s pod. This one had a pod of its own attached and it opened up like a flower before it shot a bundle of spikes into Kelsa’s hips.

“Niaghhhaaa!” Kelsa cried out as Xau finally made it to his apprentice. He neatly cut the binding tentacles off before he cut through the monster with a diagonal cut. When the creature who had attacked Kelsa was killed the other creatures seemed to growl and bark at another before they rapidly scuttled off. When there were no more enemies in sight Xau quickly moved forward and picked up his apprentice. She was growing pale and he figured that the creature’s darts had been toxic. As Xau contemplated pulling out the spikes he heard a series of blaster safeties being cycled off.

“No fast moves stranger.” The same gruff voice that had been over the com unit said and Xau caught the glint of dark grey armor through some nearby trees. He recognized the look of the armor as that worn by Republic Special Forces. As he stood there, holding his apprentice and bleeding from his own wounds Xau felt that if he didn’t sharpen up his performance his stay on Sorafin Nine was about to be cut drastically short.

Next Chapter –


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