I [M] think my boss [F] is coming on to me part 2

So I read up on all the responses to my last post, and I decided that I wanted to start to push the envelope a little. So this story takes place a little bit after my first story.

So as I said Sam usually like to flirt around me but one morning I decided that I want to do something so the day before.she slapped my ass so this morning I’m motivated to do it back,so as she’s standing by me on the counter I reach my hand back and gave her a good smack felt some jiggle but it was also firm,And I give her the same phrase she said to me “good game”. So at this point my heart is pounding cause I don’t know what she’s gonna say. So she turns around and says you know you can’t do that whenever you want to cause im a lady, and at this point the best response I can give is “but you do it to me”.And she says that’s true. so I start to walk away but then she says. I BET YOU FELT THAT JIGGLE THO. So all I do is walk away and blush. So he rest of the day goes as tame as possible nothing special. But that day we didn’t have a lot of people so we both ended up having to close but it was fine cause we had the same off days.

As were closing up and doing the payroll for the week(she’s teaching me how to become the next Gm) sam says that she’s gonna see if she can’t get me a raise. But then she starts talking about how she has to go to her new house and get the lights turned on(they are going the whole mile buying land building the house and all. Plus the house is like an hour and 40 minutes away.)so I say I’m not doing anything the next day. So she asked do you want to come with me, I wouldn’t want to go alone ( like I said in the first story James works all week and can’t see her often.) so ofc I say yes. And I know what all of you are thinking did he do it. And my answer to that is you’ll just have to keep reading. So I go home and ofc I’m thinking about it all night am I about to sleep with my boss.

The next day rolls around and I have to get up pretty early to do some inventory for the shop and I finish go home and start preparing for my “date” so 15 before she planned on coming to get me she says that she’s running late and may not have time to come pick me up. But like 5 minutes later she’s like I’ll be at your house in 15 minutes. So I take a shower throw on one of my better outfits and put on some of the Cologne she said she likes. She picks me up and let me tell you she looked absolutely stunning. Now I always knew sam was attractive but I never seen her dress up. She decided to curl her hair she wore some ripped jeans and she had on a blue-green shirt that really matched her eyes. So she says in her kind voice are you ready to go. So we head out ,and I ask about the house buying process and she becomes ecstatic telling me all the little details which I like to hear. Then Sam gets a call from James and he’s asking her stuff like is she on the way and she says that she came with me and he seemed cool at first(there’s more on this later in the story) and he makes a joke about how If I touch Sam he’ll give me a death of 10,000 cuts and whatever. So eventually we get to a point where he gets cut out of the call so we go back to talking about work,her life,her kid, and all that stuff.

So we eventually get to the house and meet the power guy and he tells up that he can’t do anything cause not enough stuff is done and other things have to be set up. So Sam is like she has to speak to James and he’s gonna be mad. So she starts telling him what happened and ofc he’s mad at the situation. He starts yelling and cursing and I guess sam didn’t want me to hear him yelling so she got back in her car .So he tells her to wait at the house and he’s gonna get the guy to come back and do some more measurements. So she says she’ll show me the house in the mean time. We walk all around the house she’s showing me every room and what it’s going to be used for. It was a pretty nice house but there was nothing in it so we decided to just sit down in one of the rooms and wait. Sam got comfortable and took off her shoes and was barefoot and decided to sit next to the window. So I sit on the others side of the room and after like 5 minutes of talking she tells me to sit next to her by the window. So we start talking again and at this point in my head I’m like should I make my move. Should I have sex with Sam in her brand new house establish Dominance. But I ultimately bitch out and don’t do anything. So the light guy comes back does some measurements and then we all leave. We talk the whole time as we go back get some food. Then I bring up the conversation of sex in general. Not with her because I suck to much to do that. And she’s telling me how she likes to be dominated and told what to do. It’s just always been that way for her and she couldn’t see herself telling a man in the relationship what to do. Which I noticed before cause when we would get into petty arguments if I put on the all state guy voice as I call it she would immediately cave and not say a word. So I get home every thing is normal into the next day. She text me later that night that I got the raise.

A day later She comes into work and tells me that James was mad that she took me to the new house. Now ofc she wouldn’t tell me exactly what he said but she did say that she wasn’t going to apologize cause she didn’t do anything wrong. But he told her that what if the roles were reversed and she brought a 18 year old to the new house. And she said she got it and apologized but she told him it wasn’t like that cause she was into older guys and if you weren’t at least 28 we wouldn’t give you any attention.But when she told me this it got me happy cause I was happy that a 42 year old man with kids older than me was jealous. And he told her that he didn’t want me over anymore. Which is kind of a bummer cause she wanted me to remember her address when she moved. So I just chalked it up to me missing an opportunity and James being overly suspicious of me.

So I told my friend Kay this and she said that he’s Insecure that he’s gonna lose sam. She said that it could be cause he’s old and I’m young or could be the fact that he got with Sam cause she cheated on her last boyfriend that wouldn’t have sex with her for a year. Kay Also said that a man of his age shouldn’t be jealous And she was like he’s gonna lose her like that. Now don’t get me wrong I believe this and I still wanna have the most rough and intense sex with Sam I can have but now there’s more problems. What do you guys think should I finally man up and make a move or just keep everything the way it is.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/iuxp1n/i_m_think_my_boss_f_is_coming_on_to_me_part_2