Reclamation: Part 2 [a dark story about abduction, no consent, bdsm, and slave training of a former FWB]

Day 0 [Part 1]

Day 1

Even only after a couple hours of sleep, I wake up feeling more refreshed than I have in quite a while.  It’s 10:30 Saturday morning and the sun shining through my bedroom skylights. My dick is even a little sore from the workout it’s been put through the last couple weeks.

Eager to pick up where I left off, I jump up and walk to see my new pet.  She looks like she’s been up all night crying.  I doubt she got much sleep.  She even looks angry; It’s not what I was expecting. “What the fuck is wrong with you!  You’re gonna get raped in jail if my family doesn’t kill you.” Is the first thing she says.  I like to think that means she’s concerned for me, but I’m a realist.  She’s found some resolve overnight. It’s not what I expected.  I had predicted something on the other end of the spectrum between joy and despair. 

She stands up as I enter the room and I push her on the bed.  I wonder if she would’ve taken the collar, wrist, and ankle cuffs off if they weren’t locked, regardless I’m glad they’re there. I use a carabiner on the bed frame to lock both her hands together on a rope suspended from the headboard.  She feints resistance and grunts as I pull her feet, extending her arms and limitering her motion. At least she still know better than to try to really fight back.   

At the footboard of the mattress is a spreader bar rigged with a rope and pulley.  I adjust it about 2 feet and lock her ankles to it. I flip her over on her knees and push her down between her shoulders forcing her arms to extend.  It’s only now that I notice the bruising all over her ass.  It’s noticeable, but relative to what it’s been before – it’s not bad at all.

I’m not paying attention to whatever she’s saying. It doesn’t matter, when my hand connects with the darkest spot I can find on her ass she lets out a yelp.  She’s a little more timid, but still talking.   I tell her not to move and leave the room to retrieve a ball gag a bamboo switch.

When I return I find she’s adjusted to something a little more comfortable, but when she sees the gag she snaps back to attention and shoots the big puppy dog eyes She begs “No… not again… you can’t…” before I get in and buckled. She’s still trying to talk so I take the reed down the length of her back. 

She screams and winces in pain.  I strike her 2 more times, and suddenly its like she remembers the rules. She’s finally quiet, but then she lets out a slow moan as I start to enter her. I’m not sure when she started getting wet, but she’s clearly aroused. It takes one fast thrust and I’m inside of her with little resistance.

I start to fuck her and I can tell at least some part of her is enjoying the moment. Her pussy is still as magical as the first time I fucked her. I work up to a good pace and I’m hearing noises I like.  I pull out of here and she holds her breath. I undo the gag and gently remove it from her mouth. 

“I’m done, until you ask me to fuck you again.” I tell her. She looks confused and asks “Does this mean I can go?”  

My look tells her how stupid the question wad and I warn her to always be honest with me. I ask “Did it feel good being fucked just now?”  She pauses and says “…yes” with a certain shyness I find endearing. I ask if she wants more dick. She says she wants a Plan B pill and to be let go, and I ask her to elaborate.

“Someone put cum in last night. And I don’t want to get pregnant right now. Not like this… ” She mumbles with oblique eyes conveying a sadness I’d never seen from her before.

“What?” I ask “But you love creampies and you’ve been on the pill forever.” And she says “I’ve been off it for months. My husband and I are trying and this weekend it definitely could be possible. We were gonna try tonight.”

Hearing this has my dick throbbing and I ask “Do you want me to fuck you some more?”  She says “No” and is caught offguard when the bamboo stick I’m holding connects with her breasts.  “No, SIR!” she screams.  The positions she’s holding, kneeling, bent over, with her arms tied to the top of the headboard gives me plenty of ways to attack her body. “For now I focus on her breasts. Confused as to why it’s happening she begs and pleads; it doesn’t take long to reduce her to tears.  Around the time I notice blood she screams “Aardvark!  Oh, god Aardvark!  Stooop, pleeeaaaassse.”

I freeze. “Aardvark” was a safe word suggested over 10 years ago.  She had heard it was a word you could still say while gagged. By my best recollection this was only the third time she had ever tried to use it!  I crack the bamboo across both her ass cheeks and she screams again reasoning I was supposed to stop.  

If you want me to stop then the new ‘safe word’ is “mount me like the bitch in heat that am.” I don’t think she likes it. Her sobbing intensifies and try as she might she can’t keep the snot in her nose.

I keep cracking the bamboo all over her body. She’s making noises, but none of them sound like words. Her body is battered and bleeding when I take a break to catch my breath. She uses the break too to breath and finally quiets down. That’s when hear her whisper “please mount me. That means you’ll stop, right?”

I inform her that’s not what I said and she blurts “fuck me like a bitch in heat.” It’s close enough for me as I move behind her.  “And where do you want me to cum” I ask?

She’s silent until I pick up the bamboo again… and now suddenly she’s whimpering and  “cum in my pussy… please, sir.” 

I crack her across the back and bellow “who’s pussy is this?!” As I force myself inside of her again. I crack the stick diagonally across her back and she screams “it’s yours. It’s your pussy sir. Please cum in it!”

I keep fucking and lashing. Savoring every sound she’s making but suddenly she goes dead silent.  “Please sir, may I cum?”

I drop my tool and grab her hips pulling her onto me as I thrust into her and command her “cum with me!”  We cum together and she just keeps going well after I’ve drained every drop of cum into the place it belongs.

“T…th…thank you, ss…s..sir,” she stutters. I undo the clasp holding her bound hands above her head and she collapses on the bed. I pull her into my arms and just take a moment to cuddle her in bed. She’s still stiff and rigid.

“Why are you doing this to me?” She whispered.

“Oh my sweet thing, I’m doing this FOR you!” I answer. “This is your best life. You belong to me and the only thing you have to worry about from now on is orgasms. every orgasm under this roof belongs to me, but I’ll share if you’re good.”

Her body seems to relax. But I don’t think its the words that do it. It’s still early and already she’s exhausted.  I put the gag back in her mouth and unbind the spreader bar from the bed. I stand her up and lead her out the room through the hall but her collar. Her hands are still bound together in front of her. 

As we’re walking I hear something drip on the wood floor and I freeze asking “is that what I think it is…” I look back and she breaks eye contact looking down. I follow her gaze and see my cum leaking down her legs, and worse – there’s a couple drops of cum on the floor. My body just reacts,  I push her into the wall hard enough to knock her to the ground. I grab her hair and push her face into the biggest drop.

“I give you this wonderful gift, and you just waste it?!  You unappreciative whore! Clean it up!” I pull the gag out of her mouth and drop it around her neck. The rubber barely has enough elasticity to clear her jaw, but I’m able to force it. The ball presses against her neck as I hold her head in place
 She slowly sticks her tongue out. Using her as a mop I violent tug and pull her hair, forcing her up and down the floor until it’s clean again. 

I’m briskly pulling her through the house. She can’t keep up with her wide circular.  Maybe I should have taken the bar off her ankles but she needs it where she’s going. I throw her over my shoulder and carry her down a flight of stairs.  The lighting is low and I immediately regret leaving the door to my dungeon open. I wonder what she saw as we walked by?

I lead her into the downstairs bath. Most of the room is walled with stainless steel plates;  water tight with a cold “industrial” feel. At the end is a sort of “shower cave” I had made myself.  It’s a 7 foot tall arch with anchor points and multiple shower heads. I set her on her feet and spread arms securing them overhead. The room has her speechless… I grab a shower wand on a hose and turn the water on.  It warms up to a comfortable temp and I rinse her off with a light mist.  She really seems to enjoy its maybe a little too much.

I turn the dial on the shower head to ‘pulse’ and wave it over her body. The I move it to her pussy and focus the pulsating water stream right around her clit.  She reacts like it tickles and I slowly turn the heat up.  

Soon enough she’s jumping and twisting; trying to say “too hot!” through your gag. The water is almost unbearable. I don’t think it’s hot enough for a serious burn, but I wouldn’t want it my skin… especially my private areas!  I take a moment to make sure she’s extra clean. She twitches and screams when the scolding water makes it to her lynched skin. Feeling she’s about clean enough I turn the heat off and let the cold water take over… I know it was a fast contrast but she doesn’t seem to like that much either.  

“Too hot? Too cold? Is there no pleasing you?!” I ask as the waste drains the heat from her body. After a few minutes I turn it off and leave her to air dry as I set up my next treat for her. 

After about 25 minutes I return and let her hands down. I give her a bottle of water and she downs it without breathing. So I fill it again and give her a chance to drink before leading her out into a dark basement room.  The walls are cement.  There’s two anchors drilled into the center of the floor and I secure the spreader bar to one; testing to make sure she’s not going anywhere. Once I’m sure, I tie a rope to each of her wrists and feed them the pulleys overhead.  Her arms are spread out and her range of motion is almost non-existent.

“Why are you doing this? I never asked for this. I don’t want it” This mumbles.  I tell her it’s all for her. That I’m giving her what 
she deserves. Something I know she wants deep down.  That she gave me the idea after a fuck season in our youth…

She stares at me almost in disbelief. I move the gag back into her mouth and walk around behind her. I set a metal folding chair behind her and tell her “sit.” She flicks her wrist, I realize I’m getting ahead of myself in my excitement and I undo the anchor points of the rope, giving her just enough slack to put her butt in the chair, and I re-tie them.

Next I pull a pair of 6 inch heals from under the chair and put them on her feet. She cocks her head and looks at me. I tell her “these probably aren’t going to be all that comfortable, but I don’t want you getting cold feet on the concrete. Just sit back and calm down.”

She seems relaxed a little and I clip a wire to one leg of the chair. She makes an inquisitive noise as I clip another to top of the chair. I walk over to a box plugged in the wall and connect the wires to it.  I tell her to stand, and I’m honestly a little disappointed that she’s compliant. I throw the switch on the battery charger I modified and it starts to hum as a noticeable charge starts running through the chair.

“The chair is electrified now” I say hearing her mumble “WhhhhaAa?!” and I smile. 

As I walk by I push her into the chair and she jumps up yelping like a wounded puppy.  Of all your things I had done to her in the past she did not like electricity. One of the few times she had used a safe word with me it was after she asked me to shock her. She told me never to do it again, and back then it was a promise I intended to keep. But now the situation is different.  I think it will be a good training tool for her. My cattle prod seemed to get such great results the night prior.

I can hear her trying to plead through the gag as I walk away. I turn the room light off and close the door behind me as I walk away.  Soon enough I’m out of my basement. 

I fill a water dish and walk into my 3rd bedroom.  My pet stirs and looks at me not saying anything. I use the leash to take her to the bathroom and I let her take a whore’s bath in the sink. We walk back into the room and she obediently climbs back in the cage.

I replace her empty dish with the fresh water and start to walk away… but then I hear “Master?” She asks “I heard noises?”

“Don’t worry,” I tell her. “You’re not going to be alone any more. I’ve got you a new playmate. She just needs a little training.”

I turn around and peak through the door as I close it. I had worked so hard to give her that “broken” mindless resting face. Now I saw a glimpse of fear. I doubt that’s for herself, she’s afraid for my toy. How cute?

I take the rest of the day to leave and run errands.  I stop by the leather shop and pick up some custom pieces I had commissioned. I go shopping. I treat myself to a steak dinner and go out to the bar to unwind. Life is great.

It’s at the bar I run into a friend of the sisters. Another local who’s back from college and is celebrating her newest degree in counseling. She was a career student, and from what another mutual friend has told me could be a very naughty school girl when she wanted.  I congratulate her and buy her a drink.  She was very appreciative and as we flirt I can’t help but think I might’ve just found #3. I’ll have to put some thought into it, but the initial impulse makes me swell in my pants.  I buy a few more rounds and keep chatting until we’re interrupted by a towney who knows everyone. 

There’s gossip spreading around the bar about some texts my pet had sent before disappearing the last night. I hadn’t been paying too close attention, but apparently the gossip was spreading around town like an STD.  The bar was clearly a hot zone.   Trying to act uninterested I say good night and take my leave.

I take a long way home, savoring the drive. When I get back I put away my new purchases and walk down to the basement.

When I turn the lights on it’s quite a sight. My slave has kicked the heels off and is leaning forward away front the chair – letting the rope suspend her taking some of the weight off her legs.

She looks up and locks eyes and with a hint of desperation says “please sir, mount me and fuck me like a bitch in heat. Its your pussy and it’s hungry for your seed.”

I can’t hold my smile in. I do want to fuck her… but I decide to show restraint.  I turn off the battery charger. I let her sit and undo the rigging, and rebind her hands.  I lead her back into her room and open the door to the pet kennel. 

She freezes, and instead of ordering to get in, I just ask if she wants to spend the whole night in the basement. That’s all the push she needs for motivation. She slowly crawls in and tries to lay down curling into a ball. I walk out of the room and come back with a water dish filled with beef broth. I set it on the floor and pull out my dick again.  I start jerking off in front of her and her eyes are glued to my erect cock. Before long I’m cumming in the food dish.  My slave looks a little unhappy when I start to slide it into the cage. I ask if she doesn’t want it and the question seems to change her mind.  She thanks me properly and I say goodnight turning off her light after I leave the room.

“What a full and rewarding  day” I think. It’s time to head to bead and try to see how long I can make this high last.
