Captured by the Villain (M/F) (Fantasy) (long) (mdom) (sensual)

Summary: When Willow the warrior princess is defeated in battle by her enemy, Magnus the dark mage, he offers her a deal: her friends freedom in exchange for her own. Now his prisoner, she soon finds himself under his spell… (I’ve never written anything like this before….it’s been a long time since I’ve ever written anything period! So please go easy on me! I’d love to hear any feedback and let me know if you’d be interested in me continuing this!)

Willow looked across to Sven, a soldier’s dagger against his throat.
“How about a trade,” Magnus proposed with a glint in his eyes, “Your friends safety….in exchange for you.”
There was a moment of silence.
“If you come with me,” Magnus continued, “your friends will be free to go. I will never bother them again, you have my word. They will live out the rest of their lives peacefully.”
“Don’t do it! Don’t go with him!” Illiana cried out, restrained by another of Mangus’s minions, “We need you, Willow!”
Willow looked to
her friends, bruised and broken, then back to Magnus. “Please don’t hurt them.” She cried, her voice cracking. “Promise.”
“On my word, they will be free to go.” Magnus responder, voice filled with satisfaction at his enemy’s defeat.
A tear rolled down Willow’s cheek. She couldn’t let anyone else be hurt because of her. She wanted them to be free and happy.
“I….cannot defeat you.” Willows sword fell to the ground and she fell to her knees, the slash on her abdomen burning fiercely. She had been fighting for so long. She was ready to accept whatever fate had in store for her if it meant her loved ones would be safe.
“No!” Willow heard her friends cry out as Magnus’s minions marched over to her and grabbed her by the arms.
“A deal is a deal. I always keep my word. Release them.” Magnus waved his arms, and the soldiers dropped Illiana and Sven to the ground.
Magnus sauntered over to Willow, relishing in his victory. He reached out and gently lifted her chin to look into his mysterious dark eyes, a smirk on his face. A jolt of electricity shot through Willow’s body at his touch.
“You won’t regret this.” he said softly and released her chin. Willow could not deny the tension between them as they locked eyes and couldn’t help but wonder if it had been the final nail in the coffin of her resolve. She didn’t know if it was some kind of magic…or something else.
“Take her to the castle.”
Willow heard her friends call out her name and had barely enough time to wonder what Magnus had planned for her before he snapped his fingers, his magic sending her into unconsciousness as his guards carried her away.

When Willow woke, she found herself staring up at a vaulted ceiling, with rays of light shining down through grand skylights. She was laying on a soft bed. Upon trying to move, she found her arms manacled at the wrists, chained to a device on the elaborately carved headboard. As she started to struggle, a voice from across the room startled her.
“They’re for my protection…I know exactly what you’re capable of,” Magnus said, standing up from his chair on the wall opposite the bed. He pointed to the large scar that marred his handsome face, spanning from under his left eye across his cheekbone. It was not the first scar he had received at Willow’s hands.
“Don’t worry, there’s plenty more where that came from when I get out of these.” Willow barked.
The mage crossed the room towards her, and she began to rear up her legs to give him a well-deserved kick in the teeth.
“Tut tut tut. You wouldn’t want to jeopardize your friends newly gained freedom, would you?”
Willow lowered her legs and scowled, remembering their deal. “Where are my friends?”
“They’re currently being escorted across the border to the Mountain Kingdom. I made an arrangement with the people there to ensure their safety, so long as they don’t return here. They will be fine, living the fee life they always wanted. So long as you hold up your end of the bargain.”
“And why should I believe that?” Willow growled.
“Because,” Magnus gestured toward her binds, “you don’t have a choice.”
Well, he definitely had her there. Willow wrestled against the chains, but she already knew they were magic. They would hold up, even against her super strength….she was a prisoner now. The effort of her struggle caused the wound on her abdomen to start bleeding, and she cried out in pain.
“What are you going to do with me?” She asked through gritted teeth.
Magnus said nothing and drew closer to her and produced a purple vial from his robes. “For now, I’m going to fix you up. Drink this,” he said, holding it to her lips, then added “it will stop the pain.”
Grimacing and not seeing much of a choice, Willow complied. The potion was bitter, but she sighed in relief as the pain immediately ceased. Her body relaxed and she started to feel whoozy.
“Oh, and it will make you more docile….I don’t need any of your signature headbutts while I’m trying to heal you.” Magnus added while rifling through supplies in the bedside table.
“A headbutt…what an excellent idea” Willow slurred, but truthfully she couldn’t muster the strength for an attack if she tried.
Magnus reached over her and easily ripped open her tattered armor with his bare hands, exposing her naked body underneath. Willow tried to sit up in protest, but Magnus shushed her and laid her back down. He began to clean her wound and apply a healing salve. Willow watched his deft hands maneuver over her. He was so close to her that she could feel the warmth from his body and smell his cologne…her head was swimming.
A moment later, Willow realized that Magnus had finished bandaging her up and was now staring at her, a hunger in his eyes she had never seen, except in starving animals. No one had ever looked at her like that before. She felt a chill across her naked body, a flush forming in her cheeks as she realized just how exposed she was.
“I….I can’t believe you’re finally here,” Magnus said breathlessly, “after all these years.”
Willow didn’t know how to respond, but didn’t have time to. In an instant, Magnus was on top of her, pinning her to the bed in a passionate, hungry kiss. Without thinking, Willow returned it, their tongues intermingling.
Magnus’s hands started exploding her body, caressing her cheeks, running down the sensitive skin on her neck, and finally to her breasts. He began to rub his thumbs over her nipples, causing them to become erect. He trailed kisses down her neck and put his mouth over her right nipple, suckling gently.
Willow breathed heavily and tried to break from her trance. What the hell was she doing? This man was holding her captive and she was just letting him grope her! She should be beating his ass!
But it was so hard to think when she was so whoozy from the pain potion, and the intoxicating smell of his cologne, and the sensation of his hands running down the curves of her body. Everything in her brain was telling her to fight, to resist, but she couldn’t. Her body was betraying her.
Magnus began to trail kisses down Willow’s stomach and to her pelvis, carefully avoiding the wounded area. He kept one hand positioned on her left nipple, stimulating it while his other hand traced down the side of her hip and circled in toward her inner thigh.
“Snap out of it Willow” she thought to herself as his fingers inches closer to her clit, which was getting wetter and wetter by the second.
“I’ll…kill you!” She was barely able to whimper as the feeling of Magnus’s lips on her body sent tingles down her spine. This only seemed to amuse him.
“Relax, darling” he purred as he caressed the outside of her labia, teasing her. Willow was powerless under his spell, and he knew it. She trembled as he pressed his finger to her clit and began massaging in circles. She let out a sigh of pleasure as Magnus brought his other hand down and slipped a finger inside of her, all will to resist him disappearing.
“I knew you felt the same way about me” Magnus whispered into her stomach upon feeling how wet she was and began to work over her insides with his finger. He continued to massage her clit with one hand while doing the come hither motion inside her with the other, gradually getting faster.
He withdrew only for a moment, only to insert a second finger and increase the speed. Willow could only whimper, lost in ecstasy while his fingers massaged her wet pussy and brought her closer and closer to orgasm.
“Cum for me, and be mine forever” Magnus breathed into her ear and nibbled her earlobe and neck.
Willow had no problem following the command. Pleasure racked her in waves as release finally washed over her. All the tension in her body disappeared and her body went lax with a loud moan. But Magnus wasn’t quite done with her yet.
“Good girl,” he growled while quickly disrobing. Willows eyes went wide when she saw the size of him, rock hard and at the ready.
He saw her expression and smirked. “You’re finally all mine,” he whispered as he gently parted her legs and made entered her. Willow exhaled sharply as he filled her with his cock, rock hard shaft taking over her g-spot. Magnus moaned her name as he thrust over and over into her warm soaking wet pussy. They moved in rhythm together, becoming one in their pleasure, all pretenses of their years-long rivalry vanishing as they grinded together. Magnus increased his speed and lifted Willow’s legs onto his shoulders, ramming her g-spot until she screamed. He chuckled at the sight of her, his nemesis, tied to his bed and screaming in pleasure at his hands. She was his greatest prize.
Willow reached climax again, and the sight of her orgasming was enough to bring Magnus to climax. He quickly pulled out and spilled his seed onto her thigh, claiming her as his own. He rolled over next to her as the two tried to catch their breath.
Willow tried to process what had just happened as Magnus moved in and laid his head on her chest, holding her closely and stroking her hair. They lay there for a while in silence, Willow’s head still swimming from the pain potion and this day’s turn of events. She didn’t know what to think anymore. Magnus was her enemy, now her captor…but the sex was incredible….but he has been warring with she and her friends for years…but he let them go free to safety when he could have had them killed….
“Why me? Why do you want me?” She asked finally, breaking the silence.
“Because Willow,” he replied, “there’s no one on earth quite like you.”
After a few more moments of silence, Magnus got up and pressed the release on the headboard, freeing Willow’s hands. She rubbed her wrists gingerly, sore from her binds. Her head was still swimming.
“The room is locked. I can’t trust you just yet,” Magnus explained while quickly dressing in his mage robes, “but you will find everything you need here, including new clothes and a bathroom to clean up in. The servants will bring dinner shortly.”
He reached the door, then paused and turned to face her. “You will come to realize you made the right decision, Willow.” And with that, he was gone, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

Magnus walked down the hall, congratulating himself on his victory. With the leaders of the resistance out of the way, the remainder Grasslands Kingdom would soon fall to his armies. And with Willow, one of their own people, on his side, they would have no reason or means to rebel. He would have jurisdiction over the majority of the country. He grinned wickedly at the thought, ruling over the world with Willow at his side. The most powerful woman in the land now belonged to him. There was no stopping him now. His fingers ran over the purple vial in his robe pocket, a simple pain relief mixture laced with the most powerful Love Potion in existence. A few more orgasms, and Willow would be completely his….if she wasn’t in love with him already by then. This was only just the beginning.



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