I’m 25 [F] not being sexually satisfied by my boyfriend 31 [M], so I fucked my coworker

I’ll give you all some context before I begin, but if you want to skip ahead, go to the ****

My boyfriend and I have been living together for about year and a half now. Since then we have had sex… maybe 6 times. Im not entirely sure what’s going on, but what I’ve deduced from our conversations regarding the topic is that he just isn’t feeling “it”. He has no sex drive. Other than this, our relationship is wonderful.

Unfortunately for me, my sex drive is super high; any chance I get to myself in the apartment I’m watching porn and rubbing one out, fantasizing about whoever.

Not surprisingly, the situation has caused me a lot of emotional turmoil such as feeling inadequate, unloved, not special, etc… You get it, I won’t go into my sob story. I have considered asking him if I could have sex with other people to satisfy my needs, but never built up enough courage to ask because I know it would hurt him. I also said I would never cheat because that would hurt him as well, but a few weeks ago I started a new job and was WILDLY attracted to the guy who trained me.

A little over a month ago I got hired as a manager in a warehouse. Understandably, this is a male dominated job, so I wasn’t surprised when I walked in on my first day and was greeted by 4 men who I’d be working my shift with. Secretly, this excited me. With the lack of sexual attention I was getting at home, I knew I’d be a subject of conversation in this environment. To humble brag, I think I’m a fairly pretty girl. Im 5’5, olive-toned skin, dark brown eyes, brown hair with smoky tones, and a cute, curvy body- my butt being one of my best features.

We all exchanged pleasantries like you do on the first day on the job, and I was introduced to “Thomas” who I soon found out would be training me for a week. I’ll admit, initially, I didnt have an overwhelming attraction to him as he’s not my typical type. I usually gravitate towards muscular, tall, tattooed men, but Thomas was actually quite the opposite. He was about 5’11, thin, but I could just tell under his polo and tactical pants that he probably had some lean muscle. He had a few small tattoos on his arms, shaggy brown hair, and a beard, kind of the nerdy type with big glasses.

“This is Thomas, hes going to be training you for the next week or so, you’ll be taking over his position when he leaves.”

*When he leaves*? I thought, and I felt brief disappointment.

“He’s moving to another position in the building, so he won’t be on this shift anymore.”

Relief. I’d still see him around. “Nice to meet you,” I said as we shook hands. I could feel that he had a strong grip and calloused palms, no doubt a direct effect of the work he does. I smiled under my mask and I could tell he was too.

“Nice to meet you too. I’m smiling right now, but you can’t tell,” he joked. Overused nowadays, but still made me chuckle and blush. Gosh, was I really that deprived of physical touch from a man that the simple interaction flustered me??

“I like your tattoo,” he noted as we let go, drawing his eyes to my fresh half-sleeve

My cheeks got warm again, (thank God for the mask) he noticed something about me. “Oh thanks! I got it like a week ago, it’s still healing…” I didnt really know what to say.

“Well in about 20 minutes we have a managers meeting, so before that happens I’ll show you where to print your papers. This will be your computer area,” he pointed, “this is mine, so we’ll be right next to each other till I leave. Have a seat and log on.”

*Yes sir,* I thought, *whatever you say*. I laughed in my head. A brief fantasy flashed through my mind and I blushed again.

He walked me through the company’s website and showed me how to access my email, important files and HR related documents. He was patient and kind and had a soft but firm voice; definitely used to being in an authoritative position. My mind wandered for the second time…

“…make sense?” he asked.

“Yup,” I replied quickly. I was definitely paying attention and not thinking about how I wanted to call this guy daddy in the sheets.

“Great. So go ahead and log off and I’ll take you to the conference room.” He stood up and walked to the other side of the office to get a radio. He had a nice butt.

The day progressed as I expected: managers meeting, then out to the warehouse floor where he walked me through some foreign computer applications and the basic duties of my job. Relatively painless and easy first day made fun by his dorky sense of humor and the way he looked in my eyes after a corny joke he told. Our shift ended and we headed back to the office, discussing my questions about what I learned that day and making small talk. I found out we lived within a few miles of each other (score) and that his ex (double-score) lives in my town also. We discussed our love for beer and Call of Duty. Eventually we made it back, sat down at my computer and decompressed for a few minutes.

“Do you mind if I take my mask down?” he asked me.

“No problem,” I replied, and I did the same. I finally got to see the rest of his face and wasn’t disappointed. He had great teeth and full lips. I immediately had impure thoughts about sucking and biting on them while I straddled him and felt him get hard under me. I’d run my hands through his curly, soft hair as he pulled on mine, moaning, because I liked shit like that, *and how would he ever know that I like to be dominated oh my God that’s so hot I bet he has a really nice cock i bet he’s rough in bed he just seems like the type who would be and he’d make me say yes sir and no sir and slap my ass when he ate it, and he really enjoyed eating ass and withholding my orgasms from me and he’s a great tease and makes me feel comfortable and probably uses phrases like “good girl” and “just like that” and would make my eyes roll back in my head and afterwards he’d make us food and we’d cuddle– *

“Tired?” He must have noticed I was deep in thought and passed it off as I was zoning out. We did work the overnight shift, so it would be logical that I’d be adjusting to my new work/sleep schedule.

“Yeah, a little. Sorry, did I look out of it?” I flashed him a smile. I could feel my panties getting a little wet.

“Just a bit. But let’s finish up here. I’ll get you the names and numbers of all the people you’ll be directly managing, that way you can reach out to them when you take over.” He was keeping it professional, obviously, but I had to wonder if his mind was wandering too… probably not.

A couple minutes later he produced a sheet of paper with names and numbers, but his wasn’t on there. *Here’s my chance* I thought.

“It would probably be a good idea if I had all the managers’ numbers just incase I need to reach anyone.”

“Sure. I can get those for you.” He pulled out his phone and rattled off the names and numbers of the other guys on our shift.

“And whats yours?” I asked, secretly scared he’d find it unnecessary since he was leaving.


No hesitation there, he wants me, I joked to myself. “Well great. I dont think inhave any more questions right now, so ill see you tomorrow?” I stood up and he did the same.

“I’ll be here. Great job today, it seems like you’re a pretty fast learner. You’ll be a pro in no time.”

“Awesome. Well I’ll see ya,” and I started walking to the door. *Just ask him* I thought. *No it’s too soon… just ask him, you know you’ll never ask if you dont do it now, scardey-cat*.

“Maybe sometime we could grab a beer at that place in town. I’ve never been there,” I blurted, cringing at my out-of-character boldness.

He flashed an extremely brief smile. “Yeah, that’d be fun. Once I figure out my new schedule I’ll let you know.”

“Great, see you tomorrow,” and I rushed out of the office hoping he didn’t pick up on my embarrassment.

My thoughts were all over the place on my walk back to my car and on the 20-minute drive home. After a quick shower, I finally made my way into bed, next to my boyfriend. Before I dozed off, my lasts thoughts were of fucking Thomas.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/iwak54/im_25_f_not_being_sexually_satisfied_by_my

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