You’re like coming home: An erotic story of emotional surrender (F/m) (Femdom)

As I walk through the door, I’m surprised to already find you there, still dressed in charcoal grey suit pants and a white blouse. I pause for a moment and take in the sight of you. For some reason just that feeling, the ability to look at you and just breath in the moment feels unequivocally good. I know some time passes, but I’m unaware of just how much. It feels like only a moment, but the mischievous grin on your lips and the amused looked on your face seems to imply it maybe was just a bit too long. “You are completely silly…. and adorable.” The words soft, but with a slight conflict to the tone of them, like you want me to ask some follow-up question, but I just can’t quite feel what it could be.

“I just missed you that’s all, is it really so bad that I want to see you, just really see you for a few moments at the end of the day?” a hesitant, but thoughtful reply. The truth is always the easiest and, in this case, rather easy so why not stick to it?

“Bad, no, of course not.” and then your eyes make that magical sparkle they seem to when you have an inspired thought. “But…” you take a step forward, “it isn’t really necessary is it?” I bite my lower lip, a slight hesitation at what you are doing, the energy it causes in the room. My mind flashes over the past few minutes, trying to see what it is, what’s causing it and to determine the range of potential outcomes. It may seem a simple moment, but the look in your eyes, the way it sends a tremble through me is always anything but simple. And the moments of unknown, the uncertainty in what I’m about to step into, always leaves me considering. “No, not necessary, but I enjoy it anyway.” A hesitant reply.

You take another step closer; I feel the warmth of you, the heat radiating from you, thermal communication that is letting me sense a bit of what you are thinking, what you are feeling. I close my eyes for just a second and pull in a breath, the soft scent of you, but more importantly, a feeling of calming. As I open them, I can see you pulling out a piece of cloth from the suitcoat pocket anticipating that I’m about to say yes and be ready for the ride. My eyes open wide and focus directly on yours, I nod and whisper “yes” and remove my glasses, as the soft fabric moves across my eyes, turning my world to darkness. Your fingers tighten it around my head, your lips near my ear, soft breath drips around my neck, “don’t worry Daniel, I’ll be all the light you need.”

The warmth of you radiates to me, you feel so close, and then it gone. I listen hard and hear your footsteps, growing fainter, and the soft call of your voice, “aren’t you coming? Don’t keep me waiting.” And the clear sound as your shoes click up the steps. I picture the room in front of me, I’ve walked it many times in the dark, so the blindfold doesn’t concern me. I step slowly and confidently picturing the room, your clicks are growing fainter and I know you are near the top of the stairs as I begin the climb to you. A hand on the railing, grasping it firm and trying to stay calm. I turn the corner on the landing and six more steps to the top, then three to the bedroom door I picture each one of them. And lift my hand and touch the door as I walk through, after that I’m not sure where to move, I listen close trying to hear you, but instead silence. I take another step ahead, then feel you instantly against me, almost over whelming as I press against the wall, you pressing into me. Your lips on my neck in a deep kiss, then gentle bites as your teeth play on my skin. I feel my hands in yours, and the coolness of the wall as you guide them up and against it, “Hold them there.” Your hands move down my arms, your kisses fast and aggressive, I can’t think for a moment. All there is, is you. Your hands on my chest, grasping my shirt and then tugging, I hear the buttons pup from it and flinch at the feel. “The buttons will be worth it,” a delicate whisper in the moment and I try to let it go, and do as I feel you continuing to strip the fabric from me. One piece at a time, your hands studied and reassuring, as if learning how I’ll react to each of your touches, the way your hand slips over my chest, or grasps at my hip, the feel of you pressing against me.

You can find the rest [here](
