Having Some Brie, Chapter 11 END [fm] [Incest] [Brother/Sister]

[Chapter 10](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/iqiiu9/having_some_brie_chapter_10_fm_incest/)

Our overnight bags were already in the guest room. Lexi must’ve brought them in while we were at the club. She yawned and stretched.

“Alright, goodnight, you two,” she said with lazy contentment. “Don’t stay up too late. Or do.” With a wink, she retreated to her own room, just like that.

“Definitely need a shower,” I muttered. We were both wearing a layer of sweat from dancing, and I was anxious to peel my shirt off.

“You go first,” Brie suggested.

“We’re not going together?”

She flushed, biting her lip. “‘Y’know, it *is* possible to shower separately. I have some… stuff to take care of.”

“Okay…” I drawled, narrowing my eyes. I wondered what she was up to. Maybe hop into the shower halfway through again? Nope. I brushed my teeth, chuckling inside at the idea that we had our own toothbrushes here.

I carried my balled-up discarded clothes back to the bedroom, tossing them onto the bag next to the bed. Brie carried her duffel with her to the bathroom. The whole bag?

I shrugged and hopped into bed in just my underwear, reflecting on the evening. We had danced for far longer than I thought. It was already past midnight when Lexi picked us up. Speaking of which, how did she know about Taboo? It was a famous club, sure, notorious for being picky about their clientele and yet still staying afloat despite how few people they let in. Having been inside, it didn’t seem they were making a killing on drinks either, so honestly I was still mystified. Something deeper, most likely. Deeper than I wanted to think about.

But Lexi knew how to get us in. It made me wonder how much planning she had put into hooking me and Brie up. How long had she known? Did one of us give away our attraction for each other even before all of this started? Given how well she read people, I wouldn’t have been surprised.

The door opened, and Brie stepped in. The lights were already off, but I didn’t need them to see the preparations Brie was talking about.

She was wearing the red babydoll from the clothing store she worked at. She looked like a goddess as she slowly made her way over, swaying her hips seductively. She crawled into bed, climbing up until she was straddling me. Her raven hair was down, rolling across her shoulders like silk the color of midnight. My mouth felt both dry and moist all at once, and I shuffled back until I was sat up against the headboard. She seated herself on my thighs, the earlier display of confidence crumbling into a bashful pile of detritus.

I ran my fingers through her hair, still a bit damp from the shower but feeling glossy from being freshly conditioned. One of my hands climbed up her neck and cupped her cheek, my thumb massaging her pillowy lips. I slipped it inside, and she looked at me in astonishment before sucking on the digit, running her tongue along its pad. I groaned in satisfaction, my other hand following her hair down her back to hold her waist. With help from a lift of my knees, I scooted her closer to me, then let my hand slip under the thin fabric of her lingerie to caress her creamy skin.

She moaned at my touch, still suckling on my thumb. I drew her in and withdrew the finger, replacing it with my tongue. Very carefully, I twisted us around until I was the one on top and between her legs. She looked up at me, hair spilling across the pillow like a dark halo. I couldn’t resist kissing her again, pulling myself free of my boxers as I did so. I straightened up and she looked down at my length expectantly.

Without a word exchanged, I shuffled up until I was astride her chest, my sex hovering just inches from her face. She bit her lip as she eyed it, then looked up at me before leaning up to take me into her mouth. I rolled my head back and shuddered, a breathy gasp escaping my lips. Her tongue glided and curled around my tip while she pulled me closer. I had to steady myself against the headboard, my hips thrusting forward involuntarily. With her lying down, it was an awkward angle and she gagged easily. She coughed and thick spittle shot out along my cock, and I withdrew to let her breathe. After collecting herself she settled for licking along the shaft, spreading saliva over every inch.

I turned around, my manhood now better aligned with her throat, and prodded her lips. She took me in again and I leaned down to return the favor, propping myself up on my elbows and using my fingers to pull her panties aside and expose her clit. My first lick earned a whimper, and as I continued, her own ministrations on me became distracted and simplistic as she focused on the pleasure I was giving her. Her panties were drenched already, and I diligently lapped up her nectar before turning my attention back to her folds.

Her hands were hooked onto my thighs to steady herself, since her trembling was growing worse as she approached orgasm. Not so fast, missy. I stopped abruptly, pulling myself free from her mouth with a slurp. We were panting, and I turned back around to face her, kneeling between her legs.

“Condom?” she managed.

Fuck. *Fuck.* Fucked fucking fuck.

“I don’t…”

I scratched my head sheepishly, and she looked at me like I was the dumbest person alive. She threw herself back on the pillow with a sigh.

“How are we supposed to… without a condom?”

We ruminated on it for a moment.

“I could pull out just before…” I suggested.

“Doesn’t precum have sperm too?”

I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose. “Is it a safe day?”

Brie paused, eyes distant. I couldn’t tell if she was counting or if she was considering whether this was a good idea. “Yeah. But there’s always a risk.”

“God damn it,” I growled, moving to stand. I did a quick search of the room. In all her preparations, Lexi hadn’t provided a box of rubbers. You’d have thought out of anything, she would’ve remembered that. Not that I was one to talk. “Maybe we should just…” I sighed and shook my head, then reached for my boxers.

“No.” She caught me by surprise. “Let’s just… Make sure you pull out in time, alright?” She jabbed a finger in my direction, and I studied her before nodding. We were doing this.

I climbed back on top of her, giving her a questioning look to ask if she was sure about this. She nodded, not looking at me but down where we were to become one. I leaned down and began kissing her, long and tender osculations that saw us moaning quietly to each other. She tensed when I pressed my tip against her core, which was slick with her arousal. Her fingers pressed into my back, and her thighs were flexing around my hips. I began pushing in, and she whimpered as I entered her. I felt some resistance and paused, pulling away to look at her. Her maidenhead. Brie really was all mine.

I felt a surge of lust and had to violently suppress it in fear of suddenly ravaging her. She looked up at me, eyes wide and innocent, filled with trepidation and hope.

“Third wish,” she whispered. “Give me your love for the rest of our lives.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “You always did go overboard with your wishes. That’s a tall order.”

She let out a small gasp, a naked fear filling her eyes that left her more bared than being undressed. It broke my heart to see her like that. I cupped her face and smiled.

“Silly girl,” I told her gently. “You already had that.”

She closed her eyes and sighed in relief, and the tension left her body. She smiled beatifically. “Then I release you.”

I chuckled and kissed her. As if I still gave a shit about her telling anybody about some fucking panties.

“I love you, Sabrina,” I declared firmly.

“I love you too, Stefan,” she answered, pulling me in close.

I pierced through her virginity, and she screamed. Her nails dug into my back, raking the skin as she dragged them down in agony. I thrust all the way to the base and settled, both of us grunting in pain and getting accustomed to the feeling as we drew blood. Fucking hell, it felt like she was giving as good as she got.

Her pussy quivered around me, alternating between threatening to crush my cock and loosening to vacate the cavity. She felt tighter than what some might have considered safe or healthy, and yet my entry had been smooth and easy. It felt perfect.

“Ow,” Brie mumbled.

“You okay, baby?” I gasped.

“‘Baby?’ I’m your baby now?” She winced, and her nails finally relaxed. “Huh. You think I have…” She grunted. “…daddy issues ‘cause of this summer?”

“It was just an endearment, Sabbie.”

“I know that, Steffie. Just busting your balls.” She winked, eyelid fluttering a bit in pain. “You just deflowered your sister, there have to be *some* repercussions. Now make love to me, baby.”

Making love. It sounded like the most beautiful thing in the world. Good lord, was I turning into a total lovesick sap? Probably.

I withdrew and she bit back a cry, and I began a slow rhythm. Relishing the feeling of our hips kissing on each stroke, I looked down to check on Brie. She was biting her lip, breathing in time with my thrusts and watching me tenderly. Reaching over, I yanked the babydoll off over her head. As much as I liked the garment, I wanted Brie naked in my arms. I pulled her close and peppered her neck with kisses, the wet slap of our bodies fueling my excitement. She held me close, almost fiercely, her moans gradually conveying more pleasure.

I could feel it. I was bottoming out in her. My tip was just barely touching something at the end every time I went in deep. I’d heard about causing pain this way, but I supposed every girl was different. In Brie’s case, she was moaning in ecstasy, her eyes unfocused to the middle distance, still leaking more nectar from her pussy. I pushed myself harder, forcing myself deeper into her. My cock slammed solidly into her cervix, and she gasped and wrapped her legs around my hips. She clamped down on me and I almost lost myself right there.

“Brie,” I panted. “I’m gonna cum.”

“No, you can’t,” she breathed. “Pull out.”

As she said that, her hands locked behind my neck and she hooked her ankles together. What the hell was she doing?

“You can’t cum inside me,” she continued. “You can’t fill my pussy with your incestuous seed. You can’t breed your sister and give her your babies.”

She was talking like a porn star. And I ate it all up.

I unleashed myself deep inside her, and she screamed in bliss. We were both pulsing in climax, her body filling with warmth around me. My view of her in ecstasy was filled with mind-numbing spots of blurriness. The moment seemed to stretch endlessly, and part of me wished we could stay like that forever.

“I can feel it… inside me…” she breathed euphorically.

When I was spent, I struggled to prop myself up, locking my elbows. She pulled me down and I collapsed onto her, hearing her breath leave her. We lay there gasping for air, my mind feeling addled.

With some effort, I rolled us over so I wasn’t crushing her. I was still inside her, and feeling her on my chest felt good. *Good.* I almost laughed to myself. Where had all my words gone? Blown away by orgasm, I guess.

“Well,” I rumbled, my voice deep with testosterone as I peered down at her. “You, of all people, can’t call me a virgin anymore.”

“I can call you anything I damn please, my love,” she replied. The endearment came so easily to her, it warmed my heart. She kissed me and then nuzzled against my chest. I held her and we stayed like that for a long while, dancing on the edge of sleep.

“I should get cleaned up,” I finally announced, and we rolled to the side so I could pull myself out of her. My cock was coated in my cum and her virginal blood, and the two of us admired it for a while, perhaps basking in what the fluids meant.

“Wait a second,” Brie said slowly, eyes narrowing as she stared at my shaft. “Did you fucking cum in me?”

I gave her a quizzical look. “Of course I did.”

“Stef, what the fuck! I told you to pull out!” she snapped admonishingly.

“Yeah, you did. And then you leg locked me and said all these porny things that couldn’t have been for *anything* other than making me cum.” I returned her stare challengingly, and she wavered, a flush creeping up her face.

“I did?” she squeaked, and I grinned.

“Yeah, you did.”

She hid her face, and I chuckled and kissed her forehead. Brie looked up and smiled shyly at me, but faltered.

“What if I… What if I get…” She couldn’t bring herself to finish the sentence.

I looked over at the nightstand, where there was a box of tissues waiting. I grabbed a few sheets and wiped myself clean, then handed the box to Brie. Walking over to my bag, I tossed my dress shirt aside in favor of a t-shirt. I got dressed as Brie wiped herself clean.

“I’m gonna pop out and buy a morning after pill,” I said. “Shit, I heard those were pricey.” I sighed, and she nodded.

“Wait.” She beckoned me over, and I obliged. Reaching up to wrap her arms around my neck, she kissed me passionately, our tongues dancing together. She didn’t regret what we’d done. We just needed to cover our corners.

“I love you,” she whispered, and we rubbed our noses together.

“I love you too. Be right back.”

I closed the door quietly behind me and made my way to the front door. The kitchen light clicked on behind me, and I spun around in alarm to see Lexi sitting at the table, a small box being twirled in her hands.

“Going somewhere?” she asked coyly. It reminded me of those scenes in movies where a parent catches their teenager sneaking out at night. I almost laughed.

“Just going out to buy something,” I said casually.

“Mm.” Her eyes glittered with mischief. My stomach turned at the thought that she was awake and had very possibly been listening in on our lovemaking. “Maybe buying this?”

She tossed the box to me, and I looked at the front of it. It had a very unassuming white-and-purple design, and on the front it read, “Plan B One-Step.” I looked up at Lexi with a frown, and she had the same implacable grin on her face.

“You planned out our dinner date. You made arrangements to send us to a secret underground night club. You even provided toiletries. Yet, knowing our intentions, planning for it, even… you didn’t think to stock some condoms.” I held the box up. “But you have *this* ready?”

Her grin was wide, and would have been sinister if I hadn’t known better. She weaved her fingers together and rested her chin on them. “The way I saw it, there were three possible ways the night would end, ranked from least to most likely. Number one, nothing would happen and it would all be a huge anticlimax. Number two, you’d find that there were no condoms and just stop after the foreplay. You wouldn’t have brought your own, since I know you’re a dunce.”

I sighed angrily at that, and she giggled.

“Also, knowing you, buying some would have felt too much like you were committing to the act, which would’ve scared you. You’re still unsure about all this incest stuff, after all. But don’t worry, I’ll see that fixed.”

This insufferable girl.

“Or number three,” she continued, smiling wickedly. My heart sank when I realized what possibility was left, what she had deemed most likely to happen. “You breed your twin sister and fill her with your raw, hot, sticky brother cum.”

“Lexi,” I growled in warning.

“Yes, I bought you Plan B instead of condoms. I wanted to see if you needed it. And you didn’t disappoint,” she finished with a wink.

I looked at the box of contraceptive miserably.

“But tell me: whose fault was it?” She looked genuinely curious. She was asking whose idea it was to let me creampie Brie.

“Mine,” I lied.

She studied me, then smirked and shook her head. “Very noble of you to try and preserve her dignity.” Her smile turned genuine, perhaps even wistful. “She’s lucky to have you.”

She tipped her head back toward the guest room as a gesture for me to return to Brie to give her the pill. I sighed and looked at the box again, then acquiesced. Before I stepped into the hallway, Lexi called after me.

“You know…” I turned back to her. “The doctor I got that from is a very rare find. An associate of my dad’s. He actually specializes in designer babies.” She chuckled to herself, and I narrowed my eyes, not following where she was taking this. “And wouldn’t you know it, when I was asking him about it this time, he said he’s made a breakthrough in his research.”

“What research?”

“In editing out deleterious genes that lead to congenital birth defects,” she said sweetly, letting it sink in.

*Congenital birth defects…*

“You mean…” I began carefully.

“I do.”

I was reeling. Without another word, I returned to the guest room, clutching the box of Plan B. Just what kind of people was Lexi in contact with? And why was she going so far on this subject?

All those thoughts scattered to the wind as soon as I saw Brie. She was sitting on the bed, legs on either side in an M shape in front of her. She had my dress shirt on, unbuttoned and slipped off her shoulders. Her tousled jet black hair hung around her and lended her the aura of a seductress. She looked at me with those big blue doe eyes of hers, and my heart throbbed. I thought about just how lucky I was.

We were in love, our relationship getting stronger by the day. We had the blessing of our friends, one of whom was being more than supportive. Mom was soon to be back on her feet, both in work and in romance. And Brie and I had feasible plans to stay together after high school.

I looked down at the box, recalling that it didn’t work if you took it then had more sex. Best to get the creampies out of the way and take it after, and since we had it, we might as well make the most of it, right? I smiled, then went to my sister.

I think we were going to be okay.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/iuy405/having_some_brie_chapter_11_end_fm_incest


  1. Thank you everybody for coming on this journey with me and the twins. The turnout has been incredible and I really appreciate all your support. HOWEVER this is not the last time you’ll see the twins! :D Keep an eye out for the next story in the series, Cream & Coco!

  2. I am genuinely sad to see this series end. You did a great job with these characters. Hopefully when the twins show up again things are still going well for them!

    Cannot wait to see what you have for the next set of stories!

  3. just read all eleven parts. gotta say, probably the best thing i’ve ever read on here. easily.

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