Video Chat Trap [F/M, Predicament]

*Please let me know your thoughts on the below draft before I submit to my* Literotica page*, your help on a better title and spotting any grammar/wording issues I missed would be super helpful :)*

*If you haven’t noticed, all stories on this account occur in the same universe so feel free to look at my other stories if you want to see more like this. N*

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Obviously I knew it wasn’t healthy. My fascination with this girl had graduated from “Mostly Harmless” to “Quite Creepy” in a matter of weeks. I had her social media feeds. I fantasised about every manner of debaucherous acts with her, but by far my strangest behaviour was my most recent tendency of making her video full-screen during remote team calls. Most of the time she wasn’t even talking, I just got to admire her reactions. Jess was utterly stunning, and I found myself studying her expressions: the hint of a frown across her brow when someone mentioned a complex issue; that glowing smile when her work was commended. When that all too rare smile unveiled itself, my chest tightened and my cock twitched.

Jess isn’t my boss, but she is more senior than I am. I remember being introduced to her on my first day while being shepherded around the office for a ‘tour’. I greeted one frumpy middle-aged woman after the next, making awkward conversation as the new guy. Then suddenly I happened upon this absolute bombshell, and I had to clench my jaw just to keep it from dropping. Jess is a stunning redhead, with long straight strawberry locks typically tied into a loose ponytail. Her skin is pale and dotted with a smattering of peach freckles across her nose, with narrow green eyes like a cat. I practically froze in place, suddenly mute and waving from far-too close as I was introduced. I tried with all my might to keep my eyes from trailing down her sweet athletic body, evident despite being wrapped in far too many clothes for this side of summer.

My first impression of Jess was quite cold. She was polite, asking the usual questions, but it was cursory, and clearly she wanted to get on so we left her swiftly. Out of everyone I’d met so far, I got the least receptive greeting from Jess. I’ve learned since that she isn’t one for pleasantries.

Working in the office with her was torturous. I would sneak glances at her all day, managing to steadily build up an image of her physique over time. I especially took time to appreciate her delectable tall slim frame, with long shapely legs often obscured by thick woollen tights. If I was careful, I could occasionally spy the outline of her pert bum through fabric when she leant to pick something up. My imagination reeled. One could only be left to imagine what lay beneath her conservative cardigans and high-neckline blouses.

In truth, the work was ridiculously easy, and it only took me a few months to realise that I was overqualified for this administrative role. Ambitious as I was, I considered that an easy ride might not be the worst thing, and I’m ashamed to admit that the daily sight of Jess strutting around the office might have had an influence on me sticking around.

Amid the 2020 lockdown our office went work-from-home. For all its drawbacks, it made my perving on Jess even easier. It wasn’t intentional, but it wasn’t long before it became clear that over webcam, I didn’t need to conceal my staring the way I normally would in a team meeting. No-one can tell what your eyes are aimed at through a webcam. They might see you looking down at your screen, but they can’t see what’s on it. Surely, they would never assume that I often had Jess’ video maximised on screen. I made sure to nod at all the right intervals.

I know how this all sounds by the way, but can you really blame me? I’m a single guy in my twenties living alone in a sparsely furnished and barely decorated flat, my job unchallenging and dull. I was pretty lonely in honesty, and found myself living for those short glimpses of Jess’ flawless features blown up on my screen. One morning in particular I actually had to catch up with her one-on-one, so I was required to have direct discussion. That made it harder to mentally undress her, though not impossible.

“Have you updated the system with the latest figures?” she asked in a half-shout. She had placed her laptop on a kitchen counter while she fixed herself a cup of tea. The woman was addicted to the stuff, and it was rare to see her without a lipstick-smeared mug in close proximity. She seemed to favour making it whenever we needed to catch up. I took it as I presume it was intended, a dual purpose signifier that she was so busy this was the only time she had to get a drink, whilst also highlighting this meeting wasn’t important to her. She was passive aggressive like that, but I didn’t mind, it meant I got a better view of her full-body. When we used to meet in person, she would achieve the same result through ‘walking-meetings’ where I followed her to her next meeting room to steal five minutes to get her to approve a decision I was more than qualified to make on my own. Her diary was impenetrable.

My ruminating over her lack of respect for my time faded as Jess reached up to get more sugar, and I was treated to a view of her taut figure straining against her jumper, and even the hint of her bare back peeking out of the bottom of the dark wool. Again I was able to look intently, and if she even happened to notice, over video chat she might have assumed it was a spreadsheet I was inspecting with such keen interest.

“Yep I put the latest numbers in the system last night. I just need you to take a look and approve them.” I responded, I’d gotten practiced now at making normal human conversation whilst ogling her assets.

I watched as she handed one of the two mugs she had been preparing to her fiancé, who came into view only fleetingly before returning to his own errands off-screen. He was a reminder of why Jess was merely a specimen for fantasy. Being engaged to a genuine pilot was yet another indicator of her status, she was sure to mention it regularly. She was unattainable. Her surroundings seemed carefully crafted to say the same, the rooms all large and draped in natural light. The decor looked plucked from a magazine, all matching shades of yellow, grey and white from the kitchen units, to the chairs and the curtains. Jess returned to the laptop, analysing the numbers I had emailed her for help with.

“Right let me just look through it.” she said, “Okay I’ll approve it, but this isn’t really how I like it formatted. Sara can show you the way I usually do it. I have to dash now to another meeting.”

“Sure. I’ll put in some time with her for later today.” I replied.

“That’s alright, I did it for you already.” she said blankly, and sure enough the calendar invite popped up in my diary. She was ruthlessly efficient, it was almost annoying.

“Oh, okay great.” I said, “Oh one more thing, I was wondering if you could approve my holiday for next month? It says a Band D needs to sign it off.”

“Uhh Josh, next month is year end, I think we’ll need all hands on deck. Can you push it back?”

I wasn’t surprised but I tried to hide my disappointment, mumbling, “Uhm, okay no worries.”

“Speak to you later,” she said with a polite smile, before excusing herself and dialling off.

This was what our interactions were like. Nothing particularly special, and I got the sense that Jess didn’t care for me much. She was quite hierarchical, and seemed to avoid fraternising with the juniors. It was no secret that she was vying for a promotion. She deserved it too, with years of experience here and one of the most capable HR officers we had; she just about ran the department. I suppose I wasn’t all too upset that we hadn’t generated much rapport. She was underappreciated, and in turn she treated me with the same irreverence. I was a bit gutted about the holiday though, I lacked the mental fortitude to remind her that last month she had told me to take it this month, and now was pushing it back again. I forced myself to empathise, the team was always under resourced.

On another otherwise uneventful Wednesday, a stray calendar invite weaseled its way into my diary mid-afternoon. I hadn’t heard from Jess all day which was somewhat unusual in its own right, but a two hour “Catch up” with her was unnervingly vague and came without explanation. It’s sudden appearance felt a bit dramatic for Jess, and I found myself dreading it as the start time crept closer. Had I done something wrong? Was this a performance conversation? What else did we have to catch-up on? During a meeting with one of the other managers I asked if he had heard from Jess today. He said he hadn’t, and that she had missed the morning management meeting. That was strange too, Jess rarely missed a meeting with senior people attending. Nevermind the fact she would skip my meetings, frequently.

I was able to look at Jess’ diary for the day, and noticed it was abnormally clear, except for this meeting with me, and a fifteen minute meeting right after with a very senior leader in our department. Why would Jess need to talk to us both one-after-the-other? Now I was seriously concerned. As the time came, I began the video chat, surprised to notice that Jess had opted to use an external system I’d never seen before. Everyone just used the default company video-chat tool, but this link was to some third party website. Whatever it was, it took a few seconds to load up, then suddenly her picture flashed up on screen and I was immediately paralysed. Jess appeared fully naked and strapped to some sort of chair in the middle of her living room. She screeched upon seeing me, her eyes wide with shock, and her body writhing against the restraints.

Typically you see someone’s head and shoulders in shot for a video call, but the camera was high up and Jess was positioned far back so I could see most of her body in all its spectacular naked glory. Despite my confused and alarmed state, I drank in the view. In an instant my eyes scanned every inch of skin. I examined her beautifully crafted flat stomach, the subtle indent of her lean abdominal muscles barely visible, framed by the curvature of her narrow hips in a flawless hourglass figure. Her tummy was dusted with freckles, her perky little tits and small pink nipples on proud display, the doughy jiggle of her slim thighs framing a blazing red strip of public hair that held my attention longest of all.

“Oh my god, holy shit Josh. Josh help me!” she screamed, wriggling in her seat. It was a silvery metal, holding her leant back at a 45 degree angle like a futuristic chrome deck-chair. It looked incredibly uncomfortable, with no seat cushion and only support for her upper back. Her thighs were strapped to the metal frame holding them apart and in a sort of floating kneeling position, with her arms tied behind the chair-back, and her neck encased in a thick chrome collar. Cuffs held her ankles apart under her thighs, so she was held in a sort of floating-kneeling position, leaning forty-five degrees back.

It was like a high-end porn scene, transmitted in incredible picture quality, the room all wood-panel floors and natural light.

“How did you…? Josh, I’ve been trapped here for hours. You’ve got to help me!” she screamed again, fighting back tears. Her voice was hoarse, like she’d been shouting for hours, but even I knew she lived pretty far out in the sticks. No-one was going to hear her. I just kept staring dumbly, at a complete loss for words.

Why would someone have done this to her? Who even would do something like this? Clearly Jess was thinking the same, the black streaks down her cheeks and mess of red lipstick suggesting she had been trapped here struggling helplessly for some time.

“Jess, what the fuck…?” I finally managed under my breath, still utterly overwhelmed. I probably hadn’t even blinked in all this time.

“I-I don’t know, I just- my fiancé is away and I’m on my own. I don’t know who did this, I just woke up trapped in this… thing!” She was frantic, the words tumbling from her mouth, “How did you connect to me?”

“I just got added into a meeting with you.” I explained, but her expression looked no less confused. I was confused, and this website was weird. On the video chat screen, besides the small thumbnail video of myself in the bottom corner, were an array of buttons and settings mostly unmarked. It was unlike any meeting interface I’d seen before. “Even this website I’m calling you on is really strange.” I added, pressing a button with a camera icon, and finding the view change. From here I was looking up at her from a side angle, it was like a close up of her upper body, her glorious tits and beautiful face in stunning HD. You never got this sort of quality on regular webcams, I could see every hairless pore on her immaculate tight little body. Despite her predicament, I couldn’t help but get more than a little excited at the sight. It didn’t feel real.

She looked off to the side, blushing bright red with shame and trying to collect herself while avoiding eye contact.

“Is there any button or something that gets me out of this thing?!” she asked desperately. I could tell she absolutely hated me seeing her like this. Still, I took a moment to examine the buttons. First was the change view button which I had already used, to the right of that was a couple of sliders – one above the other – that allowed me to drag the setting from 20% to 100%, currently set to their lowest ranges. Next was a box with the number 0 in it, which didn’t seem interactive. Lastly was a set of three toggle buttons marked ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’.

These buttons seemed the most promising so I pressed ‘A’, thinking perhaps it might release some of the cuffs. Instead, Jess suddenly squealed out in pain, a loud shriek followed by another, and then another.

“Ow! What was that?! What did you do?” she snarled, as I changed the view to try and see what was going on. Now I got a side profile, where I noticed paddles positioned behind her bum which now retracted back, having struck her ass three times. It was only now that I really started to pay attention, noticing a subtle hum on the audio. I saw that something was strapped around her waist, a small black egg pressed to her clit that must be vibrating. That explained the beads of sweat on her brow and the shallow breathing. My disbelief only swelled. Changing view again, I spotted a red rubber dildo sliding slowly in and out of her, connected to a wheel mechanism on the floor that controlled it’s gentle thrusts in and out of her.

“Josh! What did you do!?” she yelled incredulously, her terror rising.

“Uh I, I don’t know there are three buttons, I just clicked one.”


“To see if it unlocked you or something!” I shouted back defensively.

“Well, what do the buttons say?”

“Nothing, they’re just marked ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’.” I explained, talking her through the rest of the options available. She asked me to try the “change view” button, to see if I could spot anything useful. When I did, I was treated to a view from behind, her ass burnt red from impact. I cycled through two more angles before stopping on my favourite, a full top down view where I got a better look at her lower-body. Between her flawless bare legs was the dildo pumping in and out of her at a steady pace, slick with juices and pushing in enviably deep, being gripped tightly by her wet pussy lips as it slid half-out then back in.

From this vantage point, I could spot several tablet-devices mounted or propped up in various positions on the floor, shelves and surfaces that was what must be recording the images I was receiving. Every time I changed view, she turned anxiously to meet my eye, and explained that my video jumped to each tablet screen when I switched.

“Did you see anything? Any way out?” she asked, but I shook my head, none of the clasps had any visible locking mechanism or release button. In a moment of inexplicable bravery, I tried one of the sliders, adjusting the top slider to increase a bit, hearing the humming sound get louder.

“Wha… what did you do?” Jess was really panicked now, her muscles tightening and locking her leg joints as much as the bonds allowed.

“I tried one of the sliders, what did it do?” I asked, but she looked reluctant to answer.

“Don’t do that. Just, uhm…” she seemed distracted, unable to find her words as her mouth hung agape.

“Wait, but what did it do?” I insisted, suspecting it must control the vibrator.

“Josh, just turn it back down!” she commanded, and despite being curious to see the results, her tone intimidated me so I went to reduce it. My cursor hovered over it a moment as I considered defiance, but I couldn’t bring myself to be so bold. I turned the setting down, though admittedly, not all the way back to 20%.

She took a deep breath and regained her composure, locking eye contact for the first time since this strangeness had begun.

“Josh, I think you need to get someone else. Can you send this web link to Sara?” She asked politely, with a pleading half-smile that looked scared beneath the surface. She was desperate to get rid of me, but I was also her only way of viable escape for now, so she was playing nice.

“She has some appointment until 5pm,” I said, checking her calendar. It reminded me of Jess’ other meeting right after this one, and I asked Jess about it.

“What!?” Jess yelled, “Are you serious?”

“Yeah it’s for 15 minutes and I think she’s accepted.” I stated, not really knowing what else to add.

“Oh shit. What the fuck is going on!? Who is doing this? She cannot see me like this.” Jess was losing it. “Are there any other buttons we haven’t tried?”

“Uhh yeah this one.” I said, pressing the one marked ‘B’ without a moment’s hesitation.

Pressing ‘B’ brought two mechanisms on robotic-arms either side of her chest around and down over her nipples, and I watched wide-eyed as the motors tracked her movement and reciprocated to ensure the hit their target. Two sort of convoluted suction cups gripped her breasts, subjecting her to a motion which had her groan gutterally, her eyelids fluttering uncontrollably as she gasped, her low moan growing louder. She pulled her lithe body taut, trying to get away from the advances of the vibrations and sucking but she was pinned in place by the collar, arm restraints and the straps around her waist. Trapped and overstimulated, Jess whimpered my name softly, simultaneously waking me from my trance and getting me rock hard. I pressed the ‘B’ button again, making the mechanism cease and retract away. She looked terrified, and I was thankful to be able to see her tits unconstructed again. Her nipples puffy and glistening with moisture from whatever lube had been employed.

I made a mental note, ‘A‘ = ‘Ass’, ‘B’ = ‘Boobs. ‘

“Oh fuck,” she groaned, “W-what about…” Jess went to continue, but I’d already pressed button ‘C’ out of uncontrollable curiosity. Immediately she began to retch and gag, and I was actually alarmed. It took me a moment to register that her collar was choking her, contracting slightly and releasing automatically after a few seconds to her gasping for breath. She didn’t cough, which I took to mean it wasn’t being too hard on her.

“Okay no more! No more!” she pleaded, still panting for breath, “Oh my god why is this happening to me!?” she mumbled to herself.

“Sorry, I uh… that’s all the buttons.” I explained, still wide-eyed and staring uncontrollably.

“Josh you have to get me out of this thing! Call the police or someth-” she suddenly stopped talking and her body locked up, before she screamed with a jolt, gasping for air.

“What just happened?” I asked, now really freaking out. My erection wavered somewhat now that the mechanisms were actually starting to hurt her.

“It fucking electrocuted me! Did you press something?”

“No, no, it just happened when you said about calling the police.” I explained, and her jaw clenched again as she was zapped a second time.

“Ahh! Okay, okay stop saying that!” she cried, still recovering from the shock. She was at her wits end, sobbing as I stared dumbfounded, unsure of what to do. “Please, what do you want from me? I’ll do whatever you want.” she cried, scared and defeated.

Suddenly she looked dead ahead, something clearly grabbing her attention, “Oh fuck. Can you see that?” she asked, I shook my head, “The tablet in front of me has a message on it. Oh shit. Fuck!”

I’d never heard Jess curse in all the time I had known her, ever the professional, but in the last twenty minutes she’d been swearing non-stop.

“What does it say?” I asked.

“It says I’ll be released once I fucking cum five times. What the fuck…?” she was mumbling to herself, shaking her head and rereading the text over and over. I was still paralysed by hearing her read them. She had to cum five times in the next hour and a half, or her boss was going to see her like this. I saw her lost in thought, terrified at the concept. Yet I thought I saw her hips bucking in time with the thrusts of the dildo. Her pussy was visibly soaking wet. Could this thing really be turning her on? What a cruel delightful idea, seeing her cum. God I wanted to see it with all my soul. She was completely naked right in front of my eyes and I had her fate in my hands. Several hours of being subjected to the gentle teasing vibrations even had her most of the way there.

My eyes switched from her sensual undulating hips to the slider controls, then back again. My cock was dying to be free from my pants, screaming at me to make her cum.

“Listen Jess, just tell me what to do. I can use the settings. We can get you free well before the meeting.” I suggested.

“What!?” she spat, sniffling and settling from her crying, “We are not doing that! You are not…”

“It’s the only way to get you out. You just said a second ago that you’d do whatever to get out!”

“Well I’m not just having you play with my body like a fucking sex toy!” she yelled, “Get someone else and send them the link.”

I couldn’t think of any good reason not to do what she asked, except the fact that I didn’t want to pass on this opportunity. All I had to do was click a few buttons and I’d have my way with her. I could play out countless fantasies with the woman of my dreams, if only I could just convince her to let me be the one to do it. But I knew I was never able to get her to listen to me about anything. Jess was stubborn and controlling, yet it occurred to me that this time, she didn’t get a say in the matter. In a moment of uncharacteristic bravery, I moved the slider up to 35% inciting a gasp from her, and a twist caught in the pit of my stomach as the humming sound grew. This time, I couldn’t resist a smile creeping across my face. This was dangerous. I felt the power of it weigh on me almost instantly. There was so much I could do. The poor girl seemed terrified, obviously I should just help her, but this wasn’t my doing. This was *helping* her.

“Josh, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” she said, staring furiously into the camera, trying her hardest to maintain a fury as I watched her body stiffen, chest pressed up as much as the bonds allowed. I could feel the fire in her tone, and yet it was betrayed by a gentle moan that followed her gasps for breath. If that vibrator had been trained on her clit at 20% for hours, the teasing must have been maddening. I could see in her face the effect it was having on her. That familiar hunger. Is that how I looked when I first laid eyes on her?

She took a moment to compose herself, taking a deep breath and forcing herself to stay calm.

“Josh, leave the controls alone okay. I need you to turn that… thing back down for me.”

“What thing?”

“Damn it Josh, you know damn well what thing!” she yelled, tits bouncing from the outburst. It was just so hard not to abuse this power, and I admit that I returned to increase the slider far too readily. This time her moan flowed freely, a long drawn out sigh of pleasure as the anger left her brow and the hint of a smile nearly met the edges of her lips.

“I know this might… be fucking funny to you,” she whimpered, trying her hardest to hold her resolve and breathing heavily as her pleasure boiled up, “But I’m… I’m freaking out here okay. P-please just… help me.”

This was perhaps the biggest revelation of all. It was the first time Jess had ever spoken to me like an actual person. It had me pause for a moment.

“Listen Jess, you need to cum five times and you have limited time. I have the controls here to do it, we can’t call for help, and this event was put in *my* diary. In all likelihood this link only works for me, and you get electrocuted whenever you piss these guys off.” I explained, “So do you want to work together, or against me?” Jess had stayed silent throughout my rant but was barely listening. Her eyes were locked shut, groaning and engulfed in a rising pleasure.

I thought I detected a slight nod, before she said “O-Okay.” her moans grew more liberal and salacious, her whole body slithering in expectant excitement. Her flawless form glistened with sweat and I studied every inch of it, my dick aching for attention.

“Oh god! Oh fuck yes!” Jess moaned quietly, and I nudged the slider up a tad more. The reaction was immediate, her moans becoming wails, her body stiffening, “Yes, yes! Just a bit more.” she cried, and I was too stunned to register it. This redhead beauty was really going to cum on camera for me? This couldn’t be real. “Josh! Please, I’m so close! Please just a bit faster!” she screamed, desperate. She needed to cum, and hearing her say my name in the breathy throes of orgasm only emboldened me.

“Ask nicely.” I said flatly, turning the vibrator speed down a little. Her eyes went wide with surprise and sudden longing. She couldn’t bear to lose sight of the orgasm so close she could taste it.

“No, no! Please! Please Josh please! Please make me cum for you. I’ll be good. I’ll be good, please!” The words came gushing out as I revelled in this newfound control. I decided I would be benevolent, raising the speed to 50% as her tirade continued in high-pitched squeals, “I’ll be good! Yes! Yes! I’ll be a good girl for you, oh god, oh yes! Oh-”

Jess grew suddenly silent as her whole body tensed, her magnificent tits splayed upwards as she tightened her long body into a sensual arch, crying out as the pleasure rippled through her. I noticed the number on the toolbar ticked up from 0 to 1.

“Oh fuck. That was- oh shit, don’t stop, don’t…” she was alive with movement, her hips bucking as much as the bonds permitted, her legs josselling back and forth. I admit that I switched to a view from above, toying with the second slider and watching carefully to see if it did as I expected. Yes, the thrusts of the dildo on its mechanised arm sped up, it’s long slow strokes becoming a more forceful pumping motion.

“Oh my god! F-fuck me. Yes, yes!” another powerful orgasm wracked her body, but this time the come-down seemed uncomfortable for her. “Ah! Ahh! I’m too sensitive, turn down the…” I reduced the vibrator speed instinctively, recalling an ex-girlfriend of mine who would often get too sensitive for clit play after cumming. Even at the lowest setting though, the vibrations seemed to distract Jess a little. I noticed the counter was now on ‘2’.

I increased the dildo speed. Jess looked shocked, and flashed an expression somewhere between appalled and undeniably aroused, her mouth poised in a perfect oval.

“You fucking bastard, you’re enjoying this little private show aren’t you?” she snarled, trying her best to maintain her anger, and yet the statement felt almost like dirty talk with the way she said it.

“I bet you’re touching yourself, aren’t you? Are you jerking yourself off as you watch me begging for orgasm?” she continued, and instead of responding, I turned up the dildo, and heard the motor whir at increasing pace, the air knocked out of her at quicker intervals. That errotic moaning returned, her eyes trained on the camera lens like she was staring right at me. She was smiling. I could hardly believe it, she was fucking loving it.

I unbuckled my jeans and reached in to pull out my stiffening cock, rubbing at it absentmindedly as I increased the vibrator speed again.

“Ah! No, I’m still too sensitive!” she cried, wincing as I quickly reduced it.

“Tell me what you want.” I said, watching her expression closely as she weighed my words in her mind, deciding whether to trust me, “What kind of thing do you like?”

Her eyes glared at me with that, not so much in an angry way, but she was alarmed that she would actually have to clue me in if this was going to work. Clearly I couldn’t use the same method as before. She blushed, her sexy shoulders dropping as if she was worried to tell me.

“Fuck, I can’t believe I’m doing this. Josh I swear to god you better not tell anyone about this.”

“You think anyone would fucking believe this?” I asked, and she seemed to think that was a good point. Perhaps the only time I’d ever seen her truly consider my opinion.

“All those buttons you clicked earlier,” Jess continued, “You should like, you could use those.” she tried to explain. I did my best to give a believable look of confusion, asking what she meant. “So go a bit harder and like, I usually get there when I’m being kind of… submissive.” she explained.

Naturally I increased the dildo speed and said, “Explain that again for me.” still stroking myself.

It took her a moment to acclimatise and get on board, before she admitted “I like to be… fucked r-really hard.” she quivered through the rough thrusts of the dildo.

“You like to be treated like a slut, don’t you?” I said, shocking myself with the indignation, and her eyes flung open, clearly feeling the same. So I doubled down and pressed the ‘A’ key, switching the view to watch as the paddles came cracking down on her bare ass once, then again, the peachy cushions bobbing with the motion and flinching with each strike.

I switched view again to get a close up of her reaction as the last thwack landed. She was biting her lip, in pain but also insanely aroused.

“Tell me you’re a slut.” I commanded.

“I am,” she whimpered, her words thick with lust, the fucking of the dildo combined with this treatment was really starting to do it for her, and I could feel her getting lost in the game of it. “I’m a good little slut, please, please don’t stop.”

I sped the dildo up more, “You are a good slut, are you gonna cum for me?”

“Yes, yes sir. P-please can you uhm… can you choke me sir?” she pleaded, her doe eyes staring me down, my strokes along my cock turned to full on jerking-off at this point. I clicked the ‘C’ button and was rewarded with the sight of her gagging slightly as a powerful orgasm hit her body and had her shaking and wailing as it burst over her. The counter now showed ‘3’, with a little over 30 minutes left.

“Oh god yes Josh, don’t stop, fuck me harder!” she screamed, and with that I put the dildo up to full power and pressed the ‘B’ button, enjoying watching the mechanisms slide around to her chest, taking a second to find her nipples and match her upward thrusts as the robotic arms locked on and suctioned into place. Her whole being reacted immediately to the sucking on her perky little bouncing tits. She went wild, screaming and writhing whilst being fucked hard. I continued stroking my rigid dick as I watched her endure the massive orgasm, her toes curling and her pussy suddenly squirting juices all over the floor and the camera. I had to change the view and checked the clock to see we had about twenty minutes left. I was being paid for this time, what a wonderful fucking world.

The counter ticked to 4 and suddenly the controls locked up. The view defaulted to the full-body shot from above, and the vibrator slider increased on its own to about midway. The buttons all greyed out, and the dildo slowed considerably. I clicked frantically, Jess noticing the change and my confusion.

“What’s going on?” she asked breathlessly, she seemed to be enjoying the clit vibrator again, but I noticed the speed decreased a little automatically, as if avoiding letting her get too excited. I’d lost all control, and as I ceased stroking my cock in order to concentrate a moment, I noticed the dildo fucking Jess stopped too. I admit I paused in thought a while before I tested by stroking my cock again. Sure enough the dildo fucked Jess in time. I noticed my cock wasn’t on view of the camera, how could the machine tell what speed I was going? A part of me was curious, but another wasn’t willing to miss the opportunity to watch the last few minutes of the gorgeous goddess reaching her final climax. “Please fuck me again. Please sir.” she cooed. I adjusted the camera and rolled back so my dick was visible in-shot. I wanted her to see it.

“Oh yes!” Jess roared, opening her eyes to see my cock on full display, her eyes staring hungrily as I stroked it. Jess was suddenly enlivened with lust, groaning aloud as I increased speed, the dildo fucking her hard as I saw the ‘A’ button light up and begin spanking her to Jess’ utter delight. The sucking mechanism on her breasts continued its work, whilst the vibrator seemed to increase pace as I grew close. For a moment, I worried I’d cum before she reached her fifth orgasm, but I soon realised the mechanisms were doing their utmost to ensure we came together, as whenever I slowed, so did the vibrators and paddles.

So I went full pelt, fucking her as hard as she called out for, pumping my cock and watching as Jess was subject to the same treatment on screen, her ponytail and tits bouncing with the motion.

“Fuck me! Yes Josh fuck me harder!” she screeched, “Fuck my pussy, yes! That’s it, cum for me!”

She started to moan and quiver, and right as I bust my nut all over the desk, the choking started and a brilliant spray burst from the dildo as she squirted, gasping for air as the counter ticked up to five. For a moment we both sat there panting, as all the devices slowed to a stop and Jess caught her breath.

The collar clicked open, and each bond around her body beeped and released one-by-one, including the mechanisms suckered to her tits. Jess looked so exhausted she barely reacted, her tight body slick with sweat and her own juices. She slowly brought her arms around and unclasped herself, raising steadily off the dildo and onto her feet. Now stood fully naked, she removed the vibrator strapped around her waist, and I admit that I snapped a final screenshot.

We had about five minutes until the meeting with her boss, so there was no time to debrief. Jess looked down at herself as if ashamed, she seemed like she might cry. Then she turned to look at me, and her cheeks burned red. For a moment I thought she might say something, but then she walked over to her WiFi router at the back of the room, and I got one last view of her perfect peachy ass streaked with paddle-prints before she pulled the power, and the line cut.



  1. *Epilogue as it didn’t fit within the word count* of the main post

    * * *

    Sometime the next day I received a message from a clearly throwaway email address made up of jumbled letters and numbers. It had an attachment, a 2 hour HD video screen capture of Jess’ predicament. I considered telling her about it, but in truth I didn’t get much of a chance over the following days. She took some time off which was understandable, and the department fell into disarray. There were just too many issues and complexities that relied on Jess to unpick them. Her first few days back were a dizzying mess of problem-solving and fire fighting, and her promotion was announced shortly after. In fact, it was a month before she and I had a one-to-one meeting again, and by then she was in her new Deputy Head of HR role, a position created specifically for her. She had put a catch up in my diary without explanation, but this time using the regular corporate video-chat system.

    “Hey,” I said, joining to see her gulping at a cup of steaming hot tea, she’d seemingly taken time to prepare it *before* our meeting for once.

    “Hey!” she said, smiling and putting down her mug.

    It felt uncomfortable right away, this was the first time since joining the company that Jess had faced me eye-to-eye and it felt like we might have an actual conversation. Even more noteworthy was her plunging neckline blouse, no cardigan. I fought to keep my eyes on the webcam, but it was insane how much I wanted to stare at the little shred of skin on show, despite having seen the goods already.

    “Listen I…” she went to say, before hesitating, “Look I’m not here to say sorry, or to thank you, if that’s what you were wondering.” she remarked dispassionately.

    I narrowed my eyes and cocked my chin a little, trying to suss out what exactly her facial expression was telling me. She wasn’t aggravated, she kept glancing away and her shoulders were low. She seemed nervous. Strangest of all, I didn’t react to her snide remark as I might normally have, somehow having seen her naked, having had control of her body so directly, it imbued me with more resolve.

    “Shit, that’s not what I meant. I dunno what I wanted to say. I felt like we should talk I guess.”

    “You’ve been off for like a week.” I offered as a starting point, “what happened?”

    She laughed in a small sort of hum under her breath, like a sigh, her hand rubbing at the back of her neck, “Well, when I pulled out the wifi I collected up all the tablets from around the room. I felt like they were looking at me. I kept expecting myself to burst into tears but, I just didn’t. My phone had all these missed calls from work, so I dialled one back, I don’t really know why, but that’s when I started to really lose it.

    “Like the head of HR is asking where I’ve been and if I’m okay and I just am a sniveling mess. Obviously I can’t explain what just happened, I couldn’t put it into words if I tried so, she assumed I was having some sort of breakdown and told me to take some time off.”

    “You haven’t taken more than a day or two off since I started here!” I said with a chuckle, “How’d you react to that?”

    “Well she gave me the number of a therapist and told me to get help. As soon as I hung up, I tried to call my fiance, but I couldn’t reach him. Kept trying for hours, but that’s often the way when he’s flying the long-haul trips. Sometimes he’s without signal for twelve hours at a time. So I eventually got myself together, cleaned up…” she paused, as if embarrassed to go on, “I called up a personal investigator I found online.”


    “You know, like a kind of detective. She came over the next day and had a look at all the tech and I told her what happened. She got all the kit collected and taken away for forensics or whatever.”

    “Jess are you serious!?”

    “Well, I don’t know. I found this website about similar things happening to other people and it had her contact details. It made me feel better.” she took a deep breath, collecting her thoughts and turning a troublesome thought over in her mind before sharing it, “I couldn’t bring myself to tell my fiance when he finally called, and I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. I went to stay with my sister for a few days to get away.”

    We sat in silence for a moment while she played with her hair, she didn’t seem too upset while she was recounting the story, so I just sat listening, intrigued.

    “I mean she was no use really, the investigator. She showed me how they probably got in the house and helped me secure the doors better, she showed me similar cases like mine – some reports of a creepy hotel, an incident with a house cleaner, some party girl in a nightclub. Nothing substantial and no leads, but it seemed at least that the events didn’t seem to recur.” she still was evading my eyes, staring absentmindedly into the middle space, “I just couldn’t help replaying it in my mind over and over. I saw a therapist and he helped but… I still haven’t told my fiance. The only one I can really talk to this about properly, is you.”

    “And… what do you want to talk about?” I asked, and she just kept staring blankly off to the side. “Do you still think about it?”

    Her gaze snapped towards the screen, “Yeah, don’t you?”

    “All the time.” I answered.

    “That feeling of being totally powerless, it was terrifying.” Jess continued, “Which is why it’s driving me crazy, because whenever I think about it I just kind of get… turned on.”

    Now alarm bells in my head were ringing, and I finally understood all her nervous energy in this otherwise transformed outer-shell. Jess was different, not just with me but, overall. Maybe this could actually be a good thing? She might actually not want to kill me. This was unexpected. I’d been dreading the consequences for days.

    “Honestly this was the first time I’ve had off in as long as I can remember, and I just spent the whole time…” she trailed off smiling wickedly to herself, but remembering who she was talking to, she opted not to go on. “Anyway, I actually feel pretty good right now, and I wanted to ask if you would do me a favour?” she shot me her best side-glance doe eyes, hands pressed together in her lap. A cutesy affectation I had never seen from her before.

    “Sure,” I said, perhaps too eagerly, smiling and trying my best not to jump to any conclusions.

    “I was wondering if you would hand in your notice.” she said ruefully, an eyebrow cocked in an intentionally endearing sort of way.

    I was visibly taken aback, “Oh…” I sagged a little in my seat, I was more surprised than injured, but I doubted that showed.

    “Come on Josh! We cannot work together anymore, it’s totally unprofessional. I’m not trying to be mean.” she said, but I was still staring down at the floor processing my reaction.

    “Hey look at me.” she urged, and I looked up in the vague direction of the camera. “I spoke to an old friend of mine at a big consulting company, I sent in my recommendation for you. I got you a great role there leading a small HR team.” she continued, “It’s more money too.”

    “Really?!” I was perhaps more shocked at this turn of events than when I’d first seen her naked.

    “Yeah look you are actually pretty good. You’re a bit slow, but you at least know what you’re doing and you don’t need someone like me babying you.” She was plain and unapologetic in her tone, but she was right. The job here was pretty easy, far from what I’d been promised when I took the role here, and there was little hope of moving up any time soon given how long it had taken Jess.

    As consequences go, it was much better than I had expected, and I was actually pretty stoked about getting my career back on track. Beyond anything else, my obsession with Jess had gone on for too long, it was time to get a healthy bit of distance. So I took a deep breath and said, “Well then, I guess I’ll write up my resignation letter today.”

    “I already submitted and approved it, your two weeks notice starts now.” she told me with a smirk, “Congratulations.”

    “Thanks,” I said, cautiously optimistic, “Running a team, that’ll be new for me.”

    “Relax,” she blurted, “I’ve seen what it’s like when you take charge. I think you’d make a good boss.”

  2. Another masterpiece, each story is always better than the last. This is of a organisation arranging this predicament is always a nice touch. Good job Nef!

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