Hello everyone! I hope your lives of social distancing are going well, and I hope you have some time set aside to read, because the story I’m about to tell here won’t take just a couple of paragraphs. It’ll involve a little bit of set up just to let you know what happened.
This is a true story, something that I really did, but that I can scarcely believe. It happened not very long ago, just before all this pandemic madness made social contact much, much more difficult.
So I’m 30 years old, and I’m part a really close friend group of two guys and two girls, of which I’m one of the two girls. We’ve known each other for a very long time, though I’m a slightly more recent addition as the other three have known each other all the way through high school. The other woman in the friend group I’ll refer to as S. The two guys I’ll refer to as B and Tom. S & B are in a relationship, and have been for a very long time!
S also has a best friend I’ll refer to as K, who I’m also very close with, and who joins us to hang out occasionally, though not all the time.
Forgive me if that’s all a bit annoying to try and keep track of, but trust me, if you do so, it’ll be worth it.
So usually the four of us (sometimes five of us, when K joins us), usually just hang out amongst ourselves, at each other’s houses. We watch things, talk, and talk some more. We’re not really heavy drinkers or anything like that. We just enjoy each other’s company. We’re a very normal bunch, all with quite successful, professional careers, etc, and nothing truly strange or out of the ordinary has ever happened between us.
Recently, though, we got invited to a party that a friend of mine was hosting, all of us, as a group, and the theme of the party was kind of like a formal ball, which meant we all needed to bring a partner, even if it was just a platonic thing where we paired off. We had to stick with the theme, so that means everyone comes with a date.
The problem for us was that I’d actually also invited K, so there were five of us. S & B pairing off made sense, because they’re in a relationship, but the question was what to do about myself, Tom, and K.
So I thought it would be pretty funny, and cute, actually, if K and I BOTH went with Tom, and he had a woman on each arm. I thought this would be especially cute and funny because Tom has never actually had a girlfriend in his life, is the shyest and nerdiest in the group, and mostly keeps to himself, so it would be quite something for him to take two of us.
Everyone seemed on board with the idea (though Tom was a little embarrassed and nervous about it), except B, who, against my expectations, was jealous.
He was so jealous by the idea of Tom having two of us and him just having S (even though she’s his SO), that he actually ended up getting in an argument with S over it, because he felt jealous that Tom was being showered with affection and he wasn’t.
This was of course all totally ridiculous, for several reasons. Firstly, he actually has a girlfriend, and shouldn’t be so jealous. Secondly, it was just a joke and we were going with Tom as friends.
The night of the actual party, we had agreed to all meet at Tom’s beforehand, get ready, and then all go together. Tom was expecting us about 6pm, and we turned up just slightly late, at 6:15.
However, when Tom opened the door, he noticed two things: it was myself, S & K, but B wasn’t with us. And secondly, we weren’t all dressed up for the ball, but rather we were wearing our normal clothes.
Nonetheless, quite large smiles were plastered on our faces and we were talking amongst each other.
He let us in and we all sat around on his two couches in his living room like we usually would when we come to hang out.
It didn’t take him long to ask where B was, though he refrained from asking why we weren’t all “dressed up” (we weren’t poorly dressed, though. Just not in super formal outfits you might expect).
This is when we told him that we had some bad news, and some good news, and that he should sit down in the middle of the living room couch to hear it.
He seemed extremely confused at this, but did as we asked.
The bad news, we told him, was that we’d got really sick of B over this whole thing, and he wasn’t coming. Also, we weren’t going to the party anymore, as it wasn’t really worth it.
The good news, we said, was that he was about to get the last laugh, and that something was about to happen to him that would make B – or anyone else, for that matter – so fucking jealous they’d want to throw themselves off a bridge.
Next thing Tom knew, myself, S and K all walked over to him, and we knelt down in front of him on the floor. We reached up, undid his pants, slid them off, and all three of us began licking and sucking all over his cock together, at the same time. Literally all three lips and tongues on it simultaneously.
Yes, this actually happened, and no, I can’t really believe it either. I hope you’d believe me when I tell you we really are the last people you’d ever expect of something like this is. It’s surreal to us that we did this, let alone how it must be for him. I would use the term “out of character” but it doesn’t even really do it justice.
If you want to chat with me about it, I’d love to hear from you, but please do take your time to read the full thing first, and then send me a thoughtful message with your initial reaction! Those who are mind blown rather than just passively impressed will receive priority, but I still won’t be able to get back to everyone anyway, probably! I’ll do my best, in any case.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/iwwjez/30f_group_a_true_story_from_just_before_the
Can I be invited.
Did you all fuck that night?