One hell of a birthday Present! (Lucifer x Helltaker)

One hell of a birthday gift!

A warm, sunny day. Beautiful in all its elements, the sky, the grass. Although it was colder now, approaching the fall season, the home of demons and a singular man was still warm and heated as it always had been, In all senses of the word.

But today.

Today was different.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Cerebrus cried with joy, little poppers in their hands, the speckles going everywhere across the living room floor. Next thing he knew, Cerebrus was all over the floor, rolling in the stuff with the utmost glee.

Helltaker sat on the couch, a surprising smile on his face. today was going to be good day. He did not care what the demons did today, as long as he was happy. He was going have a good birthday goddamit. Although he tried to convince himself the past few months of demon-caring-hood were worth it, the initial effect had begun to wear off, and he now saw them instead as troubling roommates.

Of course, not all the time, to be. Ahem. Devils advocate, so to speak. He though to himself what he would do today.

“local park? Fighting ring? Concert? Gaming session for 24 hours straight?” he thought to himself out loud, cerebus still happily rolling on the living room floor.

“I’ll go think over some pancaking making.” He said again, leaving to the kitchen. The other demons were still busy with their duties and were scheduled to come later that night. As he half mindedly slipped on his kitchen gown, he nearly stumbled back to what he saw in front of him.

Lucifer had a black white frilled dress on, a fancy black sleeved coat, with a small boutique on top of her head. Which had a face that was blushing so red, it needed a new color code to be identified.

“erhm, hello- I mean, welcome. Master.” She shakingly said, wagging her demon tail a little.

3 hours prior, in one of the bedrooms.

“WHAT!? NO! Absolutely not! As the great queen of hell, even for someone as admittedly cool as Helltaker, I WILL NOT DON A MAID COSTUME FOR A BIRTHDAY!” Lucifer cried, her voice roaring across her throne room in hell. Justice and Zdrada were with her, Azazel furiously taking notes behind the two, her face lewdly blushing as ever.



“Lucifer, my great gal friend, its just one day! And we alllllll know how much you love Helltaker.” Justice said, as she struggled to get the maid dress onto Lucifer.

“yeah, its gonna be hilarious-I mean great!” Zdrada said, barely snickering on the comment. “Just one day, maybe not even the whole day! And plus….” She continued, licking her lips.

“think. Of all. The pancakes!” Lucifer stopped in her tracks.

“well. When you put it that way… NO! It’s a stupid maid dress! I’m going to be humiliated in front of everyone! As. Much. As I might. Like it.” She trailed off, shoulders shrugging.

“trust me. Its gonna be great! Never in a thousand years are you gonna have this much fun today!” Justice added, showing off the greatness of the dress with a gleaming smile.

Lucifer took a deep breath in, and a deep breath out.

“oh, dammit! FINE! I’ll do it. Under one condition…”

“Uh, What?” they both said. Whenever their queen said that phrase, it usually was not good.

“Heh. I get to choose. How many I want.” She said, licking her lips at the thought. The two looked at each other, and shrugged.

“all right. Now, we cant hold open the portal forever, so get it on quick! And He should be waking up soon, so you need to greet him proper!”

Lucifer thought back on that train of a events as Helltaker looked at her, admiring how the French maid dress perfectly matched her luscious figure. *This was a mistake this was a mistake this was a mistake!* She thought, her cheeks flushed. She gulped some air to gain some grasp of confidence and cleared her throat.

“Ahem, well, master. What, would you like for breakfast? The, birthday breakfast.” Helltaker shook his head, reconnecting himself to the reality he could not ponder.

“Um, those thigh- I mean, a nice cup of coffee. Yeah. Coffee.” He replied, clearing his throat as well. “And maybe, something, fried?”

“French toast?” he nodded, as he took off his apron, setting it back onto the wall hook. He sat down at the table, which was covered in a blood red tablecloth, elaborately decorated.

“That cloth is from my personal throne, I thought it made the kitchen more appealing my master.” She said, nearly coughing on the last word. As she started prepping, the sound of a hell portal opening came from the living room. Shortly after, Justice and Judgement came into the Kitchen, holding bottles and wrapped treats in their arms.

“Yo shit my dude, happy birthday! Brought ya some stuff you might like!” Justice said, patting him on the back. Judgement nodded.

“YES! I WOULD LIKE TO HAPPILY CONGRATULATE YOU ON YOUR CELEBRATION OF YOUR BIRTH!” she added, smiling and laughing, almost cackling. Justice smiled too as she placed a small box in front of him, neatly wrapped in a bone white bow.

“as a nice gift for about a month ago.” She smiled, looking him straight in the eyes.

He raised an eyebrow, and began unwrapping the box. He raised up a pair of combat gloves, its knuckles bone white, with a red stitching inlay, and black accents. “hope you like em, I had them custom designed. I call em the pancakers.” She snickered, proud of the name. he slipped them on, a perfect fitting, flexing his fingers within them.

“wow, these uh, fit like a glove. I guess.” He responded. “Thanks. Hopefully I wont need to use em.” He added, smiling.

Of course, the tanned demon next to her didn’t come empty handed either. She placed a small box in front of him, blushing a little.

“also as thanks. Thought you might like them.” She said quietly. He popped open the box, a pair of small swimming shorts inside, pitch black in color, with white chains as design printed on the side.

“These look really neat, thank you.” He replied, keeping them aside for later.

“AHEM!” Lucifer said, as she motioned with her hips for the two to move out of her way. “Here’s your breakfast master.” She said, much smoother this time.

*I knew she was gonna like it. Just had to get into the flow of things.* Justice thought, being glad her plan was a success, smile broad across her face. Judgement had heard of the plan, but did not know it went to this success.

Lucifer handed him a small plate, four squares of cinnamon toast bread on it, with the slight layer of egg mix that French toast had to create its wonderful taste. Leaning in to him, eyes square with his, she slowly poured maple syrup all, over, those toasts. Her top came slightly down with her breasts, a sharp smile on her face.

“Is that enough for the syrup, master?” she asked. He nodded, a small bead of sweat on his forehead.

“yeah. Yeah definitely. Thank you very much.” He replied, hastily taking a knife and fork. As she walked back toward the counter, grabbing two more plates for the other demons, she wiggled her behind just a little.

*Well, I guess its not so bad.* She thought to herself, as she popped a few more pieces of toast on the other two plates. The other two demons happily dug in, giving a quick thumbs to Lucifer. She turned away, just enough to her hide her blushing face.

*Or maybe its going to well?* She thought. She knew that he had already been in bed with all the other ones.

Except bug grandma anyway.

It seemed she was simply left wondering when it was going to be her turn. After all, she was the one that he basically come down to hell in the first place to claim, right? But it was his birthday, and that meant the ultimate gift was going to him. She snickered a little. She would absolutely make sure tonight was fun. After all the partying of course. She laughed a little to herself. *Hmm. Maybe Im enjoying this a bit too much. Ah, no matter.*

“And here’s a toast to this son of a bitch, who not only got us out of hell, that boring ass place, but makes the best FUCKIN PANCAKES AROUND!” Zdrada said, raising her 15th shot glass to the group in front of her, all the demons gathered, and one angel in the back. She chugged it down, accompanied by a loud war cry of partying.

“WOOOO!” she said, leaping onto the floor, flailing about with wild laughter.

Helltaker was certainly not a lightweight. His record for number of shots was a lot for sure, but he never bothered to find out exactly what his limit was. His eyes moved through the crowd to see Lucifer standing in the corner, sipping on her drink. He sighed, and walked over.

“hey. Something bothering you?” he asked, lending a hand to her. She put down her drink.

“Its, nothing.” She said, a slight blush. She still had her maid outfit on, but had taken off the sleeves because of how stuffy they were.

“Theres definitely something. Why don’t we go outside while everyone else is busy?” he suggested, putting on a slight smile to cheer her up. She sighed, and nodded.

Once they got to the porch outside, they sat down, a slight chill in the air. Lucifer sighed again, and looked him straight into his eyes.

“you. You came to hell to get a harem right.”

“uh, yeah.”

“and, did you ever have an idea as to who would be the, best of the harem?”

“well you of course.” He replied, anxious for the answer.

“Right. And trust me, I know you went to bed with everyone pretty much. So….” She trailed off, blushing again. “Why. Why did you wait on me?” she asked.

He thought for a moment, then responded.

“because they always say; save the best for last.” He said, moving slightly closer to her. “And your definitely the best.” He added, right as Lucifer moved her lips onto his.

The two held there for what seemed like forever, then came apart. She smiled this time, but it was more relaxed, at peace.

“Hmph. As if the queen of hell already isn’t the best to begin with.” She proudly stated, putting a hand on her warmed face. He smiled, as they kissed again, holding hands, their warmth and affection protecting against the increasing chill of the outside air.

“how about we go back inside? I wouldn’t want you catching a cold.” Helltaker said, after their lips came apart again. She smiled, flicking her hair back.

“Hmph. Of course.” She took her hand, as they went back inside to the party. As the came back in, the rest of the demons were still heavily partying, yelling, laughing, and even crying. Helltaker figured, that them being alone for a bit wouldn’t hurt the place.

He hoped, anyway. As him and a blushing Lucifer went up the stairs to a bedroom holding hands together, Justice and Zdrada noticed. They signaled to the others, and threw open a portal to hell, so they could let the couple do their fun in peace. With some troubling getting a drunk Malina and Cerebrus through the door, the last one, Judgement, checked everything was good, and closed the portal back.

No disturbances tonight, they had universally agreed. Sure, they were demons. They loved sex, partying, violence. But their queen was a different story entirely. And a guy like Helltaker?

Well there was damned near no one that had helped complete Lucifer so well in all the thousands of years of demonic existence.

As they reached the second floor, Lucifer motioned toward the bathroom.

“We should probably, get cleaned. Don’t want to smell of party, vodka, and other crap now do we, master?” she said, a slight curved edge to her tone, her hips waving as she entered the bathroom. Helltaker only smiled, tossing his shirt aside, closing the bathroom door behind them. Both him and her moved to the wall, meeting lips again, Helltaker sliding his hands along her back, sending a slight shiver up her, only heating her up further. She moved one leg around his, bring him in closer, moving her hands along his back, sliding off his pants. He moved another hand to unclip her maid top completely, exposing her chest, only covered by a satin black bra. Her core was smooth as marble, the ashen skin of demons beautifully visible. Her breasts pushed up against his chest, their hearts beating faster. Once they finished slipping off what garments they had left, they went to the shower, the warm comfortable water dousing them. By now his member was quite hard, and most ready for some action. Lucifer noticed, the shaft sliding its way up her thigh, feeling its warmth. She split off from his lips for a moment, and licked her own.

“why don’t we give this one down here a taste test too? I’m wondering just how good you may taste. Maybe it might need some syrup or chocolate.”

She knelt to the shower floor, and slid her lips over his cock, slowly starting to bob up, and down, sliding her fingers with her lips. He moaned quietly as he placed his hand on the back of her head, the other on the wall.

“Well, how exquisite is it?” she came off with a pop of her lips.

“hmm. I’d give it a 8 out of 10, needs more chocolate syrup.” She snickered, going back to down to suck on it more, wrapping her tongue around it, taking her other hand to her breast, feeling the slight perk of her boobs.

“Mm, damn, that feels good my end for sure.”

“mmhm.” As she moved faster, he could feel the slight coming of orgasm. She reeled her head away again, licking her lips.

“I think we are done here, at least for cleaning.” He smiled, and went to shut off the water. He slipped her up, holding her princess style.

“where should we go, my maid?”

“oh, you know exactly, master.” She jokingly replied.

Once they got to the bedroom, he plopped her down on the bed, and they continued once again their session. This time However Helltaker gave the oral pleasuring, moving her down to the edge of the bed, kissing her breasts, then her stomach, then her thighs. She held her breast again, placing her other hand on his head. He then made his tongue way to her pussy, cleanly shaven, and already dripping with excitement. He licked it up and down, holding her thighs as she deeply moaned, the pleasure making its way up her arched body, hands gripping the sheets.

“Oh, oh, oh shit, your quite good human. Maybe even to deserve me, all the way.” She commented, moaning on the last word. He raised his head to see the nude Lucifer flat along the bed, her breasts fully perked up. “AH! Damn, your doing such an amazing work on my pussy! I might, even-!” she said, legs quivering. He slowly retracted his tounge from her, her region wet. He leaned over her, kissing her again, then coming apart.

“you, certainly served me. Now, its about time I serve you. Master.” She said, smiling, folding her legs around his waist. “Ready?” she asked, licking her lips.

“whenever you are.” He moved his cock in front of her pussy, its tip barely touching.

“mmhmm.” He moved forward, then moved his legs in, his hands on both sides of her, his member going inside her slowly.

“AH! Dammit, this is going to be better than I expected. You best deliver.” She said, pressing her legs against him more.

“hm. I can do that.” He responded, pushing in deeper, Lucifer moaning as he dead.

“AH! Just, start going at it already!”

“your wish is my command, of course.” He replied, smiling, kissing her again, now pumping his back faster into her, the springs of the mattress creaking as he started. As lucifer moaned more, she put her hands and arms around him, holding him tight as possible, the pounding making her moan louder and louder.

“Ah, ah, ah, fuck, your so damn good!” she said, kissing him again, his cock slapping against her, feeling up every part of her inside.

“I’ll say the same, damn.” He replied, going faster, her breasts bouncing as he did. She moaned now with almost every other pounding, kissing him in between, the pure pleasure fueling his and her sexual romantic desires for one another. As they approached each others climax, the moans and heat grew, the grip of sex in the night heating the whole room.

“Ah, Helltaker, I’ve wanted this for so long!” she moaned.

“you, have, no idea!” Helltaker replied, his cock slapping against her.

“I think, I’m gonna!”

“I’m, close, too!”

“CUM! ALL OVER!” Lucifer moaned loudly, her pleasure echoing throughout the house, the cum of Helltaker going all over her stomach and breasts. They breathed heavily, and kissed again, before flopping onto the bed.

“Wow. That. Was.”


“Don’t put words in my mouth human. Even if they might be true.”

They rested there for a second, in each others grasp. Helltaker leaned over to her.

“We still have the rest of the night.” He said, flowing a hand over her silver hair.

“hmm. True-“ as she said that, a dark, pitch black portal, opened in front of the bed. Out stepped a red vested figure, silver curled hair abroad her head, a flowing grace to her jacket.

“LUCI! I have come to deliver gift- oh.” Beezlebub looked down at the nude pair on the bed, her cheeks flushed. “I, Um, will come at another time. Beezlebub out.” She brokenly laughed, the portal closing back.

Lucifer looked back at Helltaker.

“Out of curiosity, were you ever planning to fuck her?” he put a finger to his chin.

“Possibly. Why?” he asked. She snickered.

“I might just join you. Maybe magic myself up a dick.”

“Frankly, that sounds hot. Did Modeus teach you that one?”

“Who do you think came up with the idea of futanari in the first place?”

“Ah. Gotcha. Now, where were we?”

“Round 2. Like you said Helltaker. We have alllll night.” She said, kissing him.
